Server Logs.


2009-12-11 07:42:01

Pulled these out of 3 scrim logs from the other night. Filled with them throughout the whole scrim. All three rounds have similar text in them. This is from the command sv_report_client_settings 1; Blas and Bahlk, I'm assuming that you're both using a bind that has cl_cmdrate 100 bound with something else (Jump, Attack1, Weapon switch). I can't think of any other way that you would be able to spam the server with these settings. Why have two things bound to a key. I'm not here to start a bunch of drama, but I think anyone who plays this game still will appreciate an answer about this.

Code: Select all

L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:14: server_cvar: "sv_hl2mp_weapon_respawn_time" "20"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:14: "Console<0><Console><Console>" say "wrzteam.cfg executed"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:15: "raararraararar<34><STEAM_0:1:256864><Combine>" say "hahahha"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:15: "Console<0><Console><Console>" say "Starting Warzone Team Match."
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:16: "0RB$PHEMY" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:16: "0RB$PHEMY" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:16: "Console<0><Console><Console>" say ">>>> 5 <<<<"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:17: "Console<0><Console><Console>" say ">>>> 4 <<<<"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:18: "«§» re√<29><STEAM_0:0:23017070><Rebels>" say "xD"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:18: "Console<0><Console><Console>" say ">>>> 3 <<<<"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:19: "Console<0><Console><Console>" say ">>>> 2 <<<<"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:20: "Console<0><Console><Console>" say ">>>> 1 <<<<"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:22: "Console<0><Console><Console>" say ":::: LIVE ::::"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:23: server_cvar: "mp_weaponstay" "0"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:24: "raararraararar" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:27: "0RB$PHEMY" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:27: "raararraararar" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:28: "raararraararar" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:29: "raararraararar" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:29: "raararraararar" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:29: "raararraararar" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:30: "0RB$PHEMY" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:31: "raararraararar" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:31: "0RB$PHEMY" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:31: "0RB$PHEMY" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:31: "0RB$PHEMY" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:32: "raararraararar" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:32: "raararraararar" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:32: "0RB$PHEMY<33><STEAM_0:0:11043431><Combine>" killed "«§» re√<29><STEAM_0:0:23017070><Rebels>" with "physics"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:32: "0RB$PHEMY" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:32: "0RB$PHEMY" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:33: "0RB$PHEMY" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:34: "raararraararar" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:35: "raararraararar" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:37: "0RB$PHEMY" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:38: "0RB$PHEMY" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:39: "raararraararar" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:39: "0RB$PHEMY" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:39: "0RB$PHEMY<33><STEAM_0:0:11043431><Combine>" killed "«§ir Edges»<32><STEAM_0:1:8634346><Rebels>" with "crossbow_bolt"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:40: "0RB$PHEMY" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:41: "raararraararar" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:43: "raararraararar" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:45: "raararraararar" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:49: "raararraararar" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:50: "raararraararar" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:54: "raararraararar" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:56: "0RB$PHEMY" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:57: "«§ir Edges»<32><STEAM_0:1:8634346><Rebels>" killed "raararraararar<34><STEAM_0:1:256864><Combine>" with "357"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:58: "0RB$PHEMY<33><STEAM_0:0:11043431><Combine>" killed "«§» re√<29><STEAM_0:0:23017070><Rebels>" with "rpg_missile"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:59: "raararraararar" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:59: "raararraararar" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:32:59: "raararraararar" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:33:00: "raararraararar" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:33:00: "raararraararar" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:33:00: "raararraararar" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:33:00: "raararraararar" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:33:01: "0RB$PHEMY" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:33:01: "0RB$PHEMY<33><STEAM_0:0:11043431><Combine>" killed "«§ir Edges»<32><STEAM_0:1:8634346><Rebels>" with "rpg_missile"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:33:01: "0RB$PHEMY" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:33:01: "0RB$PHEMY" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:33:01: "0RB$PHEMY" cl_cmdrate = "100"
L 12/10/2009 - 02:33:02: "raararraararar" cl_cmdrate = "100"


2009-12-11 07:45:30

That looks highly suspicious...


2009-12-11 07:55:04



2009-12-11 09:31:40

i don't have cmdrate 100 bound to anything, but i do have cl_interpolate 0 bound to shotgun which i guess in hindsight is just as bad.


bind "TAB" "use weapon_ar2;cl_interpolate 1"
bind "1" "use weapon_rpg;cl_interpolate 1"
bind "2" "use weapon_shotgun;cl_interpolate 0"
bind "c" "use weapon_crowbar;use weapon_stunstick;cl_interpolate 1"

i'm not really sure it helps my shotgun do more damage. anyone that plays me knows, i rely more on spam more than anything else.


2009-12-11 09:50:25

Blasphemy wrote:i don't have cmdrate 100 bound to anything, but i do have cl_interpolate 0 bound to shotgun which i guess in hindsight is just as bad.


bind "TAB" "use weapon_ar2;cl_interpolate 1"
bind "1" "use weapon_rpg;cl_interpolate 1"
bind "2" "use weapon_shotgun;cl_interpolate 0"
bind "c" "use weapon_crowbar;use weapon_stunstick;cl_interpolate 1"

i'm not really sure it helps my shotgun do more damage. anyone that plays me knows, i rely more on spam more than anything else.
Alright thanks blas.


2009-12-11 09:55:27

Blasphemy wrote:i don't have cmdrate 100 bound to anything, but i do have cl_interpolate 0 bound to shotgun which i guess in hindsight is just as bad.


bind "TAB" "use weapon_ar2;cl_interpolate 1"
bind "1" "use weapon_rpg;cl_interpolate 1"
bind "2" "use weapon_shotgun;cl_interpolate 0"
bind "c" "use weapon_crowbar;use weapon_stunstick;cl_interpolate 1"

i'm not really sure it helps my shotgun do more damage. anyone that plays me knows, i rely more on spam more than anything else.
Nah your shotty has seemed the same to me, still 7.5 out of 10 at best most of the time.


2009-12-11 10:00:53

Quoted from another thread:
Ko-Tao wrote:
whitewolf wrote:alias myleetshotgun; fuckratehere; fuckthisratethere;
More like, turn off part of the pathetic source lag compensation when using hitscan close range, so when you have your xhair dead over the enemy and press fire, you get an actual registered hit instead of just a ton of fake clientside blood.

Different interp values for hitscan and prediction weapons is a pretty good idea as well, considering the former is lag compensated and the latter is not.
Moral of this story: At close range, with hitscan, interpolation is generally bad. Turn it off.


2009-12-11 10:15:05

With a little more testing, its the interpolate as blas pointed out that he had been changing that was spammin the server logs.


2009-12-11 10:57:13

Blasphemy wrote:i rely on spam more than anything else.


2009-12-11 21:59:16

OMG who uses 100 tic servers?


