
Uncle Rico

2009-11-17 18:52:34


2009-11-17 19:32:50

Wow, poor bastard.

The Argumentalizer

2009-11-17 20:53:21

Must have hit a stud. Ouch.


2009-11-17 21:15:37

That guy must have just got done playing the MP, its so bad it could make one want to do something like that.
I am so glad I did not buy that game, worst port ever.


2009-11-17 21:30:13

L2k wrote:That guy must have just got done playing the MP, its so bad it could make one want to do something like that.
I am so glad I did not buy that game, worst port ever.
Actually Resident Evil 4 wins that award over anything else, but i get your point.


2009-11-17 23:02:29

I enjoy the multiplayer. *shrugs*

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2009-11-17 23:18:54

hurr durr im gonna complain to the internet about how much a game sucks hurrr




2009-11-17 23:28:51

Jesus, he's got too much invested into the game. Time to walk outside son.


2009-11-17 23:32:19

REJECTED wrote:Jesus, he's got too much invested into the game. Time to walk outside son.
He's desparately trying to punch his way outside can't you see!! :cry:


2009-11-17 23:39:02

DEATH-ANGEL wrote:I enjoy the multiplayer. *shrugs*
So you enjoy FOV 60, no lean, ping 100 +, shit hit reg and disconnects mid game? *shrugs* ok.
IDK man after playing all of the other COD's I just cant enjoy this one atm, it feels so wrong to me.

Yesterday I read there has been a discovery on how to hack the console open and make some changes to these problems, maybe that will help along with the rumored unofficial dedicated servers once they come online.

The Argumentalizer

2009-11-17 23:52:32

His dad ought to smack him a good one! Or use the belt.
Spoiled little ass.


2009-11-18 01:04:28

how did you find my vid? :cry:


2009-11-18 01:12:39



2009-11-18 04:32:47

The Argumentalizer wrote:His dad ought to smack him a good one! Or use the belt.
Spoiled little ass.
Or it could be that he spent his last 60 dollars for the next three years on the game, and that's why he raged. ; D


2009-11-18 04:45:56


2009-11-18 05:25:42

L2k wrote:
DEATH-ANGEL wrote:I enjoy the multiplayer. *shrugs*
So you enjoy FOV 60, no lean, ping 100 +, shit hit reg and disconnects mid game? *shrugs* ok.
IDK man after playing all of the other COD's I just cant enjoy this one atm, it feels so wrong to me.

Yesterday I read there has been a discovery on how to hack the console open and make some changes to these problems, maybe that will help along with the rumored unofficial dedicated servers once they come online.
I don't experience any of those problems on 360, and it kicks the shit out of any other fps right now. Don't hate it til you've tried it. You can't believe everything you read.

quti being such a cynic.


2009-11-18 08:02:21

Panic wrote:
L2k wrote:
DEATH-ANGEL wrote:I enjoy the multiplayer. *shrugs*
So you enjoy FOV 60, no lean, ping 100 +, shit hit reg and disconnects mid game? *shrugs* ok.
IDK man after playing all of the other COD's I just cant enjoy this one atm, it feels so wrong to me.

Yesterday I read there has been a discovery on how to hack the console open and make some changes to these problems, maybe that will help along with the rumored unofficial dedicated servers once they come online.
I don't experience any of those problems on 360, and it kicks the shit out of any other fps right now. Don't hate it til you've tried it. You can't believe everything you read.

quti being such a cynic.
Your telling me not to hate it until I've tried it and you are playing it on the 360 :?
I've have been playing a cracked version on the pc (multiplayer even), thank you very much.


2009-11-18 15:17:36

Panic wrote: I don't experience any of those problems on 360, and it kicks the shit out of any other fps right now. Don't hate it til you've tried it. You can't believe everything you read.

quti being such a cynic.
Yeah i'm not gonna believe that.


