Adrenaline Gamer 2 - 1.01


2010-04-26 19:25:41

Been in the works for some time now and quite alot of bug fixes.

I found this interesting.
Verygames, our main sponsor and a leader in the gaming server hosting play provided us with 2 powerful DediGames AG2 servers. One is located in France while the other one is located in Germany. We've decided to create few servers like this:
4 servers dedicated to "Original HL2DM" gameplay: 2 in France and 2 in Germany
- 4 servers dedicated to "Pro" gameplay: 2 in France and 2 in Germany
- 1 server in France dedicated to HL1 classical maps with "Pro" gameplay
- 1 server in Germany with all maps and votable gameplays

List of fixes and changes
. Added : new map pg_catmouse done by Sadist
. Added : cvars pg_sv_add_gauss and pg_sv_add_longjump to dynamically add this item/weapon/ammo in maps which don't contain them. Set to "0" by default meaning they are not added. A reload of the map is required if set in-game
. Added : blood splash effect when really hitting an opponent (could be deactivated in Advanced player menu. Please note it is working only with enhanced netcode)
. Added : bases are now displayed in radar for CTF, CTFArcade, Football, Warball
. Added : arrows to indicate directions to get flags/balls are displayed for game mods CTF, CTFArcade, Footbal, Warball and Domination
. Added : arrow to indicate direction to find fugitive is displayed in HUD in Fugitive game mod
. Added : detail.vbsp
. Added : server settings are now included in .dem files so that you don't have to start a listenserver using correct settings (especially for gameplay even custom gameplay you don't have in your computer) before using "playdemo"
. Changed : mp_forcecamera set to "0" by default (0:view all, 1: spectate team mates only)
. Changed : bots are automatically removed when no real players (humans) are present in the server (green computing by using less CPU)
. Changed : rpg missile can be fire when RPG is fully deployed (same behaviour as in regular hl2dm for any gameplay)
. Changed : new ag2.fgd in folder sdk for mappers
. Fixed : pg_sv_bot_stopifrealplayers was specified 2 times in server.cfg
. Fixed : missing pg_sv_bot_skill in server.cfg
. Fixed : descriptions of cvars related to IRC have been updated
. Fixed : descriptions of game modes reviewed to take care of number of grenades which is dependent on gameplay
. Fixed : compliant with maps having names longer than 28 characters
. Fixed : rcbotd command could crash listenserver
. Fixed : shotgun was pumping on deploy in certain conditions
. Fixed : no more take into account in stats players who don't fire anything
. Fixed : constrained weapons were not attaching properly to player models
. Fixed : gravity modifier not reset properly in case you're killed while in a gravity modifier
. Fixed : fixed jittery animation for .357 and pistol
. Fixed : auto-assign to team was not working 100% properly
. Fixed : simultaneous death was not displaying correct weapon for the second notice in death notice
. Fixed : .357 reset view bug fixed
. Fixed : server crashing randomly
. Fixed : Jesus pose in some conditions
. Fixed : unability to get flag in CTF, CTFARcade if object in gravgun or opponent flag in your back
. Fixed : infinite ammo shotgun exploit
. Fixed : server crash caused by npc_zombie
. Fixed : stachel was not causing any damage when firing on it


2010-04-26 20:56:14

Isn't the hl2dm ob the same thing , like it's plain hl2dm with ob engine, plus it has servers in the US. :O


2010-04-26 21:46:41

people should just be playing AG2 for the AG gameplay and not the original hl2dm gameplay imo. the whole point of hl2dm ob is to emulate normal hl2dm as closely as possible but running on OB engine. there are minor differences in OG hl2dm mode in AG2

[EYE] Valar

2010-04-26 23:03:06

VitaminG wrote:there are minor differences in OG hl2dm mode in AG2
which would have been completely ignored were they present in the hl2dmOB mod.
you need to realize any port cannot and will never be the same as the old engine. fact is, there were changes done to the old engine as well through the years people just sucked up and went on with.
the only bad things i can say about AG2 is the menu's gay colors and the fact you need to switch to the vanilla side and not simply launch and game and play. but is it better than the HL2DM OB? undoubtedly. it's been worked on by a top coder for years. he knows the engine backwards and has only improved on it. you should post your fix or bug or whatever request to J@nek on his website if you want anything changed because it can and it will be. but rule out an excellent mod just because its past doesn't make much sense to me.
like everything else, it's all about hype and unfortunately AG2 didn't get much while a new, inexperienced mod did. all on a whim IMHO.
why aren't there any US AG2 servers? dunno, guess we'll have to wait and see how many HL2DM-OB US servers we'll see once it's released.