2009-12-12 01:10:10

keefy wrote:OMG who uses 100 tic servers?
Lol, they're not, they're 66 tic. A lot of players use 100 cmd and 100 update because it makes prop jumping and shit like that easier if i remember right.

Dark Soul

2009-12-12 08:24:47

Edge wrote:
keefy wrote:OMG who uses 100 tic servers?
Lol, they're not, they're 66 tic. A lot of players use 100 cmd and 100 update because it makes prop jumping and shit like that easier if i remember right.
yeah but it makes you look older, like this guy



2009-12-12 08:35:34

Dark Soul wrote:
Edge wrote:
keefy wrote:OMG who uses 100 tic servers?
Lol, they're not, they're 66 tic. A lot of players use 100 cmd and 100 update because it makes prop jumping and shit like that easier if i remember right.
yeah but it makes you look older, like this guy


Nooo I think that might be drugs.

Mr. Nervous

2009-12-14 05:37:11

Lol, I noticed this a LONG time ago when I was playing Bahlk, and when i asked him about it, he was all like "wut u tlkin bout?"


2009-12-14 05:56:55

Mr. Nervous wrote:Lol, I noticed this a LONG time ago when I was playing Bahlk, and when i asked him about it, he was all like "wut u tlkin bout?"


2009-12-15 07:17:05

fucked up part is, i took it off and my shotgun seems better.


2009-12-15 08:04:35

Code: Select all

16:42:13 L 12/28/2008 - 15:42:13: "Poor_Billy" cl_cmdrate = "100"
16:42:14 L 12/28/2008 - 15:42:13: "Poor_Billy" cl_cmdrate = "66"
16:42:20 L 12/28/2008 - 15:42:19: "Poor_Billy" cl_cmdrate = "100"
16:42:21 L 12/28/2008 - 15:42:20: "Poor_Billy" cl_cmdrate = "30"
16:42:21 L 12/28/2008 - 15:42:20: "vOz<66><STEAM_0:0:11130347><Rebels>" killed "Poor_Billy<69><STEAM_0:1:450941><Combine>" with "rpg_missile"
16:42:21 L 12/28/2008 - 15:42:21: "Poor_Billy" cl_cmdrate = "30"
16:42:24 L 12/28/2008 - 15:42:24: "Poor_Billy" cl_cmdrate = "100"
16:42:25 L 12/28/2008 - 15:42:24: "Poor_Billy" cl_cmdrate = "100"
16:42:27 L 12/28/2008 - 15:42:27: "Poor_Billy<69><STEAM_0:1:450941><Combine>" killed "vase<67><STEAM_0:1:10308410><Rebels>" with "physics"
16:42:28 L 12/28/2008 - 15:42:27: "Poor_Billy" cl_cmdrate = "66"
Seems like ewR all like to play with rates, looks like this ones bound to weapons. I can't believe the cal config even allows you to set your rates. Judging by

Code: Select all

16:42:21 L 12/28/2008 - 15:42:20: "vOz<66><STEAM_0:0:11130347><Rebels>" killed "Poor_Billy<69><STEAM_0:1:450941><Combine>" with "rpg_missile"
16:42:21 L 12/28/2008 - 15:42:21: "Poor_Billy" cl_cmdrate = "30"
he changes his cmdrate (the rate settings which allows you to set how many snapshots your sending to the server, updaterate is how many updates you get from the server) to 30 so that if vOz tries to spawn kill him, the hit reg will be a lot worse on poor_billy since he's sending a lot less updates to the server all of a sudden. At

Code: Select all

16:42:25 L 12/28/2008 - 15:42:24: "Poor_Billy" cl_cmdrate = "100"
16:42:27 L 12/28/2008 - 15:42:27: "Poor_Billy<69><STEAM_0:1:450941><Combine>" killed "vase<67><STEAM_0:1:10308410><Rebels>" with "physics"
his cmdrate changes to 100 until he makes a physics kill 3 seconds later, so I think he has his cmdrate full at 100 whenever he uses the gravity gun for max responsiveness. The others i'm not certain but are likely either magnum or shotgun. Snap.


2009-12-15 17:36:25

this is all kinda interesting in a geeky way. not sure there is anything nefarious. looking at blas's example, changing the interpolation on weapons seems to send command rate changes to the server? that seems odd. is that some code artifact or something? why would changing interpolation during the game spam the server with command rates?

as i recall, pb posted his config somewhere on this site. i remember that he had scripts/binds changing mouse sensitivity per weapon. could that also result in the command spams observed in the server logs?


2009-12-15 19:00:29

Deathwish wrote:

Code: Select all

16:42:13 L 12/28/2008 - 15:42:13: "Poor_Billy" cl_cmdrate = "100"
16:42:14 L 12/28/2008 - 15:42:13: "Poor_Billy" cl_cmdrate = "66"
16:42:20 L 12/28/2008 - 15:42:19: "Poor_Billy" cl_cmdrate = "100"
16:42:21 L 12/28/2008 - 15:42:20: "Poor_Billy" cl_cmdrate = "30"
16:42:21 L 12/28/2008 - 15:42:20: "vOz<66><STEAM_0:0:11130347><Rebels>" killed "Poor_Billy<69><STEAM_0:1:450941><Combine>" with "rpg_missile"
16:42:21 L 12/28/2008 - 15:42:21: "Poor_Billy" cl_cmdrate = "30"
16:42:24 L 12/28/2008 - 15:42:24: "Poor_Billy" cl_cmdrate = "100"
16:42:25 L 12/28/2008 - 15:42:24: "Poor_Billy" cl_cmdrate = "100"
16:42:27 L 12/28/2008 - 15:42:27: "Poor_Billy<69><STEAM_0:1:450941><Combine>" killed "vase<67><STEAM_0:1:10308410><Rebels>" with "physics"
16:42:28 L 12/28/2008 - 15:42:27: "Poor_Billy" cl_cmdrate = "66"
Seems like ewR all like to play with rates, looks like this ones bound to weapons. I can't believe the cal config even allows you to set your rates. Judging by

Code: Select all

16:42:21 L 12/28/2008 - 15:42:20: "vOz<66><STEAM_0:0:11130347><Rebels>" killed "Poor_Billy<69><STEAM_0:1:450941><Combine>" with "rpg_missile"
16:42:21 L 12/28/2008 - 15:42:21: "Poor_Billy" cl_cmdrate = "30"
he changes his cmdrate (the rate settings which allows you to set how many snapshots your sending to the server, updaterate is how many updates you get from the server) to 30 so that if vOz tries to spawn kill him, the hit reg will be a lot worse on poor_billy since he's sending a lot less updates to the server all of a sudden. At

Code: Select all

16:42:25 L 12/28/2008 - 15:42:24: "Poor_Billy" cl_cmdrate = "100"
16:42:27 L 12/28/2008 - 15:42:27: "Poor_Billy<69><STEAM_0:1:450941><Combine>" killed "vase<67><STEAM_0:1:10308410><Rebels>" with "physics"
his cmdrate changes to 100 until he makes a physics kill 3 seconds later, so I think he has his cmdrate full at 100 whenever he uses the gravity gun for max responsiveness. The others i'm not certain but are likely either magnum or shotgun. Snap.
If you're after my spot as the 1 and only captain of the pbfc steam group, you should just back the fuck off now.


