section 8 is now in open beta...go go go


2009-08-10 18:13:48


2009-08-10 23:54:22

Not free. You got to pay a monthly fee to subscribe to fileplanet.


2009-08-11 03:02:21

edit. this is the latest client for the open beta ... eta-Client

new forums are here


2009-08-11 03:03:34

Paradox wrote:Not free. You got to pay a monthly fee to subscribe to fileplanet.

the fee is $40 per year. i think you can swing that.


2009-08-11 03:30:42

Donloaded it installed it just waiting on a CD key.


2009-08-11 07:07:33

Its not a matter of whether I can afford it or not, its a matter of whether I want to pay $40 for a subscription I basically dont use just to play a beta that I am going to pay another $50 to $60 when they finally get the damn thing finished and release it. Do I really want to pay a total of $90 - $100 for just one game? Not really, because I doubt it is THAT good. I have plenty of other games to play atm, I can wait until they are done "testing" it. I have better things to do with my hard earned money.


2009-08-11 16:41:45

for $40 a year i dont have to wait in long ass queues for patches, demos, betas, etc. well worth it to me.


2009-08-11 17:59:25

{EE}chEmicalBurn wrote:for $40 a year i dont have to wait in long ass queues for patches, demos, betas, etc. well worth it to me.
me neither... i dl from other web sites for free.


2009-08-11 23:26:14

You dont even need to be a subscriber from whta I read on the section8 froums.