I'll just leave these here


2009-11-09 01:30:44


bAhLK!: we "exchanged" hacks
ịҲṩị Divinity: lolwut?
bAhLK!: he thinks i hack so i was like
bAhLK!: well
bAhLK!: hes open about it too
bAhLK!: he addmited he hacked right?
bAhLK!: but i said give me ss of ur hacks
bAhLK!: so ya...
bAhLK!: he actually sent them
bAhLK!: ahahah

Uncle Rico

2009-11-09 01:44:36



2009-11-09 01:47:37

he's still terrible...


2009-11-09 01:57:48



2009-11-09 02:34:10

voz guy i assume.


2009-11-09 02:38:38

Pernicious wrote:voz guy i assume.
looks that way


2009-11-09 03:01:37


oh the irony


2009-11-09 04:07:08

on no ma hax has been found !
ye i just overlapped the pics with photoshop easy to do and the blue box is from blas its here in hl2dmu theres a topic with it alredy there it looks like pretty lame photoshop but i wanted to have fun with bahlk quick :D

Uncle Rico

2009-11-09 04:19:26

voz wrote:on no ma hax has been found !
ye i just overlapped the pics with photoshop easy to do and the blue box is from blas its here in hl2dmu theres a topic with it alredy there it looks like pretty lame photoshop but i wanted to have fun with bahlk quick :D
You 'shopped the walls to be see-through too?


2009-11-09 05:19:14

who cares if he hacks. shit let him, let him back in 911, let him have some fun in this game that's so alive and well recognized. honestly theres probably 15 of you who actually give a shit that he hacks, just dun play with him if its really burning your bunghole that bad


2009-11-09 05:39:06


Edit: not same box


2009-11-09 05:51:41

Uncle Rico wrote: You 'shopped the walls to be see-through too?


2009-11-09 06:02:43

panic just uses it as an xcuse not to 1v1 me ;) and everyone else says it to make em feel better lol!

Uncle Rico

2009-11-09 06:09:40

voz wrote:panic just uses it as an xcuse not to 1v1 me ;) and everyone else says it to make em feel better lol!
Panic uses ss of you using hax as an excuse not to play you? Weird. Explain further.


2009-11-09 06:53:29

pan!c_^: photoshopped the see thru walls?
pan!c_^: rofllmao
LsD # vOz: called overlapping
LsD # vOz: ;)
pan!c_^: hey voz guess what
LsD # vOz: hai
pan!c_^: i have ps 7, ps cs 8, and theres no way to do that
pan!c_^: gg.
LsD # vOz: the wat
LsD # vOz: ?
LsD # vOz: its just putting ss on top of others
LsD # vOz: lol
pan!c_^: you must be a professional graphic artist


2009-11-09 07:01:52

voz wrote: everyone else says it to make em feel better lol!
I'm 50-0 on you in 1v1s...I don't need to say it to make myself feel better.


2009-11-09 07:05:16

i say it to make myself feel better.

The Argumentalizer

2009-11-09 07:09:26

So tell us about this overlapping technique?
How do you get a perspective down a hall with no walls and overlay it, making the walls transparent?
And then overlay the ceiling, and the room, and... all from the same perspective with no walls overlaid the original with walls, making that.!??!??!


2009-11-09 07:14:02

voz wrote:over 9000 hours on ms paint.


2009-11-09 07:23:53

Blasphemy wrote:
voz wrote:over 9000 hours on ms paint.
tis the truth!

The Argumentalizer

2009-11-09 07:34:53

Damn, i can't get Paint to resize a JPG properly!


2009-11-09 07:35:36

voz has always wreaked of being shifty...


2009-11-09 07:36:21

<kyle> wrote:voz has always wreaked of being shifty...
this one actually made me lol


2009-11-09 07:37:20

voz wrote:
<kyle> wrote:voz has always wreaked of being shifty...
this one actually made me lol
your terrible grammar and spelling make me lol


2009-11-09 08:03:43

That's not what you've told some people. : /

The Argumentalizer

2009-11-09 08:04:13

<kyle> wrote:voz has always wreaked of being shifty...



2009-11-09 08:33:04

The obvious choice is hax, but either way u would have to be a dickhead lol.
also i have no idea who the fuck voz is.


