spd gibbs is voz!!


2010-01-04 08:32:17

12:16 AM - Rape Whistle: ello?
12:16 AM - scott's tots: my god
12:16 AM - scott's tots: imso much better than you
12:16 AM - scott's tots: let me bask
12:16 AM - Rape Whistle: ROFL
12:16 AM - scott's tots: k im done basking
12:17 AM - Rape Whistle: what are u doin
12:20 AM - scott's tots: figuring out that spd Gibbs
12:20 AM - scott's tots: is in fact
12:20 AM - scott's tots: voz
12:20 AM - Rape Whistle: huh?
12:20 AM - Rape Whistle: ROFL what did I miss
12:20 AM - Rape Whistle: and why arent u in vent
12:20 AM - scott's tots: this new guy in hl2dm
12:20 AM - scott's tots: whose bad ass
12:20 AM - Rape Whistle: hah is he playin now?
12:20 AM - Rape Whistle: Ill beat him!
12:21 AM - scott's tots: ok get this
12:21 AM - scott's tots: gibbs said hes from germany
12:21 AM - scott's tots: on the consortium it says his location is houston texas
12:21 AM - scott's tots: same as voz
12:21 AM - Rape Whistle: hmm
12:21 AM - scott's tots: gibbs showedme his old profile, thats private
12:21 AM - scott's tots: which was raw dale
12:21 AM - Rape Whistle: voz was vac banned no?
12:21 AM - scott's tots: but tis private
12:21 AM - scott's tots: no he wasnt
12:21 AM - scott's tots: dallas just figured it out
12:22 AM - scott's tots: well i found the real raw dale profile
12:22 AM - Rape Whistle: and how did u get him to show u his profile pray tell
12:22 AM - scott's tots: who was online 5 hours ago
12:22 AM - scott's tots: its a fake profile
12:22 AM - Rape Whistle: oo
12:22 AM - scott's tots: mhm
12:22 AM - scott's tots: niggga got burst
12:22 AM - scott's tots: thanks to me
12:22 AM - Rape Whistle: only u would go totally private eye
12:22 AM - scott's tots: fucking raped it
12:22 AM - Rape Whistle: and so did u blow up his spot on the U?
12:22 AM - scott's tots: no
12:22 AM - Rape Whistle: well why not?
12:23 AM - scott's tots: dunno
12:23 AM - Rape Whistle: ROFL
12:23 AM - scott's tots: iclosed the chat logs
12:23 AM - Rape Whistle: well wheres the fun in that?
12:23 AM - scott's tots: llike a dumbass
12:23 AM - Rape Whistle: man o man
12:23 AM - Rape Whistle: totally
12:23 AM - Rape Whistle: ur no PI !!!
12:23 AM - scott's tots: yes iam
12:23 AM - Rape Whistle: lol
12:23 AM - scott's tots: im a bad ass
12:24 AM - Rape Whistle: no no no u look the part but cant close the deal
12:24 AM - Rape Whistle: u never went in for the kill
12:24 AM - scott's tots: i have enought to prive it
12:24 AM - Rape Whistle: u got buck fever!!!!!
12:24 AM - scott's tots: prove it
12:24 AM - scott's tots: still
12:24 AM - Rape Whistle: BUCK FEVER!
12:24 AM - scott's tots: just not as raped face hard
12:24 AM - Rape Whistle: ROFL
12:24 AM - Rape Whistle: and why arent u in vent tellin me this instead o typin?
12:25 AM - scott's tots: her name
12:25 AM - scott's tots: is
12:25 AM - scott's tots: jennifer
12:25 AM - Rape Whistle: Ill tell ya why... ya woman fobids it
12:25 AM - Rape Whistle: ROFL
12:25 AM - scott's tots: yes she do
12:25 AM - Rape Whistle: wash woman with buck fever
12:25 AM - Rape Whistle: !!
12:25 AM - Rape Whistle: lol
12:25 AM - Rape Whistle: lol
12:25 AM - Rape Whistle: too funny
12:25 AM - Rape Whistle: I should save this and post it on the U
12:25 AM - scott's tots: lawl
12:25 AM - scott's tots: do do it
12:25 AM - Rape Whistle: I am I am
12:26 AM - Rape Whistle: after all it needs somthing to spice it up
12:26 AM - scott's tots: hahak
12:26 AM - scott's tots: make sure you get all of it
12:26 AM - scott's tots: the part where i bask in my glroy
12:26 AM - Rape Whistle: dood my name isnt luigi
12:26 AM - scott's tots: ?
12:26 AM - scott's tots: good job!!!
12:27 AM - scott's tots: you know your name
12:27 AM - scott's tots: or atleast what its not
12:27 AM - Rape Whistle: haha very funny mofo
12:27 AM - Rape Whistle: at least my woman knows Im the king
12:27 AM - Rape Whistle: and its good to be the king ... good to be the king


2010-01-04 08:37:41

yep, indeed

Never tell your password to anyone.
Sunday, January 03, 2010
11:05 PM - scott's tots: yo
11:05 PM - scott's tots: you live in houston
11:05 PM - §pÐ|Gibbs: no m8
11:05 PM - scott's tots: lawl
11:05 PM - scott's tots: http://hl2dm-consortium.tsgk.com/index. ... clan=28814
11:05 PM - scott's tots: there
11:05 PM - §pÐ|Gibbs: I live in germany

this is his old profile he sent me, saying he forgot the password to it http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198018000590

i did some searching on google and the consortium and found this http://steamcommunity.com/id/Daleee/ striking resemblance i must say.

voz also live is houston, http://hl2dm-consortium.tsgk.com/index. ... ayer&q=voz click on voz the click the clan, goku, and the location is also houston.

yeah i was really bored and but hurt because we rolled him and his team on cavs then he rolled our team on airfusion like hard, so i thought it might be someone else. he said he trained the raw guys a while back and such


2010-01-04 08:46:19

shifty bumlooker continues to be as shifty as ever


2010-01-04 09:10:52



2010-01-04 09:22:13

pan!c_^: lol so gibbs is voz?
pan!c_^: haha thats so gay
§pÐ|McGee: so everyone thinks lol
pan!c_^: how do you explain that they are both located in dallas
§pÐ|McGee: he was 3 other peolpe last week
pan!c_^: and he 'says' hes from germany
§pÐ|McGee: because voz lives in canada?
pan!c_^: um
pan!c_^: voz lives in texas
§pÐ|McGee: no
pan!c_^: or so he told me
§pÐ|McGee: lmao
pan!c_^: a while ago
pan!c_^: lol?
pan!c_^: so anyway
pan!c_^: the guy says hes from germany
§pÐ|McGee: he tells everybody that
pan!c_^: yet hes located in dallas
§pÐ|McGee: he lives in canada dude
pan!c_^: ok
pan!c_^: but why is he coming up being located in dallas?
pan!c_^: voz's page does the same thing
§pÐ|McGee: ip
§pÐ|McGee: thats why
pan!c_^: so you cant really tell me that hes from canada, when hes from dallas
§pÐ|McGee: mine says in germany when i have mine on
§pÐ|McGee: no
§pÐ|McGee: fo real
§pÐ|McGee: voz lives in canaga
§pÐ|McGee: canada*
§pÐ|McGee: he wants everyone to believe hes in dallas
pan!c_^: convenient.

