I need some assistance please...[Video Card Problems]


2009-10-30 01:47:37

Well I decided to get a new HDD yesterday considering my old ones are in the process of becoming dust. I went with a Seagate Barracude 500 GB Sata. I got home and took out my master HDD (on IDE) and replaced it with the new SATA. I put everything back together and turn my PC on with the windows disc already in the DVD drive hoping I could just set it up that way. Well, I turn my PC on and Im not getting any video input to the monitor. It's not the monitor because I tried a different monitor and it was doing the same thing. I checked the case and noticed that both the lights and the fan on the card are working properly. I have a BFG Tech 9800GTx on PCI-E.

I've tried everything from removing the card and blowing any dust out of it to putting it in a different PCI-E slot. Still nothing. A friend of mine suggested that I take all my ram out, put it back in, and reset my power supply. Still nothing. I even tried putting my old HDDs back in and seeing if those would work. Nothing. The only thing Im still unable to do is put my card in another computer that has enough power and a PCI-E slot to test my card. I also cant test my motherboards on-board video because it doesnt have any. I dont even have an older card to plug into the motherboard to test. Im really fearing that I may have miraculously fried my video card in some freak accident which I'd still be confused about because the card appears to be running completely normal. I've even reset the power strip that I have my PC plugged in to. If anyone and I mean ANYONE OF YOU POLITE PEOPLE know what might have happened... PLEASE help.

I should also mention that this has happened maybe twice before and all I did to resolve it was reset the power supply and reset the power strip. I've done that 40 times now and I still can't get it to work.

Looks like I covered everything. Thanks.


2009-10-30 02:17:54

You have either a fried video card or a fried motherboard.

I had this once and it was the motherboard.


2009-10-30 02:22:24


Id much much much rather it be the motherboard than the video card. The card is still worth more than my motherboard and processor as well as the $150 or so ill spend to get new mobo/proc.


2009-10-30 02:22:33

It could be a bad motherboard but Im thinking more likely that you disturbed a power connection to the motherboard when you were plugging in the new hard drive. I have seen it happen where if you disconnect the 4 pin power connector to the motherboard or any other connector that goes to your MB you will get no video.


2009-10-30 02:27:04

L2k wrote:It could be a bad motherboard but Im thinking more likely that you disturbed a power connection to the motherboard when you were plugging in the new hard drive. I have seen it happen where if you disconnect the 4 pin power connector to the motherboard or any other connector that goes to your MB you will get no video.
Yes I thought so myself and I actually unplugged that connector at one point and realized that it wasnt plugged back in but I plugged it back in before I turned it back on. Im going to take the whole pc apart and rebuild it and see if that makes a difference. If not, it'll be forever before im able to get a new motherboard and processor since I havnt been able to work since I blew my hip out of place. Great.


2009-10-30 02:31:15

check that connector very carefully sometimes when electrical wires have been in the same position for a very long time and they have been hot they become brittle or break or the pin pulls slightly loose.


2009-10-30 02:33:29

L2k wrote:check that connector very carefully sometimes when electrical wires have been in the same position for a very long time and they have been hot they become brittle or break or the pin pulls slightly loose.
RGR that.


2009-10-30 02:49:41

Ok so it appears I popped some reset button/switch off the mobo. Its right next to a power button on the mobo. I dont know if you guys have ever seen one on your motherboards but I find it hard to believe that this might be the problem.


2009-10-30 03:03:37

yep I've seen them and yep that could be it


2009-10-30 03:11:40

I should also note that Im getting the code "FF" on my motherboards little LED. This is apparently normal if your computer actually boots. But I have no way of telling whatsoever because I can't see anything. :\

So about these little power and reset buttons ive never noticed before....do you use them while the PC is on? The reset button cant be fixed as I have no idea were the spring went so I cant press it. The power button works but, wtf is it for?


2009-10-30 04:06:46

TiGGy wrote:I should also note that Im getting the code "FF" on my motherboards little LED. This is apparently normal if your computer actually boots. But I have no way of telling whatsoever because I can't see anything. :\

So about these little power and reset buttons ive never noticed before....do you use them while the PC is on? The reset button cant be fixed as I have no idea were the spring went so I cant press it. The power button works but, wtf is it for?
ok, well the power and reset switch, all they do when you press them is make a connection between the two pins on the mobo, connecting the power circuit. really all you have to do is take a flat head screw driver(or any thing metal, but make sure you have a non conductive handle on it) and connect the 2 pins. PC will boot. did that on an old PC for years. you dont need to worry about fixing the reset button, how many times to you use that?? windows can reset your pc...if you lock up and need a last resort, just hold your power button for 8 seconds.

FF on your mobo LED is a good thing, that means your board is functioning well.....i hate trouble shooting for ppl on this forum, i can help you more if you PM me on steam. chemicalburn16 or email me [email protected]

The Argumentalizer

2009-10-30 04:18:52

Do you have a bad electrical plug?

If you use a strip, sometimes a plug goes bad. Even wall outlets malfunction.

Always start with the simplest stupidest solution.


2009-10-30 10:31:39

Well, I completely took my motherboard out and scanned over it. Nothing wrong there. I tried to pop the reset button back on into working condition and no luck due to the missing spring. I was able to get it to stay put thinking for whatever reason it might fix my pc. I put it back together, plugged it in and SHIZAM, up and running on fresh windows and new hdd. Thanks to everyone for their response.