2009-11-09 08:36:31

Pernicious wrote:The obvious choice is hax, but either way u would have to be a dickhead lol.
also i have no idea who the fuck voz is.
:D im just some random guy


2009-11-09 09:14:55

voz wrote:
Pernicious wrote:The obvious choice is hax, but either way u would have to be a dickhead lol.
also i have no idea who the fuck voz is.
:D im just some random guy
who hacks


2009-11-09 09:28:36

Panic wrote:
voz wrote:
Pernicious wrote:The obvious choice is hax, but either way u would have to be a dickhead lol.
also i have no idea who the fuck voz is.
:D im just some random guy
who does not hack
fixed :)


2009-11-09 10:05:39

voz wrote:
Panic wrote:
voz wrote: :D im just some random guy
Who already admitted to hacking.
fixed :)
You're right, now it's fixed.


2009-11-09 10:11:04

:twisted: thanks for the compliments guys


2009-11-09 11:15:26

How is commenting on screenshots of hax complimenting u *squints*
Well yea voz either has an underdeveloped brain (ie 13 yo kid) and/or is mentally retarded, i gather from his last statement )=^B


2009-11-09 17:19:27




2009-11-09 20:56:17

<kyle> wrote:voz has always wreaked of being shifty...


2009-11-09 22:09:55

so v0z you just took some screenies and overlapped em huh? nothing else?


2009-11-09 22:13:00

If vOz seriously photoshopped that pic, he should be getting paid like $45/hr as a graphic artist.


2009-11-09 22:49:54

*sigh* Talk about hackers, how about those damn bhoppers?!?!? **Waits for major flameage**

J/K :mrgreen:


2009-11-09 23:08:43

Panic wrote:If vOz seriously photoshopped that pic, he should be getting paid like $45/hr as a graphic artist.
If i photoshop one of you hacking, will you get me a 45/hr job?


2009-11-09 23:55:06

Check out my photoshop job....pretty similar...



I even did one with green! Looks so cool.


The Argumentalizer

2009-11-10 00:17:50

Seems there is pranks and foolishness going on.

From just the folks you expect.


2009-11-10 00:38:24

TiGGy wrote:Check out my photoshop job....pretty similar...



I even did one with green! Looks so cool.

now thats skills

Uncle Rico

2009-11-10 00:41:01

TiGGy wrote:Check out my photoshop job....pretty similar...
You use the h4x plugin for PS? 8)


2009-11-10 01:27:05

I had a post where I showed all the features but I figured someone would google some of the words and find out what hack it is and end up buying it themselves and claiming to be pro. He's not the only one who has it though, I'm pretty sure of that anyway.

Uncle Rico

2009-11-10 02:07:54

TiGGy wrote:I had a post where I showed all the features but I figured someone would google some of the words and find out what hack it is and end up buying it themselves and claiming to be pro. He's not the only one who has it though, I'm pretty sure of that anyway.
lol, I've been waiting to hear a valid explanation on his SS, but so far I haven't heard one. I like how he's trying to explain how he 'shopped those SS to ppl that have been using PS longer than he's been alive.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2009-11-10 02:47:42



2009-11-10 03:11:20

Get the fuck out.

The Argumentalizer

2009-11-10 04:23:02

Told me his buddy Raz made the Screens.

He also maybe the Euro EC member remembered so well by EWR.
Remember him? The kid that couldn't be killed.

The kid that played me and Sunsnail recently and i swore was psychic?

Plans within Plans, Plots within Plots.


2009-11-10 04:45:30

TiGGy wrote:I had a post where I showed all the features but I figured someone would google some of the words and find out what hack it is and end up buying it themselves and claiming to be pro. He's not the only one who has it though, I'm pretty sure of that anyway.
rofl, i googled some of the words and found the hack but i didnt buy it

also, he told me raz made them too


2009-11-10 04:51:48

Im willing to bet that he isnt the only one using those hacks. Not that it really matters. This game is pretty dead. Im not surprised though. Some of you guys came out of nowhere and were playing like all stars in a few weeks.