§pÐ|McGee: but gibbs isnt voz newayz
§pÐ|McGee: and its not dallas lol
§pÐ|McGee: the fake address is houston.
pan!c_^: whatever same difference
§pÐ|McGee: last week players thought he was Raz
§pÐ|McGee: then thought he was lokis
§pÐ|McGee: then thought seagull
§pÐ|McGee: etc.
§pÐ|McGee: the list keeps growing
§pÐ|McGee: lol
pan!c_^: Lol it doesn't say you're located in germany
pan!c_^: lokis is e.c blade
§pÐ|McGee: i said when i have mine on
pan!c_^: you always have an ip on..
pan!c_^: you know what dude i
pan!c_^: 'm satisfied
pan!c_^: nice talk.
§pÐ|McGee: the ip relocator
§pÐ|McGee: lol
§pÐ|McGee: wow
§pÐ|McGee: u must not know shit
§pÐ|McGee: accusasion is wrong, if fact everything u said that u guyz new has been wrong so far.
pan!c_^: meh, just like voz can photoshop hacks into a screenshot using overlap right?
§pÐ|McGee: every thinks they know, but they really dont know shit about it. its all guessing.
pan!c_^: ok dude since you use z as an s, i'm gonna let you go
pan!c_^: nice talk
§pÐ|McGee: lol
§pÐ|McGee: haha
§pÐ|McGee: wow
§pÐ|McGee: have fun playing......... or trying to newayz


2010-01-04 09:32:02

Sorry for the double post. After that final cryptic statement he left, he started ddosing me (lol).

pan!c_^: whats that mean?
pan!c_^: mm?
pan!c_^: lol you're seriously gonna ddos me.

No reply. :S SPD seems pretty shifty to me haha.

Got him to respond.

pan!c_^: Meh I
pan!c_^: 'm not gonna stoop to your level, i'll just save your ip
pan!c_^: maybe I'll contact your isp if it persists
pan!c_^: I like getting other people in trouble not myself :)
§pÐ|McGee: stop being a know it all dick, and probs will no longer exist.
pan!c_^: All you're doing is ddosing me, which is illegal
pan!c_^: It's so funny how you jump to defend voz when hes not in your clan
§pÐ|McGee: well i cant be tracked so i dont really give a fuck.
pan!c_^: or according to you anyway
pan!c_^: dynamic ips can be tracked too.
§pÐ|McGee: it would take the law or my service months to trace.
§pÐ|McGee: im close with voz
§pÐ|McGee: always have been
pan!c_^: Probably not since your service provider has a record of everything you've done on the internet since you started service with them
§pÐ|McGee: i will defend ne friend of mine.
§pÐ|McGee: no they dont
§pÐ|McGee: actually
§pÐ|McGee: not me.
pan!c_^: Um it's in any contract for any service
pan!c_^: read up
§pÐ|McGee: i dont even have a bill
pan!c_^: Yeah cause mommy pays it
§pÐ|McGee: no
§pÐ|McGee: i dont pay
§pÐ|McGee: no one here pays
§pÐ|McGee: so good luck
pan!c_^: K dude. I'm done. Keep fuckin around I'll contact your isp like i've done to other people before
§pÐ|McGee: stop being a know it dick, and no probs
pan!c_^: So maybe I should just call them and tell them you havent paid your bill?
pan!c_^: Maybe have your internet shut off?
§pÐ|McGee: they wont even know who ur talking about lol
§pÐ|McGee: they cant shut it off
§pÐ|McGee: lol
§pÐ|McGee: lmao
§pÐ|McGee: thats what im trying to tell u
pan!c_^: I don't care what you say man
§pÐ|McGee: cant be shut off, no logs, i dont even exist.
pan!c_^: Cut the shit or you won't be able to create shit anymore.
pan!c_^: You're funny
§pÐ|McGee: lol
§pÐ|McGee: no u r
§pÐ|McGee: lol
§pÐ|McGee: be my guest
pan!c_^: kay dude. You're like 17 lmao "i dont exist" PLEASE
§pÐ|McGee: fo real
§pÐ|McGee: call somebody
pan!c_^: Grow up dude.
§pÐ|McGee: do it
§pÐ|McGee: i dont exist
pan!c_^: alrighty.
§pÐ|McGee: and u wrong bout my age as well
pan!c_^: hokay.


2010-01-04 09:34:08

uhh no im not gibbs lolz , and I live in houston panic , not in dallas , also the only other account i had hasnt been logged into for quite some time


2010-01-04 09:43:11

pan!c_^: jesus christ people are stupid.
pan!c_^: good night.
§pÐ|McGee: see
§pÐ|McGee: ur all part of this joke
§pÐ|McGee: and u have no idea what the hell is going on
§pÐ|McGee: lol
pan!c_^: i said good night
§pÐ|McGee: u r retarded
pan!c_^: fuck off
pan!c_^: k dude look how you type
pan!c_^: i'm the retard
pan!c_^: god people are dumb
pan!c_^: maybe if you 'existed' you woulda went to school
§pÐ|McGee: fook u
§pÐ|McGee: haha
§pÐ|McGee: lol
§pÐ|McGee: u only wish u had the degrees i do.
pan!c_^: l
pan!c_^: m
pan!c_^: f
pan!c_^: a
pan!c_^: o
pan!c_^: ok i'm seriously done now
pan!c_^: good night.
§pÐ|McGee: good luck


2010-01-04 09:48:16

who is mcgee and gibbs?

two snails

2010-01-04 09:54:06

who is voz?


2010-01-04 10:09:16

whats hl2dm university ?

The Argumentalizer

2010-01-04 10:21:14

I'm bored.


2010-01-04 12:03:19

ohhhhhhhh shitt i like totally killed gibbs in this 1v1 today
man i'm cool


2010-01-04 13:29:30

lol, this game is full of gays these days.


2010-01-04 14:24:10

the fuck you trying to say, pern?


I played that guy one time when I was aliasing, and he was clearly walling; so ya, it could be voz, sure.



2010-01-04 14:39:13



2010-01-04 19:58:56

wtf is a spd?


2010-01-04 20:06:14

i have a new liking for mcgee since reading his and panics conversation, the "fook u" part is what got me. but yeah im with new guy about the walls, he definitely was using walls atleast in our second scrim


2010-01-04 20:27:52

This thread makes me chuckle and guffaw.


