Christian wrote:EagleMan65 wrote:It DOES matter that it's within the expectations of the game engine, it's why they are NOT "flaw-techniques". In fact, if they were flaw-techniques, they wouldn't BE within the expectations of the game engine, indicating a flaw.
They ARE flaws. Tricking the system into thinking you are part of an object, then climbing up a wall that clearly has no ladder, IS cheating. Using a combination of key strokes to trick the server's distance feature to jump from one side of the map to another in a single jump, IS cheating via a system flaw.
VALVE did NOT put these moves in the game for you to use. Somebody came across them by accident, and now you guys have an entire website dedicated to game flaws which you call 'advanced techniques'.
And this post was NOT setup to warn others. Anybody who entered his server could read the rules for themselves, and take note that those 'techniques' are not allowed there.
Making a post to warn people was not needed. But this wasn't to warn others, now was it?
I think you were looking to drive people to further harass a guy who wants to run a fair server.
People like Pernicious proved it when he told people to get the owner to type in an 'allow cheat function' so he could screw with the server, and somebody requesting Blast to shut the guy's server down.
You're like internet bullies who refuse to obey by the rules. I bet you were the kids who got picked last for a team, and got your behinds kicked on a daily basis at school. You've probably also spent your fair share stuck in a locker throughout middle and high school.
Today, you're still a geek, but you enjoy harassing and toying with users over the internet, because you know you couldn't get away with it in real life.
I bet most of you are over 300 lbs, diabetic, and have hard time breathing if you try to stand up. So you sit online 24/7 playing video games and using game flaws which you refer to as 'advanced techniques'.
Anyhoo, I'm not going to bother wasting anymore time with you crybabies.