Hl2dm teachers


2009-09-08 05:40:43

I have been wanting to post this for a while to ask the hl2dmers , who they think was a good teacher to them in this game to get them to the skill of what they are today , just post any of the players names and the stuff they got taught :

For me it was Teto which had some of the sickest xbows and best bhop which kicked my ass enough for me to understand "The Ways" :P

The Argumentalizer

2009-09-08 06:24:57

Foz and Teto.
Mostly tactics.
Some good folks at EE a little on Movement.
Some help from Nino and Dirk, specing LD and making recommendations.
My horrible movement is product of lots of work on my own, first to strafe and then to bounce with no direction (to unlearn forward), and finally to add in mouse curve and strafe keys.

Avoiding the crossbow and using the melee helped a great deal, movement and positioning wise.

And i picked any tricks from wherever>
And just playing and getting owned for years.


2009-09-08 07:31:55

teto showed me some stuff way back when i was in thc.use to 1v1 alot with seekndestroy when he still was around.
nino showed me some stuff when i was in war room warriors.zman did alot of 1v1 training with me awhile back and alot of grain/billy ass kickings helped quite a bit.

Dark Soul

2009-09-08 08:36:46

mmm Mario 64 master taught me how to bhop, onty for pushed me to use a "decent" cfg and some other tricks :)

anyway, most of the things i do now were learned playing and watching other guys. and well i did some stuff by myself, im always making cool xbow shots and nades stuff :)


2009-09-08 17:11:59

i came into the scene much later than most of you, so i had influence from a lot of good players. i would say the ppl that i learned the most from would be:

--cerberus, who is the best natural gamer i've ever met. he got me into EE and helped me learn the basic principles of the game, the importance of weapon switching with regards to different fight situations.
--grain, who showed me more advanced movement techniques, and how to yoyo, lead with the xbow, and a lot of fine tuning stuff.
--zman, took a lot of time to help me with listening to the important sounds of the game and 1v1 strategy.
--luke, has always been there to answer any questions i needed help with and was always a good friend to me.

and also pretty much everybody in EE has helped me in one way or another


2009-09-08 18:00:32

mostly, i need to thank Ghost (the formerly 911 Ghost?). havent seen him on in ages. we go way back to my snipe clan days and he was the one mentor to encourage me towards competitive play and advanced techniques. i've really struggled to "unlearn" some bad habits from those days and "relearn" the weapons that were dumbed-down or removed from the servers i frequented.

initially, neolinkster and nade maeggs taught me the very basics of bhopping and strafe jumping. though the finer points still escaped me and i remained in the low 400's at best.

edge and divinity both helped me refine my bhop. but nihilist/christian really looked at my technique and identified a subtle flaw and explained it in a way that finally made sense. then he showed me two very simple drills to practice. when im not raging (lol) i can bhop in the upper 400's now and hit 500+ a few times. but its still a technique that doesnt come naturally for me and requires a concious effort to stay smooth.

edge, divinity, rev, zman, confused and luke have all helped me with tactics. im a slow learner and prone to stubborness, but i do appreciate their helpful hints.

and i'd like to give a special shout out to necrotosin. he is just about the most unpretentious and gracious player i have met in a loooooong time. he has gone above and beyond to work with me on aim arena, a map i despise and struggle with constantly. thx dude!

edit: jellyfox for helping me with yo-yo. and think it was phantom some saturday morning long ago that helped me with prop-jumping.


2009-09-08 21:25:35

gonna have to give a shoutout to BlasphemyS. He taught me orbin' aint easy and takes a level of mastery beyond my capabilities. Overall though, I had no teachers, and I am not a teacher, I am the master of my own environment, I am......The Adaptor.


2009-09-08 21:26:49

Va|iums wrote:gonna have to give a shoutout to BlasphemyS. He taught me orbin' aint easy and takes a level of mastery beyond my capabilities. Overall though, I had no teachers, and I am not a teacher, I am the master of my own environment, I am......The Adaptor.


2009-09-08 22:00:29

I recall learning the first bit of information regarding a bhop from Khaos Paradox and vdus biohazzard on overwatch in the early morning hours.

I learned how to play the game with mLIQUID. me and that guy spent way to many hours playing together, we got good together, we played on the same teams together, we started a l4d team together, mLIQUID is my bro of choice. We use to spend a couple hours a night playing the jump maps on the dmu server, teaching others and bettering ourselves.

I thank Sin-stacked like pancakes - BoSS Dodal - whatever u want to call him for helping me learn sounds and to use physic props in certain ways to let u know when people are coming/channel them

I thank Slick Fro for numerous 1v1's together, over and over. He truely helped me hone my skills and I give a lot of credit to him for the reasoning why I made it into flaS. Without all that time together, my skill would've been nowhere close to joining them. Although he turned to a complete douche after I joined them and started playing TF2 like a fatwomen eats cupcakes, he will remain a friend in the gaming heart.

