the true homosexual test


2009-12-31 02:33:41

for this test you must watch this video. to find out if you failed or not you will have to scroll down after watching. dont cheat.


if you didnt pause and rewind and pause at 1:36 you're a fag. sorry, but you are.


2009-12-31 03:40:56

What's with 1:36?

I would say pause at 1:21

Walking Target

2009-12-31 22:50:09

s0iz wrote:I would say pause at 1:21


2010-01-01 03:45:31

What about 0:51?
Man that lollipop looks good.

The Argumentalizer

2010-01-01 06:12:24

They have pants on. What a disappointment.


2010-01-01 17:57:54

is like no pants meaning no trousers then i guess?...booooooooo

The Argumentalizer

2010-01-02 09:25:04

Godammit Chem, we want a massive Subway streak, with bush and ass galore. Gym shorts doesn't cut it!
This forum fail #1 for you bud!

Mr. Nervous

2010-01-07 03:52:37

lmao, I take this train every day, and sadly this has never happened to me. :[