2009-11-18 18:39:20

The poor bastard didn't try HL2DM xD

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2009-11-18 20:53:26

Panic wrote:
I don't experience any of those problems on 360, and it kicks the shit out of any other fps right now. Don't hate it til you've tried it. You can't believe everything you read.

quti being such a cynic.
>I don't experience any of those problems on the 360
>problems on the 360
*walks away*


2009-11-19 03:28:37

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0 wrote:
Panic wrote:
I don't experience any of those problems on 360, and it kicks the shit out of any other fps right now. Don't hate it til you've tried it. You can't believe everything you read.

quti being such a cynic.
>I don't experience any of those problems on the 360
>problems on the 360
*walks away*


2009-11-19 05:20:17

Nutri-Grain wrote:
L2k wrote:
DEATH-ANGEL wrote:I enjoy the multiplayer. *shrugs*
So you enjoy FOV 60, no lean, ping 100 +, shit hit reg and disconnects mid game? *shrugs* ok.
IDK man after playing all of the other COD's I just cant enjoy this one atm, it feels so wrong to me.

Yesterday I read there has been a discovery on how to hack the console open and make some changes to these problems, maybe that will help along with the rumored unofficial dedicated servers once they come online.
Hahahaha oh god! NO LEAN! Cause that's used so often right? And I haven't had a problem with ping or hitreg once. You're trying way too hard to hate this game.
Yeah I don't have any of those issues you just said actually... And the lack of lean? I had to adapt with that in cod4. Honestly I have to agree I was a little despairing when I found out there was no lean in this one, but it was something that was added to cod4 and I had to learn to appreciate, none the less hardly any other games out there have lean. Yes, yes, there are plenty out there, but nothing mainstream and nothing I can think of off the top of my head that is worth playing currently.

For me I have a average ratio, also depending on the map and the strategy I use. On average I'll come out mid rank or top ranked on random pickup servers, although admittedly Ive had some last place rankings too. I'm not saying that as a braggart, but more so as my defense against the poor hit ratio you speak of, I haven't seen it at all. So far I cant really complain though, its been smooth sailing.


2009-11-19 08:03:18

Ok so I guess the more you play this game the more accepting you become with all of its shortfalls and maybe thats why some people think its ok, I just have a hard time with it knowing what it could have been.

@panic this game was made for the 360 and 360 players are used to this kind of bs, so it dosnt bother them.

@ Nutri I can understand you might be having fun with the game, I even do at times but it just gets bad, really bad at times when you spray 60 rounds at a player right in front of you with a RPD or Scar, AUG or w/e and he manages to run right at you and knife you. This is the hit reg problem I speak of mainly in addition to the random lag which can be the only explanation for this bs as it never happened on the previous COD's on good dedicated servers. There have been hundreds of people complaining about this on the steam forums so it's not just me.

@Deathangel lean was in all of the previous COD games not just MW1 (even the predecessor medal of honor series) and with the COD series some of the game types are heavily reliant on camping and peaking around corners. To not have it now just destroys the way we learned to play most of the game types. For someone (not saying just you) who has really only played HL2DM a true run and gun game, no lean might seem normal but to me it is not.

My biggest gripe of all tho absolutely has to be the locked FOV @ 60 and if you use the work around app to open the console you are risking a VAC ban, so yeah its utter bullshit to have to put up with that.

P2P matchmaking just can't be considered fair not matter how you look at it. In a server full of equal skilled players I have seen it time and time again proven to be true that the guy hosting has a huge advantage and if you don't belive it alter your mp_cfg to show 10 bars and change the bar value from 100 to 20. You will then start to see the guy with the low ping owning hard everytime, provided he isnt a noob.

From a post on spuf:
• Navigate to the folder: 'program files\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty modern warfare 2\players' and open the file config_mp.cfg

• Change scoresping_interval from 100 to 20, and maxbars from 4 to 10 (10 is the max).

• This means that each of the 10 bars represents 20ms, with full green being 20ms or lower, and 1 red being 200ms or higher.



The sad truth? You might wanna pound a few beers before you read this:

• The host is immediately obvious, he's the guy with 0-20 ping (full green).
• I usually connect with about 101-200+ms.
• Most people are connected at 200+ms (3 or less bars on normal cfg settings).
• On regular cfg settings, 4 bars means up to 0-100 ping, 3 bars 101-200, 2 bars 201-300, 1 bar is 301+.


2009-11-19 18:14:51

I eat lean bacon for breakfast and like a nice plate of Cod and chips.


