Merry Christmas (Happy Holidays)


2009-12-23 09:19:34

Just want to wish all of you Merry Christmas (Happy Holidays). Hoping you all find HL3dm under the tree. :) Cheers!


2009-12-23 09:54:00

MuRRY Krismus (thats what southerners sound like) to all!! Im just gonna go ahead and plan on doing absolutely nothing for the next few days except get extremely fat. Oh and read some books like Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, something I want to read instead of bullshit about the atmosphere, internal earth gasses and rock cleavage.

old time no.7

2009-12-23 16:01:03

i took my daughter to the mall, and man she cried as soon as she saw ol'sketchy santa.

happy holidaze arey one.


2009-12-23 18:11:43

10 more days and i can get drunk on Dan Aykroyd, crystal skull vodka everyday. :drink: :party:



2009-12-23 19:22:48

Blasphemy wrote:Image
pretty good vodka, but all vodka tastes like shit. Save yourself $45 and get some generic shit.

Unless you want the skull. those fuckers are nice and thick, i've got 2 in my aquarium and i plan on putting some UV water coolant in them and mounting black lights under my stand.


2009-12-23 22:23:36

sisterFISTER wrote:
Blasphemy wrote:Image
pretty good vodka, but all vodka tastes like shit. Save yourself $45 and get some generic shit.

Unless you want the skull. those fuckers are nice and thick, i've got 2 in my aquarium and i plan on putting some UV water coolant in them and mounting black lights under my stand.
Sounds snazzy. Sounds like a pain in the ass to clean too.


2009-12-24 00:03:40

i don't have water in it, i have a population of 1 russian tortoise lol, i plan on getting more tho, fish just seemed like a pain in the ass to take care of.


2009-12-24 13:31:40

Usually i hate vodka with a passion but Grey Goose is definately something different from 'generic shit' , on the other hand, the crystal head bottle is boss and is worth getting no matter what vodka's in it.

Yes fishes are a pain in the neck to take care of; I didn't know about russian tortoise, interesting!


2009-12-24 14:07:06

i don't like beer, so i always end up getting shitfaced on hard liquor. the only beer i've ever liked was red stripe that's some good shit.

The Argumentalizer

2009-12-24 14:43:47

Vodka Tonic with Lime is mandatory Summer Beach drink!
Beer is great.
Pabst Blue Ribbon
Malt Duck
Bartles and James Wine Coolers...
Whatever is available is good.


2009-12-24 15:12:46

The Argumentalizer wrote:


2009-12-24 17:10:45

Awesome...a little lesson on alcohol there. Merry Christmas to all, hopefully you're not stuck at work like I am today - hopefully I'll be outta here soon!! Take care all!!


2009-12-24 19:11:57

heh mkay a Merry Xmas thread turns into a what you drink thread....

In any case Happy holidays to all of you, you fucked up bunch of gamers you...

As for the other topic, I will drink

Beer - Favs are Corona, Red Dog, Amstel. I also love a local brewers Nut Brown ale
Wine - mostly semi sweet whites, I dont like Chardonney or most reds
Tequila - Bacardi
Rum - Appletons from Jamaica if I can get it
Rye Whiskey (not scotch) - no really preferred brand, Canadian club, Seagrams, Bacardi. Old Grand Dad Whiskey is prob the best I have ever had but its pricey
Triple Sec or Quintro if I want to splurge on the expensive stuff
Black berry brandy
Kahlua in my coffie or hot chocolate


2009-12-24 20:56:22

why am i not surprised to find out the only thing impala wont drink is motor oil.

The Argumentalizer

2009-12-24 21:20:13

I don't drink water.


2009-12-24 21:24:33

merry christmas to everyone. and a special thanks to frank and his warfare arena. for the many hours of pure dm delight!


2009-12-24 22:39:48

Paradox wrote:heh mkay a Merry Xmas thread turns into a what you drink thread....

In any case Happy holidays to all of you, you fucked up bunch of gamers you...

As for the other topic, I will drink

Beer - Favs are Corona, Red Dog, Amstel. I also love a local brewers Nut Brown ale
Wine - mostly semi sweet whites, I dont like Chardonney or most reds
Tequila - Bacardi
Rum - Appletons from Jamaica if I can get it
Rye Whiskey (not scotch) - no really preferred brand, Canadian club, Seagrams, Bacardi. Old Grand Dad Whiskey is prob the best I have ever had but its pricey
Triple Sec or Quintro if I want to splurge on the expensive stuff
Black berry brandy
Kahlua in my coffie or hot chocolate
ROFLLLLLL. can you in the good lord drink RYE WHISKEY? Aged scotch is where its at and my personal fav drink. Jameson 12 year aged has really grown on me, I always thought Johnny Walker Black Label was WAY overrated, but the Blue Label hits the sweet spot, too bad its $250. Crown Royal Cask 16 is pretty decent, still rough around the edges IMO for an aged. Jameson Limited Reserve is really the king for me though, i'd buy it more if I wasnt the only person in my group of friends who appreciates an aged and complex scotch. If anyone has suggestions on a mind blowing malt scotches, blended or single malt im all ears though, still pretty young in the game with aged scotchs

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2009-12-24 22:47:58

Jamesons is fucking epic booze.

Merry Christmas.

Val have you ever heard that if you put a drop of water in your scotch it tastes better?


2009-12-24 23:06:03


The only thing worth drinking.


2009-12-24 23:11:53

badinfluence wrote:Image

The only thing worth drinking.
lol check out bro influence over here 8)


2009-12-24 23:12:42

Va|iums wrote:
Paradox wrote:heh mkay a Merry Xmas thread turns into a what you drink thread....

In any case Happy holidays to all of you, you fucked up bunch of gamers you...