2009-12-15 19:09:10

CellarDweller wrote:this is all kinda interesting in a geeky way. not sure there is anything nefarious. looking at blas's example, changing the interpolation on weapons seems to send command rate changes to the server? that seems odd. is that some code artifact or something? why would changing interpolation during the game spam the server with command rates?

as i recall, pb posted his config somewhere on this site. i remember that he had scripts/binds changing mouse sensitivity per weapon. could that also result in the command spams observed in the server logs?
Basically the CAL config and the warzone configs turn on a server variable called sv_report_client_settings 1; this in turn reports back the clients cmdrate and any changes in it. It seems it always reports the cmdrate if any of the net variables change (updaterate, rate, interpolate).


2009-12-16 00:31:34

I still have no idea what any of those commands do. I just relied on actual skill to beat everyone.

Worked out pretty well.


2009-12-16 03:31:48

Nutri-Grain wrote:I still have no idea what any of those commands do. I just relied on actual skill to beat everyone
as you should have.

As for anyone else playing with all their rates and interpolate trying to gain advantages and screw up hit reg for your opponents......weak.

After playing MW2 for awhile now, even though I'm still mad about the lack of dedicated servers and the 65 FOV, I do have to admit that the locked console is not such a bad thing as it prevents this kind of bullshit and does level the playing field.


2009-12-16 04:01:32

L2k wrote:

After playing MW2 for awhile now, even though I'm still mad about the lack of dedicated servers and the 65 FOV, I do have to admit that the locked console is not such a bad thing as it prevents this kind of bullshit and does level the playing field.

Except that the guy hosting the game has an advantage over everyone else. So unless he is a complete noob and mouth breather it adds imbalance to the game.


2009-12-16 05:11:00

Paradox wrote:
L2k wrote:

After playing MW2 for awhile now, even though I'm still mad about the lack of dedicated servers and the 65 FOV, I do have to admit that the locked console is not such a bad thing as it prevents this kind of bullshit and does level the playing field.

Except that the guy hosting the game has an advantage over everyone else. So unless he is a complete noob and mouth breather it adds imbalance to the game.
Yeah you would think so, but surprisingly enough IW may know a little bit more about netcode and lag compensation than valve as I see alot of people winning with less than the best ping.


2009-12-16 06:06:17

I haven't seen the host advantage thing actually give the host any advantage unless their connection is amazing, and everyone else is lagging like a tittyshit. And when that happens, a new host is almost always chosen. I usually place first in every game, soooo unless i'm host every game, i can't see a difference.



2009-12-16 06:23:42

Valve netcode is two cans and a string; not exactly hard to improve upon that.


2009-12-16 06:32:30

Open console for MP was just a really lazy way not to make a keybind for record demo and whatnot.

No games should haveopen consoles, and if they do, it should only be basic stuff like record, name, quti , connect...


2009-12-16 16:46:13

Wow, isn't this weird? ewr is mentioned all through here and Poor_billy hasn't decided to show up just yet in this one thread, wow that's fucking strange didn't expect that.
sisterFISTER wrote:If you're after my spot as the 1 and only captain of the pbfc steam group, you should just back the fuck off now.
LOOL It really does not hurt me one bit to say that I think you can keep your spot there.


2009-12-16 17:11:32

Deathwish wrote:Wow, isn't this weird? ewr is mentioned all through here and Poor_billy hasn't decided to show up just yet in this one thread, wow that's fucking strange didn't expect that.
sisterFISTER wrote:If you're after my spot as the 1 and only captain of the pbfc steam group, you should just back the fuck off now.
LOOL It really does not hurt me one bit to say that I think you can keep your spot there.
DW trying to take the ewr leader spot ?!?!?! Bullocks I say !! hes got a contract with LsD , hes one of the lsd bros :D heya sisterfister long time no see


2009-12-16 17:49:06

I just want to say for the record that if you were using any of these scripts listed as is being discussed in this thread during CAL you were in fact cheating and there is definitely something nefarious about it. The rules were written such that this sort of soft cheating was not permitted. And you can be very proud that any wins you did have while using any of the exploits mentioned in this thread so far were illegitimate. This goes for all of you doing it. 1 the cal rules stated that scripting is not allowed, 2 the cal rules state that changing net code commands were not allowed, 3 valve put the logging of these stats into the game during FIOS specifically to allow admins to look for this exact sort of abuse. Unfortunately they did not give us the ability to log more commands than just cmd rate but it seems the one they did get us is being abused heavily.

The main reason I want to point this out is because I do not want to see people coming in here looking at poor billy's config and thinking this sort of shit is OK. 2 when I go out to pub servers the main complaint I hear is people are all scripts and exploits in the leagues. Well I used to tell them that isn't so because those things are not allowed in league play and I could mean it but apparently I cannot when supposed good players are all cheating by CAL rules. If you showed up at FIOS you would not be allowed to use these and if you showed up at a LAN competition you would not be allowed to use them, there is no special exception written into the rules of leagues.

3 if you are unsure if something is acceptable then you ask the admins of the leagues or the community.


2009-12-16 18:03:26

Nutri-Grain wrote:.. I usually place first in every game, soooo unless i'm host every game, i can't see a difference.

Marathon Pro/ Lightweight Pro/ Commando Pro/ Hold care package/ Knife whole team running 2x fast/ Get first place in any pub.


Uncle Rico

2009-12-16 18:23:33

Fearsome* wrote:I just want to say for the record that if you were using any of these scripts listed as is being discussed in this thread during CAL you were in fact cheating and there is definitely something nefarious about it. The rules were written such that this sort of soft cheating was not permitted. And you can be very proud that any wins you did have while using any of the exploits mentioned in this thread so far were illegitimate. This goes for all of you doing it. 1 the cal rules stated that scripting is not allowed, 2 the cal rules state that changing net code commands were not allowed, 3 valve put the logging of these stats into the game during FIOS specifically to allow admins to look for this exact sort of abuse. Unfortunately they did not give us the ability to log more commands than just cmd rate but it seems the one they did get us is being abused heavily.

The main reason I want to point this out is because I do not want to see people coming in here looking at poor billy's config and thinking this sort of shit is OK. 2 when I go out to pub servers the main complaint I hear is people are all scripts and exploits in the leagues. Well I used to tell them that isn't so because those things are not allowed in league play and I could mean it but apparently I cannot when supposed good players are all cheating by CAL rules. If you showed up at FIOS you would not be allowed to use these and if you showed up at a LAN competition you would not be allowed to use them, there is no special exception written into the rules of leagues.

