

2009-08-28 19:45:51


2009-08-28 20:06:55

lmao. thats priceless


2009-08-28 20:29:52

Who cares its a dog.

Walking Target

2009-08-28 20:40:56

keefy wrote:Who cares its a dog.
Sarcasm? Growing up on a farm I have seen many animals slaughtered, but unnecessary suffering is unnecessary.

Jelly Fox

2009-08-28 21:58:28

I hate to see dogs left in cars on a hot summers day...bastard owners!

but anyway...this sad news reminds be of this song


2009-08-28 22:03:38

Walking Target wrote: unnecessary suffering is unnecessary.

That dog died a horrible death. It didn't do anything to deserve that.

The Argumentalizer

2009-08-28 22:53:23

Jelly Fox wrote:I hate to see dogs left in cars on a hot summers day...bastard owners!

but anyway...this sad news reminds be of this song
:barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2009-08-29 00:22:04

Fuck that shit "they rallied behind their leader" these fucks would lock you up in prison for cutting a dogs toenail wrong if they could.

He gets off free I bet.


2009-08-29 00:28:45

another story on it today. ... 02/288398/

I am pretty sure someone just got 6 months in jail for the same thing.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2009-08-29 01:38:47

ninojman wrote:I am pretty sure someone just got 6 months in jail for the same thing.
Exhibit A

I bet he doesn't.


2009-08-29 02:45:36

Walking Target wrote:
keefy wrote:Who cares its a dog.
Sarcasm? Growing up on a farm I have seen many animals slaughtered, but unnecessary suffering is unnecessary.
No not sarcasm I mean it, it seems society cares more about dogs and cats than children. Not so long ago I watched a woman on live TV a suposed dog breeder and expert say "young children shouldn't be left alone with dogs because the child may cause injusy to the dog by pulling its tail........pause while she realises what she just said...... and the dog may bite the child" She was more concerend abotu the dog than the children.


2009-08-29 03:06:10


i have had my pitbull for 10 years now. there is nothing in this world i wouldnt do for her. idk if you ever had a dog, but "Jayde" is like a daughter to me. and i guarentee that that stupid bitch put the dog in the car herself. but due to her postion and job, the husband prolly agreed to say he did it.

The Argumentalizer

2009-08-29 05:11:44

Imagine not 6 months in jail for a dog.
Ted Kennedy?
Not one day.
That is ****ed up.


2009-08-29 05:33:12

Pain is universal, it should be avoided, neither child or dog NEEDS that.
Though if someone deserves it by all means torture them to death.

Walking Target

2009-08-29 08:02:15

keefy wrote:
Walking Target wrote:
keefy wrote:Who cares its a dog.
Sarcasm? Growing up on a farm I have seen many animals slaughtered, but unnecessary suffering is unnecessary.
No not sarcasm I mean it, it seems society cares more about dogs and cats than children. Not so long ago I watched a woman on live TV a suposed dog breeder and expert say "young children shouldn't be left alone with dogs because the child may cause injusy to the dog by pulling its tail........pause while she realises what she just said...... and the dog may bite the child" She was more concerend abotu the dog than the children.
Yeah, I would never put my dog before my kid. I wont lie though, I cried when my last dog was put to sleep (manly chuck norris tears that burn on impact though I swear), and I'll proly do the same with this one. You do get attached to them.


2009-08-29 08:41:31

I have 2 dogs and they are like my children. Every one we have had has touched our lives in one way or another. One we had to put down over 2 years ago and the other one last year and I still get upset when I think about it. Each one is an individual with his own personality as different from each other as humans are and we will miss them all.


2009-08-29 11:39:59

Robin Starr has been an outspoken critic of Michael Vick and his role in a Virginia dogfighting operation, and of several local residents who were charged with animal neglect that led to animal deaths.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2009-08-29 12:27:25

badinfluence wrote:
Robin Starr has been an outspoken critic of Michael Vick and his role in a Virginia dogfighting operation, and of several local residents who were charged with animal neglect that led to animal deaths.


2009-08-29 14:12:21

badinfluence wrote:
Robin Starr has been an outspoken critic of Michael Vick and his role in a Virginia dogfighting operation, and of several local residents who were charged with animal neglect that led to animal deaths.
lmfao!....sry its just the irony that killz me :lol: :lol: :lol:

I just got a new pup the beginning of this year and hes almost a year in about less than 4 months to go and I've grown very attached to him...

Also my lil sis turned 18 and we got her a Welsh Corgi for her b-day so we've got 2 also...

HOW IN THE FUCK could you LEAVE your DOG in the car for 4 hours while its around 91 degrees outside...however they did state that it was 16 years old already which is elderly for a dog...sry I'm just feelin' some animosity over that fact also....


2009-08-29 18:03:04

You guys treat your dog like it is a human that much I can see from your comments, they are not humans they are dogs so treat them like a dog, its not a bad thing to treat a dog like a dog. I bet some of you use a pussy voice to talk to your dogs and I also reckon you think it can understand what you say.


2009-08-29 19:52:15

My dog is well trained and he can understand many commands.


2009-08-29 19:59:02

Jelly Fox wrote:I hate to see dogs left in cars on a hot summers day...bastard owners!

but anyway...this sad news reminds be of this song
ah there from up your way m8 right?