Uncle Rico

2009-11-10 04:52:45

The Argumentalizer wrote:Told me his buddy Raz made the Screens.
Funny that the reals screens of that hack look EXACTLY like the 'shopped ones. Weird huh? Must be great at PS.
The Argumentalizer wrote: also maybe the Euro EC member remembered so well by EWR.
Remember him? The kid that couldn't be killed.
LOL, best match I was ever in. Demos are still around somewhere. Ran from us after I hit him with a bow, then got pinned down by all 3 of us. Gets hit with a nade, not a regular nade, a vox nade, to the face, smg nade, a barrel, another vox nade, and multiple shotgun blasts from PB, all within 20 seconds, doesn't die, then he "crashed". Man, good times.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2009-11-10 05:05:39

scott5245 wrote:who cares if he hacks. shit let him, let him back in 911, let him have some fun in this game that's so alive and well recognized. honestly theres probably 15 of you who actually give a shit that he hacks, just dun play with him if its really burning your bunghole that bad

Who r u?

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2009-11-10 05:08:10

Sacrifist wrote:Im willing to bet that he isnt the only one using those hacks. Not that it really matters. This game is pretty dead. Im not surprised though. Some of you guys came out of nowhere and were playing like all stars in a few weeks.

Please specify "some of you guys".


2009-11-10 05:21:18

Ghost Dog_TSGK wrote:
scott5245 wrote:who cares if he hacks. shit let him, let him back in 911, let him have some fun in this game that's so alive and well recognized. honestly theres probably 15 of you who actually give a shit that he hacks, just dun play with him if its really burning your bunghole that bad

Who r u?
im the shit, who is you?


2009-11-10 05:28:49



2009-11-10 05:34:28

The Argumentalizer wrote:Told me his buddy Raz made the Screens.

He also maybe the Euro EC member remembered so well by EWR.
Remember him? The kid that couldn't be killed.

The kid that played me and Sunsnail recently and i swore was psychic?

Plans within Plans, Plots within Plots.
That guy raz is a complete douchebag, I was considering posting up a demo another member of LsD aimbotting just to watch the LsD clan burn in hell and force them to boot their new members making a mockery of their name. Maybe I still will but maybe LsD will take action without me exposing yet another suspicious member. Anyway, scott I really really really really hope your an alias, being 1shotgunned from halfway across the map in match where your down by 1 then watches as he does another 1shotgun to your partner across the map is completely cool and awesome. But if your not an alias GTFO you don't know what its like to play in a real competitive match where although we have and will beat people with hacks, it sucks when BS like that happens.


2009-11-10 05:37:52

Va|iums wrote: Anyway, scott I really really really really hope your an alias, being 1shotgunned from halfway across the map in match where your down by 1 then watches as he does another 1shotgun to your partner across the map is completely cool and awesome. But if your not an alias GTFO you don't know what its like to play in a real competitive match where although we have and will beat people with hacks, it sucks when BS like that happens.
gosh man i feel your pain, i do, i know its rough. teach me hl2dm please?


2009-11-10 05:42:21

scott5245 wrote:
Va|iums wrote: Anyway, scott I really really really really hope your an alias, being 1shotgunned from halfway across the map in match where your down by 1 then watches as he does another 1shotgun to your partner across the map is completely cool and awesome. But if your not an alias GTFO you don't know what its like to play in a real competitive match where although we have and will beat people with hacks, it sucks when BS like that happens.
gosh man i feel your pain, i do, i know its rough. teach me hl2dm please?

how about you post your steam friends ID, I cant promise Ill teach you anything but ill show you how it feels to get it put up your ass on daily basis in 1v1


2009-11-10 05:44:48

Va|iums wrote:
scott5245 wrote:
Va|iums wrote: Anyway, scott I really really really really hope your an alias, being 1shotgunned from halfway across the map in match where your down by 1 then watches as he does another 1shotgun to your partner across the map is completely cool and awesome. But if your not an alias GTFO you don't know what its like to play in a real competitive match where although we have and will beat people with hacks, it sucks when BS like that happens.
gosh man i feel your pain, i do, i know its rough. teach me hl2dm please?

how about you post your steam friends ID, I cant promise Ill teach you anything but ill show you how it feels to get it put up your ass on daily basis in 1v1
k babe, but seriously, im the shit

The Argumentalizer

2009-11-10 06:57:40

I imagine there are all sorts of OTHER accounts, bought by folks who play really well, who may or may not STILL have a Steam Ban, that are no longer used, because they just tried hacks and took screenshots.