2010-01-04 22:13:12

vaderfail.jpg (31.01 KiB) Viewed 557 times


2010-01-04 22:52:13



2010-01-05 06:18:39

I personally think voz and ppl like he who wall are fruiters and really need to get a hobby and a life and perhaps grow some ballz


2010-01-05 07:00:21

scott5245 wrote:yep, indeed

Never tell your password to anyone.
Sunday, January 03, 2010
11:05 PM - scott's tots: yo
11:05 PM - scott's tots: you live in houston
11:05 PM - §pÐ|Gibbs: no m8
11:05 PM - scott's tots: lawl
11:05 PM - scott's tots: http://hl2dm-consortium.tsgk.com/index. ... clan=28814
11:05 PM - scott's tots: there
11:05 PM - §pÐ|Gibbs: I live in germany

this is his old profile he sent me, saying he forgot the password to it http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198018000590

i did some searching on google and the consortium and found this http://steamcommunity.com/id/Daleee/ striking resemblance i must say.

voz also live is houston, http://hl2dm-consortium.tsgk.com/index. ... ayer&q=voz click on voz the click the clan, goku, and the location is also houston.

yeah i was really bored and but hurt because we rolled him and his team on cavs then he rolled our team on airfusion like hard, so i thought it might be someone else. he said he trained the raw guys a while back and such
i like how your first profile magically changed after you said you didnt have the password to it. cuhyoot.


2010-01-05 08:24:20

Give it up Scott i already proved it wasnt me ,ask Panic , Gibbs and I 1v1d and Panic was witness , and Smethious you should be the last one to talk .


2010-01-05 08:37:01

yeah panic told me yall did 1v1. i dunno, its still rather suspicious though. but whoever it is did have a really good cover story, personally i still think its you because yall play just a like


2010-01-05 08:40:08

Next time you are trying to find someone out , keep me out of it , I don't have a need to use another account.


2010-01-05 10:59:24

idk guise voz sounds pretty forceful and cereal about it, in another words gibbs is RaZ.


2010-01-05 17:44:04

o hi guys. your still here? :lol:


2010-01-06 03:26:03

wow you guys are fucking retarded.
1992.org is raz btw

gibbs was raw kaseem back in the day,he came back to be in spd with mcgee and i,same thing with nacho,scott is just mad that me and gibbs beat him and div in a 2v2,because when we 3v3ed and they beat us there wasnt really a problem until we won anyway so just fuck off.


2010-01-06 03:51:58


2010-01-06 07:30:21

Creature wrote:wow you guys are fucking retarded.
1992.org is raz btw

gibbs was raw kaseem back in the day,he came back to be in spd with mcgee and i,same thing with nacho,scott is just mad that me and gibbs beat him and div in a 2v2,because when we 3v3ed and they beat us there wasnt really a problem until we won anyway so just fuck off.
no a i had been thinking gibbs was a fake account for a little while, and i still do. and i dont care that yall beat us, im not sure if ive won more than 5 scrims ever since i started playing anyway so thats not it. also you are an african, so i win no matter what

The Argumentalizer

2010-01-07 02:21:39

It means there are more than one sneaky ass DMer out there.


2010-01-07 02:23:34

The Argumentalizer wrote:It means there are more than one sneaky ass DMer out there.
there can be only one.


2010-01-07 03:31:35

obv they are all sharing the same account. i did some searching and it turns out lokis and xirus also used the same account. xirus is cousins with svn, who got vac'd a while ago for hacking. *the plots thickens*


http://stats.ghost-clan.co.uk/hlstats.p ... order=desc

http://skulshockcommunity.com/ps/reg/pl ... p?id=23934

http://hl2mp.tsgk.com/index.php?mode=pl ... yer=740833

xirus trying troll a clan and failing: http://www.awesomeclan.com/modules.php? ... pic&p=3041


2010-01-07 04:56:16

@ blashphemy post, the skullshock link and the aimbot is sexy, 33 33 and 33 percent on head, chest, and left leg. also it looks like i was right again, so carbon i win again and voz you still lose


2010-01-07 05:22:23

Scott, maybe if you weren't such a shit player you wouldn't have to go through all this trouble to "prove" that vOz aimbots, rofl.


2010-01-07 05:26:54

Blasphemy wrote:obv they are all sharing the same account. i did some searching and it turns out lokis and xirus also used the same account. xirus is cousins with svn, who got vac'd a while ago for hacking. *the plots thickens*


http://stats.ghost-clan.co.uk/hlstats.p ... order=desc

http://skulshockcommunity.com/ps/reg/pl ... p?id=23934

http://hl2mp.tsgk.com/index.php?mode=pl ... yer=740833

xirus trying troll a clan and failing: http://www.awesomeclan.com/modules.php? ... pic&p=3041
solid work once again detective

on a side note svN was the euro caught with a shotty damage multiplier hack that was being passed around quite a bit in Europe, wonder if its safe to say its officially invaded the US yet??? the plot thickens even more


2010-01-07 06:20:04

Deathwish wrote:Scott, maybe if you weren't such a shit player you wouldn't have to go through all this trouble to "prove" that vOz aimbots, rofl.
yes just because im not good im forced to go through all this trouble, thankyou. you have so much insight, i bet its because of that huge brain in that big ass head you got.


2010-01-07 07:09:47

Va|iums wrote:on a side note svN was the euro caught with a shotty damage multiplier hack that was being passed around quite a bit in Europe, wonder if its safe to say its officially invaded the US yet??? the plot thickens even more
Wow, epic fail.


2010-01-07 09:35:05

Pernicious wrote:
Va|iums wrote:on a side note svN was the euro caught with a shotty damage multiplier hack that was being passed around quite a bit in Europe, wonder if its safe to say its officially invaded the US yet??? the plot thickens even more
Wow, epic fail.
Where did I fail? The only hackers caught in the US so far have used a general hack that has customizations for everything from where you can choose the area a shot lands to whether you have recoil or not. The hack that just increases shotty damage was a hack to make a player seem more discrete or unsuspicious has only been prevelant in Europe AFAIK. Then again I dont know jack sh*t about the hacking community and id be naive to think this hack hasnt been floating around the US... Do you know something I dont?


2010-01-07 09:54:09

Blasphemy wrote:obv they are all sharing the same account. i did some searching and it turns out lokis and xirus also used the same account. xirus is cousins with svn, who got vac'd a while ago for hacking. *the plots thickens*


http://stats.ghost-clan.co.uk/hlstats.p ... order=desc

http://skulshockcommunity.com/ps/reg/pl ... p?id=23934

http://hl2mp.tsgk.com/index.php?mode=pl ... yer=740833

xirus trying troll a clan and failing: http://www.awesomeclan.com/modules.php? ... pic&p=3041
I'm not really seeing that xirus is at one of those accounts? And it would be bullshit aswell since he didn't even have hl2dm installed untill yesterday, because he had a lot of problems with his pc.
Also the guy trolling sure isn't xirus, that english is just way too good to be xirus.