3 if you are unsure if something is acceptable then you ask the admins of the leagues or the community.
That config wasn't used by PB or anyone in ewR during a CAL match. It was written as a joke before a 1v1 with Luke and a few other people to see how long it would take to hear the bitching. He used it on Luke 1st because we knew $W would be anal enough to check server logs or have someone watching the console in HLSW. It took a week and a half before it got back to us. A little later we heard that you were trying to get CALACS modified just to catch a config that was of no use whatsoever. We lol'd.

Do you think CAL still has any validity after your poor management? And you need to talk to your teammates about rate abuse before you start pointing fingers or do I need to post the conversations I have of them?

BTW, that conversation you had with sF, that was for lulz too. He sent it out to us right after you talked to him.


2009-12-16 18:30:20

Uncle Rico wrote:BTW, that conversation you had with sF, that was for lulz too. He sent it out to us right after you talked to him.
lol i forgot all about that, here you go people:

9:43 AM me: yo, you still head CAL admin?
PB is a fag and i have proof he cheats
Fearsome*: Post it on the U
9:44 AM me: nah then he'll know it was me
not that it matters i guess
if it was just billy that would be pissed off i'd do it
but they all know
and not all of them are bad so i rather not step on everyones toes right?
9:45 AM Fearsome*: It will lack credibility if it does not come from the source or the source is not willing to back it up
9:46 AM me: well i could always sit around in team speak, and maybe just record something
9:47 AM but not a lot of people have access to it, or at least i never see many people in there
so they'd pretty much think it was me then
9:48 AM ah fuck it, to hell with that game anyways, is CAL even active anymore?
prob doesnt even matter
9:49 AM eh w/e im out
These messages were sent while you were offline.

9:52 AM Fearsome*: Well getting a record of him saying it would of course be good so long as it was in proper context.
9:54 AM Yes CAL is active, we are waiting for the new site to get up and running.


2009-12-16 20:54:54

Book wrote:
Nutri-Grain wrote:.. I usually place first in every game, soooo unless i'm host every game, i can't see a difference.

Marathon Pro/ Lightweight Pro/ Commando Pro/ Hold care package/ Knife whole team running 2x fast/ Get first place in any pub.

I think you also forgot: equip tactical knife. With the tactical knife you don't even have to be remotely close to get the kill.

and yeah that build is ridiculously overpowered


2009-12-16 20:59:32

Uncle Rico wrote:
Fearsome* wrote:I just want to say for the record that if you were using any of these scripts listed as is being discussed in this thread during CAL you were in fact cheating and there is definitely something nefarious about it. The rules were written such that this sort of soft cheating was not permitted. And you can be very proud that any wins you did have while using any of the exploits mentioned in this thread so far were illegitimate. This goes for all of you doing it. 1 the cal rules stated that scripting is not allowed, 2 the cal rules state that changing net code commands were not allowed, 3 valve put the logging of these stats into the game during FIOS specifically to allow admins to look for this exact sort of abuse. Unfortunately they did not give us the ability to log more commands than just cmd rate but it seems the one they did get us is being abused heavily.

The main reason I want to point this out is because I do not want to see people coming in here looking at poor billy's config and thinking this sort of shit is OK. 2 when I go out to pub servers the main complaint I hear is people are all scripts and exploits in the leagues. Well I used to tell them that isn't so because those things are not allowed in league play and I could mean it but apparently I cannot when supposed good players are all cheating by CAL rules. If you showed up at FIOS you would not be allowed to use these and if you showed up at a LAN competition you would not be allowed to use them, there is no special exception written into the rules of leagues.

3 if you are unsure if something is acceptable then you ask the admins of the leagues or the community.
That config wasn't used by PB or anyone in ewR during a CAL match. It was written as a joke before a 1v1 with Luke and a few other people to see how long it would take to hear the bitching. He used it on Luke 1st because we knew $W would be anal enough to check server logs or have someone watching the console in HLSW. It took a week and a half before it got back to us. A little later we heard that you were trying to get CALACS modified just to catch a config that was of no use whatsoever. We lol'd.

Do you think CAL still has any validity after your poor management? And you need to talk to your teammates about rate abuse before you start pointing fingers or do I need to post the conversations I have of them?

BTW, that conversation you had with sF, that was for lulz too. He sent it out to us right after you talked to him.
LoL you expect people to take this at face value?

as if ewr has any credibility what so ever lol, too funny.

Uncle Rico

2009-12-16 21:40:26

L2k wrote:LoL you expect people to take this at face value?

as if ewr has any credibility what so ever lol, too funny.
No, I don't, but I know the whole story behind all the hack accusations and that's fine if don't believe me. That was the point anyway, destroy credibility in case of a loss. The config in question with 'exec lab' hidden within it and a xhair pack that I was making with all ugly and off centered xhairs were going to be released together as PB's personal package of win. There was a movie planned too launched off of sF's conversation with Fearsome. We quti playing though, and never finished the master plan. The matches and scrims we won, all of them, were legit. You can believe it or not, but after multiple demos and SS being submitted on several occasions and no hacks found, you'd think people would start to get the picture.

The thing I find the most funny about the whole ordeal is that people come here to complain about being banned from a server or laughing at pub players who accuse higher level players of hacking, are often the same ones, doing the very same thing when players came along with skills that trumped their own.
Pot: "Kettle, you're black!"
In any sport, at the highest levels, mind games become a dominant factor in who's walking away with a win or loss. ewR's tactic was nothing more than a huge mind game on the community. Make you hate us, make you suspicious, make you lose focus and it worked, over and over and over again. A player who's focus has shifted from communicating and concentrating on winning to trying to find your hidden secrets or hax will lose on a regular basis. Most times they just give up.
Apparently being in ewR needs to require monthly dues, because buying hacks for every PC and console game we play is getting expensive.


2009-12-16 23:05:57

I purposefully left serverside interpolation locking out of the cal.cfg due to the fact that interpolate 0 has been necessary in the past to overcome valves botched patches that temporarily broke hitscan reg. Interpolate 0 was also partially effective at maintaining some level of playability on the homebrew dedicateds and ultracheap gameservers rentals some teams had- it didnt fix all the problems, but at least youd get somewhat reliable reg in exchange for the horrible jitter it introduced.


2009-12-17 00:26:26

Nice tidbits of info for historical purposes, but really, right now Who the fuck cares? If they were using scripts or w/e, seriously WTF?
Scripts to win CAL in THIS game? LAWLOSAURUS. For what? Comparing E-penises?
There wasnt any kind a prize, no one outside of the game gives a shit who won or who didnt win.
CAL is dead and from the looks of things its gona stay dead.


2009-12-17 00:37:57

So you claimed to never hack, while you pretended you did hack by actually hacking in pubs and multiple 1v1s and scrims (Just not in CAL, right?)

