2009-10-14 10:37:10
Alright everyone, this is my first challenge to whats left of this community. Its simple, bhop around the given course and see who gets the best time by October 16th. Everything must be demo'd and uploaded for entry. REMEMBER TO PUT YOUR CONFIGS TO READ ONLY!
You may take as many tries as you like so if someone beats your time, try to beat theirs again! JUST REMEMBER TO USE THE EDIT BUTTON TO GIVE ME THE LATEST INFO.
No using props to boost your speed! Clear all props out of the way if needed or jump over them without touching!
No Variations from the given course!
You may start facing out of back mag or inwards, start recording the demo.
When finished make sure to stop the demo! THE FINAL TIME OF THE DEMO IS YOUR SCORE! -- I recommend using bind letter "stop".
By the way, the map is dm_lockdown_r5 this week. Watch my demo for the given course.
The given format of your time should be copied from console:
Completed demo, recording time 28.9, game frames 1915.
Post a link to the download of the demo.
Heres my run:
Completed demo, recording time 28.9, game frames 1915.
You may take as many tries as you like so if someone beats your time, try to beat theirs again! JUST REMEMBER TO USE THE EDIT BUTTON TO GIVE ME THE LATEST INFO.
No using props to boost your speed! Clear all props out of the way if needed or jump over them without touching!
No Variations from the given course!
You may start facing out of back mag or inwards, start recording the demo.
When finished make sure to stop the demo! THE FINAL TIME OF THE DEMO IS YOUR SCORE! -- I recommend using bind letter "stop".
By the way, the map is dm_lockdown_r5 this week. Watch my demo for the given course.
The given format of your time should be copied from console:
Completed demo, recording time 28.9, game frames 1915.
Post a link to the download of the demo.
Heres my run:
Completed demo, recording time 28.9, game frames 1915.