And guys there is no thing as a shotgun-hack or shotgunscript that can increase damage.
I used an aimbot in the match vs RaW.


2010-01-07 10:08:20

svN wrote:
Blasphemy wrote:obv they are all sharing the same account. i did some searching and it turns out lokis and xirus also used the same account. xirus is cousins with svn, who got vac'd a while ago for hacking. *the plots thickens*


http://stats.ghost-clan.co.uk/hlstats.p ... order=desc

http://skulshockcommunity.com/ps/reg/pl ... p?id=23934

http://hl2mp.tsgk.com/index.php?mode=pl ... yer=740833

xirus trying troll a clan and failing: http://www.awesomeclan.com/modules.php? ... pic&p=3041
I'm not really seeing that xirus is at one of those accounts? And it would be bullshit aswell since he didn't even have hl2dm installed untill yesterday, because he had a lot of problems with his pc.
Also the guy trolling sure isn't xirus, that english is just way too good to be xirus.

And guys there is no thing as a shotgun-hack or shotgunscript that can increase damage.
I used an aimbot in the match vs RaW.

Weird...oh how stories get twisted with word of mouth. I'm not about to spill the beans on who was making up the rumor you used a shotgun multiplier, he is the one the best players in Europe ATM tho. I watched your demo svN where you hacked against RaW, I have to say thats really scary you had an aimbot, I had an EXTREMELY MEGA ULTRA hard time seeing one or even two instances of an aimbot, I think my trust of who in this community is legit or not just went into complete ashes now.


2010-01-07 10:20:43

svN wrote:
Blasphemy wrote:obv they are all sharing the same account. i did some searching and it turns out lokis and xirus also used the same account. xirus is cousins with svn, who got vac'd a while ago for hacking. *the plots thickens*


http://stats.ghost-clan.co.uk/hlstats.p ... order=desc

http://skulshockcommunity.com/ps/reg/pl ... p?id=23934

http://hl2mp.tsgk.com/index.php?mode=pl ... yer=740833

xirus trying troll a clan and failing: http://www.awesomeclan.com/modules.php? ... pic&p=3041
I'm not really seeing that xirus is at one of those accounts? And it would be bullshit aswell since he didn't even have hl2dm installed untill yesterday, because he had a lot of problems with his pc.
Also the guy trolling sure isn't xirus, that english is just way too good to be xirus.

And guys there is no thing as a shotgun-hack or shotgunscript that can increase damage.
I used an aimbot in the match vs RaW.



2010-01-07 11:12:24

Va|iums wrote:
Pernicious wrote:
Va|iums wrote:on a side note svN was the euro caught with a shotty damage multiplier hack that was being passed around quite a bit in Europe, wonder if its safe to say its officially invaded the US yet??? the plot thickens even more
Wow, epic fail.
Where did I fail? The only hackers caught in the US so far have used a general hack that has customizations for everything from where you can choose the area a shot lands to whether you have recoil or not. The hack that just increases shotty damage was a hack to make a player seem more discrete or unsuspicious has only been prevelant in Europe AFAIK. Then again I dont know jack sh*t about the hacking community and id be naive to think this hack hasnt been floating around the US... Do you know something I dont?
Eh, that was an odd response. I meant the ppl using the hack are epic failz. Never heard of such hacks specifically myself. Or ppl being caught with.


2010-01-07 11:15:43

svN wrote:I used an aimbot in the match vs RaW.
Why would u do that?
Also u should describe wat it looks like, as val said, its kinda fagy if its hard to see ie disguised/smoothed/wateva.


2010-01-07 22:33:01

Va|iums wrote:I think my trust of who in this community is legit or not just went into complete ashes now.
Youre a couple years late, tbh. But ya. :|


2010-01-07 22:53:32

Va|iums wrote:#getlegit


2010-01-07 23:27:29

Ko-Tao wrote:
Va|iums wrote:I think my trust of who in this community is legit or not just went into complete ashes now.
Youre a couple years late, tbh. But ya. :|
This isn't directed at anyone in particular:

In my perspective, egotistical trash-talking is worse than someone using an aimbot against me. If someone is using an aimbot, if they're at least providing a challenge, I can still have fun.

All in all, I wish both would just go away and people would be good sports. I could give two shits about whether you think you're #1 or the best; you're obviously playing for the wrong reasons.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2010-01-08 00:07:32

Using an aimbot?

Do you have balls?


2010-01-08 00:16:25

Ghost Dog_TSGK wrote:Using an aimbot?

Do you have balls?
And if so, are they of steel?


2010-01-08 02:54:34

I doubt that was xirus on the forum as svN said. Xirus is they guy that I never heard or seen making a joke, ever. Also just becasue seem one uses one nick it doesn't matter it's them. There's this bug with pov's etc etc. Ofc it might be as you say, but a really doubt it was xirus that was zirus.


2010-01-08 05:55:23

yah but look at the steam id he posted.


2010-01-08 06:28:26

REJECTED wrote:This isn't directed at anyone in particular:

In my perspective, egotistical trash-talking is worse than someone using an aimbot against me. If someone is using an aimbot, if they're at least providing a challenge, I can still have fun.

All in all, I wish both would just go away and people would be good sports. I could give two shits about whether you think you're #1 or the best; you're obviously playing for the wrong reasons.


2010-01-08 09:53:56

Blasphemy wrote:yah but look at the steam id he posted.
For some reason I can't look at the site anymore, anyway if it was him he would have told me about it, the english wouldn't be that good and as shoobie said he barely makes jokes( if it's in english).
That someone used his nickname doesn't mean anything, as I've seen tons of idiots using nicknames of top players.

And as for the aimbot, it only corrected my aim when I was very close to the head, it was for css so it didn't rly work that good for hl2dm, anyway if you watch the demo now you know this you will probably see it. I should have never used it tho.


2010-01-08 10:05:30

I see svN...only thing I noticed that surprised me in the demo was how powerful your shotty was, the reason why I believed the rumor it was a shotty damage multiplier. Can you repost the demo(s) here for people to see? I myself reformatted and lost them but would like to see them again.


2010-01-08 11:39:49

Va|iums wrote:I myself reformatted and lost them but would like to see them again.
haha, ok, NOW u fail.
And yea that would be interesting to see. Though the question as to why still remains, wouldnt it take all the fun out of it?


2010-01-08 18:24:10

hacks suck and all, and you guys sure do a good job of tracking shit down (blas)
but does it really matter?

