2009-11-11 16:50:38
Choco contacted me asking for an updated version of the config I did back on '07.
I tried changing it the most I could, used cvarlist on hl2dm's console to have a complete list of all the commands available, yet many of the ones I was able to use in other source games are either cheat protected, or non-existent on hl2dm because it is an older engine.
Nontheless, I managed to make some minor changes. Don't expect much over the older one, but even if it's a single more frame I think that would be good ;P
I'll leave it here with the changelog I saved while doing it, if anybody has any idea on how to make it better, mention it, otherwise if time goes by and nothing needs to be changed WT can host it on hl2dm university.
Note I also added this at the beginning of the config:
Just some known launch options, first one disables joystick support, second one the use of the IPX protocol (mainly needed for lan, not internet), and the third one disables font antialiasing.
Config --> http://www.filefront.com/14905363/FPS_enhancer.cfg
Try not to focus only on the config, if you really need more fps try finding ways of optimizing your pc (shutting down processes, disabling services, defragmenting, etc etc etc.)
oh btw, if someone could do a benchmark to compare both configs using a same demo on hl2dm that would be good ;P
I tried changing it the most I could, used cvarlist on hl2dm's console to have a complete list of all the commands available, yet many of the ones I was able to use in other source games are either cheat protected, or non-existent on hl2dm because it is an older engine.
Nontheless, I managed to make some minor changes. Don't expect much over the older one, but even if it's a single more frame I think that would be good ;P
I'll leave it here with the changelog I saved while doing it, if anybody has any idea on how to make it better, mention it, otherwise if time goes by and nothing needs to be changed WT can host it on hl2dm university.
Note I also added this at the beginning of the config:
Code: Select all
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Setting -nojoy -noipx and -noaafonts in the launch options may improve FPS
Config --> http://www.filefront.com/14905363/FPS_enhancer.cfg
Code: Select all
Fixed r_shadowrendertotexture being set to 1 instead of 0, enabling shadows.
Added blink_duration "0"
Added cl_showpluginmessages "0"
Added cl_showtextmsg "0"
Added dsp_water "0"
Added mat_dxlevel "80"
Added mat_use_compressed_hdr_textures "1"
Added mod_forcetouchdata "1"
Added r_decalstaticprops "0"
Added r_updaterefracttexture "0"
Added vprof_cachemiss_off
Added sv_forcepreload "1"
Changed r_worldlights from "2" to "1"
Changed r_eyeglintlodpixels from "0" to "99999"
Changed r_decal_cullsize value from "50" to "99999"
Changed violence_ ablood, hblood, hgibs and agibs to "0".
Changed r_maxmodeldecal from "3" to "0"
*Removed the following commands for being wrongly used (i.e they take no numerical values, it is just a plain command to check if a determined thing is enabled or disabled):
vprof_cachemiss_on "0"
vprof_cachemiss "0"
vprof_cachemiss_on "0"
r_3dnow "1"
r_mmx "1"
r_sse "1"
r_sse2 "1"
Erased mat_filterlightmaps "1" from the graphic settings section for being repeated.
oh btw, if someone could do a benchmark to compare both configs using a same demo on hl2dm that would be good ;P