
2010-02-03 22:30:55

We went to the hospital this morning, because Mike's pupils weren't dialating they did a Catscan on the brain. My wife spoke with the Nuerologists after that, Mike took a stroke to the left part of his brain, it swelled up that part of his brain, that swelling continued and had no where else to go but to the right side. Leaving him 99% brain dead. Due to this the family was told the best option was to take him off of life support, so that's what was done. He was pronounced dead at 1:25pm this afternoon.

When wake and funeral arrangements are made, i will update.

Thank you all for the many said prayers and best wishes, they all meant SO much.

RIP MIKE IN BOSTON (Michael Franculli) 1/11/1972 - 2/3/2010



2010-02-03 22:45:26

So horrible and sad.

My sympathy and thoughts go out to his family.


2010-02-03 22:52:10



2010-02-03 22:55:14

:cry: I'm so sorry to hear the news! He will never be forgotten!


2010-02-03 22:56:56

I wanna start a rally here, I want everyone to make this their server name

R.I.P. Mike In Boston, you will be missed.

If you can't do that, at least add it to the name. Mike was a great guy, I've been dming with him since before the Warfare Arena, always has something nice to say, and over the past few months he's gotten 10x better, he will surely be missed.

I want to get Vals to talk to Warrior or something and see if we can have this season of CU dedicated to Mike.

gHOST ripstar

2010-02-03 22:58:18

I'm saddened by the news of this...my god only a year younger than me...tooo young to die...

Best wishes to his family RIP.


2010-02-03 23:03:18

I am so sorry to hear the news m8 sympathies to all the family he will be sorely missed :cry:


2010-02-03 23:04:37

Panic wrote:see if we can have this season of CU dedicated to Mike.
This is a good idea.

Rest in peace Mike. You were a significant part of this community and it was always a pleasure to play with you. You always remained positive and had something funny to say even if you were getting whooped up on... not many people in this game are like that. You will never be forgotten.


2010-02-03 23:08:31

...Cant believe this happened... especially so fast... was just in game with him the other night..

My condolences to his family and friends.


2010-02-03 23:12:29


you are and always will be a member of the EE family and we lost a family member today. we will always hold a special place in our hearts for you, never forget you, and always love you. please click on the following link to our forum if you wish to write a message to his family. thanks.

http://evil-empire.forum-2007.com/main- ... .htm#11391

Jelly Fox

2010-02-03 23:13:15

R.I.P Mike :cry:


2010-02-03 23:25:16

What server(s) did he play on?

Uncle Rico

2010-02-03 23:27:22

I was really hoping to not see this thread when I got home. I really don't know what to say right now. Mike was a nice guy and had a great attitude. We're all going to miss him. R.I.P. Bro.


2010-02-03 23:41:04

RIP Mike...we will dedicate in some way the season 1 of CU American league to his passing.


2010-02-03 23:49:27

RIP Michael

Dark Soul

2010-02-03 23:51:01

God damn!!! i can't believe it....i just gonna write my feelings in spanish, if somebody can translate


A pesar de que nunca nos vimos en persona, sabía que eras un buen amigo y un buen jugador, muchas veces la vida es injusta y no queremos que algunas cosas pasen, pero solo Dios decide cuando debes irte a un lugar mejor, donde nunca sufrirás. Ahora estas ahí en ese bello jardin jugando con los ángeles y compartiendo con los otros que han partido de este mundo. no me queda nada mas que desearte un buen viaje y una linda estadía allá en el paraíso. todos aqui te recordaremos siempre.

Ahora estas con Dios Mike, suerte :)

RIP from Chile

oh god im about to cry :/ so sad news...all my condolences to the family and friends


2010-02-03 23:57:52

Very sad.. never knew him but that doesnt matter.

R.I.P Mike In Boston from everyone at {(.:A.o.S:.)}.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2010-02-04 00:01:54

He said he was feeling sick too, he surely wasn't kidding.

I don't understand how it all went to so wrong at the hospital man I don't trust your average doctor or surgeon anymore the way they churn them out of school.

RIP Mike.


2010-02-04 00:03:19

This is so tragic. Hard to believe you can just go from out of nowhere like this. RIP Mike.