IMO - I feel those still playing(of skill) this game are more shady than anyone else. Why feel the need to do witch hunts on people, people whom you can beat/own whenever. The LEGIT players left long ago - when the game died. (said something similar while ago i think)

is there a reason u have not moved on to better/bigger/different things? why do you cling to a 6 yr old game that has roughly 1000 people a day playing it? with no obvious competition left in it? trying to get your moneys worth outta that last year long VIP subscription or what?

not trying to accuse or points fingers here(i honestly dont care), but it's just a feeling I get, by seeing the way some people respond here.

those with nothing to hide, read this shit and say 'okay, wont play with him no more, removed from friends'.
those with something to hide, keep the heat on other players./

personally, if I were to hack. this is what I would do, plain and SIMPLE- be everybodys friends, post about DM all the time. it's that simple. makes you less suspected, makes everyone like you so no matter wut you say (conflicit, tiggy) they forgive and forget. Tiggy can admit to using hacks, knowing hacks, but we all still LIKE him. same with provost. does that make any sense at all ? seems like a safe way to hack, admit it, then keep hacking and all is forgotten.

flame away - must be cuz i never got leet. or I didn't pay to play. whatever the case is.


2010-01-08 22:29:54

svN wrote:And as for the aimbot, it only corrected my aim when I was very close to the head, it was for css so it didn't rly work that good for hl2dm, anyway if you watch the demo now you know this you will probably see it. I should have never used it tho.
that was sporting of you not to use the full fledge aim bot.


2010-01-08 23:37:11

whitewolf wrote:is there a reason u have not moved on to better/bigger/different things? why do you cling to a 6 yr old game that has roughly 1000 people a day playing it? with no obvious competition left in it?
I'm no uber player by any means but for me it's because I like HL2DM and enjoy playing it with my friends. I've yet to find a newer FPS game that I can actually enjoy, for that I have to go backwards to HLDM, Q2, Duke3D etc.


2010-01-08 23:45:03

Duke3d Deathmatch woo


2010-01-09 03:46:57

boshed wrote:
whitewolf wrote:is there a reason u have not moved on to better/bigger/different things? why do you cling to a 6 yr old game that has roughly 1000 people a day playing it? with no obvious competition left in it?
I've yet to find a newer FPS game that I can actually enjoy, for that I have to go backwards to
same here although im getting back into css, just yesterday i dropped a 20 bomb and got an ace. pzpzpzpzpzpz

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2010-01-09 04:02:37

Blasphemy wrote:same here although im getting back into css, just yesterday i dropped a 20 bomb and got an ace. pzpzpzpzpzpz


2010-01-09 08:20:21

whitewolf wrote:hacks suck and all, and you guys sure do a good job of tracking shit down (blas)
but does it really matter?

IMO - I feel those still playing(of skill) this game are more shady than anyone else. Why feel the need to do witch hunts on people, people whom you can beat/own whenever. The LEGIT players left long ago - when the game died. (said something similar while ago i think)

is there a reason u have not moved on to better/bigger/different things? why do you cling to a 6 yr old game that has roughly 1000 people a day playing it? with no obvious competition left in it? trying to get your moneys worth outta that last year long VIP subscription or what?

not trying to accuse or points fingers here(i honestly dont care), but it's just a feeling I get, by seeing the way some people respond here.

those with nothing to hide, read this shit and say 'okay, wont play with him no more, removed from friends'.
those with something to hide, keep the heat on other players./

personally, if I were to hack. this is what I would do, plain and SIMPLE- be everybodys friends, post about DM all the time. it's that simple. makes you less suspected, makes everyone like you so no matter wut you say (conflicit, tiggy) they forgive and forget. Tiggy can admit to using hacks, knowing hacks, but we all still LIKE him. same with provost. does that make any sense at all ? seems like a safe way to hack, admit it, then keep hacking and all is forgotten.

flame away - must be cuz i never got leet. or I didn't pay to play. whatever the case is.

I'm a hacker for sure. You caught me. Slap my wrists.

But I told you guys v0z was a long time hacker. You're welcome.

Edit: I re-read the last part of your post and realized that you said I was using hacks. Im assuming by this you meant that I was using them to prove myself leet. Wrong. I tested them to gain knowledge over those who could be using them on a regular basis. If I was one bit scared of you guys thinking I've been using them for my own benefit...I sure as hell wouldn't have said a word.


2010-01-09 10:02:18

TiGGy wrote:
whitewolf wrote:hacks suck and all, and you guys sure do a good job of tracking shit down (blas)
but does it really matter?

IMO - I feel those still playing(of skill) this game are more shady than anyone else. Why feel the need to do witch hunts on people, people whom you can beat/own whenever. The LEGIT players left long ago - when the game died. (said something similar while ago i think)

is there a reason u have not moved on to better/bigger/different things? why do you cling to a 6 yr old game that has roughly 1000 people a day playing it? with no obvious competition left in it? trying to get your moneys worth outta that last year long VIP subscription or what?

not trying to accuse or points fingers here(i honestly dont care), but it's just a feeling I get, by seeing the way some people respond here.

those with nothing to hide, read this shit and say 'okay, wont play with him no more, removed from friends'.
those with something to hide, keep the heat on other players./

personally, if I were to hack. this is what I would do, plain and SIMPLE- be everybodys friends, post about DM all the time. it's that simple. makes you less suspected, makes everyone like you so no matter wut you say (conflicit, tiggy) they forgive and forget. Tiggy can admit to using hacks, knowing hacks, but we all still LIKE him. same with provost. does that make any sense at all ? seems like a safe way to hack, admit it, then keep hacking and all is forgotten.

flame away - must be cuz i never got leet. or I didn't pay to play. whatever the case is.

I'm a hacker for sure. You caught me. Slap my wrists.

But I told you guys v0z was a long time hacker. You're welcome.

Edit: I re-read the last part of your post and realized that you said I was using hacks. Im assuming by this you meant that I was using them to prove myself leet. Wrong. I tested them to gain knowledge over those who could be using them on a regular basis. If I was one bit scared of you guys thinking I've been using them for my own benefit...I sure as hell wouldn't have said a word.
stop hacking bro.


2010-01-09 11:11:48

TiGGy wrote:I'm a hacker for sure. You caught me. Slap my wrists.

But I told you guys v0z was a long time hacker. You're welcome.

Edit: I re-read the last part of your post and realized that you said I was using hacks. Im assuming by this you meant that I was using them to prove myself leet. Wrong. I tested them to gain knowledge over those who could be using them on a regular basis. If I was one bit scared of you guys thinking I've been using them for my own benefit...I sure as hell wouldn't have said a word.
Says the impulse cheater, again, you must be a really really shit player if you think vOz hacks, or your just too retarded to see someones skill improve over time lmao, trust me vOz doesnt and never has in the past used any hack.


2010-01-09 11:34:16

Deathwish wrote:
TiGGy wrote:I'm a hacker for sure. You caught me. Slap my wrists.

But I told you guys v0z was a long time hacker. You're welcome.