2010-04-27 20:55:41 Fusion AG2 - 1.0 has been up in Texas since day one,
I will be updating it to the new version asap.
Btw everything is vote able as always


2010-04-28 05:52:24

dl I always liked the Gauss.


2010-04-28 07:28:40

pro now called ag2 received lots of hype in the early days they just chose to ignore hl2dm players because they wanted to force everyone to play the pro version. After some time of that everyone basically gave up on it. It really is not a surprise people are less than enthusiastic, now that the mod is pretty much dead with no player base they start caring about hl2dm players. But it is really too late because the main thing we needed back then was a match start but fios gave us that match start and that fixed the one terrible issue with running matches in HL2DM.


2010-04-28 07:57:03

just got done messing around in ag2. 8)

Now all i gotta do is get people to play with me. :party:


2010-04-28 12:06:50

Fearsome* wrote:they just chose to ignore hl2dm players because they wanted to force everyone to play the pro version.
The main focus of the mod is indeed the AG2 mode, it is a source *mod* after all plus the devs are former AG players who wanted something similar in source.

But - check the changelogs. HL2DM mode has also been included since the first version almost 5 years ago. Bugfixing and maintaining this is a lot of extra work on the part of the devs that they didn't have to do. I wouldn't call that ignoring HL2DM players or forcing people to play the pro version.

The dev team have responded to the complaints that HL2DM players can never find a server running just HL2DM mode by setting up 4 HL2DM mode servers. Again, they didn't have to do this.

As a former HLDM / AG player I'm undoubtedly biased in favour of this mod but to claim that HL2DM players have been ignored is unfair. It's the other way around, HL2DM players have ignored this mod and continued to complain about HL2DM's faults and Valve's lack of interest when there is the potential to have them fixed by a dev team that will happily do so.
Fearsome* wrote:But it is really too late because the main thing we needed back then was a match start but fios gave us that match start and that fixed the one terrible issue with running matches in HL2DM.
Which to this day still causes issues with entities vanishing on some maps. Starting a match in AG2 using it's native match features does not. Not to mention all the other useful match features such as steamids on the scoreboard, auto screenshots or keeping dropped players scores visible, which again have been ignored.


2010-04-28 16:29:10

The main thing hl2dm players need now is people/teams that can actually join a TDM game and start a match within 30 mins. Most of the time we spend 15 min waiting on someone and the other 15 asking back and forth this god damned question " What map do you guys want".

Game's been out for years, get your shit straight.

(Nice mod btw)


2010-04-28 19:16:57

well this reminds of a of web chat on bash and slash where the CEO of CEVO said that competitive gaming does well when the developer releases SDK to allow for mods such as this and that we should not expect game developers to make games competitive, So you might as well support this because this is all you gonna get. ... &Itemid=69


2010-04-28 21:29:28

Like I said the main things we needed have already been addressed. We have plugins that restore players scores not that it is crucial but we have it. And we can run zblock if we want steam ids plus settings security.

This has nothing to do with how much work was needed. Most of the fixes we asked for 5 years ago we were told would not happen because of this or that or they weren't going to touch the base DM. Since I have done some coding in the past I know the work load needed and can say for sure it would have been pretty easy to address most of our complaints 5 years ago in 1 week of work. Now that the devs have realized the lame AG crowd they were talking about also stiffed them they are doubling back to try to get us back just like a guy trying to get back his old girl friend after he dumped her for a 1 night stand.

We now know the motivations of the pro mod team are purely in their own self interest. The only reason they give HL2DM players anything is to try to save their dead game. If we all switch over they will have us dependant on them and will swing back to trying to screw us over push us toward the pro version of the mod.

They have made every desparate attempt possible to save their own necks including renaming their mod from what it is to AG2 in a pathetic marketing attempt to get people to try it again.