IE, a lot of players who check out cheats and know WAY too much about them and have screens that really weren't PSed, unless someone figured a way to make walls disappear to take shots from one perspective.

Its all Bullshit.

And all i hear is Bahlk hax, Nutri hax, Blas hax, Vox hax...
RAZ, yeah, i believe that shit.
I don't have any other suspicions based on play.


2009-11-10 07:19:18

Random nobody who got good within weeks proves to have downloaded his skills, news at 11.

...not like this has ever happened before!~


2009-11-10 07:22:25

Ko-Tao wrote:Random nobody who got good within weeks proves to have downloaded his skills, news at 11.

...not like this has ever happened before!~
Voz has been around for 4 years, under various names, such as Odin. Only recently did he "get" really good.


2009-11-10 07:25:45

Hence, he was a random nobody. That title doesnt require the lucky recipient to have just started playing the game!


2009-11-10 07:35:48

Edge wrote:Voz has been around for 4 years, under various names, such as Odin. Only recently did he "get" really good.
Played against Odin many many hours in KBH and never saw anything spectacular ever, not even what I would even consider upper level skill. Within the last few weeks I ran into him a few times in a few pubs here and there and everytime it was like I was "wow wtf wow"
Makes perfect sense now.
Lame dude lame
almost as lame as your stupid airhumping


2009-11-10 07:42:26

L2k wrote:
Edge wrote:Voz has been around for 4 years, under various names, such as Odin. Only recently did he "get" really good.
Played against Odin many many hours in KBH and never saw anything spectacular ever, not even what I would even consider upper level skill. Within the last few weeks I ran into him a few times in a few pubs here and there and everytime it was like I was "wow wtf wow"
Makes perfect sense now.
Lame dude lame
almost as lame as your stupid airhumping
Lol, dude he either has a script for that shit or he just spams the piss outta ctrl.


2009-11-10 07:46:55

Edge wrote:
L2k wrote:
Edge wrote:Voz has been around for 4 years, under various names, such as Odin. Only recently did he "get" really good.
Played against Odin many many hours in KBH and never saw anything spectacular ever, not even what I would even consider upper level skill. Within the last few weeks I ran into him a few times in a few pubs here and there and everytime it was like I was "wow wtf wow"
Makes perfect sense now.
Lame dude lame
almost as lame as your stupid airhumping
Lol, dude he either has a script for that shit or he just spams the piss outta ctrl.
I could care less how he does it, its just lame.
However the bot he was using is just weaksauce

The Argumentalizer

2009-11-10 08:03:07

I don't see any overnight OMG WTF progression in Voz.
Coming from folks in Fusion, who play as often as Werewolves change...

Edit: Furthermore, there are plenty of folks i have been like WTF HAPPON'd, namely, New Guy, MLiquid, Rachkir, Edge, and others and i never thought they were hacking.
The point being, some folks play a lot, practice movement, 1 v1 Nutrigrain etc.
They up their game.
I remember there was this Timoz guy...

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2009-11-10 08:18:02

scott5245 wrote:im the shit, who is you?
No I'm dead serious nobody knows you, please enlighten us. You are not know at all.
The Argumentalizer wrote:I remember there was this Timoz guy...
Timoz was whooping ass for a long time...

The Argumentalizer

2009-11-10 08:31:26

Not a long time. less than a year and he was the the man. I'm only sayin...


2009-11-10 08:55:57

Played against Odin many many hours in KBH and never saw anything spectacular ever, not even what I would even consider upper level skill. Within the last few weeks I ran into him a few times in a few pubs here and there and everytime it was like I was "wow wtf wow"
Makes perfect sense now.
Lame dude lame
almost as lame as your stupid airhumping

If a bot is considered missing 4 times with the mag and and finally getting a hs then might as well say Nutri has a better aimbot , everyone knows I haven't had a change in aim since i started playing , my mag is still horrible that's why i rely on spam , but hey its fine by me I'm just getting enjoyment out of this post. As for the air humping I only do it because I've seen good players like Seagull do it too even on normal grav , and yes just as Edge stated I do spam the shit out of the crouch button and that's why i need a new keyboard. If you think i have possibly gotten any better(which I doubt) than a month ago then look at my hours, I do play a lot specially now that I am in LsD and scrim all the time. As for some of the players saying I have 20 other vacd accounts I would like to see them trace my account and find any proof and post it on here , because I have only had 2 accounts trough out hl2dm and they are clean as can be.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2009-11-10 10:00:58

Va|iums wrote:scott I really really really really hope your an alias
No I remember him now, he made that shitty attempt of a troll thread and thinks slick fro is cool.