Edit: I re-read the last part of your post and realized that you said I was using hacks. Im assuming by this you meant that I was using them to prove myself leet. Wrong. I tested them to gain knowledge over those who could be using them on a regular basis. If I was one bit scared of you guys thinking I've been using them for my own benefit...I sure as hell wouldn't have said a word.
Says the impulse cheater, again, you must be a really really shit player if you think vOz hacks, or your just too retarded to see someones skill improve over time lmao, trust me vOz doesnt and never has in the past used any hack.
stop lying to yourself bro.

The Argumentalizer

2010-01-09 11:35:31

There is some shifty ass shit going and Voz/Raz/LSD are center!

I believe there is some hacking going on (Raz, meet me in an Octagon, you ****in hacker. I got you!, i will ground and pound your weakass British ass.))

Voz. You're creepy. But thats NOT enough.
Your buddy sees through walls.
I have been there.
He is the same guy that was unkillable in Warzone.
He is suspect.
He is your LSD mate.
Are you STUPID!?!?!
What are folks supposed to think?
Frankly, i think you used me.
And you are too stupid to even care about.
Voz. You have good skills.
Vap is right.
You are Personnae Non Grata.
Don't pm me asshole.

Im removing all LSD from my friends.
Dark Soul, sorry.


2010-01-09 13:10:39

Va|iums wrote:I see svN...only thing I noticed that surprised me in the demo was how powerful your shotty was, the reason why I believed the rumor it was a shotty damage multiplier. Can you repost the demo(s) here for people to see? I myself reformatted and lost them but would like to see them again.
Well tbh everyone in europe has a really good shotgun, mine isn't as powerfull as most of the top players here. As for the demo I formatted my HD aswell, but I still know some guys that have the demo so I'll post it one of these days probably.

The Argumentalizer

2010-01-09 13:28:06

PB has the shotty. Actually, shotty has dominated this game, period.
Shotty stops opponents, holds them and the faster the strafe and attack, the more lethal.
Frankly, its too powerful, compared to everything else.
On some maps, with lots of health, chargers, Bow is weak.
That leaves SMG nades, orbs and shotty.

Only the best Magsters stand a chance.
All other weapons are weak, comparatively.

And euros don't even like RPG, so what does one expect??!


2010-01-09 19:21:50

Just to let you guys know, vOz was never the hacker, RaZ was. You guys are all so stupid. It was never vOz, it was always RaZ, he has like 10 different accounts and plays in different clans, is a proven hacker, and has done nothing but shun a dark shadow across our clan, only reason i kept my mouth shut is because when he joined, before we had knowledge of who he was, he straight away started paying for a hosted gameserver for us to play on, which was really nice and am thankful for that. Even though I'm sure he wasn't hacking when he was playing with us, me and Dark Soul had suspicion in a few scrims between only our clan when he just joined, mainly because he was firing an RPG then curving it straight into us from around corners when he could not have seen or heard us numerous times on a not very common map (dm_torque i think?), probably to let us think he was a very skillful player so he would stay. Dark Soul removed him from the clan just before.


2010-01-09 19:43:22

Deathwish wrote:Just to let you guys know, vOz was never the hacker, RaZ was. You guys are all so stupid.
Says the guy with little thumbs.


2010-01-09 19:45:06

TiGGy wrote:
Deathwish wrote:Just to let you guys know, vOz was never the hacker, RaZ was. You guys are all so stupid.
Says the guy with little thumbs.
Nice troll fail.


2010-01-09 19:47:13

Deathwish wrote:
TiGGy wrote:
Deathwish wrote:Just to let you guys know, vOz was never the hacker, RaZ was. You guys are all so stupid.
Says the guy with little thumbs.
Nice troll fail.
Says the guy with little thumbs and a big head.

Seriously though, impulse cheater? lmao


2010-01-09 19:48:56

TiGGy wrote:Says the guy with little thumbs and a big head.
You bring shame to your clan tiggy, really, you don't belong, I can admit even the other members in your clan are way better at trolling than you are, you just suck.


2010-01-09 19:52:43

Deathwish wrote:
TiGGy wrote:Says the guy with little thumbs and a big head.
You bring shame to your clan tiggy, really, you don't belong, I can admit even the other members in your clan are way better at trolling than you are, you just suck.
What's trolling?


2010-01-09 20:37:47

What you failed at just before, gawd tiggy you fail at everything don't you?


2010-01-09 20:39:11

Deathwish wrote:Just to let you guys know, vOz was never the hacker, RaZ was. You guys are all so stupid. It was never vOz, it was always RaZ, he has like 10 different accounts and plays in different clans, is a proven hacker, and has done nothing but shun a dark shadow across our clan, only reason i kept my mouth shut is because when he joined, before we had knowledge of who he was, he straight away started paying for a hosted gameserver for us to play on, which was really nice and am thankful for that. Even though I'm sure he wasn't hacking when he was playing with us, me and Dark Soul had suspicion in a few scrims between only our clan when he just joined, mainly because he was firing an RPG then curving it straight into us from around corners when he could not have seen or heard us numerous times on a not very common map (dm_torque i think?), probably to let us think he was a very skillful player so he would stay. Dark Soul removed him from the clan just before.


2010-01-09 20:45:33

The Argumentalizer wrote:PB has the shotty.

-Master of the Universe '08, '09, '10


2010-01-09 20:51:49

PB has a weak shotty, really fuckin shit movement, and he slow orbs in the CAL finals also.


2010-01-09 21:13:12

Deathwish wrote:PB has a weak shotty, really fuckin shit movement, and he slow orbs in the CAL finals also.



2010-01-09 21:19:46

Poor_Billy wrote:
Deathwish wrote:PB has a weak shotty, really fuckin shit movement, and he slow orbs in the CAL finals also.

I recall playing you one game over a year ago in your ewr server, wasn't it in lostarena? Yeah i lost, was much, much worse back then, I won't now though, are you or nutri still going to play even though you guys said you would? Still scurrred? Your extreme slow orbs, and pathetic movement might be too much for me to handle though, rofl.


2010-01-09 21:49:21

Deathwish wrote:
Poor_Billy wrote:
Deathwish wrote:PB has a weak shotty, really fuckin shit movement, and he slow orbs in the CAL finals also.

I recall playing you one game over a year ago in your ewr server, wasn't it in lostarena? Yeah i lost, was much, much worse back then, I won't now though, are you or nutri still going to play even though you guys said you would? Still scurrred? Your extreme slow orbs, and pathetic movement might be too much for me to handle though, rofl.
what the fuck is your problem bud? dont you have anything else better to do than to dwell on the thought of beating someone in a dead video game? you could hardly handle me in a match and you think you are on the same skill tier as billy?


2010-01-09 22:02:01

Deathwish wrote: Yeah i lost
Poor_Billy wrote: gg
-Master of the Universe '08, '09, '10


2010-01-09 22:08:54

Deathwish wrote:You guys are all so stupid
Reminds me of that commercial Charlie made in Its always sunny in philadelphia.