I see, so you guys really just pretended and continue to pretend to not care about CAL when really it was all that mattered to you.
Well congrats, it worked, you got first place. Now everybody can go visit their non-existent site and know that you are the best that HL2 has ever seen. You can even pay for your hacks with all of the prize money you guys are winning in tournaments using your mind games... OH WAI-

In short- If you were playing for actual money then I would respect the mind games and tactics. The fact that you're doing it in casual leagues just makes it pathetic.


2009-12-17 00:43:02

Sounds more like bad sprotsmanship to me.


2009-12-17 01:29:07

Being in ewR was amazingly fun :mrgreen:

Uncle Rico

2009-12-17 01:31:44

the_big_cheese wrote:So you claimed to never hack, while you pretended you did hack by actually hacking in pubs and multiple 1v1s and scrims (Just not in CAL, right?)

When? There was no hacking. Rates =/= Hacks. The config was absolutely useless for anything but making people scratch their heads. What PB's config did, and the bind that Blas was using are not part of the same config, and as Blas has pointed out, changing interpolation doesn't do shit for his shotty either.
the_big_cheese wrote:I see, so you guys really just pretended and continue to pretend to not care about CAL when really it was all that mattered to you.
When you compete, do you not compete to win? We're not the ones who brought CAL up anyway. It's dead and gone. Fearsome's the one wanting to go into the non-existent CAL site and change one match over all this.
the_big_cheese wrote:In short- If you were playing for actual money then I would respect the mind games and tactics. The fact that you're doing it in casual leagues just makes it pathetic.
So, pros using mind games = ok. Amateurs doing it = not ok. Got it. Same behavior on different levels is wrong. K, thx. :?

Pathetic is trying to troll a team that gave you a chance to show you had some skill in this game. I don't know what caused your particular butthurt, but you need to let it go.

Uncle Rico

2009-12-17 01:33:36

keefy wrote:Sounds more like bad sprotsmanship to me.
Sounds more sprotsmanship
like bad sprotsmanship


2009-12-17 01:49:01

the_big_cheese wrote:So you claimed to never hack, while you pretended you did hack by actually hacking in pubs and multiple 1v1s and scrims (Just not in CAL, right?)
who the fuck claimed hacks?
the_big_cheese wrote:I see, so you guys really just pretended and continue to pretend to not care about CAL when really it was all that mattered to you.
We pretended so hard no one ever practiced, we shit talked opponents, and even prank called the head admin. Is it working?
the_big_cheese wrote:Well congrats, it worked, you got first place. Now everybody can go visit their non-existent site and know that you are the best that HL2 has ever seen. You can even pay for your hacks with all of the prize money you guys are winning in tournaments using your mind games... OH WAI-

just in case someone forgot.
the_big_cheese wrote:In short- If you were playing for actual money then I would respect the mind games and tactics. The fact that you're doing it in casual leagues just makes it pathetic.
So anytime anyone actually uses any sort of effort in a league match that doesn't give them money for winning they're pathetic? Every time you set aside an hour to show up for a clan practice, or put time in for a tryout, did you get money? Did you get a nice sized trophy? Little honor badge for your nifty hl2dm uniform? Didn't think so.

It doesn't seem like you enjoyed losing all that much either so if ewr's pathetic, wtf are you?


2009-12-17 01:50:37

lul wut?

And lol at this..
sisterFISTER wrote:Like a hard cough from deathwish, this forum just brings the dick out of me.


2009-12-17 02:27:13

lol @ Rico and Fister trying to convince me that I'm wrong.
People can decide for themselves whether I'm full of shit or not. I'm not trying to change anyone's mind.
People who are going to hate you already do, and people who are going to love you already do. I just so happen to fall into the former group.

Just accept that every now and then when you draw attention to yourself I'm going to say what's on my mind.
By the same logic, I accept that every time I do so, you're going to rebut me. Or don't. It doesn't matter, although I suspect that ewR cares about their image much much more than I do.
Because these forums no longer represent the people in HL2 that I actually play with, nothing said here really bothers me anymore.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2009-12-17 02:36:56

the_big_cheese wrote:although I suspect that ewR cares about their image much much more than I do.
God damn cheese when did you become such a whiny bitch? Clearly we are obsessed with our image in this game.

Now everyone that sucked balls in CAL keep pretending you're good at this game today while the actual good players quti. When you lose again just claim rate hacks.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2009-12-17 02:38:32

Forgot to mention that deathwish you are trying way to hard to get far up Tims ass, you look like a fucking retard.


2009-12-17 02:47:23

so how about them vikings?

bum looker


2009-12-17 03:17:28

didn't know scrips where hacking.

for the record, i read through the CAL rules and knew interpolate 0 wasn't allowed so i didn't use it.

Uncle Rico

2009-12-17 03:51:27

Blasphemy wrote:didn't know scrips where hacking.
Well, since 90% of the people that post here don't know the difference between a script and a hack, just lump them all together. Script, hack, hook, mod, bot, direct weapon binds, wheel for jump, prop jumping, knowing the hiding spots on maps with super secret hiding spots, bunny hopping, yeah, all devices of the evil h4x0rz.


2009-12-17 04:29:54

Wats all this bum looker bidniss?
Wats wrong wit bum lookers?
Wat is a bum looker?
Is it someone who looks like a bum?



2009-12-17 04:43:43

Blasphemy wrote:for the record, i read through the CAL rules and knew interpolate 0 wasn't allowed so i didn't use it.
<section id="2.2" name="Client Variables">At no time shall any participant modify any commands that would alter or enhance their experience through the use of console commands. Specific cases are as such; cl_cmdrate must be set between 30 and 100; cl_updaterate must be set between 20 and 100; rate must be set between 5000 and 30000.</section>

It was allowed. The first portion of that rule (the only rule to mention rates, btw; interpolation isnt mentioned at all, anywhere) is vague bs anyway, and was never once enforced. Interpolate 0 was really only useful with shotgun at medium or closer range though, or on truly terrible servers, and the jitter it caused was fairly awful so i cant imagine it saw much use.

The potential need to force it on also never happened, as none of valves (few) post-fios patches fucked up the reg badly enough to warrant it.


2009-12-17 05:12:53

Blasphemy wrote:didn't know scrips where hacking.

for the record, i read through the CAL rules and knew interpolate 0 wasn't allowed so i didn't use it.

Scripts arent should see how much professional CS 1.6 mod their configs up to any breaking points and loopholes around any configs. Not that I defend what PB did but its not as if his config made him that much better, I knew him before he had a modded config and still had massive talent. I know Nutri never messed around with scripts, he was as good if not better then PB and just used sheer mag aim. Blas and Bahlk tried to experiment independant of PB's configs with no advice from him and their scripts failed in that they used one script on one weapon and it actually made the register worse for them, I told blas to take it off a long time ago because it seemed like his shotty got suddenly worse. I have never tried a script or mod my config because I think it's overrated but I do realize all the best players in this game have tweaked their configs pretty heavily at some point.


