Halp... ;-; (Computer related)

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2009-09-25 09:23:43

Okay so, I'm rebuilding my rig and the like and I seem to have hit a snag.. Instead of typing everything out again I'll just copy paste what I sent to tech support. Still asking you guys as well just to get more opinions and such.

Its a Biostar Motherboard, btw.. (Model TA790GX 128M)
I'm completely rebuilding my computer. The only parts transferred from the other PC are the CPU/Heatsink and the Ram (Totals at 4 gigs, 4 1GB sticks.) After hooking everything up including a samsung SATA CD drive and a brand new Western Digital SATA Hard drive, as well as an HIS Radeon HD 4870, I tried to boot up the computer to which it didn't send any video signal to the monitor, I heard no beep from the onboard speaker nor see the bios boot up. Fans and lights turn on but when I go to turn off the computer by the power button, nothing. Reset button doesn't seem to work. Tried the same without the video card on with the same results. Tried moving around and rearranging the jumpers for the LEDs and buttons and speaker and nothing again. Do I have a dead motherboard or is there something not right?

The Argumentalizer

2009-09-25 10:46:36

Biostar is your problem.
They suck ass.
PSU? If you try every config and it still doesnt boot, its BIOSTAR.

Stick to ASUS, MSI, Gigabyte, and ABit next time.

Try it with one stick ram

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2009-09-25 11:15:32

Yeaah.. The BIOS won't boot at all. it was a DOA, just gonna return it and use my old board for now, Wanted to run two cards but I'll have to wait for another motherboard that I'll trust.


2009-09-25 20:18:57

well, I suppose you could try clearing the CMOS. it may have gotten a static charge or something and jacked something up. I cleaned a mobo with a vaccum once, not recommened by the way. but if fucked everything up and I couldnt get any 'video' response on boot. Then I listened to my pc, and It wasnt making the normal sounds it does while booting...like accessing the H.D.

SO, I pulled out the battery, set the jumper to 1-2 instead of 2-3, waited 10 seconds, moved jumper back and reinstalled the battery.
It 'should' say cmos under the jumper.

Then it worked. Had to reconfigure some BIOS settings, but it was no biggie. better than dealing with an RMA I was thinking I may have to do.

ASUS ftw.


2009-09-25 20:29:42

You absolutlely sure all PCIe cables are connected to the video card also check the 12V power plug its usually 4 pin and looks like this. I forgot to plug it in once and had no video feed either.
I know it sounds obvious but its the best place to start.


{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2009-09-25 21:18:55

Oddly enough the psu I have doesnt have the 12V cable... I'm gonna have to get a molex adapter for it since the other plugs the psu include are 8 pin ones.

CMOS reset did nothing either.


2009-09-25 21:40:12

have you checked all the risers on the case sometimes they can touch the back of the mobo and cause issues on boot, also is your PSU modular? I had an issue like that after i plugged in an extra power cable which didn't lock in place correctly on the PSU.

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2009-09-25 21:42:42

Risers are fine, No its not modular. Also, the LED's on the motherboard arent even turning on when the PSU is on so my guess its dead.


2009-09-25 22:39:04


Love mine


2009-09-25 23:22:39

Yea I told him ASUS or Gigabyte. I have a Gigabyte in my current rig. Ran ASUS in my previous two rigs.
MSI and Abit are also good, but I don't have much personal experience with Abit, so I cant say anything about them personally.

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2009-09-26 01:03:18

UMMM... :oops:

Its working now. a 12v connector was hidden in the mass of 8 pin and 6 pin hooked it up and it works like a charm now.
| <- Answer
keefy wrote:You absolutlely sure all PCIe cables are connected to the video card also check the 12V power plug its usually 4 pin and looks like this. I forgot to plug it in once and had no video feed either.
I know it sounds obvious but its the best place to start.

Lets see how long it lasts, I'm hoping I wont have an actual dead board on my hands in the future.