[EYE] Valar
2010-06-15 15:37:21
Here are my 3 main arguments:
1) The Stats Factor: Competitive players fear of losing already gained stats, since playing new maps involves learning the layout and item/player spawns from scratch, they’d much prefer playing already studied maps in which they have if not an advantage at least not a disadvantage.
2) The Approval Factor: Incapacity of original thought. New maps seem to find acceptance mainly if not only via mapping competitions which is wrong. Not to take away anything from the competitions – they’re great and should be supported, however new maps should be able to be introduced and break through independently which never happens.
3) The Comfort Factor: “I’m used to dm_old. dm_old is awesome. Why should I change?” this is Fear of the New Things. Though this might sound over dramatic and raise debate, from my personal observation, this is a natural human trait. Although one you should keep in check and not let take over the wheel as it were.
I want to point that a great number of competitive players I’ve spoken with often expressed their dislike of the maps used in leagues. Still you’ll see these maps keep on being elected again and again. Inarguably every map played in leagues today has in it good elements as well as not-so-good elements, some are damn great maps, some aren’t. But A. the fact that on a one on one basis people speak out against something and when they come to vote they embrace what they profess to dislike begs serious thought. And B. Old in itself is not a bad thing but the fact there is hardly anything new but circulation of the same stuff is far from ideal.
Another thing to note is the fact that this game although lacking any attention from Valve keeps evolving its gameplay techniques as time goes by. And yet, this change in style is inarguably not reflected in new maps (with maybe the one exclusion of dm_airfusion, but only slightly).
One last thing I want to point out is the fact that at least in my case, during playtests of a map I would get inputs from people, implement those inputs into the map only to find out the same people who gave the inputs now complain about a myriad of new other things they’ve never mentioned before. Some times I’ve noticed people not pointing out faults in a map and kept it to themselves. Perhaps as an advantage during a match?...who knows but when the said map would be debated whether or not it should be used in league, those “hidden”, untold faults would surface all of a sudden and bring down the map completely.
(I’m BTW posting this in the cafeteria since many don't look at the Dept. of Architecture)
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