2009-12-17 06:08:45

Va|iums wrote:


2009-12-17 06:48:02

Nutri-Grain wrote:
Va|iums wrote:


2009-12-17 07:04:40

I tried this interpolate 0 thing with the shotgun and hooooooly hell I couldn't hit shit. You'd have to be retarded to think it helps you in any way.
Uncle Rico wrote: Do you think CAL still has any validity after your poor management? And you need to talk to your teammates about rate abuse before you start pointing fingers or do I need to post the conversations I have of them?
Lets see them.This outta be good.


2009-12-17 07:07:42

Uncle Rico wrote:That config wasn't used by PB or anyone in ewR during a CAL match. It was written as a joke before a 1v1 with Luke and a few other people to see how long it would take to hear the bitching. He used it on Luke 1st because we knew $W would be anal enough to check server logs or have someone watching the console in HLSW. It took a week and a half before it got back to us. A little later we heard that you were trying to get CALACS modified just to catch a config that was of no use whatsoever. We lol'd.

Do you think CAL still has any validity after your poor management? And you need to talk to your teammates about rate abuse before you start pointing fingers or do I need to post the conversations I have of them?

BTW, that conversation you had with sF, that was for lulz too. He sent it out to us right after you talked to him.
LOL Super Cool Story Bro! See the date of the log i sent on Poor_Billy? But yeah, i'm so sure he wouldn't have ever used it in CAL, of course, never. lol.
Ghost Dog_TSGK wrote:Forgot to mention that deathwish you are trying way to hard to get far up Tims ass, you look like a fucking retard.
Ding, ding, ding, got there finally, took your time. Who wins now? If Poor_Billy really didn't use it during CAL, prove it motherfucker. POV demos. But guess what, of course we won't get one, hahaha. What a coincidence.
Uncle Rico wrote:When? There was no hacking. Rates =/= Hacks. The config was absolutely useless for anything but making people scratch their heads. What PB's config did, and the bind that Blas was using are not part of the same config, and as Blas has pointed out, changing interpolation doesn't do shit for his shotty either.
Ah ok, thats why we could all see the rate bindings on the weapons in the config that Poor_Billy released here on the DMU right? Funny how you keep all this shit a secret, then when we find out what you wouldn't have expected all of a sudden he would've never used it during CAL etc even though the date "12/28/2008" was before he went ahead to play in CAL. Also funny how hard pretty much all of the ewr members in this thread are trying to cover their own asses, just take a look for yourself at the posts.


2009-12-17 07:15:08

Deathwish wrote:Image

Mr. NewGuy

2009-12-17 07:25:30

Considering how I have played billy more than anyone here I should throw some shit into this, even though he would probably say "newguy, stfu you fucking queer bum looker."

The .cfg billy posted here is almost nothing like the one he actually uses or used in the past; he gave out his real one to Gina, myself, Frank, and sisterFISTER. The keybinds are similar, but all the shit in question in second half of this thread - the rates and such - is non-existent in the config I was sent.
His only rule (, for me at least,) was that you had to beat him in a 1v1 before you could re-release it, and considering that I only tied him recently (bio :: 17-17), I won't post his real shit.
He has now blocked me on steam friends (for an unrelated reason) and I don't know when I will 'be able' to post his config, but I have a feeling it will be soon. Yah.
However, I can tell you that originally he was making a crazy unconventional .cfg well after the last season of CAL and before I was accepted into EE. It involved shit like making his cmdrate 66 for hitscan weapons, changing his mouse sens for the ar2 (to make 180-270 degree orbs easier), making cmd 100 for grav gun, etc; all the shit you all are discussing he tried to do, except the interpolate shit.

So then, after making this cfg, he loses twice to luke, both times on the $W server.
14-13 on LA, in which luke had 8 headshots, and some horrible score on LD that he did not want to mention is TS. It was like 20-7 or someshit. Yah ...bad.
And this was after luke lost rather badly three times in a row 2 days before to billy, but this type of information is tertiary and benign. Moving on.
Sum of the story is he abandoned this 'new .cfg idea' and promptly switched the old one that I was given.

Then Rico gets an idea, one that would have the a-scientific way that $W uses to investigate 'hackers' blow up in their face.
More specifically, Rudy's face.
It started with billy making this .cfg more shifty, then sister makes that convo he posted, then eventually - after weeks of acting and drama - the demo that fear gets is billy jumping around caverns that has nothing but custom Rick Astley textures (made by sister) and "voice_loopback 1" playing some ultra-loud Rick-Rolling tunes with hlss.

Yah, that's .ewR, I in fact made that hlss suggestion to sister in teamspeak.
Rico then banned me for exceeding my "word-count."

It would have been epic, but then the game got put on life-support, and now no one gives a shit.
I kinda had a feeling that sister would not finish this rick rolling map, his hobbies being what they are.

In other words, I took a whole novel of a post to say this: grainbilly were - and still are - completely legit; all naysayers are butthurt bum lookers in need of a new sphincter.

Mr. NewGuy

2009-12-17 07:29:57



It is a dead game, but w/e.
To shut you up Deathwish, I'll play you. No money required.

Lostarena, one round yours, other mine (Server-wise).

My last final is tomorrow, we can play Friday morning or Monday sometime.

See you by the bike-rack.


2009-12-17 07:30:58

Mr. NewGuy wrote:Considering how I have played billy more than anyone here I should throw some shit into this, even though he would probably say "newguy, stfu you fucking queer bum looker."

The .cfg billy posted here is almost nothing like the one he actually uses or used in the past; he gave out his real one to Gina, myself, Frank, and sisterFISTER. The keybinds are similar, but all the shit in question in second half of this thread - the rates and such - is non-existent in the config I was sent.
His only rule (, for me at least,) was that you had to beat him in a 1v1 before you could re-release it, and considering that I only tied him recently (bio :: 17-17), I won't post his real shit.
He has now blocked me on steam friends (for an unrelated reason) and I don't know when I will 'be able' to post his config, but I have a feeling it will be soon. Yah.
However, I can tell you that originally he was making a crazy unconventional .cfg well after the last season of CAL and before I was accepted into EE. It involved shit like making his cmdrate 66 for hitscan weapons, changing his mouse sens for the ar2 (to make 180-270 degree orbs easier), making cmd 100 for grav gun, etc; all the shit you all are discussing he tried to do, except the interpolate shit.

So then, after making this cfg, he loses twice to luke, both times on the $W server.
14-13 on LA, in which luke had 8 headshots, and some horrible score on LD that he did not want to mention is TS. It was like 20-7 or someshit. Yah ...bad.
And this was after luke lost rather badly three times in a row 2 days before to billy, but this type of information is tertiary and benign. Moving on.
Sum of the story is he abandoned this 'new .cfg idea' and promptly switched the old one that I was given.

Then Rico gets an idea, one to show the a-scientific way that $W uses to investigate 'hackers' blow up in their face.
More specifically, Rudy's face.
It started with billy making this .cfg more shifty, then sister makes that convo he posted, then eventually - after weeks of acting and drama - the demo that fear gets is billy jumping around caverns that has nothing but custom Rick Astley textures (made by sister) and "voice_loopback 1" playing some ultra-loud Rick-Rolling tunes with hlss.