2010-02-04 00:03:32

somehow, this seems appropriate...

Death is nothing at all.
I have only slipped away into the next room.
I am I and you are you.
Whatever we were to each other,
that we still are.

Call me by my old familiar name.
Speak to me in the easy way
which you always used.
Put no difference in your tone.
Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.

Laugh as we always laughed
at the little jokes we enjoyed together.
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me.
Let my name be ever the household word
that it always was.
Let it be spoken without affect,
without the trace of a shadow on it.

Life means all that it ever meant.
It is the same that it ever was.
There is absolutely unbroken continuity.
Why should I be out of mind
because I am out of sight?

I am waiting for you,
for an interval,
somewhere very near,
just around the corner.

All is well.
~ Henry Scott Holland

RIP Mike.

my deepest sympathies to your family and friends.



2010-02-04 01:08:34

You will be missed by the entire Skul`Shock community.
We'll miss you in the servers. We saw you there almost every single day.
Last day I gamed with you was 2 days ago.

RIP Mike


2010-02-04 01:37:02

Im incredibly shocked to see Mike pass away this quickly. I deeply regret that I didnt play enough with him or spend more time talking to him. He was always modest and had the best gaming attitude ive ever seen. Ill miss you Mike :cry:

Travis Bickel

2010-02-04 01:39:57

While myself being new to the HL2DM community, it didn't take long to know Mike was one of the good guys.
It has been shocking to find out how sudden life may escape you. My prayers go out to his family and friends.


2010-02-04 02:24:26

All I can say is that over the few times I played him he was always a good guy. With the best of attitudes. I would like to call him the perfect gamer. No matter what happened, he was smiling. He always respected everyone. He could withstand playing players far above his skill level without saying a word. Truly an admirable person. It's such a shame yet another of the good guys have to pass away. Mike and guys like him alone, makes struggeling with the otherwise degenerated comunities of gaming worth while. To see a person with his respect and patience makes me belivie that even the gaming comunities have hope to become civilsed one day.

The loss of Mike will be noticed, not only because of the fact that he was a friend. Also because of that people like him make you belive in a better world!

I can only hope that you don't have to suffer anymore Mike. That you've come to a place where you can rest.

// Tom aka Shoobie


2010-02-04 02:35:37


I can't believe it! He was one the coolest hl2dm players ever. Never once complained, always had fun, and I always had fun playing him. I didn't know him personally but my condolences are with him.

RIP Mike


2010-02-04 03:06:31

This is one of the biggest blows anyone of us could stand to endure, He was such a great guy. I would like to be informed of where we could send flowers or funeral donations. I would also like to know if there was someway we could get a memorial made for him. I was just playing with him the other day and he said he felt sick. I told him he should see a Doc but being Mike he was to manly to get it checked out a great and stubborn man. RIP Mike, Your the best.



2010-02-04 03:07:47

RIP mike you will be missed. My heartfelt condolences to his family and friends.

Walking Target

2010-02-04 03:23:24

RIP Mike. My sincerest condolences to his family and friends. Very sad, and way too soon... :(

Should we do the same thing we did for P!ke? If someone who knew him well wants to take the lead on it, please do so and we will get it stickied here.


2010-02-04 03:29:30

R.I.P. :(

The Argumentalizer

2010-02-04 04:05:10

Its the toughest thing, so sudden and out of the blue. It leaves me stunned and without proper words, except that he was a great guy. To think, we were playing with him just days ago.
My heart goes out to his family.


2010-02-04 06:14:51


Let Evening Come
by Jane Kenyon

Let the light of late afternoon
shine through chinks in the barn, moving
up the bales as the sun moves down.

Let the cricket take up chafing
as a woman takes up her needles
and her yarn. Let evening come.

Let dew collect on the hoe abandoned
in long grass. Let the stars appear
and the moon disclose her silver horn.

Let the fox go back to its sandy den.
Let the wind die down. Let the shed
go black inside. Let evening come.

To the bottle in the ditch, to the scoop
in the oats, to air in the lung
let evening come.

Let it come, as it will, and don't
be afraid. God does not leave us
comfortless, so let evening come.