I thank ninojman for our L4D experiences as a team. It gave me a broader understanding of teamplay, and it makes the teamplay in this game so much easier, something I thought would be hard to learn and don't think I every truely did UNTIL I played l4d. Now I flow with my teammates much better, instead of trying to find them.

I do not thank the Seagull tutorial at all, I watched that and went, wtf is this shit.

when it comes down to it though, we all teach each other in the end. Thanks everyone for a couple years of good games.

oh yea, I just remembered this. I recall playing against VX rapefruit and someone else with mL when I first started on lockdown, they made me want to get good. does anyone remember that guy, or clan for that matter?


2009-09-08 22:41:22

LukeGt421, joule, b1ohazard


2009-09-08 23:26:04


Uncle Rico

2009-09-08 23:42:59

Nutri-Grain wrote:EE Pubbers made my aim good.

Bad Influence made my aim_arena good.

HolyMolyNoway made my holyhop good.

hax did all the rest.


2009-09-09 00:01:12

who cares about haxs.

who the hell is rapefruit.


2009-09-09 00:11:11



2009-09-09 00:11:58

are we now back to haxs?

Ive seen that moon from somewhere Rico. I want to say the moon pie wrapper, but thats to simple. This is a complex memory I'm dealing with.

We really don't care what you think of us, just the attention you give us.

Uncle Rico

2009-09-09 00:37:11

whitewolf wrote:are we now back to haxs?

Ive seen that moon from somewhere Rico. I want to say the moon pie wrapper, but thats to simple. This is a complex memory I'm dealing with.

We really don't care what you think of us, just the attention you give us.
A. Dude, it's a joke.

B. Google Mac Tonight.

C. I'm not going into the whole concept behind ewR right now. I'll share that one day when I have time for a long post and the shitstorm that will follow.


2009-09-09 00:53:18

Deuce for movement basics
Herbalizer for ggun jumping
Charles faq for a few random tricks
Quicksilver for occasional mapping tips
Myself for the rest


2009-09-09 01:00:39

its ok rico.

its a joke. too.

mac tonight, that is odd stuff. my memory was way off. I was only 3 when McDonalds try to destroy america's adults with it's late night goodies.


2009-09-09 01:21:12

Va|iums wrote:[VDuS] A Seagull
ahungrymidget was my maestro and his sensei was kurtz.


2009-09-09 01:50:46

Pretty much only rajun cajun and vdrei.

Seagull's tutorial put me in the right direction, but I pretty much learned bhop by myself.

Rajun taught me to not use automatic weapons which honed my aim in the beginning. He brought me into the competitive world.

Pitbull for giving me a competitive server to play on.

The {FK} guys for continually asking me to 1v1.


2009-09-09 02:11:50

nade maeggs showed me bhop in a couple of hours
rest i learned by watching pros (im still nub though)


2009-09-09 04:49:57

uhhhh idk

redeyez taught me how to mag like a fag, 1v1's with intooblivion got me into stock, gina was always helpful with listening and xbow shots.


2009-09-09 05:27:05

Epic taught me how to bhop.
Confused pretty much the rest.


2009-09-09 09:34:46

Briggs -- strafejumping and bhop
Rocketboat -- Prop/Car/Dumpster flying
Tiggy -- Xbow shots + 1v1 practice
Confused -- 1v1 strat
Valiums -- Team Strat


2009-09-09 12:27:53

well it was chocolatepeanut that showed me the ropes of hl2dm. He took me from a player that plays on a laptop on CTF servers to competitive side of the game that I hardly knew. We spent hours perfecting my movement and aim as well doing fun training games. The rest I learnt the hard way by my self but been taught by one the best players in Europe was a real help and without choc I would of never got into hl2dm.


2009-09-09 17:31:24

Cs taught me how to aim, Stålis taught me how to b-hop and some 1v1 practice. ALthiugh i guess most of it comes from the hours I've spent on the game, playing. Cynips should be thanks for introducing me to the game and showing the basic technices.


2009-09-09 17:38:06

I read the first post from our friend voz, and just had to reply. Ee members, thnx for all the help making me a better player, but in the end, bad influence.

You are 1 crazy motha fucker m8, i cant thnx you enough for making me the player i am today. You taught me almost all the tricks i didnt know. <3 ya man



2009-09-09 18:48:13

n3cr0tos1n wrote:I read the first post from our friend voz, and just had to reply. Ee members, thnx for all the help making me a better player, but in the end, bad influence.

You are 1 crazy motha fucker m8, i cant thnx you enough for making me the player i am today. You taught me almost all the tricks i didnt know. <3 ya man

:humble: :party:

Walking Target

2009-09-09 23:49:24

GoTg and all the old spookface players for my start as a mag whore.
KBH clan for the finer points of nade placement.
Ko-Tao for movement basics and a shitload of 1v1s that helped me learn competitive maps.
Pern for the finer points of moving well.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2009-09-10 00:55:48

poor billy gave me his fries at mcdonalds and since I ate them, the game has been with me.