Yah, that's .ewR, I in fact made that hlss suggestion to sister in teamspeak.
Rico then banned me for exceeding my "word-count."

It would have been epic, but then the game got put on life-support, and now no one gives a shit.
I kinda had a feeling that sister would not finish this rick rolling map, his hobbies being what they are.

In other words, I took a whole novel of a post to say this: grainbilly were - and still are - completely legit; all naysayers are butthurt bum lookers in need of a new sphincter.
I liked the parts where we were mean to you.


2009-12-17 07:31:56

:rofl: :popcorn:


2009-12-17 07:34:06

Nutri-Grain wrote:
Va|iums wrote:

Mr. NewGuy

2009-12-17 07:35:13

sisterFISTER wrote:I liked the parts where we were mean to you.


2009-12-17 07:35:24

Mr. NewGuy wrote:Considering how I have played billy more than anyone here I should throw some shit into this, even though he would probably say "newguy, stfu you fucking queer bum looker."

The .cfg billy posted here is almost nothing like the one he actually uses or used in the past; he gave out his real one to Gina, myself, Frank, and sisterFISTER. The keybinds are similar, but all the shit in question in second half of this thread - the rates and such - is non-existent in the config I was sent.
His only rule (, for me at least,) was that you had to beat him in a 1v1 before you could re-release it, and considering that I only tied him recently (bio :: 17-17), I won't post his real shit.
He has now blocked me on steam friends (for an unrelated reason) and I don't know when I will 'be able' to post his config, but I have a feeling it will be soon. Yah.
However, I can tell you that originally he was making a crazy unconventional .cfg well after the last season of CAL and before I was accepted into EE. It involved shit like making his cmdrate 66 for hitscan weapons, changing his mouse sens for the ar2 (to make 180-270 degree orbs easier), making cmd 100 for grav gun, etc; all the shit you all are discussing he tried to do, except the interpolate shit.

So then, after making this cfg, he loses twice to luke, both times on the $W server.
14-13 on LA, in which luke had 8 headshots, and some horrible score on LD that he did not want to mention is TS. It was like 20-7 or someshit. Yah ...bad.
And this was after luke lost rather badly three times in a row 2 days before to billy, but this type of information is tertiary and benign. Moving on.
Sum of the story is he abandoned this 'new .cfg idea' and promptly switched the old one that I was given.

Then Rico gets an idea, one to show the a-scientific way that $W uses to investigate 'hackers' blow up in their face.
More specifically, Rudy's face.
It started with billy making this .cfg more shifty, then sister makes that convo he posted, then eventually - after weeks of acting and drama - the demo that fear gets is billy jumping around caverns that has nothing but custom Rick Astley textures (made by sister) and "voice_loopback 1" playing some ultra-loud Rick-Rolling tunes with hlss.

Yah, that's .ewR, I in fact made that hlss suggestion to sister in teamspeak.
Rico then banned me for exceeding my "word-count."

It would have been epic, but then the game got put on life-support, and now no one gives a shit.
I kinda had a feeling that sister would not finish this rick rolling map, his hobbies being what they are.

In other words, I took a whole novel of a post to say this: grainbilly were - and still are - completely legit; all naysayers are butthurt bum lookers in need of a new sphincter.
Hahaha you're still trying to back your own teammate up, too bad that log dates to before the last season of cal, owned. Good try though.


2009-12-17 07:36:20

Deathwish wrote:Image

two snails

2009-12-17 07:37:51

Deathwish wrote:Hahaha you're still trying to back your own teammate up, too bad that log dates to before the last season of cal, owned. Good try though.
seriously, give it up. nobody likes you.

Mr. NewGuy

2009-12-17 07:39:24

what fucking log dates?

and why won't my youtube crap work...

EDIT: seems I can't embed, or I just fail hard at these forums. It works at our forums though...

Mr. NewGuy

2009-12-17 07:41:56

Deathwish wrote:Hahaha you're still trying to back your own teammate up, too bad that log dates to before the last season of cal, owned. Good try though.
Mr. NewGuy wrote:Ugh.


It is a dead game, but w/e.
To shut you up Deathwish, I'll play you. No money required.

Lostarena, one round yours, other mine (Server-wise).

My last final is tomorrow, we can play Friday morning or Monday sometime.

See you by the bike-rack.


2009-12-17 07:42:29

two snails wrote:
Deathwish wrote:Hahaha you're still trying to back your own teammate up, too bad that log dates to before the last season of cal, owned. Good try though.
seriously, give it up. nobody likes you.
I really don't care.
Mr. NewGuy wrote:what fucking log dates?

Code: Select all


Mr. NewGuy

2009-12-17 07:45:50

That still does not answer my question. Is this when his cfg was made or what? A console log?

Please pardon me, I simply know pointless things such as how to make a clitoris appear, and I am ignorant as to this nerdling vernacular and it's implied meaning.

EDIT: before he knew how fucking weird/gay I was, he dropped a lot of knowledge in my lap like his REAL configuration.
This was in Jan. of '08.
I changed the keybinds around to wsad movement becasue I was retarded, but now its esdf.
Then, when he DID try this unconventional shit, i was when he was 1v1ing me on LA that he realize his shotty was terrible with the interpolate shit and threw it out even before playing luke.
I remember Rico was spectating.

He fucked w/ the interpolate crap a matter of five minutes. Pardon me for not specifying.


2009-12-17 07:46:58

Deathwish wrote:

Code: Select all



2009-12-17 07:49:51

Mr. NewGuy wrote:
Deathwish wrote:Hahaha you're still trying to back your own teammate up, too bad that log dates to before the last season of cal, owned. Good try though.
Mr. NewGuy wrote:Ugh.


It is a dead game, but w/e.
To shut you up Deathwish, I'll play you. No money required.

Lostarena, one round yours, other mine (Server-wise).

My last final is tomorrow, we can play Friday morning or Monday sometime.

See you by the bike-rack.
You know some shits goin down when theres more than 4 people on this board at once:
Users browsing this forum: BuckyKatt, Deathwish, Mr. NewGuy, Poor_Billy, provost, sisterFISTER, TiGGy, two snails and 3 guests


2009-12-17 07:53:05

Losing to newguy turns straight people gay, and Gays into Mexicans, everyone goes down a notch.

Mr. NewGuy

2009-12-17 07:53:29

Oh, and tiggy ask me to marry him.

Should I wear white?

EDIT: meh, inside jokes on a forum like this is a bad idea, my bad.


2009-12-17 07:54:10

You fuckin blew it new guy. This entire thread was win until that post right there. God damn it man


2009-12-17 07:54:26



2009-12-17 07:54:42



2009-12-17 07:54:50


Mr. NewGuy

2009-12-17 07:55:04

TiGGy wrote:You fuckin blew it new guy. This entire thread was win until that post right there. God damn it man
Mr. NewGuy wrote:EDIT: meh, inside jokes on a forum like this is a bad idea, my bad.