Dark Soul

2010-02-04 06:16:11

Walking Target wrote: Should we do the same thing we did for P!ke? If someone who knew him well wants to take the lead on it, please do so and we will get it stickied here.
u mean an in-game memory?

why not add "in boston" after our nickname, i think it would work :/



2010-02-04 06:48:27

RIP Mike, like Rico this is the thread I was hoping not to read when I got home from work.
My sincere condolences go out to you and your family and friends.


2010-02-04 07:20:13

Walking Target wrote:RIP Mike. My sincerest condolences to his family and friends. Very sad, and way too soon... :(

Should we do the same thing we did for P!ke? If someone who knew him well wants to take the lead on it, please do so and we will get it stickied here.

my suggestion is to add .m!b to our names. has pike's ! and mib for mike in boston.


2010-02-04 11:29:27

i didnt know him but i wish him to rip, very sad to hear :(


2010-02-04 12:34:23

Mike was a smashing fellow
RIP Mike


2010-02-04 16:34:56

mike was a really cool guy, i pubbed with him nearly everyday on frankss hangout and of course the warfare arena, he had one or the BEST attitude towards himself and his skill level and i deeply respected him as one of the best contributions we still had in our community on hl2dm.

R.I.P Mike you will be missed


2010-02-04 17:43:32

{EE}Mike in Boston. Ever since the day you joined our EE family I have loved you like a brother. One of the many things that makes EE so wonderful is that we love each other like family and would do anything for each other. In the days since I found out that you were in the hospital I felt so helpless. I couldnt do anything to keep you with us. I would have given you all the blood you needed if it came to that, but it didnt. There was nothing I could do for you, except pray. I prayed every night for you. God works in mysterious ways and I dont understand why he would take such an amazing person from us so early. You're kindness and wonderful attitude is so rare these days. All I think of is that God reconized this and wanted to welcome you into his kingdom yesterday. Because of all the greatness you posses inside you were given the privilage of being by his side. I want you know as you look down upon us that I and all of EE will never forget you. You will always be part of our family, forever. We will talk again Mike, Ill bring my mouse and keyboard and after a long hug we will get to gaming together again. May your journey be safe and your pain be gone. I miss you so much already. I love you my friend. Rest in peace.

Chris Laramee


2010-02-04 18:03:29

{EE}chEmicalbuRn wrote:
Walking Target wrote:RIP Mike. My sincerest condolences to his family and friends. Very sad, and way too soon... :(

Should we do the same thing we did for P!ke? If someone who knew him well wants to take the lead on it, please do so and we will get it stickied here.

my suggestion is to add .m!b to our names. has pike's ! and mib for mike in boston.

Hey Chem thanks for the suggestion, I suggested that players or at the very least team captains wear the .m!b tag throughout the American CU season to honor p!ke and Mike.


2010-02-04 18:05:25

I don't recall playing Mike very much but it's deeply saddening to lose someone before their time, I know that much. RIP and great sympathy for family and friends.

I really didn't sleep very well last night after catching up on this.


2010-02-04 18:07:09

Walking Target wrote:RIP Mike. My sincerest condolences to his family and friends. Very sad, and way too soon... :(

Should we do the same thing we did for P!ke? If someone who knew him well wants to take the lead on it, please do so and we will get it stickied here.
What about a tribute page to him, with screenshots of in-game footage / scores playing against him or even vids? Even photos of him (not sure how many of us have photos of him though). Just a thought.

I added RIP {EE}Mike In Boston to my server name and mentioned him in my MOTD.

old time no.7

2010-02-04 20:42:32

wow. that's really shocking to have him go so young. aortic tear/bleeds can send you into hypovolemic shock quickly. it is a tough family choice to have to take a love one off life support. i encourage each of you to talk to your family about living wills.

mike was an awesome person to play against. he will be missed. condolences to the family he leaves behind. gone but not forgotten, rip m!b.


2010-02-05 05:22:32

RIP Michael

so sad hear about that........ :(


2010-02-05 06:24:32

If you posted in this thread, please repost in the one that we have stickied if you would like to say something to Mikes family. Some of the stuff here is very nice so feel free to copy what you have here. Chem is going to make something from the community to Mike's Family.


2010-02-06 03:46:25
