peace + a vid for you


2009-06-10 11:13:17

Since I can't play the game I think it's best just to say goodbye now. Hell, I can't even get to this website most of the year. Maybe in a few years I'll come back, but for now I'm done. Love this game, love the community. I was going to make a sweet frag video using clips from winter, but that's not going to happen. Instead, I give you a quarter-assed attempt with frags thrown to music. Don't expect much, but I would like comments if you have them. ... einfo.html
I hope that somebody's around in about 2 years.



2009-06-10 15:02:10

=(( Why can't you play games?


2009-06-10 16:21:40

poconut wrote:Since I can't play the game I think it's best just to say goodbye now. Hell, I can't even get to this website most of the year. Maybe in a few years I'll come back, but for now I'm done. Love this game, love the community. I was going to make a sweet frag video using clips from winter, but that's not going to happen. Instead, I give you a quarter-assed attempt with frags thrown to music. Don't expect much, but I would like comments if you have them. ... einfo.html
I hope that somebody's around in about 2 years.

:( Video made me smile and laugh m8. That music with frags = pure win. GG's.


2009-06-10 16:22:03

Deathwish wrote:=(( Why can't you play games?
He joined the Airforce.


2009-06-10 16:32:18

Good luck poconut and be safe!! I guarantee I will still be playing this game until Valve gives up on it completely and shuts it down! See you in a few.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2009-06-10 23:08:17

You'll be back poco, possibly.

You get to see any F-22's yet?


2009-06-10 23:27:18

Ghost Dog_TSGK wrote:You'll be back poco, possibly.

You get to see any F-22's yet?

Yeah, several times :D
They look like f'ing spaceships when they fly.

Uncle Rico

2009-06-11 00:08:32

gl hf dc

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2009-06-11 06:32:56

poconut wrote:
Ghost Dog_TSGK wrote:You'll be back poco, possibly.

You get to see any F-22's yet?

Yeah, several times :D
They look like f'ing spaceships when they fly.


Walking Target

2009-06-11 07:51:30

All the best to you Poco. I predict we will still be here and playing DM on a community mod, but only time will tell.


2009-06-11 08:17:43

Take Care man