I was in the middle of editing, faggot.


2009-12-17 07:55:49



2009-12-17 07:56:39

What was this thread about originally?


2009-12-17 07:58:37

Deathwish wrote:

Code: Select all



2009-12-17 07:59:19

fuck, i'm late.

remember when I got 1st in CAL undefeated? and played the matches in the SW/VDuS server with a ton of specs and admins watching HLSW and nobody noticed/disputed anything. good times.

also, newguys a moron. I've lost once ever to luke, and yes I was using my rate/retarded sens config and still only lost by 1.

-Master of the Universe '08, '09, '10

two snails

2009-12-17 08:00:12

Va|iums wrote:
Deathwish wrote:

Code: Select all

thats pb's cock. and deathwish is ready to dock with it.

Mr. NewGuy

2009-12-17 08:02:04

Poor_Billy wrote:fuck, i'm late.

remember when I got 1st in CAL undefeated? and played the matches in the SW/VDuS server with a ton of specs and admins watching HLSW and nobody noticed/disputed anything. good times.

also, newguys a moron. I've lost once ever to luke, and yes I was using my rate/retarded sens config and still only lost by 1.

-Master of the Universe '08, '09, '10

He's lying. Figures.

He is also gay, just so you all know.
Like literally, a normal gay person, no trannys or midgets, just likes dudes.

Mr. NewGuy

2009-12-17 08:02:38

sisterFISTER wrote:What was this thread about originally?
Mr. NewGuy wrote:grainbilly were - and still are - completely legit; all naysayers are butthurt bum lookers in need of a new sphincter.


2009-12-17 08:03:22

Mr. NewGuy wrote: He's lying. Figures.

He is also gay, just so you all know.
Like literally, a normal gay person, no trannys or midgets, just likes dudes.
i've got a thing for amputees


2009-12-17 08:09:08

Nutri-Grain wrote:
Va|iums wrote:


2009-12-17 08:10:37

sisterFISTER wrote:
i've got a thing for amputees
Please be more specific, also, what are you wearing?

Mr. NewGuy

2009-12-17 08:13:18

I can't find him on my list, and even thought he is not here anymore tonight, I will post this publically. Fuck PM's.

Deathwish, I will play a fair and respectful game.
Please don't think I will flame like this in a real 1v1.



2009-12-17 08:22:31

Mr. NewGuy wrote:EDIT: before he knew how fucking weird/gay I was, he dropped a lot of knowledge in my lap like his REAL configuration.
That statement is slightly curious. Are u a gay?

Mr. NewGuy

2009-12-17 08:24:21

Pernicious wrote:That statement is slightly curious. Are u single?


EDIT: In all seriousness, I am bisexual. I can elaborate more in a not so public setting if you so choose. I think WT would prefer that.


2009-12-17 08:59:24


ok now im curious, but not bi-curious :P

So the story of u and PB is a funny one yea?

The Argumentalizer

2009-12-17 09:01:05


Ohh, so that is you. Good Job.

This thread is very cool, except Pernicious-Avatar.


2009-12-17 09:17:58

Mr. NewGuy wrote:He is also gay, just so you all know.
Like literally, a normal gay person, no trannys or midgets, just likes dudes.

...except for the no trannys part. I mean seriously, who doesnt love futas?

Btw for the record, im quintessexual- which, for the semi-illiterate among our viewers, is basically an amalgamation of synonyms for "perfect" and "sex". Need i say more? Didnt think so!

Id also like to share a friendly reminder that some posts and avatars in this thread may be in violation of the HL2DMU rules. Members associated with said unsavory posts and/or avatars should edit them appropriately if they wish to avoid (a) potential warning(s) or ban(s). 8)


2009-12-17 09:40:41

The Argumentalizer wrote:This thread is very cool, except Pernicious-Avatar.
wat is your fascination with my avatar =\
It was a manson avatar b4 this anyways.
Its suposed to be a demon/horror type theme thingy. My alias is Pernicious after all, so having something teethy as my avatar makes sense dont it?


2009-12-17 14:26:56

i hope your talking about newgay's avatar and not mine, mine took to long to make.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2009-12-17 16:15:05

Deathwish wrote:prove it motherfucker. POV demos. But guess what, of course we won't get one, hahaha. What a coincidence.
God damn it's early.

This is how new you are, ewR released demos from both seasons not to mention poor billy posted his POV demo of the finals you fucking dumb fucking fucker.


Listen you need to read this slowly and closely, people telling you how stupid you are making yourself look is NOT equal to us defending him (hint, there is nothing for us to defend).

I have never seen someone get trolled and stay trolled for over a week straight but you have done it.

I forgot to mention a thread ago that I would bet pincus would rape you in this game. inb4 trolled again.


2009-12-17 16:18:38

demo link?

Uncle Rico

2009-12-17 17:00:43

Deathwish wrote:demo link?
They're out there, plenty of them. Put on your little Sherlock Holmes hat and monocle and go to work.


2009-12-17 17:25:13



2009-12-17 17:51:34

Deathwish wrote:demo link?
When you find the demos you could give them to vOz, so his mate can photoshop some hacks into them. Then everyone should be happy right?


2009-12-17 18:00:00

Shoobie wrote:
Deathwish wrote:demo link?
When you find the demos you could give them to vOz, so his mate can photoshop some hacks into them. Then everyone should be happy right?

:popcorn: Nom Nom Nom...

:popcorn: Om Nom


2009-12-17 19:21:27

Shoobie wrote:
Deathwish wrote:demo link?
When you find the demos you could give them to vOz, so his mate can photoshop some hacks into them. Then everyone should be happy right?
that's got to be a +10 for style points, official ruling ghostdog?

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2009-12-18 01:57:41

sisterFISTER wrote:
Shoobie wrote:
Deathwish wrote:demo link?
When you find the demos you could give them to vOz, so his mate can photoshop some hacks into them. Then everyone should be happy right?
that's got to be a +10 for style points, official ruling ghostdog?

Mr. NewGuy

2009-12-18 07:48:02

Ko-Tao wrote:Id also like to share a friendly reminder that some posts and avatars in this thread may be in violation of the HL2DMU rules. Members associated with said unsavory posts and/or avatars should edit them appropriately if they wish to avoid (a) potential warning(s) or ban(s). 8)

Is this new avatar okay?
As for the posts, PM me about any you think I should edit. If your "reminder" was directed at 'me' that is...

Mr. NewGuy

2009-12-18 07:54:12

Pernicious wrote:So the story of u and PB is a funny one yea?
It is totally awesome, trust me, but it is also a little too naughty for these forums :mrgreen:

The Argumentalizer

2009-12-18 08:29:22

The Japanese are some weird ****s.