To me it just isnt worth the risk. It would be smarter to risk going with a new fresh mod like orange box where the dev may actually have the HL2DM players interest as his primary objective. On the other hand the systems work in HL2DM well enough. And the major issues I have with the game will never be addressed by any current mods anyway.


2010-04-29 05:07:03

If you had spent a large portion of your (often limited) free time working on something wouldn't you do what you could to promote it? The goal of any mod is to get players after all, and if the target audience changes over time it would be foolish to ignore that.

There's nothing wrong with promoting your work or tying to generate interest in it, after all it's not like anybody is getting paid for AG2.

The AG2 mode is still the main focus of the game as evidenced by things such as the new weapons and their associated models / code, but some of the HL2DM fixes have been decidedly non-trivial to implement and maintaining what is essentially two different games in one codebase is not as easy as you make out.

The fact that the devs have done this should speak volumes about their *current* intent: to try to make the game work well for both styles of player. Whether that was their original goal or not is irrelevant. Times change.

I think it was you who posted on this topic before but regarding playerbase as we're all well aware faster paced deathmatch games of any type are in rapid decline. (Personally I can't stand the now ubiquitous slow / realistic / etc shooters but I could write an entire thread about that so I won't get started).

Anyway my point is that the playerbase for AG2 mode has followed this trend - the AG2 playerbase has never been huge as it's a specialised mod for people who wanted a specific type of gameplay that they have previously enjoyed in HLDM / AG. Gaining a large crowd of players was never going to happen, but trying to swell current player numbers is very possible if you target the right people.

It would be suicide to build a playerbase then force them to adapt to a game which is not the one they originally wanted, so I really cant see that happening. However, if due to trying one game mode some players find they enjoy the other as well, this is a win as it also generates more interest.

Regarding HL2DM:OB, I do think that having competition between the two mods is a very good thing and will keep pushing development forward. It should be obvious by now which is my preferred choice of the two.

For HL2DM as a "dead" game, to have two viable alternatives isn't a bad thing is it? As players we should be supporting the people who are willing to work on fixing things for us because Valve sure as hell won't. Unless you're willing to throw $100,000 at them of course.


2010-04-29 05:48:01

It wasn't bad during 1.51 but like fear said og hl2dm did not have a match system so it was a vast improvement. But then 1.6 update ended that. I remember play testing 1.6 version ag2 while sta was in full swing. Added a bunch of cool features. Was nice and smooth, then ag2 added some silly game at the last second and completed fucked og hl2dm. Playing a scrim on hl2dm in the middle it goes "Game On" and then "GOOOOAALL Blue team wins!" then you couldn't do any damage to the other team. This was the end of ag2 in hl2dm leagues. Never was addressed for weeks. Which I'm sure cut the player base in half if not more.


2010-04-29 08:51:07

TBH Boshed if that is their primary attempt they should stick with it. They really are not doing any favors to the HL2DM crowd other than attempting to split the community over another issue and divide up the server and player base into more fractions, a house that is divided cannot stand. If they dropped the pro mod completely and went all HL2DM I might just maybe buy into it. If they dropped HL2DM support I would have more respect for the mod and if they grew a pair of balls and just named it back to pro mod and forged their own path I would have more respect too.


2010-04-29 18:53:13

Plugins. I see you fearsome are usually very much against plugins saying they cause lag, hitreg problems and crashes etc now you are for them in defence of HL2DM saying it has match features.

No one is trying to split anything up except you for spreading bullshit lies about the creators of the mod.

If you don't want to play it fine don't play it but do not try to stop others from playing it, let them play and decide for them selves.


2010-04-29 21:41:36

keefy wrote:Plugins. I see you fearsome are usually very much against plugins saying they cause lag, hitreg problems and crashes etc now you are for them in defence of HL2DM saying it has match features.

No one is trying to split anything up except you for spreading bullshit lies about the creators of the mod.

If you don't want to play it fine don't play it but do not try to stop others from playing it, let them play and decide for them selves.

He is not lying about the past between pro and og. This goes back a ways when the mod was new in the first go around with cal in 05. They convinced Cal's admin at the time to use pro for all matches, then changed the gameplay of og and never truely supported og saying that the pro version worked fine. It had it's chance at becoming a stable of hl2dm being used in cal and in sta but both times lasps in playtesting made it unusable for league play and forced the league to switch back to og in the middle of the season.