Orange Box games don't allow name changing.


2009-06-27 23:51:06

I have this issue with Orange Box games, you can't change your ingame name. That being said, either you change your identity, so called steam name (that what makes ppl recognize you) or you just play with the same old name forever, otherwise friends will stop knowing who you are.

If hl2dm didn't have a name box the aliases thread from The Argumentalizer wouldn't exist. So this is also another fun thing about this game.

Other than that you can have a clan in a game and that clan doesn't exist in the other game, so you have another clan there and thus you need to change name or at least the tag, everytime you go from one game to the other.

Personally I hate that in OB games.
Now tell me what are your opinions on this.


2009-06-27 23:52:45

my opinion is Setinfo name "name". :>


2009-06-27 23:54:28

but that isn't much noob friendly, is it?


2009-06-28 00:24:30

bring up the steam community thing in game and go in settings and change your name.


2009-06-28 01:00:20

Skaruts wrote:I have this issue with Orange Box games, you can't change your ingame name. That being said, either you change your identity, so called steam name (that what makes ppl recognize you) or you just play with the same old name forever, otherwise friends will stop knowing who you are.

If hl2dm didn't have a name box the aliases thread from The Argumentalizer wouldn't exist. So this is also another fun thing about this game.

Other than that you can have a clan in a game and that clan doesn't exist in the other game, so you have another clan there and thus you need to change name or at least the tag, everytime you go from one game to the other.

Personally I hate that in OB games.
Now tell me what are your opinions on this.
i dont have much experience with OB games. one that i do tho is fistful of frags. a HL2 mod set in the old west. game was a lot of fun until it went to the OB engine, killed it.


2009-06-28 01:22:27

<kyle> wrote:bring up the steam community thing in game and go in settings and change your name.
Changing the steam name is easy, I know. But that's exactly what I think it doesn't make sense, kyle. I told this in steam forum aswell, I have dozens of friends that I don't know who they are anymore cuz they swap name everyday or every hour. Each time someone talks to me I gotta see the aliases list to "possibly" get to know who they are.


2009-06-28 03:15:20

even if I typed "setinfo name DOPEY", it would change back to Keeper on the next map change. The setinfo isn't a permanent change.


2009-06-28 03:58:23

Skaruts wrote:
<kyle> wrote:bring up the steam community thing in game and go in settings and change your name.
Changing the steam name is easy, I know. But that's exactly what I think it doesn't make sense, kyle. I told this in steam forum aswell, I have dozens of friends that I don't know who they are anymore cuz they swap name everyday or every hour. Each time someone talks to me I gotta see the aliases list to "possibly" get to know who they are.
yeah, this is exactly the problem. Many of players here have more than 10-20 "friends" in the friend list, and when all users swapping the name because of playing L4D in Clan XYZ and hours later TF2 in Clan ABC.

Then you got a chat window and you are total confused, because you didn't know who he is.

In official steam forum all peoples say "easy man, change you name easy in overlay" ... lol ... they did not get the real problem, or did not play many different games

i take a look to the HL2DM OB and it seems like appreciate replacement. I try not all tricks and bugs, but the most are worked very well, but this based on OB, so you can not setup a name without changing steam community name

Sometimes we made funny stuff in game with names, not necessary - but fun. And this is why i heat this very old problem up again, because next days will more games follow the OB concept ...

Well ... anyway ... i forgot to introduce my self ... hello me is Silla ... :-)


2009-06-28 06:49:45

Herro! :welcome:


2009-06-28 10:51:43

Well i post these on steam forum this made it clear what exactly the point is
yeah right "it takes just 10 seconds to change the name"

yeah i total agree with that

but please think one step forward

do not think about what this effect to you, this is not the point

the point is : think about all your friends

if you have 100 or 150 friends, you will finally lost all focus about who is who if anybody change the steam community name depend on what game he play

this is the point

the community was build to connecting peoples they wanna play games. yes right, agree

but on the other side, nobody can tell me he KNOWS all his friends in his list ... nobody do this, maybe 4 or 10 maximal are really know

the rest just funny players meet sometimes or often is some games

if these "half" friends switching the steam community name and maybe the avatar, you get lost, you will never know who was who in this mine field

than you get a big problem in this kind of community, you have 100 friends in your list but you did not longer know who was who

a community made for a community - a game for game - so both names should be splitted, else you get a community for just one game or a game for this community

i open this thread in November 2008 where i see already this problem and now this problem is a real big problem

i have already players in my friend list there are "unknown" for me after some time. They change the name because playing TF2 and L4D. And they change the names between the games, because today Clan X tomorrow Clan Y what ever

And no ... my just accept invited from peoples with i play for more than 5 games. i total ignore one game stand invites, because friend list has limited count of friends, i need these slots for our league

Anyway, the problem is not the task "change name is simple" - yeah it is, the problem is the community will get broken

and this can only be solved when OB set as default the steam community name (like unnamed) but you can all the time override this name in game without changing community name and it will be saved than. Like css or hl2dm and other none OB games
sorry for so much spam ... it is my first day ... hihi ...


2009-06-28 17:02:17

I never liked the inplementation of this feature when I played the TF2 beta in 2007.


2009-06-29 03:29:06

Yea I dont like this feature either. Would prefer to be able to change the name in game as necessary without having to change the steam name.


2009-12-04 07:21:34

{EE}chEmicalBurn wrote:i dont have much experience with OB games. one that i do tho is fistful of frags. a HL2 mod set in the old west. game was a lot of fun until it went to the OB engine, killed it.
Yea I tried that mod some time ago and... omg... never seen anything so bad. The idea isn't at all bad, but the gameplay was OMFGWTFFFJEEEZZ!!!!!!111

I don't know if I played the OB version of it or not, but still..., REALLY, not being able to jump while you strafe?????
...I can't remember anything else right now, but... omfg...

I'll download this mod again and review it again, just out of my own curiosity. Was the worst modded good idea I've ever seen.


2009-12-04 23:51:59

COD MW2 is worse because it allows people to use coloured names so they end up looking like this.



2009-12-05 00:44:36

yea, I made another thread in the steam forums, in a place which suposedly is less crowded with kids, so it's easier to discuss any matter, and its a more proper place too (rather than where the 1st post was located in... l4d forums), and one guy told me that.
I didn't know it till then (today actually) ... st12323518

and I just found by chance a guy in my list called ^1fu^7ck^3in^2g r^4ai^5nb^6ow
That's Voxtex (dunno if he is here at the forums tho), some may know him. But who could ever tell... :?


2009-12-05 17:44:13

HL2DMU don't allow name changing :(


2009-12-06 03:15:28

keefy wrote:COD MW2 is worse because it allows people to use coloured names so they end up looking like this.

You could do that with the Modern Warfare also. That isn't new.


2009-12-06 12:12:47

keefy wrote:COD MW2 is worse because it allows people to use coloured names so they end up looking like this.

You could do that with the Modern Warfare also. That isn't new.
It wasnt incorporated into steam was it so your steam friends name was seperate form your ingame name.