2009-08-29 22:26:53

keefy wrote:You guys treat your dog like it is a human that much I can see from your comments, they are not humans they are dogs so treat them like a dog, its not a bad thing to treat a dog like a dog. I bet some of you use a pussy voice to talk to your dogs and I also reckon you think it can understand what you say.

No Keefy, in my house, we dont treat our dogs like humans, because yes they are dogs. However our idea of treating a dog like a dog is obviously different than your idea. I dont neglect them and beat them and treat them like a piece of shit that doesnt have feelings. They are living beings. Yes talking to them in a sissy high pitched voice is not really the best thing to do because a high pitched voice shows weakness because it sounds like whining. Yelling at them is just as bad as it shows instability. Talking in a calm, authoritative voice is best, because it expresses control and authority.

Dogs do have personalities and science is finding out that they do have feelings. The grieve at the loss of a pack member; they feel regret over doing something wrong; they feel joy when the pack is reunited after being separated. They also have a vocabulary of over 200 words, more than a 3 or 4 year old human. They also understand body language, more than any human ever will. They understand more than you apparently give them credit for.

I also apparently understand dog behavior and psychology more than you do because I have taken the time to study it so I can provide for the needs of my dogs and also so we dont have crazy, out of control dogs like so many people do. They are pack animals and are happiest in that type of environment with leadership and the correct type of discipline. In my house, the humans take the role of pack leaders. We give them socialization, excercise, training, and discipline so that they know how to behave in our "pack" of 2 dogs and 2 humans. We also give them affection when it is appropriate to reward and reinforce behavior that we want. Also, humans and dogs can form a "pack". They have been doing it for 1000s of years.

My dogs are very well behaved and they are healthy and well adjusted canines. We go to the point of adopting dogs from shelters which often have issues stemming from bad owners. Our vet has given us the highest reference to the shelter as good dog owners and we have carte blanche at the shelter to adopt pretty much any dog we wish. We bring these dogs into our home and provide them with a stable life. Its challenging at times, but its also very rewarding to watch an unstable dog become a happy one that enjoys life.


2009-08-29 22:50:44

I don't beat dogs and Icertainly dont treat them badly, I do like dogs I just dont want one shitting in my garden or when I take it for a walk having to pick up the dogshit, its bad enough wiping my own arse you know I jsut dont get upset when one dies probably due to never owning one.


2009-08-30 04:39:47

I can understand that for sure. We have a fenced in back yard that our dogs do their buisness in. They can do whatever they want in there such as dig holes, because its an area we designated for them. We are lucky to have the space to do that. I dont want them shitting on the front yard ruining the yard and I get pissed if my neighbors dogs go there. And yea sometimes you got to clean up after them on a walk depending where the go. If they go in the bushes then you get excused from cleanup that time, but they dont always cooperate with you that way.

Do you have your own children yet? If so then you already know this, if not then get ready to wipe someone elses shit up until they are old enough for toilet training. About 2 + years for that to happen.

Im not crying any tears over that dog. Its not my dog. I do think its a damn shame it happened and I feel bad that the dog suffered. If it had been an infant, Id have thought how stupid whomever left it in the car was. When we domesticate animals, they become almost completely dependant on us to do the right thing for them. If it was something other than a horrible miscommunication/mistake then the person responsible deserves to be punished in some way, according to the animal cruelty laws we have here.

And yea if youve never owned one then we really cant expect you to understand how we feel about ours. Dogs certainly arent a pet for everyone. They are alot of work and responsibility.


2009-08-30 04:45:48

is this what hl2dmu has become...fighting over dogs?

Jelly Fox

2009-08-30 05:40:33

lead wrote:
Jelly Fox wrote:I hate to see dogs left in cars on a hot summers day...bastard owners!

but anyway...this sad news reminds be of this song
ah there from up your way m8 right?
Well aye, somewhere in Fife, not exactly sure where though :D


2009-08-30 06:03:16

No but the tone of your voice does change the way they react to u, ie wen u are calling them, etc, etc
Though im not talking about making a pussy voice eccept wen ur calling them, a higher pitched silly/playfull voice is best for calling.


2009-08-30 08:04:46

thatguy wrote:is this what hl2dmu has become...fighting over dogs?

Its the cafeteria TG, all kinds of "stuff" are discussed in the cafeteria.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2009-08-30 11:23:21

thatguy wrote:is this what hl2dmu has become...fighting over dogs?

u want dog?
dogwearingstylishwigandglasses.jpg (58.87 KiB) Viewed 206 times


2009-08-30 12:52:30



2009-08-30 20:09:13

Ghost Dog_TSGK wrote:
thatguy wrote:is this what hl2dmu has become...fighting over dogs?

u want dog?


2009-08-31 01:45:15

thatguy wrote:is this what hl2dmu has become...fighting over dogs?
Yeah, Michael Vick should be here soon with his pitbulls.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2009-08-31 07:55:06

badinfluence wrote:
thatguy wrote:is this what hl2dmu has become...fighting over dogs?
Yeah, Michael Vick should be here soon with his pitbulls.
vxmfio.jpg (114.3 KiB) Viewed 119 times