Va|iums wrote:Well I've seen logs similar to the type of logs Edge showed about Blas and bahlk, I think maybe server settings are showing false flags of rate cyclings. I'm not sure the people who I've seen logs of really did or not, and frankly some of the people that there appears to show cycling of them doing it, I find really hard to believe they even know how to. Regardless if its not server settings making false alarms about rate cycling there are alot of people out there really doing it. I think there's something more to this issue.
@cellar,para, I've never rate cycled before but its really simple apparently, you setup a weapon to make your rate 1, then when you put out another weapon, that weapon makes your rate 100. Do it back and forth and you get magical results apparently, but Zeik is using a script on top of it to aid and make it even worse.
These are my concerns, I'm posting them here incase anyones interested, if not, skip over this post.
Its not false-positives that it reports per-say. It just reports any changes in netcode settings including cl_interp, cl_interp_ratio, cl_updaterate, cl_cmdrate, and a few more I believe. The only time you can say someone is rate cycling is when the log actually reports that cl_cmdrate went down then back up.
Now, I do have some concerns about this whole shenanigans Valiums. When you brought it up to me, you said "Hey are you alright with suspending things in CU for a while. Holy is coming out with a new site that might merge a league and forums together." I said yes only because I wanted more time to get the 1v1 Division ready and hopefully get some new blood in DM as well.
Now talking with Holy, it appears I'm not even going to be the 1v1 admin anymore, which if that's to be so be it. My problem with this however is the fact that every time we try to run a league ourselves it has failed because people blame bad management. Now with CU we did have our first successful season in a long time, I think this is partially because we did have other people that managed it with us at the same time.
Another thing I don't like is the current set of Admins I was told there would be. In all three admins, Holy being head admin. No problems with holy at all really, but I don't like the idea of a "Head Admin" persay. I'd much rather an odd number to form a board of admins that vote / delegate on topics.
Also the board of admins should probably be voted on and also re-elected every 2 season. They should also most likely be a mix of all clans that will be participating or at least "well known-trusted" community members.
These are my concerns, I'm posting them here incase anyones interested, if not, skip over this post.