Meekmeekle and I used to scrim non stop with plasmo and I got the basics from there and some extras thanks to meekles wild training maps, then a short course from lukegt and off to finals with PB grain kyle and rico.


2009-09-10 02:09:11

My roomate who originally got me into the game.
@rchie L@ndl@w whom I played a lot with on the old dez runoff server, where I learned the value of not dying.
Tarkan2467 who got me into the clan scene and taught me a lot of the basic mechanics I was missing.
Bio-hazard who played countless scrims against me and taught me to bhop and that I needed to bring my A game all the time.
Seagull who also helped me with my bhop and countless other strategies.
Conflict for everything. I learned how to be one sneaky ass mofo and to play a smarter game from him.
col. kurtz for all the games played and advice. I learned how to play and do things with extreme focus from him.
MODaL for all his videos and all the scrims we've played. I learned how to catch grenades effectively and guide rockets accurately from him.
Fearsome for all the strategy and mentality. Everyone from $W really who I've learned a lot just from being on vent with.
I know I've missed a ton, but there are a ton of great teachers in this game and this game has grown for the better because of their efforts. Thanks to everyone who's helped me in one way or another.


2009-09-10 07:21:03

Sin (tactics, orb and nade catching)
Yard Guy (tactics, how to think like a competitive player)
Confused (tactics and map strategies for a lot of the CAL maps)
Zman (see above)
Luke (tactics and map strategies)
and all EE/Team V/MFX peoples past and present (practice and 1v1/2v2/4v4 training)

also learned alot from watching MODaL and Onti's videos (especially RPG guiding). the BuckyKatt/Ko-Tao/Anderson Lockdown video also helped show me how to effectively integrate bhop with regular gameplay in my early days of bhopping.


2009-09-10 10:05:47

helk, bio_gauss, col. kurtz


2009-09-10 12:53:21

luke-numerous 1v1's and lols

{Nookie} monster vince - letting me in nookie and then from there competitive hl2dm was born for me

all REAL members of .flaS - we took it to another level. thx


2009-09-10 13:32:15

ninojman wrote:vdrei
lol really? hahahahahahhahahahaha funny stories that foz and someother CAL ex admin know about.


2009-09-10 17:29:57

Captain Nig Nig for racing to #1 on the unlimited stock pubs back in 04

All of the pubbers from the war room great friends and even joined me in matches in sta
Panada Lord
Clockwork Orange
Jetset Guy

Phoenix even though i only played with him a few times, he ran The War Room. He set me up with a bunch of servers and showed me the ropes to clanning.
Trash for being my first member on my team and getting me bhoppin
Turkish Mafia
Dirk Diggler

{SW} and [TMx] for all the weekly scrims

Damn I think Static and Durden are the only one's from this list that even play video games any more (TF2, L4d)

Basically a bunch of people no one here even knows :(


2009-09-10 21:09:33

Oh yeah and I forgot to mention Bad Influence for whooping my ass and then telling me how high he is off his nifty vap.


2009-09-11 02:51:48

Panic wrote:Oh yeah and I forgot to mention Bad Influence for whooping my ass and then telling me how high he is off his nifty vap.


2009-09-11 04:44:34

You should play him when he is sober. He rapes 10x more!


2009-09-14 05:43:25

LukeGT421 - general gameplay.
A Seagull - tactics
Zman - tactics/general gameplay
Bad Influence - axon was my first clan I ever joined, and he's the one that basically taught me all the basics to bring me to the next level.
Conflict - xbow bounces/general gameplay
Then for all the help and extras, I give my thanks to Book, gas mask, ninjins, joule, teto, fearsome. And all the others I don't remember, + basically all $W and flaS.

Rachkir: Rapefruit is my neighbour irl lol. He only played for a couple of months, maybe 1 year and then quti the game, he never was really "interested" in the game.


2009-09-14 07:31:39

CoNfuSed wrote: Bad Influence - axon was my first clan I ever joined, and he's the one that basically taught me all the basics to bring me to the next level.


2009-09-14 16:54:20

:Immortal:: Inf@mou$ - First getting me involved in a clan and encouraging me to improve
The guy who taught me to grav jump on runoff - I forget his name, but I feel like he deserves mentioning
$W motion_k, TWC @rchie L@ndl@w and his brother Immortal - I'm pretty sure I learned how to bhop from watching these guys on DEZ
{HE} Buckykatt - Teaching me basically everything I know about team play
Stretch, BI, Rejected - great 1v1 partners

That's all I can think of right now. Thanks guys!