2009-11-10 10:33:53

Ghost Dog_TSGK wrote:
Va|iums wrote:scott I really really really really hope your an alias
No I remember him now, he made that shitty attempt of a troll thread and thinks slick fro is cool.

see told you i was the shit, its like you dont believe me or something. also everyone knows me, i am the shit and you want to get like me

The Argumentalizer

2009-11-10 12:59:39

Hardy Har Har.


2009-11-10 19:56:16

voz wrote:If a bot is considered missing 4 times with the mag and and finally getting a hs
The time I was referring to was about a week or more ago in a killbox I was aliasing, and you got about 10 consecutive headshots on me. Maybe you just got lucky but considering I was airborne for quite a few of them I somehow doubted it was your normal skill at the time. Now you show up with screenshots of hacks and claim they are partially lifted from something Blas posted ages ago and the boxes look nothing like each other. Nice try!
Like I said it makes sense now (your performance on that day) and LAME


2009-11-10 20:39:39



2009-11-10 22:58:39



2009-11-10 23:40:09

This aimbot has a legit feature and a rage feature. Legit will have tons of aimbot slowdown so that from the spectator, it will look completely normal. Its not hard to bind a key to the aimbot and just aim yourself, attempting to get a kill, then instantly press your button and presto! you got yourself a headshot. Rage feature makes you less likely to get hit (somehow) and pretty much full blown headshots 24/7. I've played with aimbots in other games and it's really easy to look legit.


2009-11-10 23:42:43

TiGGy wrote:I've played with Image in other games and it's really easy to look legit.


2009-11-10 23:58:47



2009-11-11 00:47:58

HAHAHAHAHAHA your profile pic is fricken intense conflict.


2009-11-11 01:30:47

Makes me think who else has used aimbots "in other games" also


2009-11-11 01:53:18

Ghost Dog_TSGK wrote:
The Argumentalizer wrote:I remember there was this Timoz guy...
Timoz was whooping ass for a long time...
I remember that Timoz guy too...Didn't he only play* 2 months before going undefeated in CAL 1v1?

also...why is voz still trying to deny this?


2009-11-11 02:17:44

wasnt scott the one who was going to start that HL2dm training site or school that was going to over take this site?


2009-11-11 02:30:38

{EE}chEmicalBurn wrote:wasnt scott the one who was going to start that HL2dm training site or school that was going to over take this site?
[ nerd ]So you're basically saying that wt is xavier and scott is magneto right? [ /nerd ]


2009-11-11 03:16:53

Poor_Billy wrote: I remember that Timoz guy too...Didn't he only played 2 months before going undefeated in CAL 1v1?

also...why is voz still trying to deny this?
cause thats what dumb people do, deny things.


2009-11-11 03:17:47

provost wrote:
{EE}chEmicalBurn wrote:wasnt scott the one who was going to start that HL2dm training site or school that was going to over take this site?
[ nerd ]So you're basically saying that wt is xavier and scott is magneto right? [ /nerd ]
Not at all, wasnt an analogy.


2009-11-11 04:03:01

{EE}chEmicalBurn wrote:wasnt scott the one who was going to start that HL2dm training site or school that was going to over take this site?
that was definitely not me


2009-11-11 04:55:22

scott5245 wrote:
{EE}chEmicalBurn wrote:wasnt scott the one who was going to start that HL2dm training site or school that was going to over take this site?
that was definitely not me

k, sry.


2009-11-11 04:59:42

tis k chem chem


2009-11-11 05:26:08



2009-11-11 05:43:50

Nutri-Grain wrote:
Panic wrote:
Poor_Billy wrote: I remember that Timoz guy too...Didn't he only played 2 months before going undefeated in CAL 1v1?

also...why is voz still trying to deny this?
cause thats what dumb people do, deny things.
Guilty people deny things, not dumb people.

