If you think you have good aim... THINK AGAIN.


2009-10-14 05:44:42

not compared to this guy... :shock:


Edit: play cpma


2009-10-14 05:45:50

*these guys


2009-10-14 05:56:22


Uncle Rico

2009-10-14 06:03:14

Billy and I were having a conversation a while back about how HL2DM would have been affected if the top %10 or so of Quake players would have gotten into the game.

Here's a jump vid I like. The end is pretty insane. In a couple of places he shoots a rocket across the map and then makes it around in time to use it to jump.


2009-10-14 06:07:23

Yeah, kos has some really good runs, personally I like his first vid better


2009-10-14 06:08:37

<3 hal, he is good to watch on that map, though there are plenty of cpma players that have better aim then him thats not why he's good =\
I have demos of him, most of them he is playing ppl with much better aim then him but he manages to win most the games.


2009-10-14 06:12:52

"Billy and I were having a conversation a while back about how HL2DM would have been affected if the top %10 or so of Quake players would have gotten into the game. "

lol i can see someone going from hl2dm to quake, but after playing cpma for however long, theres noway u would touch hl2dm, pincus tried to convince one or 2 of aus's better cpma players but obviously they just think hl2dm is slow, buggy and retarded.


2009-10-14 06:33:27

Pernicious wrote:"Billy and I were having a conversation a while back about how HL2DM would have been affected if the top %10 or so of Quake players would have gotten into the game. "

lol i can see someone going from hl2dm to quake, but after playing cpma for however long, theres noway u would touch hl2dm, pincus tried to convince one or 2 of aus's better cpma players but obviously they just think hl2dm is slow, buggy and retarded.
Well im sure someone else would tell this story but looks like no has yet. Lost Cause tried to convert to hl2dm from quake for FIOS and trained with cyn^ but for whatever reason just couldnt hack it, I specced a few matches he had some serious movement issues, he was slow and unable to keep a consistent bhop going. His aim in quake at the time was incredible but really couldnt cut in hl2dm either. At the time he was a top 5 US player, and would later become one of the top 5 in the world. I just think hl2dm is a vastly different game requiring different sets of intuitive abilities.


2009-10-14 06:59:59

I agree there too, but its not like one couldnt adjust if they had the will.
But in cpma aiming is different because the player models are quite huge on ur screen, hl2dm player models are small. Also the faster movement makes players easier to predict in most situations etc. But there are some fuckin beaut aimers in cpma for sure.
Though, in hl2dm, every tactic, every orb/nade slows down gameplay in 1 vs 1, alot of stoping to catch/spam/camp/wateva where as cpma its generally allways click click click go go go even in the beginning of matches where players are a bit standoffish so they can get the first kill its much faster gameplay...etc

For 1 vs 1, play CPMA, for ffa, play HL2DM.

The Argumentalizer

2009-10-14 11:17:19

I played a little Quake CPM and i didn't see how you can move like that stock. There wasn't any air control.
How the **** is that even possible?
Is that **** for real? You can move like that at stock settings?

I hate the weapons in Quake. They all seem predictive and slow firing.


2009-10-14 15:55:17

The Argumentalizer wrote:I played a little Quake CPM and i didn't see how you can move like that stock. There wasn't any air control.
How the **** is that even possible?
Is that **** for real? You can move like that at stock settings?

I hate the weapons in Quake. They all seem predictive and slow firing.
Quake3/live and CPMA have vastly different movements

CPMA has air control and no weapon switch delay.
Quake3/live has no air control and has weapon switch delay


2009-10-14 16:44:47

Va|iums wrote:
Pernicious wrote:"Billy and I were having a conversation a while back about how HL2DM would have been affected if the top %10 or so of Quake players would have gotten into the game. "

lol i can see someone going from hl2dm to quake, but after playing cpma for however long, theres noway u would touch hl2dm, pincus tried to convince one or 2 of aus's better cpma players but obviously they just think hl2dm is slow, buggy and retarded.
Well im sure someone else would tell this story but looks like no has yet. Lost Cause tried to convert to hl2dm from quake for FIOS and trained with cyn^ but for whatever reason just couldnt hack it, I specced a few matches he had some serious movement issues, he was slow and unable to keep a consistent bhop going. His aim in quake at the time was incredible but really couldnt cut in hl2dm either. At the time he was a top 5 US player, and would later become one of the top 5 in the world. I just think hl2dm is a vastly different game requiring different sets of intuitive abilities.

