2010-04-26 19:25:41
Been in the works for some time now and quite alot of bug fixes.
I found this interesting.
Verygames, our main sponsor and a leader in the gaming server hosting play provided us with 2 powerful DediGames AG2 servers. One is located in France while the other one is located in Germany. We've decided to create few servers like this:
4 servers dedicated to "Original HL2DM" gameplay: 2 in France and 2 in Germany
- 4 servers dedicated to "Pro" gameplay: 2 in France and 2 in Germany
- 1 server in France dedicated to HL1 classical maps with "Pro" gameplay
- 1 server in Germany with all maps and votable gameplays
List of fixes and changes
I found this interesting.
Verygames, our main sponsor and a leader in the gaming server hosting play provided us with 2 powerful DediGames AG2 servers. One is located in France while the other one is located in Germany. We've decided to create few servers like this:
4 servers dedicated to "Original HL2DM" gameplay: 2 in France and 2 in Germany
- 4 servers dedicated to "Pro" gameplay: 2 in France and 2 in Germany
- 1 server in France dedicated to HL1 classical maps with "Pro" gameplay
- 1 server in Germany with all maps and votable gameplays
List of fixes and changes
. Added : new map pg_catmouse done by Sadist
. Added : cvars pg_sv_add_gauss and pg_sv_add_longjump to dynamically add this item/weapon/ammo in maps which don't contain them. Set to "0" by default meaning they are not added. A reload of the map is required if set in-game
. Added : blood splash effect when really hitting an opponent (could be deactivated in Advanced player menu. Please note it is working only with enhanced netcode)
. Added : bases are now displayed in radar for CTF, CTFArcade, Football, Warball
. Added : arrows to indicate directions to get flags/balls are displayed for game mods CTF, CTFArcade, Footbal, Warball and Domination
. Added : arrow to indicate direction to find fugitive is displayed in HUD in Fugitive game mod
. Added : detail.vbsp
. Added : server settings are now included in .dem files so that you don't have to start a listenserver using correct settings (especially for gameplay even custom gameplay you don't have in your computer) before using "playdemo"
. Changed : mp_forcecamera set to "0" by default (0:view all, 1: spectate team mates only)
. Changed : bots are automatically removed when no real players (humans) are present in the server (green computing by using less CPU)
. Changed : rpg missile can be fire when RPG is fully deployed (same behaviour as in regular hl2dm for any gameplay)
. Changed : new ag2.fgd in folder sdk for mappers
. Fixed : pg_sv_bot_stopifrealplayers was specified 2 times in server.cfg
. Fixed : missing pg_sv_bot_skill in server.cfg
. Fixed : descriptions of cvars related to IRC have been updated
. Fixed : descriptions of game modes reviewed to take care of number of grenades which is dependent on gameplay
. Fixed : compliant with maps having names longer than 28 characters
. Fixed : rcbotd command could crash listenserver
. Fixed : shotgun was pumping on deploy in certain conditions
. Fixed : no more take into account in stats players who don't fire anything
. Fixed : constrained weapons were not attaching properly to player models
. Fixed : gravity modifier not reset properly in case you're killed while in a gravity modifier
. Fixed : fixed jittery animation for .357 and pistol
. Fixed : auto-assign to team was not working 100% properly
. Fixed : simultaneous death was not displaying correct weapon for the second notice in death notice
. Fixed : .357 reset view bug fixed
. Fixed : server crashing randomly
. Fixed : Jesus pose in some conditions
. Fixed : unability to get flag in CTF, CTFARcade if object in gravgun or opponent flag in your back
. Fixed : infinite ammo shotgun exploit
. Fixed : server crash caused by npc_zombie
. Fixed : stachel was not causing any damage when firing on it