Innocent people provide proof as to why they aren't guilty.

Voz is denying these accusations with proof that isn't legit.

Therefore, he is dumb and guilty until proven innocent.

Yeah, I flipped that shit.
It won't matter unless people actually decide not to play him.


2009-11-11 06:13:04

play him in what? lol, the few remaining players talking shit about hacking in a game that was killed by shit talking and hacking


2009-11-11 07:05:02

didn't know the game was killed by "shit talking and hacking".


2009-11-11 07:45:31

hit shalking and tacking


2009-11-11 08:06:55

dead game


Uncle Rico

2009-11-11 15:29:46

TiGGy wrote:hit shalking and tacking
tit halking and shacking


2009-11-11 16:07:53

Blasphemy wrote:didn't know the game was killed by "shit talking and hacking".
u fah real? you do recall the last 2 seasons of CAL and warzone right?


2009-11-11 16:49:03

{EE}chEmicalBurn wrote:
Blasphemy wrote:didn't know the game was killed by "shit talking and hacking".
u fah real? you do recall the last 2 seasons of CAL and warzone right?
nope, but i remember CAL being bought by some arabs.


2009-11-11 21:19:05

Blasphemy wrote:
{EE}chEmicalBurn wrote:
Blasphemy wrote:didn't know the game was killed by "shit talking and hacking".
u fah real? you do recall the last 2 seasons of CAL and warzone right?
nope, but i remember CAL being bought by some arabs.
Yea and that transaction failed big time.


2009-11-13 00:24:53

in anycase those b some might fine rates, 60 and 23 :O

The Argumentalizer

2009-11-13 01:14:05

I found this.
How to spot a "rate hacker",
type "cl_interpolate 0" into the console, on a 33 tick server with ppl running at 33 you probly won't notice anything wrong - or diffrenet till you see a lagger - but normaly you won't see a lagger becouse with this setting on "cl_interpolate 1" it smooths out the animation.

so i hear you say, "well isn't that good thing?' or "isn't that what cl_smooth did?" - it's smooths the animation but not the hitboxs, which means they have laggy hitboxes but look like they are lag free - sometimes so laggy there almost unhitable.
Ever had that time you were so still and you swear that awp hit them? chances are a large few times you hit the animation, but hit in between the hitboxes.

To fix rate hacking,
if you are rate hacking or to help someone stop,
1. type "net_graph 3" - this will give you info you need*^
2. you need to up your rates, try "cl_cmdrate 33"
3. and your download, try "cl_updaterate 33"
(yes it is the d/l even tho it's called upload becouse it's from the server's point of view :P)
4. last "rate 4500" rate is like an over all d/l or upload cap (in bytes i think) inbuilt this would couse choke if it's not set high enough.

and if you have Great connection try 66 or even 100(up your "rate" too), but your max rate will be no higher the the servers tick OR if the server is under alot of strain(meny players) OR you connection is is under strain (limted/shaped/capped/maxed out etc.)

*if you get choke above 5 more often then not you'll need to drop your rates a bit try 24 or loss above 2 again drop you rates try 24

I didnt realize the hitboxes could be janked like that. It essplains a lot of things.


2009-11-13 02:52:56

exec lab in console to see rate hackers.

edit: http://www.geekempire.com/forums/index. ... topic=3886


2009-11-13 23:44:38

voz wrote: ye i just overlapped the pics with photoshop easy to do and the girl's head is from blas its here in hl2dmu theres a topic with it alredy there it looks like pretty lame photoshop but i wanted to have fun with bahlk quick :D



2009-11-14 04:49:09

Relevance none, funny 100.



2009-11-16 00:04:22

yeah v0z...pro rates man..seems like you would need decent rates to be able to hit other people too though...well i guess since you have aimbot it wouldnt be hard.

deadly combo: fucked rates and insta-headshots.

the l33tard that wouldnt die.


2009-11-16 02:17:07

TiGGy wrote:...the l33tard that wouldnt die.


2009-11-16 03:10:31

man, i made ko-tao laugh. thats gotta be good.


2009-11-16 05:56:59

Never trust a laughing buddist.


2009-11-16 09:09:36


I hate all religions equally!

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2009-11-16 18:24:05



2009-11-16 21:31:42