2010-01-09 22:21:09

Poor_Billy wrote: -Master of the Universe '08, '09, '10

Uncle Rico

2010-01-09 22:30:04

Deathwish wrote:It was never vOz,
OK, so let's get this straight. The screenshots he sent bahlk were one of the following:

1. Shooped really quick by voz.
2. Shooped by raz and sent to voz who sent them to bahlk.
3. Not shooped, but it wasn't voz.
4. Raz pretending to be voz with real hax sent to voz then to bahlk.

Nope. Not buying it. You're still a midget with a large head.



2010-01-09 22:53:51

Uncle Rico wrote:
Deathwish wrote:It was never vOz,
OK, so let's get this straight. The screenshots he sent bahlk were one of the following:

1. Shooped really quick by voz.
2. Shooped by raz and sent to voz who sent them to bahlk.
3. Not shooped, but it wasn't voz.
4. Raz pretending to be voz with real hax sent to voz then to bahlk.

Nope. Not buying it. You're still a midget with a large head.

You do realise that vid along with all the sound files were posted here about a year ago, none of the kills in that video were actually executed on me, lawl. I actually am becoming a midget though, I lost 6 kilos in the last 2 months and now look like a scumrat, thanks to smoking about 2 ounces of the same buds for that duration of time, yes you can call me midget soon, LOL not that I care.


2010-01-09 23:01:17

Poor_Billy wrote:-Master of the Universe '08, '09, '10
You can't beat me

Poor_Billy wrote:-Master of my own Universe '08, '09, '10


2010-01-09 23:06:47

<kyle> wrote:what the fuck is your problem bud? dont you have anything else better to do than to dwell on the thought of beating someone in a dead video game? you could hardly handle me in a match and you think you are on the same skill tier as billy?
last time you played me was about a year ago for warzone, i don't recall you playing me in an aussie server because if that was the case you'd be snapped, oh ya i could hardly handle you thats why you only beat me by 1 kill for that, im about 5 times as good now as i was back then btw kyle.

Uncle Rico

2010-01-09 23:34:07

Deathwish wrote:You do realise that vid along with all the sound files were posted here about a year ago
I'm well aware of that, little man. I thought it would serve as a reminder, since no one knew you then, and no one knows you now, and that the whiny midget that posts on these forums is just as whiny in the real world.


2010-01-10 00:19:43

at first this whole deathwish thing was funny and now its sad...get over it dude its a dead game and nobody cares if you win or loose, and there never going to play you because it funnier to watch you bitch and cry all over the forums and who the fuck is voz and why do i care


2010-01-10 00:35:52

Yea, i dont even feel like twisting his nipples anymore :(

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2010-01-10 00:43:54

I feel like inviting people from other gaming sites, the kind of people that don't think this level of trolling can happen anymore.

It's here man. It's here.


2010-01-10 01:11:28

hey guys long time no see :)


2010-01-10 01:31:15

Ghost Dog_TSGK wrote:I feel like inviting people from other gaming sites, the kind of people that don't think this level of trolling can happen anymore.

It's here man. It's here.

ive thought that exact same thing so many times. this place is deffinetly one of a kind.


2010-01-10 01:50:42

hai voz


2010-01-10 02:58:24

Deathwish wrote: Yeah i lost
Deathwish wrote:
Poor_Billy wrote:-Master of the Universe '08, '09, '10
You can't beat me

-Master of the Deathwish's Universe '08, '09, '10


2010-01-10 04:56:23

Deathwish wrote:
lol this is fav worthy


2010-01-10 05:31:50

my favorite part is "my index finger is sticky"


2010-01-10 05:47:49


2010-01-10 06:02:19

someone post a screenshot from raz, i am on to something.


2010-01-10 07:03:51

Blasphemy wrote:i am on to something.


2010-01-10 10:13:56

god..this is hilarious....i wish i had a demo of when i played deathwish...priceless.


2010-01-10 11:31:40

just stop posting deathwish, you sound like a fag.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2010-01-10 12:25:59

Poor_Billy wrote:

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2010-01-10 12:28:46

Deathwish wrote:And my index finger's sticky.


2010-01-10 16:40:42

vaporizer wrote:god..this is hilarious....i wish i had a demo of when i played deathwish...priceless.
Yeah, i just wish i had a demo of me raping you in like 3 different maps with high ping, oshit thats right i do!


2010-01-10 17:26:57

Deathwish wrote:
vaporizer wrote:god..this is hilarious....i wish i had a demo of when i played deathwish...priceless.
Yeah, i just wish i had a demo of me raping you in like 3 different maps with high ping, oshit thats right i do!


2010-01-10 22:14:36

isn't vapor vision?

if it is, dude you have no room to talk, you were fighting back tears every time we played.


2010-01-10 22:16:45

rofl. Deathwish you are so bad, and hl2dm is a dead game, try finding another one. The only map you've beaten me on is ld and i i beat you like what 50-19 on aim arena? it's funny how you knew where i was almost everytime in lockdown. Did you get your hacks from your butt buddy voz? Don't you have somewhere else to troll on? You're just wasting your time here, you would lose to nutri-grain anyways. That youtube video is great...good job to sisterfister or whoever made it. now you know how annoying you sound deathwish.


2010-01-10 22:18:51

vaporizer wrote:rofl. Deathwish you are so bad, and hl2dm is a dead game, try finding another one. The only map you've beaten me on is ld and i i beat you like what 50-19 on aim arena? it's funny how you knew where i was almost everytime in lockdown. Did you get your hacks from your butt buddy voz? Don't you have somewhere else to troll on? You're just wasting your time here, you would lose to nutri-grain anyways. That youtube video is great...good job to sisterfister or whoever made it. now you know how annoying you sound deathwish.
lawl for once i can agree with you

The Argumentalizer

2010-01-10 23:15:10

Damn! Who the hell wants to listen to whining while playing?!?!


2010-01-11 02:21:33

The Argumentalizer wrote:Damn! Who the hell wants to listen to whining while playing?!?!

i kinda liked it. he sounded like mick dundee


2010-01-12 02:54:06

lol @ public humiliation.

As much as I hate deathwish for posting his pathetic ego-boosting challenge whineage all over the place, I don't think it's appropriate for these kind of thing to end up here.
Deathwish should've been dealt with/warned a long time ago before turning these boards into a 1v1 beggar valley and stuff like this could be avoided.

Now i know everyone think i'm a forum nazi but it's fucking stupid that others in the past (sister, new guy...) got banned for similar bahavior and now it's alright because... idk... since there's no CAL and game is dead, hell let's turn it into 4chan #2?



The Argumentalizer

2010-01-12 02:58:49

Thorough washing of hands with warm water and soap will fix the sticky (and stinky) finger problem.

Glad to be of help.


