[BOSS] Evil Monkey/1911.org


2009-09-18 23:50:56

Both of these fuckfaces are the ones lagging servers with their little "free internet bots"

aҲon.| pan!c: I don't give a fuck who is lagging these servers
aҲon.| pan!c: Whoever it is
aҲon.| pan!c: will be found out
aҲon.| pan!c: and when that happens
aҲon.| pan!c: A whole shitstorm of consequences is gonna fall on them
aҲon.| pan!c: So you better just stop now
aҲon.| pan!c: Seven said if I apologize for being a bitch it will stop
aҲon.| pan!c: So I apologize for being a bitch
aҲon.| pan!c: SO FUCKING STOP
[BOSS] DIRTY DOG: and have you ever heard of a proxy
aҲon.| pan!c: aҲon.| pan!c: Seven said if I apologize for being a bitch it will stop
aҲon.| pan!c: SO FUCKING STOP
[BOSS] DIRTY DOG: say im sorry for being such a bitch ass pussy
[BOSS] DIRTY DOG: then ill stop
aҲon.| pan!c: thanks for admitting you're doing it
aҲon.| pan!c: :)
aҲon.| pan!c: now I have record of it
[BOSS] DIRTY DOG is now playing Half-Life 2: Deathmatch. Click here to join.
aҲon.| pan!c: this is going right on the hl2dm university for everyone to see

So yeah, anyone that lets these guys come in their servers, I suggest a ban, or even contact someone higher up cause this needs to be put to an end.

By the way Keeper, they were doing it to both KBH servers, so if you have any way of stopping this, let me know.


2009-09-18 23:57:14

[BOSS] DIRTY DOG: hay you know every server you go in your going to lag


2009-09-19 00:27:05

lol that would be Sins clan xD


2009-09-19 00:29:20



2009-09-19 01:04:13

it's actually dirty dogs clan from wut I understand about BOSS

'Stacked' just decided to help them with warzone, most likely for server use and wut not, everyone has a motive. Although he's a pretty genuine guy so perhaps he's just trying to help them; he's above petty childs play like described in the o.p.

1911.org is part of SUX the warzone team, not affiliated with BOSS in any other way.

LOL @ panic. quti pissing people off with your failing sense of humour and you won't have these problems.

ftw, dirty dog is about as redneck as you get, I doubt he's smart enough to wipe is own ass, let alone fuck with you, .org is another story though.

these statments are based soley on opinion and pretty much no fact whatsoever, except the redneck part.

what exactly are they doing? how are they laggin the server? or is it just you? didnt you complain about someone stealing your bandwidth the other day? details pan!c_


2009-09-19 01:34:52

It's not me, if the redneck dude says it's him why would I have any reason to not believe him?

The 1911.org guy just sits there in spectate and laughs, there were people there today when he and the redneck dude showed up and the entire server started to lag. Eventually through fault of their own retardation, they both timed out and, whataya know? The server stopped lagging.

All that pm shit is from the redneck guy, he said he does it and said it once in game too.

-Edit And yeah, this is the shit I posted about in the engineering forum.


2009-09-19 01:44:18

they must be bored.

these actions seem to be similiar to tactics we are familiar with, such as joining a pub -mic spamming/talking like your an inbreed fool - shit talking the clan's pub - etc etc .

so, instead of wasting time shit talking you, they just fuck your game up and everyone elses. Is it truely any different when you get right down to it>?

if anything you should thank them for finally giving you a much deserved fan club.


2009-09-19 01:52:42

whitewolf wrote: if anything you should thank them for finally giving you a much deserved fan club.
It was only a matter of time.


2009-09-19 18:47:58



2009-09-20 02:30:26

well if he is sending empty packets to the ip/port numbers and his internet service provider finds out he could get booted off his own internet hint hint.


2010-04-15 07:03:33

1911 is a nice guy, just because he bested you in a 1v1 22-2 and knows a few things about scripting doesn't mean that he hacked every1 around...


2010-04-15 07:36:47

LOL wtf chicken


2010-04-15 09:26:52

Kind of funny that this thread just got bumped considering the BOSS people are starting to go back into lagging servers.


2010-04-15 19:58:24

There are plugins to stop this type of attack.


2010-04-15 22:15:08

u should have specified :P

The Argumentalizer

2010-04-16 02:39:44

What's going on? Lag Monsters invaded? Shitstorms! Boss clan!?!?

Huh? Me confused (and washed up)


2010-04-20 19:01:45

Well BOSS is....nah nevermind...


2010-04-21 03:34:30

Put it this way. These guys accused my clan of getting one of their members vac banned because he was playing on our server either the day before or at the time that the ban hammer fell.

The Argumentalizer

2010-04-21 07:21:19

LMAO! You have a lot of clout with the VAC program.


2010-04-21 15:56:37

1911 was never part of [BOSS], and he doesn't hack or lag people's servers.