LC had the best shotgun ever


2009-10-14 19:21:38

Yeah, I always said Q3 players have the best aim ever. It's funny to put this videos in contrast to some CS video where everybody is saying that X CS player has the best aim in the world (ie: SpawN), lol.

This one is insane: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... get+quaked#


2009-10-15 01:47:04

It's funny you guys are comparing the two.

I was a quake player long before playing hl2dm and after playing cpm, hl2dm still cant compare.

But these are apples and oranges we're talking about here.

I will say, and I am indeed boasting (i dont get to do it that often so stfu), that some of the people that used to stomp me in hl2dm could NOT touch me in hl2dm pro. It was just more my environment due to the speed of it. I've always had a quake style of playing and playing hl2dm with that style just doesnt work the same for me. I need to be constantly moving at a high speed to even aim properly. I know, its weird.


2009-10-15 06:01:57

play warsow!


2009-10-16 09:35:59

It is not so much apples to oranges as just different types of people. Different people are good for different reasons some people like Fatality are just amazing players they can go into any game learn it adapt and eventually own at it. However not everyone is like that some people are just good at a game because they have played it so long that everything is natural. It is hard to tell which people are which in their own game but as they travel to other games it becomes more apparent so long as you give them ample time to play and improve. Micahwave was a great adaptive player I have known him for almost a decade and he has moved from one game to the next and always been a top competitor in anyone he applied himself too and he showed in his ability to win FIOS in such a short time. Had we gone another couple weeks guys like the late neo and perhaps others would have risen up.

Now back to quake / cpma / any version they are all the same basically. You have to remember when playing those games that some of those guys have been quakers since they started gaming and for many of them it has been over a decade of playing the same exact game day in and out. So when you go there and play them they do not even think they just do. Also they have had many competitions and so more of the pro gamers tend to play quake due to the money involved and even other pro games are mostly modeled off of quake like PK. When you take some of those guys like lost cause and move them into a game that is very different they just are nothing near what they are in quake. And my guess is the majority of them probably fit that bill. They are not really that smart they are just well trained. You could see this in FIOS when you would see all these random pros from other games, some of them would try to do things that just are not as effective in this game like weapon timing. There was a guy from Halo I think in FIOS who had amazing xbow aim but the guy just had nothing else going for him in overwatch he would camp the xbow instead of the rocket. It was like he just didn't get this is a new game and the effective tactics are probably not exactly the same as your old game.

It is true that if HL2DM had been more popular many of us would probably not be considered good players but that's neither here nor there because people who are not that good tend to be attracted to games like this with smaller less competitive communities. In fact you could probable make the arguement that besides the elite virgins like Luke and Seagull and people who started in this game everyone else like myself is a washed up noob who cannot hack it in other games. Maybe us losers can make a club want to join ninjins?


2009-10-16 13:49:31

meh...I watched the FIOS final dems and everything inbetween. Mario64, TLC, drag0, that really short guy from cyn all the other players played differently from how they play online. Micahwave was consistently boring and solid on LAN, probably because he was the only one with LAN experience. If those other players had LAN experience and confidence Micah would've been taken down but thats how it works in any game. In LAN finals of any game competition the players with the most LAN experience usually beat down the players with only online experience, whether thats tfc, q3a, cs 1.6, css and ect...Michahwave never really impressed me except with his calm professionalism and will always be only an upper tier, mid range upper tier at best. Give some of those other players LAN experiance and I gaurentee Michahwave wouldve went down.


2009-10-17 00:26:07

some of the clips from the QL vid look like aimbots.


2009-10-17 02:10:04



2009-10-17 02:59:13

Nutri-Grain wrote:some of the clips from the QL vid look like aimbots.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2009-10-17 05:20:21

he said looks like.

buggah yank pant lookers