it's about........


2010-02-19 07:30:06

it's about Mike, it's about P!ke, it's about us,'s about time.

Frank and i were talking tonight about an EE get together this summer. but its gonna be more than that. its gonna be a hl2dm get together. a tribute to Mike and P!ke. 3,4,or 5 days of fun in the sun. VA beach. this is soooo preliminary, just to spark interest and see if there is any. the plan book out rooms at a hotel at VA beach and just have a great time together. all of us, new and old. shootin the shit, drinkin some beers, smoking some....what ever. now, there is a LAN center there, golf courses and all hotels have rooms for meetings. sooo. there will be 3 tournies. a golf outing, a poker tourny, and a gaming tourney of some sort. none are manditory to participate, only if you want. if you do decide to play in one or all 3, half of your entry fee will go to Mike and P!ke's families. if this is something that looks like it will happen we can start to look for ppl to donate prizes from their business'. we can have teeshirts and hats made up for the event, plus a huge BBQ one night. i know money is tight for everybody but if we plan ahead of time we can get group discounts, car pools, etc. of course, there is no way frank and i can do this alone, so if we get interest we will be looking for a comittee to lead this up. sooooo.......what say you hl2dm community?


2010-02-19 16:54:35

If there's an airport nearby with direct flight i'll do it.


2010-02-19 21:15:31

I'll rent a house nearby wherever the hotel is.


2010-02-19 21:33:35

Sounds like a Hell of a lot of fun!! Sadly I won't be able to attend, can't be away from my boy for too long. Great idea though and I hope you have a huge turn out!!


2010-02-19 22:25:51

I might go


2010-02-20 00:15:53

I'm definitely down this summer now that both my brother and I can drive.


2010-02-20 00:29:42

Is there an specific date? I might go I have nothing else to do this summer.

The Argumentalizer

2010-02-20 00:46:54

I'm already here and can provide some support.
Let me know.
You will need to get in early, as the peak season is often sold out here.


2010-02-20 01:58:29

The Argumentalizer wrote:I'm already here and can provide some support.
Let me know.
You will need to get in early, as the peak season is often sold out here.
How big is your house? :P

The Argumentalizer

2010-02-20 02:20:24



2010-02-20 02:31:52

provost wrote:If there's an airport nearby with direct flight i'll do it.

You would have to fly into Norfolk Va then take about a 20 min cab ride to the beach. Its not bad, Ive done it before when I had a conference there.


2010-02-20 17:24:46

If I can find a job by then, i'm going to try my hardest to go to this. Esp since you've mentioned pike.


2010-02-20 22:38:06

I'd be down to go.

I just need an all around estimate of how much it is going to cost.


2010-02-21 21:43:33

Impala has a very good point. VA Beach is a very popular summer spot (particularly July and August) and hotels get booked WAY ahead of time. So anyone that is seriously wants to do this, you better move/commit fast. It might already be too late to get enough hotel space. Also, Chem its hard for someone to decide whether they can or cant go at this point because no one has an idea about the dates yet. I know you havent gotten all the details worked out because you need to hear from people. Im just saying you dont have much time. You also might want to consider an off peak period, like Columbus weekend in Oct. Its still warm enough in Va beach for lots of activities plus the crunch will be less and maybe even cheaper hotel wise. Lots of those hotels reduce prices in off peak seasons.


2010-02-21 22:41:39

Paradox wrote:Impala has a very good point. VA Beach is a very popular summer spot (particularly July and August) and hotels get booked WAY ahead of time. So anyone that is seriously wants to do this, you better move/commit fast. It might already be too late to get enough hotel space. Also, Chem its hard for someone to decide whether they can or cant go at this point because no one has an idea about the dates yet. I know you havent gotten all the details worked out because you need to hear from people. Im just saying you dont have much time. You also might want to consider an off peak period, like Columbus weekend in Oct. Its still warm enough in Va beach for lots of activities plus the crunch will be less and maybe even cheaper hotel wise. Lots of those hotels reduce prices in off peak seasons.
ya, i like that idea. that might work better. either that or pick another less torristy place

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2010-02-23 02:22:28

I'd definitely be able to tell if can go or not by the dates. I'm also for an off-season plan.

Uncle Rico

2010-02-23 06:23:35

The bad thing about the off season is that the school kiddies might not be able to come. Either way, try to find some dates that fall into a weekend, that way if some can't come for the whole event, they can maybe come stay for a couple of days at least.


2010-02-23 17:28:01

Uncle Rico wrote:The bad thing about the off season is that the school kiddies might not be able to come. Either way, try to find some dates that fall into a weekend, that way if some can't come for the whole event, they can maybe come stay for a couple of days at least.
But honestly how many kids that are still in high school are going to be able to convince their parents to let them go?


2010-02-23 17:41:26

* swaps the word "highschool" for "University classes" *


2010-02-23 18:39:56

That's why I suggested Coumbus Day weekend. Many schools have off. It is doubtful any one in HS would be able to attend unless they live nearby anyway. As for college, that depends some may depending on their schedule, cost and location/time it takes to get there. If you did Fri-Mon of Columbus Day weekend to might be possible to get a bunch of peeps there. The question is where would be relatively inexpensive, have an airport nearby with convenient transportation for non drivers plus the other things you are looking for activitywise.

Uncle Rico

2010-02-23 21:46:36

Paradox wrote:That's why I suggested Coumbus Day weekend.
Do Canadians celebrate Columbus Day?


2010-02-23 22:55:38

Uncle Rico wrote:
Paradox wrote:That's why I suggested Coumbus Day weekend.
Do Canadians celebrate Columbus Day?
The second monday of october we have a day off, that's about it. (oct 11 2010)


2010-02-24 00:26:12

Oct 11 2010 = Canadian Thanksgiving and it also happens to be the observed day for U.S. Columbus day

People are probably going to have to take time off from work/school no matter when you have it. No offense to our Canadian friends but I think most ppl here are in the U.S.? If it coincides with a 3 day weekend its less time you have to take off from work/school. All other 3 day weekends (Memorial day, Labor day, July 4th etc) are all pretty much U.S. holidays or big family holidays and the chances of getting people there are small. Also July/August is big for family vacations so again less chance for people able to get to this. If you are tryng to get the most people there, these are things you need to consider.