Epic Win.


2010-06-15 08:46:50

Forgot I had this bookmarked....

http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/8477 ... na0000.jpg

Ohh, And THIS.... Is Zeik.


2010-06-15 08:57:15

LOL posting face ss's now??

Just so everyone knows, I was afk and he chat killed me a bunch of times lol, the name of the server proves there was no 1v1 exec'd.

Not that I really care about any of this.



2010-06-15 09:04:23

guess who took that ss, why is it relevant now anyway?


2010-06-15 09:36:12

it doesn't matter :) just had it laying around. ^_^ no biggie.


2010-06-15 09:53:53

BTW, don't sound so offended Panic,...not like it's your best map right? 1911 beat you 22/2 there did he not? you asked him for a rematch, and it was about the same score again...
I have the demo.
You claim to be a top KBH player, maybe have you 1v1's there? Might do a little better.
I'll admit you're better than me in most maps, but incase you wanna keep downtalking me, and talking shit, I have KAC ban SS's of you, among others.
You have no reason to be talking shit about me. I'm just playing to have fun, and you try and start shit,.......
I didn't know Valiums was in the game, if I did, it would have been different. I wouldn't accept a 1v1 anyways, not worth my time. I'm not ready to take on 1v1's with pro's yet bud.
I don't claim to be so great, or even good.
I am trying to get better, and have fun. It takes time to boost skill, but I guess you don't have to worry about that right? You just fuck with your rates, and spam the shit outta people, and pray that you come out on top...
So, thanks, come again.
Being 100% legit never worked for you, but it does for me.

The Argumentalizer

2010-06-15 09:55:22

I keel all you fuckers!


2010-06-15 10:38:46

markymark wrote: I'm not ready to take on 1v1's with noobs like panic yet bud.
Fixed :mrgreen:


2010-06-15 16:17:57

get pos, then talk



2010-06-15 21:40:38

[[_] My care cup is empty breh.

Mr. Nervous

2010-06-15 21:44:03

Panic wrote:LOL posting face ss's now??

Just so everyone knows, I was afk and he chat killed me a bunch of times lol, the name of the server proves there was no 1v1 exec'd.

Not that I really care about any of this.

If you don't really care why'd you give us this cool story about how you lost?


2010-06-15 21:48:38

markymark wrote:BTW, don't sound so offended Panic,...not like it's your best map right? 1911 beat you 22/2 there did he not? <- lulz he beat me and I've beaten him ask him lolol.

You claim to be a top KBH player, maybe have you 1v1's there? Might do a little better.
I'll admit you're better than me in most maps, but incase you wanna keep downtalking me, and talking shit, I have KAC ban SS's of you, among others. <- Pretty sure I'd know if my own server banned me.

I didn't know Valiums was in the game, if I did, it would have been different. I wouldn't accept a 1v1 anyways, not worth my time. I'm not ready to take on 1v1's with pro's yet bud.
I don't claim to be so great, or even good. <- I even told you it was valiumz in game and you still said you'd rape him (lol).

I am trying to get better, and have fun. It takes time to boost skill, but I guess you don't have to worry about that right? You just fuck with your rates, and spam the shit outta people, and pray that you come out on top... <- As far as I remember last time I saw you in KBH I was winning with like 70/15, and you said "luck" or "omg" every time you died lol.

Being 100% legit never worked for you, but it does for me. <- I guess being 100% legit means sucking ass and posting a topic on a forum where no one cares?
mm fun. lol and if you think this is like impressing 1911 or something, all it's doing is giving him a headache. kthxbyegg


2010-06-15 22:00:21

not really, he doesn't play DM competitively anymore. He's joining a CSS league. He could probably beat you on 10% effort.
You were auto banned on my server about 4 times for your rates.
If you don't care, why even reply with stupid comments that don't help you?

I don't need to waste my time worrying about you anyway.


2010-06-15 22:04:33

markymark wrote:I have a big ego, I'm really bad at half-life two deathmatch, I want to suck Panic's erect phalis, I heard its huge.
Oh well thank you!!


2010-06-15 22:08:33

Panic wrote:
markymark wrote:I have a big ego, I'm really bad at half-life two deathmatch, I want to suck Panic's erect phalis, I heard its huge.
Oh well thank you!!
really? I have a big ego? Think you're talking about yourself there. I never once ever said I was good. I said I'm here trying to improve.
and I play with better players to do so. And while in servers, I noticed you aren't half as good as they are.
Which is why people like X-Death and 1911 rape you. If you were as good as others in LsD, you would have beat both X-Death, and 1911. Because many in LsD are much better players.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2010-06-15 22:27:47

markymark wrote:he doesn't play DM competitively anymore.
Never really did.


2010-06-15 22:42:03

piss on each other through pm's