2009-10-28 14:57:47
Now, I've been against toggle_zoom for the most part of my hl2dm carrear (about a yr and a half), but recently I tried it and I liked it.
The reason I tried it, is cuz I could never find a freakin decent key where to bind normal zoom to. Side mouse buttons are out of the question for a hold fuction, and the default Z key seems pretty much impossible for me to use at all.
All other keys around WASD are binded to something already so I have no chances for more of anything. And anything that is two keys away from D or W is too far for me to reach handily, except R. And perhaps V (with thumb) but I still never used it so far.
It's true that my sniping abilities went up a bit. Not that much cuz I've always managed pretty well (or just as bad) without zoom, but they did went up a bit.
It seems a bit contradicting in my mind that I'm using something that I was severely against for much time. Reminds me of being a real bugger to my mother when I was a kid for her to quti smoking, only to become a persistent smoker myself a few years later.
Now although I was against it, I've never considered it an exploit, or at least not a "harmfull" one. I've always considered it as much or as little an exploit as binding the wheel to jump, using phys_swap, changing rates, preventing weapon change on pick up, setting the prefered default weapon, taking out quick info, or anything else that may be similar. In my honest opinion.
I also read once (in steam forums, I think) someone's post saying "Onti was one of the first players to ever use toggle_zoom exclusively". This made me feel a bit more confortable with it, since I came to believe that Onti was a cool player that wouldn't rely on anything that would be so much of a bad thing. An example player, I mean.
I dont know what to ask you about it, so I'll just leave it up to you to coment on this if you want.
I think I basically need to know on what side toggle_zoom is in the community.