Just in case you were wondering what Scott Baio was up to

Uncle Rico

2009-10-03 23:15:08

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2009-10-03 23:42:23

Uncle Rico wrote:Just in case you were wondering what Scott Baio was up to
Like every day.


2009-10-03 23:49:15

Scott who???


2009-10-04 00:20:00


Ghost Dog_TSGK

2009-10-04 01:01:08


Ghost Dog_TSGK

2009-10-04 01:03:42

LOL where did you find this shit.

Baios face when he figures it out is priceless.

The Argumentalizer

2009-10-04 01:26:42

I was wondering what happened to Ralph Macchio. **** Scott Baio, that Joanie-loving fruitsickle.


2009-10-04 03:10:45

Errm yeah. He is so.....70s and 80s. Dont really give a crap about what hes up to.
Then again, I never was a celeb watcher anyway so I really dont care what any of them are up to. Shit programs like Entertainment Tonight and the like are instant channel changers for me.
So and so is having a baby, those guys are breaking up, OMG he was seen at this Hollywood Gala.....YAWN YAWN YYAAWWNNNNNNN......ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Uncle Rico

2009-10-04 03:27:37

The Argumentalizer wrote:I was wondering what happened to Ralph Macchio.
He's been pitching "The Karate Man" to Hollywood rather unsuccessfully for the last 15 years.
I think I stole this from Conan.