Download More RAM ! ! !

[EYE] Valar

2009-09-16 03:33:43


2009-09-16 04:23:42

lol, thats pretty much impossible. without going into the physics of computer science, im just going to say i dont see how that can possibly happen. my guess is that program just tells your OS to increase its virtual memory.


2009-09-16 04:36:45

how to make money on the internet:

1) make something that can possibly go viral (say a retarded RAM download website)
2) let it get like 200+ hit a day
3) sell advertising space.

give it two week and you'll get popups and whatnot next time you go there

Jelly Fox

2009-09-16 04:59:35


I just downloaded 7 terragigabits of RAM and now my computer is so fast I had to come back in time to post this comment :o

Uncle Rico

2009-09-16 06:03:35

For the ladies:
You might want to get your tits checked just in case.

Dark Soul

2009-09-16 07:18:21


The Argumentalizer

2009-09-16 09:47:13

What horseshit! Unbelievable.
Asshats like this will bring in the internet Gubbmint police.
How fucking stupid.

[EYE] Valar

2009-09-16 13:07:13

jelly, i think no one but you got it :D

Jelly Fox

2009-09-16 13:54:11

Nothing new there :D


2009-09-16 14:48:47

Uncle Rico wrote:For the ladies:
You might want to get your tits checked just in case.
lmfao "Most doctors don't understand a woman's boobs. They don't feel anything inside. Plus, they usually have crumbs all over their hands and you don't need them rubbing that crap all over your tities."

The Argumentalizer

2009-09-16 16:34:37

Shuddup! You Sheep ****er.


2009-09-16 16:39:47

fuck, idk, it worked for John, so its prolly legit


2009-09-16 16:45:08

This whole website is a joke :) hope it made you laugh.

not a scam, just a bored person with webpage abilities.


2009-09-16 17:04:52

Great idea, thousands Google "get more ram" or "where can i get more ram" or "download more ram" and they hit that page. Brilliant!


2009-09-16 17:09:24

The Argumentalizer wrote:Shuddup! You Sheep ****er.
Thats New Zealand douche

The Argumentalizer

2009-09-16 18:54:06

That reminds me, anyone seen that killer sheep movie? Its awesome, but im drunk and can't remember the name. Oh yeah, Black Sheep.


2009-09-16 19:31:55

The Argumentalizer wrote:That reminds me, anyone seen that killer sheep movie? Its awesome, but im drunk and can't remember the name. Oh yeah, Black Sheep.
getting sober so quickly is probably a world record, check it out


2009-09-16 20:01:58

Proof it works.



2009-09-17 15:30:02

keefy wrote:Proof it works.

Whaaaaaaaaat? Wicked!

(hooray we have the same CPU and OS)


2009-09-18 05:54:53
