CodWaW-Nazi Zombies


2009-08-27 23:03:09

Hi all,

been playing this game quite a bit lately.
especially the nazi zombie mode.

Rachkir is name if you want to add me. I host games for nazi's so you dont have to.

it can get boring, since theirs 3 maps atm until september for zombies, but it's extremely challenging. I have yet to reach wave 30, mainly due to nubs playing the game, but yeah! It's pretty damn hard.

thomspon 3 shot burst = headshots baby yea!
better graphics in this game imo than crysis as well. and I still get 20-40 more fps than in that shit pile of a game.


2009-08-28 07:54:31

whitewolf wrote:better graphics in this game imo than crysis as well.
Lmfao. Good joke.


2009-08-28 08:12:27

ok so without the co-op mode how many levels can you make it on your own?

I'll look for you and see if we can top that lvl 30, i got strats!


2009-08-28 08:56:38

whitewolf wrote: it can get boring, since theirs 3 maps atm until september for zombies,
Wtf are you talking about?????? ... ie-Mappack

And you must have played crysis on low detail or something lol.


2009-09-09 00:47:14

Oi. I forgot I made this post.

Yes, Constipator, I found a bunch of community created maps for nazi zombies, and thanks for that link.

as far as MY opinion on the graphics, gtx260 for both games, settings are maxed for both games.

crysis looks like a blob of independantly moving leafs. awesome.

WaW looks like a highly detailed kick ass game.

ftw I have not played crysis wars, if that came with new textures or something.


I have made it to level 19 on my own, playing SHI NO NUMA, which is by far the easiest official map, mainly stay in da swamp by the swinging door trap with jug and speed, thompson and wunderwaffe = mass slayings. I have not attempted it since, but I feel I understand how to 'coral' the zombies a lot better now and their easily defeated.

I found a very challenging single player map is called Berlin Bank, find that zombie mod if you can. its rush after rush of runners. if you could hook me up with some ID's I will add you and constipator. mine is Rachkir.


2009-09-09 01:38:24

CoDWaW maxed-out graphics are pretty similar to Crysis'. But I'm not sure if they beat them. Maybe under the consideration that CoDWaW is a DX9 game and Crysis is a DX10 one, CoDWaW deserves a little more consideration.


2009-09-09 05:00:37

whitewolf wrote:Yes, Constipator, I found a bunch of community created maps for nazi zombies, and thanks for that link.

as far as MY opinion on the graphics, gtx260 for both games, settings are maxed for both games.

crysis looks like a blob of independantly moving leafs. awesome.

WaW looks like a highly detailed kick ass game.

ftw I have not played crysis wars, if that came with new textures or something.
Yeah let's completely disregard how much MORE shit you're rendering at once in Crysis, and how it has dynamic lighting all on that 'blob of leafs' (whereas WaW has the same lighting every time in each level no matter what), and how it has destructible buildings & trees with physics on that shit, and how much better the explosions look, etc

If WaW were remade in the Crysis engine, I think your eyes would explode at the difference.


2009-09-09 05:23:48

It's boring.