2009-11-19 19:50:52



2009-11-20 00:43:27

Yeah HL2:DM wasn't my original FPS, I actually grew into it with a little of HL1, but more so I played the Battlefield series and Rainbow Six back when on 56k modems. Ive also played some, but not all of the other Call of Duty and Medal of Honor series, and I get what you are saying, its just not that fundamentally imprinted on my mind to make it a matter of distate for the game. Admittedly I still do think of times where I would rather stick my head out of a window then my whole body, but its something that I am used to with all games of today and so you learn to adapt. The gaming industry is just in general making a pit fall since back before 2006. Id have to say that 2006 was maybe the peak and after the online gaming competition and industry as a whole started to degrade, so did gaming in general. They are focusing more on console players as thats where the revenue is coming from and I honestly cant blame them. They make a game for the money, not for the community, the only time they would change anything is if people stop buying their games. I dont really see that happening anytime soon with how the industry is rolling, so Id have to say although I agree with you, I still stick behind what I said.

Its a give and take relationship and really they are just giving what the majority wants, and taking away the rest. I cant really see the gaming industry change anytime soon unless there starts to become more adopters of the PC genre again.

You know when people like Fata1ty take a break from competitive gaming that its more then just "taking a break" for a reason of them stepping back from it.


2009-11-20 04:29:07

DEATH-ANGEL wrote: They make a game for the money, not for the community
Yea and that's the problem I see with games/TV/movies anymore these days. Cool ideas & change are not what counts anymore, it's selling to the fags that want the same game over & over and slower-than-shit-through-a-funnel gameplay. I never understood why people would not like a game where you can fly around at 200 mph by just jumping, all the while firing rockets at dudes and shit, or why they would like a fucking joystick that takes 8 hours to go 180 degrees on better than a mouse.

Look at sit-coms these days, they're all fucking clones of each other with the most fail jokes ever. How many CSI/law & order clones do we have now? The newest transformers movie had a meh story and some of the fucking gayest most cliche new characters ever. Yeah, the action was good, but it was still made for the mainstream; I guess I'm not mainstream.



2009-11-20 06:30:25

DEATH-ANGEL wrote:You know when people like Fata1ty take a break from competitive gaming that its more then just "taking a break" for a reason of them stepping back from it.
Not much competitive gaming left tbh. Either you like 1.6/sc or youre stuck playing in retarded kidlet games with all-online leagues, low 4-figure pots if anything and a ton of cheating and unfixed bugs.

Oh and WoW, if you can choke back the bile long enough to call it competitive (the fact that it does have decent prize pots aside).

The original cs creator is working on an unofficial sequel, and apparently severity is still in the works, but otherwise i dont see much coming out in the near future thatll change the status quo.


2009-11-20 16:10:05

lol @ severity, honestly I cannot imagine how you can beat Quake 3 CPM or Warsow when it comes to actual competitive, skilled gameplay. May it be movement timing or aim.

It's probably why it takes them the longest time to simply come out with pictures or trailers or... whatever. If you look at what warsow or q3cpma offers.... really what more would you want (beside a ggun and orb spam) competitive shooters ARE THERE, not alot of people playing it, this title is a joke and will probably never see the day, or when it will no one will give a flying f**k


2009-11-21 06:55:01

Ko-Tao wrote:
DEATH-ANGEL wrote:You know when people like Fata1ty take a break from competitive gaming that its more then just "taking a break" for a reason of them stepping back from it.
Not much competitive gaming left tbh. Either you like 1.6/sc or youre stuck playing in retarded kidlet games with all-online leagues, low 4-figure pots if anything and a ton of cheating and unfixed bugs.

Oh and WoW, if you can choke back the bile long enough to call it competitive (the fact that it does have decent prize pots aside).

The original cs creator is working on an unofficial sequel, and apparently severity is still in the works, but otherwise i dont see much coming out in the near future thatll change the status quo.
Yup. That's what I basically said although apparently I had some typos, because I was in a hurry with my response...

I basically saw competitive shooters die around 2006 after the FI0S tourney. And we're not talking just CAL league BS here, we're talking all leagues in general. Even the competitive greats like Fata1ty as I previously mentioned aren't being competitive, because there isn't much push for competition anymore. Its just a bunch of pubs and hack accusations no matter what the game is.