2010-01-12 04:30:04

i was banned for other reasons.

my attacks were far more personal, admittedly out of hand at times and more often then not they were aimed at someone with (arguable) respect in the community. No one i ever raged on did anything other than inadvertently annoy me. Most of those people now refuse to even read these forums or they hide in some shadowy thread not granted the opportunity to bask in my sheer awesomeness.

This kid is calling people out like its 03, every one of his posts screams attention deprived victim of grandfather molestation, and worst of all he's australian.

it would be unfair to those people to squash the hate without 1 post resulting in a ban and a failed suicide attempt from deathwish.


2010-01-12 05:07:04

sisterFISTER wrote:and worst of all he's australian.


2010-01-12 06:58:46

TBH i really just wanted a context to post this shark surfing bear pic


2010-01-12 07:10:44

provost wrote:TBH i really just wanted a context to post this shark surfing bear pic
Oh? Haha, I knew it!

...I photoshopped a giraffe with shades surfing once, though I must say, yours is much cooler.


2010-01-12 07:33:10

provost wrote:TBH i really just wanted a context to post this shark surfing bear pic
And I thank you dearly for this because it is now my new background.

And damn does it look good.


2010-01-12 08:17:18

TiGGy wrote:
provost wrote:TBH i really just wanted a context to post this shark surfing bear pic
And I thank you dearly for this because it is now my new background.

And damn does it look good.


2010-01-12 08:42:54

vaporizer wrote:rofl. Deathwish you are so bad, and hl2dm is a dead game, try finding another one. The only map you've beaten me on is ld and i i beat you like what 50-19 on aim arena? it's funny how you knew where i was almost everytime in lockdown. Did you get your hacks from your butt buddy voz? Don't you have somewhere else to troll on? You're just wasting your time here, you would lose to nutri-grain anyways. That youtube video is great...good job to sisterfister or whoever made it. now you know how annoying you sound deathwish.
Wow you are so full of shit? 50 - 19 in aim_arena? ROFL what a joke.


2010-01-12 12:13:22

Guys youre going off topic , remember this is about scott trying to find out if I have another identity . Nutri just play deathwish already so we can go back to the subject in this topic.


2010-01-12 13:16:54

I should get some aussies and have these forums raped imo, just because you guys are taking it pretty far with the aussie bashing over the net shit, and i have no more respect from anyone anyway on these forums anyway, so, my job here is done, might as well show my true colours and how much of a fuckhead i can really be. I'll end hl2dm once and for all, enjoy!


2010-01-12 14:24:03

Deathwish wrote:I'll end hl2dm once and for all, enjoy!
lol thats like walking up to a dead horse after its been flogged for a couple of years (after death), and telling it "im going to fucking kill u".
Deathwish wrote:might as well show my true colours and how much of a fuckhead i can really be
Done and done.


2010-01-12 14:25:14

Deathwish wrote:might as well show my true colours and how much of a fuckhead i can really be.
Deathwish wrote:I'll end hl2dm once and for all, enjoy!
while your at it, put an end to george bush's term as president.


2010-01-12 16:34:41

Deathwish wrote:I'll end hl2dm once and for all, enjoy!
I'll set my beard on fire on easter

The Argumentalizer

2010-01-12 18:08:52

George Bush is awesome!


2010-01-12 20:48:03

Deathwish wrote:I should get some aussies and have these forums raped imo, just because you guys are taking it pretty far with the aussie bashing over the net shit, and i have no more respect from anyone anyway on these forums anyway, so, my job here is done, might as well show my true colours and how much of a fuckhead i can really be. I'll end hl2dm once and for all, enjoy!


2010-01-12 21:03:56

Deathwish wrote:I should get some aussies and have these forums raped imo,!



2010-01-12 21:32:52

Deathwish wrote:I should get some aussies and have these forums raped imo, just because you guys are taking it pretty far with the aussie bashing over the net shit, and i have no more respect from anyone anyway on these forums anyway, so, my job here is done, might as well show my true colours and how much of a fuckhead i can really be. I'll end hl2dm once and for all, enjoy!

Trouser Snake

2010-01-12 21:39:43

God you guys have turned into a bunch of fags Jesus Christ.


2010-01-12 22:07:07

Deathwish wrote: i have no more respect from anyone anyway on these forums anyway


2010-01-12 22:57:02

Deathwish wrote:I should get some aussies and have these forums raped imo, just because you guys are taking it pretty far with the aussie bashing over the net shit, and i have no more respect from anyone anyway on these forums anyway, so, my job here is done, might as well show my true colours and how much of a fuckhead i can really be. I'll end hl2dm once and for all, enjoy!
Who's bashing aussies? And yeah man, once again, you're late.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2010-01-13 00:24:33

Trouser Snake wrote:God you guys have turned into a bunch of fags Jesus Christ.
Shut up.

Deathwish I would really like to see that, go grab some aussies to rape us on this here forum I can see it now.


Aussie#2: OI YOUR NOT #1 MATE I AM!111





2010-01-13 01:57:14

Deathwish wrote:might as well show my true colours and how much of a fuckhead i can really be. I'll end hl2dm once and for all, enjoy!
please try.

ewr hasn't even assembled yet and you're crying.


2010-01-13 02:58:32


2010-01-13 03:24:37

I cant imagine any aussies defending DW's faginess over these forums, maybe shunnytard.

Trouser Snake

2010-01-13 04:47:34

haha i always get quoted (cept maybe for this one)


2010-01-13 06:30:41

Trouser Snake wrote:haha i always get quoted (cept maybe for this one)

Uncle Rico

2010-01-13 06:48:45

Trouser Snake wrote:haha i always get quoted (cept maybe for this one)


2010-01-13 07:22:05

Trouser Snake wrote:haha i always get quoted (cept maybe for this one)


2010-01-13 07:34:48

Trouser Snake wrote:This thread is now about Trouser Snake.


2010-01-13 08:45:07

No one fucks with Trouser Snake, the man is a god among men.


2010-01-13 13:14:10


Ghost Dog_TSGK

2010-01-13 13:46:13


2010-01-13 16:47:35

well since dw posted on this thread that actually ment something he made it gay so gtfo.the actual thread is a serious issue so like fuck off so nutri grain can shut your ass up already.


2010-01-13 17:12:17

Creature wrote:well since dw posted on this thread that actually ment something he made it gay so gtfo.the actual thread is a serious issue so like fuck off so nutri grain can shut your ass up already.
Serious thread is serious...seriously. Since we proved im not the guy that scott thought , can we move on to another issue.


2010-01-13 20:30:15

Creature wrote:well since dw posted on this thread that actually ment something he made it gay so gtfo.the actual thread is a serious issue so like fuck off so nutri grain can shut your ass up already.
Hello? Who is this? Creature? I was just ahh.... I really wanted to know - if you could touch my dick, you dirty bum looker?