2010-02-19 07:30:06
it's about Mike, it's about P!ke, it's about us, and....it's about time.
Frank and i were talking tonight about an EE get together this summer. but its gonna be more than that. its gonna be a hl2dm get together. a tribute to Mike and P!ke. 3,4,or 5 days of fun in the sun. VA beach. this is soooo preliminary, just to spark interest and see if there is any. the plan is......to book out rooms at a hotel at VA beach and just have a great time together. all of us, new and old. shootin the shit, drinkin some beers, smoking some....what ever. now, there is a LAN center there, golf courses and all hotels have rooms for meetings. sooo. there will be 3 tournies. a golf outing, a poker tourny, and a gaming tourney of some sort. none are manditory to participate, only if you want. if you do decide to play in one or all 3, half of your entry fee will go to Mike and P!ke's families. if this is something that looks like it will happen we can start to look for ppl to donate prizes from their business'. we can have teeshirts and hats made up for the event, plus a huge BBQ one night. i know money is tight for everybody but if we plan ahead of time we can get group discounts, car pools, etc. of course, there is no way frank and i can do this alone, so if we get interest we will be looking for a comittee to lead this up. sooooo.......what say you hl2dm community?
Frank and i were talking tonight about an EE get together this summer. but its gonna be more than that. its gonna be a hl2dm get together. a tribute to Mike and P!ke. 3,4,or 5 days of fun in the sun. VA beach. this is soooo preliminary, just to spark interest and see if there is any. the plan is......to book out rooms at a hotel at VA beach and just have a great time together. all of us, new and old. shootin the shit, drinkin some beers, smoking some....what ever. now, there is a LAN center there, golf courses and all hotels have rooms for meetings. sooo. there will be 3 tournies. a golf outing, a poker tourny, and a gaming tourney of some sort. none are manditory to participate, only if you want. if you do decide to play in one or all 3, half of your entry fee will go to Mike and P!ke's families. if this is something that looks like it will happen we can start to look for ppl to donate prizes from their business'. we can have teeshirts and hats made up for the event, plus a huge BBQ one night. i know money is tight for everybody but if we plan ahead of time we can get group discounts, car pools, etc. of course, there is no way frank and i can do this alone, so if we get interest we will be looking for a comittee to lead this up. sooooo.......what say you hl2dm community?