2010-07-15 16:31:50
ive had a few but i think the one i remember the most, and to this day i think about how i just shouldnt be alive.
i was living on Martha's Vineyard for the summer with a college friend and my brother. the 3 of us and a few friends from work were at a beach party. on the way back me and my friend tony caught a ride with 2 guys from work. the driver had a 2 seater pickup truck so tony and i sat in the back in the truck bed. i was of course hammered and i dicided i wanted to stand up and lean forward with my hands on the roof of the truck cab. the driver was drunk too and didnt realize i was standing up. he took a really sharp right turn, the cintriphical force of the turn thru me to the left. in a split second i reached down and was able to grab the little sliding window that some pick ups have and stopped myself. thinking about it later, if his truck didnt have that window, if it wasnt open, or if i didnt manage to grab it i would certainly be dead, or would have a life altering brain injury.
im really interested in hearing other ones from ppl. post up. i have a few other ones, but i wanna see what you guys have.