Jumping Screen jitters

The Argumentalizer

2009-09-06 07:02:14

Lately, when i am strafing/jumping, the whole screen jerks up and down.
Of course, if i am turning side to side and shooting, it really blows.

Anyone ever had this?
Or know of a fix?


2009-09-06 08:11:41



2009-09-06 18:17:32

maybe its your chair that is bouncing up and down, or an earthquake? lol. sounds like you monitor is going. or possibly you vid card. does this happen in other games as well?


2009-09-06 18:29:27

unbind "space"

The Argumentalizer

2009-09-06 23:34:47

I will try to demo. Whenever i hit jump, everything jitters up and back, making movement and aiming jerky. I have a new HD monitor that seems perfect, an old 8800 gts that seems to work fine.

IDK, its a pain in the ass. Maybe this Razer board or something.
I'll hook up an old piece of crap and see what happens.

Thanks for the replies.

Edit: I am using the PB cfg, modified by me. In the CFG, i noticed "uncrouch on jump"
and deleted it.
It seems much smoother, no jerk.


2009-09-07 00:37:38

The Argumentalizer wrote: Edit: I am using the PB cfg, modified by me. In the CFG, i noticed "uncrouch on jump"
and deleted it.
It seems much smoother, no jerk.

The Argumentalizer

2009-09-07 00:56:02

Whats so ****ing funny?



2009-09-07 11:15:27

that your using PB's config and not one that naturally suits yourself

The Argumentalizer

2009-09-07 12:58:48



2009-09-07 17:56:11

Deathwish wrote:that your using PB's config and not one that naturally suits yourself

zactly, you're using a cfg that somebody else made because it felt comfortable to him. now you're using it thinking its gonna do some magical thing for you and its not comfortable, and prolly fucking up your game.


2009-09-07 19:27:22

Well we can at leaest say PB's config sucks. :lol:


2009-09-07 22:06:17


The Argumentalizer

2009-09-07 22:12:15

I tried the cfg only for any optimized graphics and such. All important binds are mine and yes i use spacebar, so i will never move that fast consistently.

I was just wondering if anyone experienced the Jump jitter. No big deal.
Thanks for the help.

(My game has always been low rent and cheap, and i have never gotten worse, only better if i play a lot.)


2009-09-08 01:16:08

i would guess that the crouch bind you mentioned has something to do with that. not sure. i thought you said you fixed it. and grain is correct, no binds suck. i know of one EE player that uses space bar to sprint and shift to jump, and he is a very good player. just personal preference


2009-09-08 02:33:59

Depends what keys a player uses for actions. I know some players do have some really messed up key bindings that dont allow them to do certain movements or actions when they are performing any other action. The keys are all so far way from each other they can only do one maybe 2 actions at a time.


2009-09-08 21:49:01

Im curious as to how many people use the mouse wheel for their bhop?

I never tried it, nor can I since my mouse wheel is broken, only registers mouse3 (push down).

alt > mouse wheel = timing skills

The Argumentalizer

2009-09-09 00:07:05

I have tried scrolling. It just doesn't work.
I also use scroll down to pop nades and scroll up next weapon.

I did try cheating and tried to make my spacebar scroll using my Razer Lachyriwhatever.
No go.


2009-09-09 00:09:26

its ok. i recall trying t0 create a macro with my razer for dm. epic fail, as well as razer mice.