2009-09-14 23:42:37

Nutri for teaching me to mashing both buttions for shotgun,
and all of flas/vdus

The Argumentalizer

2009-09-15 00:46:25

HAHA, there is Dez again, 24/7 Runoff. There was some mag sniping and rpg whoring going on there!


2009-09-15 02:40:49

Ghost Dog_TSGK wrote:poor billy gave me his fries at mcdonalds and since I ate them, the game has been with me.
That's funny, I hate half of one of his McNuggets and my dick grew 9 inches.


2009-09-15 03:25:57

I think whitewolf is gonna post next


2009-09-15 03:32:09

congrats on finally being an 'outtie'


2009-09-15 08:14:44

provost wrote:I think whitewolf is gonna post next
lmao without provost/conflict on this forum there is no hl2dmu


2009-09-15 16:23:51

oh. you sly dog conflict.

all I'm gonna say. un-edited post are always funnier.


2009-09-15 17:11:23

They are.

Back on topic :D

The Argumentalizer

2009-09-15 19:16:16

A few folks i forgot to credit with helping me: Conflict (i doubt he remembers, i think we were both a little...), Mr. Ownege (for helping me suck 10% less on Aim), StoneColdKiller (wish you played more), Punk, and Twitch, who is always a class act.


2009-09-15 23:18:04

Bobadin - You actually we're the person who inspired me the most to get better at the game. i used to see you in the tS server going like 50 and 1 and be like "holy fuck he's good...could i do that?". so even though i only was cannon fodder to you you helped a ton.
LukeGT421 - what can i say, you have helped, and continue to help me get better every time i play you. you pretty much rock sir. you saw past the noob when i first played you ( i have the screens, it was 35 to -3) and gave good advice consistently.
Teto - despite the fact that you are a dickbag, you helped me a shit ton.
Yard_Guy - you played me endlessly and would straight up tell me when i was fucking up and how, so thanks a ton to you as well.
Conflict - your tactical genius helped me to learn to out-think my opponents. also you are goddamn sexy.
Confused - you've always seemed to think just like i do in this game, and i always have fun playing 2v2s with you, great lulz bro, great lulz.
anyone ive ever 1v1'ed has taught me something, whether they (or i) knew it or not, so thank YOU hl2dm community, you bunch of idiots.
much love,


2009-09-16 01:47:14

LukeGT - Who hasn't he helped at least once in this damn community : D lots of demo watching / demos sent / advice given. Also told me about PTW.
Karnage - Got me into Stock play (Although he wasn't in on it himself)
Conflict - Best guy evar when it comes to understand how people think.
Divinity - Well even though you're the biggest asshat I know you did teach me a bit about spamming and camping.
Zman - REALLY REALLY Fucking cool guy who 1v1'd me a lot back in my uber noob days. Played him first on LA I still remember that damn match, I almost won! : D
Confused - Really taught me about a bit more strategy then what I had known before.
Seagull - Well he sorta helped me by forcing me to understand that the game is mental.
Ninojman - WRW2 for cal. :D Thanks for setting up the team.
Voxtex - Asshole through and through but he has his nice sides everynow and then and does give out some damn helpful pointers. (Well when he played).
Hmm really though the reason why I'm where I am today is thanks to lots of scrims from the HL2DM community in general.


2009-09-16 16:38:39

thanks edge for mentioning Vox.

when I played with 911 me and vox would play 2v2's during the afternoon time almost daily for a couple months. then I pulled an 'Impala' and freaked out on everything DM related - thus ending a friendship.

it's exactly how you called it to, an asshole (but who isn't at some point in their dm career), but he was a great partner to play with, awesome calls, smart player who can anticipate with ease. His clear direction and calls helped us beat quite a few teams, even with me playing.

I remember beating confused and book playing with vox on caverns, that was probabley one of the best feelings I've had playing this game, thanks to voxtex. I feel like an asshat for not thinking of this sooner.

The Argumentalizer

2009-09-16 16:47:23

Vox is a godless ass, but damn if he couldn't throw some nades in there.


2009-09-25 10:33:05

First I'd like to thank myself for mostly teaching myself.

.conflict for ALL of the 1v1's and 2v2's we've ever played. Good lawlz and intense games.

all of .flaS for learning many many many team tactics with them. except zman who failed to mention me in his thanks post even though i co started flas with him. didnt even thank me for the name of the team. asshat.

yard guy for telling it how it is and helping me with 1v1 strats

EVERYONE who made frag vids.

all of ewR who taught me how to not be so serious and have fun. You guys are a trip.

DEFINITELY many many many thanks to walking target and everyone else who got the university going.

Yeah I dont have many thanks to people for teaching me. No one really taught me tactics or helped me with bunnyhop or anything else. I just learned most of it from experience. I'd have to say yard_guy gave me the most verbal tips. However I learned how to play smarter and sneakier thanks to conflict. This guy deserves an award.