My youtube videos


2009-09-29 03:45:14

Hello everybody,
nobody knows me here, because I am new at HL2DM University, but I play HL2DM alot, mostly on the TKC servers.
Here is a video of me playing on these servers, but also on a cheat server and on an offline map.


I also just finished my Burnout Paradise video.
Here it is.


Hope you liked it. and i hope i get more involved with HL2DM University!!

Walking Target

2009-09-29 03:54:14

Hi Bob, welcome to the site.


2009-09-29 04:07:34

That first video was hilarious, especially the last bits. Thanks for sharing.


2009-09-29 07:00:01

so people playing this map are real and all?!!?

I'm shocked.


(welcome to the U)


2009-09-29 07:44:12


lol @ Provost.

heh one of the 1,000,000,000,000 versions of offense to anyone that likes it, but I just dont get the facination with that map. Personally I think it sucks.


2009-09-29 07:54:02

Burnout its so much fun.
Good old fraps, There are guides here on this site to use the built in tools to record movies, then we wont see at the top of the screen :)


2009-09-29 10:09:30

Hi ya. Welcome to the forums.

I greatly enjoyed your videos. thank you for taking the time to share them with us.

Your choice of music was most befitting. Especially on the burnout paradise, Question was a perfect beat for it!
keefy wrote:Burnout its so much fun.
after seeing burnout paradise, I really want to play that game. Something different, change of pace is always good. Thanks for the enlightenment Bobzwick!!!


2009-09-29 18:28:34

whitewolf wrote: Thanks for the enlightenment Bobzwick!!!
By the way its Bobzwik, no c. but its okay, im used to it by now


2009-09-29 19:20:13

See what happens when I try to be nice...

most people would say " hey thanks, I glad you enjoyed them and that I got you interested in a new genre of gaming"
and then go into the :
bobzwik wrote:
By the way its Bobzwick, but its okay, im used to it by now

Jelly Fox

2009-09-29 22:58:46

:welcome: low grav snipe looks like so much fun :D


2009-09-30 00:39:33

Dude, im very sorry if i hurt ur feelings. LOL :D
Thank you everyone for your nice comments, although I dont really understand what Provost meant in his comment.
whitewolf wrote:See what happens when I try to be nice...

most people would say " hey thanks, I glad you enjoyed them and that I got you interested in a new genre of gaming"
and then go into the :
bobzwik wrote:
By the way its Bobzwick, but its okay, im used to it by now

The Argumentalizer

2009-09-30 00:42:32

Welcome to the U, Bocbiwzc.

"What is this, that stands befooooo-ooore me..."


2009-09-30 05:55:58

this srs?


2009-10-01 02:43:40

Poor_Billy wrote:this srs?

Uncle Rico

2009-10-01 04:21:30

whitewolf wrote:See what happens when I try to be nice...
That's why it's always better to just go ahead in jump into a thread being a douche. That way you'll never be disappointed.