near death


2010-07-15 16:31:50

i was watching a show called "i survived" last night and it made me think of near death experiences ive had. was wondering if anybody here has had some really close calls.

ive had a few but i think the one i remember the most, and to this day i think about how i just shouldnt be alive.

i was living on Martha's Vineyard for the summer with a college friend and my brother. the 3 of us and a few friends from work were at a beach party. on the way back me and my friend tony caught a ride with 2 guys from work. the driver had a 2 seater pickup truck so tony and i sat in the back in the truck bed. i was of course hammered and i dicided i wanted to stand up and lean forward with my hands on the roof of the truck cab. the driver was drunk too and didnt realize i was standing up. he took a really sharp right turn, the cintriphical force of the turn thru me to the left. in a split second i reached down and was able to grab the little sliding window that some pick ups have and stopped myself. thinking about it later, if his truck didnt have that window, if it wasnt open, or if i didnt manage to grab it i would certainly be dead, or would have a life altering brain injury.

im really interested in hearing other ones from ppl. post up. i have a few other ones, but i wanna see what you guys have.

[EYE] Valar

2010-07-15 17:23:10

i was around 4 or 5 and was seated in the back seat of my dad's car next to my older brother and my grandmother. i was messing with the knob that keeps the door locked and since no one noticed what i was doing i managed to eventually open it and then went ahead starting to try and open the door handle. i got it and the door opened right when my dad took a strong turn left and i flew out. my grandmother grabbed me in mid air and saved my live.

second instance was a near death altho it didn't feel like it at the time. it was during the first gulf was and as you know Israel was heavily bombarded by Iraq every day. the city that took the most hits was Ramat Gan and that's where at 17 i had a job at a rehearsal studio as a sound guy apprentice. i was left alone that day to work with a group that was rehearsing. since evening was when the bombs started falling they wrapped up around 5pm, and took off within 15 min. i should've finished folding the cabled, locking up and getting a bus back home but i took my time, i have no idea why, i guess i was just being too young and didn't feel scared. next thing i know the alarms went off and i was standing by the studio's wide glass window watching at dozens of bombs hit the city, lighting up the sky.


2010-07-15 17:42:27

[EYE] Valar wrote:
second instance was a near death altho it didn't feel like it at the time. it was during the first gulf was and as you know Israel was heavily bombarded by Iraq every day. the city that took the most hits was Ramat Gan and that's where at 17 i had a job at a rehearsal studio as a sound guy apprentice. i was left alone that day to work with a group that was rehearsing. since evening was when the bombs started falling they wrapped up around 5pm, and took off within 15 min. i should've finished folding the cabled, locking up and getting a bus back home but i took my time, i have no idea why, i guess i was just being too young and didn't feel scared. next thing i know the alarms went off and i was standing by the studio's wide glass window watching at dozens of bombs hit the city, lighting up the sky.
thats insane, i cant even imagine seeing that close up

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2010-07-15 21:05:48

Being mechanically inclined I would say I was near death every time I show a customer their invoice.


2010-07-15 22:48:32

Had a bunch of experiences when I would go to the rivers in Mexico , some jumping off trees and one time when we found a crocodile by our grandmas house in a ranch and we were sitting right next to it thinking it was a old piece of furniture. Also the time I broke my arm got lucky with just a fracture because I fell on a sharp rock and woulda killed me if I hadn't put my arm in front. One time also getting bit by a poisonous snake or idk if it was near death but it sure gave me a he'll of a fever that lasted for a month.


2010-07-15 23:48:40

Drank a 24 beers a 40oz of vodka, 5 shooters of jagermeister within an hour and a half.

Long story short I passed out (actually a short coma) for 5-6 hours, then I woke up and slept 2 days straight.

Nothing fancy there. Ahhh the shit you do when you're a kid.


2010-07-16 00:25:22

Back when I was doing prescription pills a lot, one night I got really drunk and sniffed two oxycontin 80's and started going into convulsions. My girlfriend quickly acted and drove me two blocks away to the hospital where I woke up, and was told if she didn't act the way she did, I probably would've had either a stroke, or had a brain hemorrhage.


2010-07-16 01:43:51

provost wrote:Drank a 24 beers a 40oz of vodka, 5 shooters of jagermeister within an hour and a half.

Long story short I passed out (actually a short coma) for 5-6 hours, then I woke up and slept 2 days straight.

Nothing fancy there. Ahhh the shit you do when you're a kid.

Good god. inb4 conflict asks for a new kidney on the forums soon.

I flipped my Mitsubishi Eclipse 4 times without a seat belt on going 50 mph down a curved expressway. Sunroof and windshield shattered but somehow I only got one scar from the entire thing, on my hand. