Fun Killbox League ROUND 2 Scores


2009-10-05 03:49:07

We had another great game tonight in both divisions, same turnout as last week pretty much. Lets get down to the scores.

The map was dm_donutbox_tsgk_rc4

Division 1 Scores :

|911|voz 82-33
|Boss|noskillz 78-42
[KBH]kwitsatch haderach 60-43

Division 2 Scores:

the_big_cheese 119-40 (yeah)
=BWS= Gimmick 71-58
=BWS= Politesse 55-67

Was a great bout, Cheese apparently went wild and was unstoppable, but we have the semi finalists now.

1. vOz
2. the big cheese
3. pan!c_
4. Herbalizer

Gonna talk to everyone and see who they think the 5th should be.



2009-10-05 03:57:50

Wowow Cheese lol... :mrgreen:

Now the top 5 of each division are going to into the semi final, scores are cumulative after THIS point and while yes that is how the standings are coming in that panic posted, after the next round we will have the TOP 3 players with the finals being the weekend after, which will be the 1v1 between #1 and #2.

We may want to do the top 5 from each division? whatcha think stretch it out a bit, maybe have an underdog rise up... one can hope.. someone get Voz drunk... :sketchy:

Ok clearly this has been kind of a test run, we have had great fun and lots of participation TY ALL!! For the next season which I hope will be in January we will have a website, and everything running much smoother.


2009-10-05 05:16:06

:twisted: be rdy cheeze mwuahahahahaha


2009-10-05 07:01:13

Was a shame you had to leave Panic :(

Very fun game, GG to everyone who played. I've never seen any of you =BWS= guys before, do you have any servers?


2009-10-05 07:33:41

the_big_cheese wrote:Was a shame you had to leave Panic :(

Very fun game, GG to everyone who played. I've never seen any of you =BWS= guys before, do you have any servers?

:lol: :lol: You were playing on one of them. :wink: gg's all.
We may want to do the top 5 from each division?
Yes tome 5 from each. or at least the top 10 places so the final match can be pure chaos.


2009-10-05 16:59:47

i tried watching the BWS stv... but it was too laggy to watch for long. its a shame the other server being used doesnt have stv. :(


2009-10-05 20:35:45

True, however I am considering putting one in the KF server for the next season in January, so we will still have west and east coast servers both with TV :) BWS has a couple of servers Cheese and yes u were in one ;)

Remember, we were kind of testing the waters, looks like there IS interest, people enjoyed it we just need to fine tune [We may want to have an ELITE division for the hard core players :? ] The interest was definitely generated and now we can go back look at what work and what didn't, making some changes. Adding some people to help will be important we all did our best but we have limitations, Panic held together the score situation, NUTZ was very busy but is managing, I was sick as usual but I keep going but help and ideas are always welcome :mrgreen:

THANKS to EVERYONE who has helped and participated, especially NUTZ and PANIC!!! :cheer:
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