As for the other topic, I will drink

Beer - Favs are Corona, Red Dog, Amstel. I also love a local brewers Nut Brown ale
Wine - mostly semi sweet whites, I dont like Chardonney or most reds
Tequila - Bacardi
Rum - Appletons from Jamaica if I can get it
Rye Whiskey (not scotch) - no really preferred brand, Canadian club, Seagrams, Bacardi. Old Grand Dad Whiskey is prob the best I have ever had but its pricey
Triple Sec or Quintro if I want to splurge on the expensive stuff
Black berry brandy
Kahlua in my coffie or hot chocolate
ROFLLLLLL. can you in the good lord drink RYE WHISKEY? Aged scotch is where its at and my personal fav drink. Jameson 12 year aged has really grown on me, I always thought Johnny Walker Black Label was WAY overrated, but the Blue Label hits the sweet spot, too bad its $250. Crown Royal Cask 16 is pretty decent, still rough around the edges IMO for an aged. Jameson Limited Reserve is really the king for me though, i'd buy it more if I wasnt the only person in my group of friends who appreciates an aged and complex scotch. If anyone has suggestions on a mind blowing malt scotches, blended or single malt im all ears though, still pretty young in the game with aged scotchs
lol...I just dont like Scotch, what can I say, I prefer the rye blends. Guess thats why they make both cause peeps like both.


2009-12-24 23:37:45

Ghost Dog_TSGK wrote:Jamesons is fucking epic booze.
You should try the 12 year old one, fucking rocket fuel that.

two snails

2009-12-25 00:07:54

Va|iums wrote: ROFLLLLLL. can you in the good lord drink RYE WHISKEY? Aged scotch is where its at and my personal fav drink. Jameson 12 year aged has really grown on me, I always thought Johnny Walker Black Label was WAY overrated, but the Blue Label hits the sweet spot, too bad its $250. Crown Royal Cask 16 is pretty decent, still rough around the edges IMO for an aged. Jameson Limited Reserve is really the king for me though, i'd buy it more if I wasnt the only person in my group of friends who appreciates an aged and complex scotch. If anyone has suggestions on a mind blowing malt scotches, blended or single malt im all ears though, still pretty young in the game with aged scotchs
the 18 year is good stuff.


2009-12-25 01:58:37

two snails wrote:
Va|iums wrote: ROFLLLLLL. can you in the good lord drink RYE WHISKEY? Aged scotch is where its at and my personal fav drink. Jameson 12 year aged has really grown on me, I always thought Johnny Walker Black Label was WAY overrated, but the Blue Label hits the sweet spot, too bad its $250. Crown Royal Cask 16 is pretty decent, still rough around the edges IMO for an aged. Jameson Limited Reserve is really the king for me though, i'd buy it more if I wasnt the only person in my group of friends who appreciates an aged and complex scotch. If anyone has suggestions on a mind blowing malt scotches, blended or single malt im all ears though, still pretty young in the game with aged scotchs
the 18 year is good stuff.
ahhh forgot about good ole Glen, definately up there. Nah ghost I've never tried putting a drop of water in mine yet, ill give it a go this New Years :D. BTW Merry Xmas everyone again


2009-12-25 02:23:05

Merry Fucking Christmas yallz!! :mrgreen:
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2009-12-25 02:44:12

Merry Crispness.


Beer - Gotta keep it simple, Beast Ice and Bud light.
Whiskey - Tough one, SoCo black usually, on occasion I'll have some JD.
Wine - Wine?

All thats worth mentioning in my book. I will say Red Stripe is pretty damn good though Blas.


2009-12-25 15:40:23

i'm so fucked up right now on whiskey and tequila.



2009-12-25 22:11:15

Galen's 151 charcoal filtered vodka is the only thing worth drinking to get fucked up.

For beer, if I'm feeling pricey, Bud Light. If I just wanna get fucked up quick, Nati Ice.


2009-12-26 06:35:06

I don't drink beer often, but when I do I like Belgian Ales. A bit expensive, but it's damn good.
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2009-12-26 07:26:20

I like water.


2009-12-26 23:59:46

Sounds awful.


2009-12-27 21:25:29

Beef wrote:I don't drink beer often, but when I do I like Belgian Ales. A bit expensive, but it tastes like waffles.


2009-12-27 21:55:18

Panic wrote:
Beef wrote:I don't drink beer often, but when I do I like Belgian Ales. A bit expensive, but it tastes like waffles.
I don't drink beer often, but when I's

Dos Equis

Stay thirsty my friends

Walking Target

2009-12-27 22:42:41


2010-01-03 05:38:15

time to get shitfaced. 8 )

Jelly Fox

2010-01-03 06:28:36

If you want a beer that's going to take your head off get a bottle of Tactical Nuclear Penguin, it sounds mental! :shock: not had the opportunity to try it yet but I might go halvers with a mate just to try it out as most of the other Brew Dog beers a pretty decent :wink:
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2010-01-05 07:02:37

i am trying to get a bottle of everclear, but the shipping cost more than its worth. not even sure they are gonna ship it considering its illegal to sell in some states California being one of them.



2010-01-05 07:16:29

why would u want everclear lil halmie? We got it over here and its nothing special, burly lights on fire most of the time, well get it for wops though, bout the only use for it.


2010-01-05 09:13:42

ship me one brawl.


2010-01-05 22:44:48

Va|iums wrote:why would u want everclear lil halmie? We got it over here and its nothing special, burly lights on fire most of the time, well get it for wops though, bout the only use for it.
Good for starting an engine on a cold Winter day!

Anyone have any recommendations on a good bloody mary mix? Me likes them but have had my fair share of crappy tasting mixes.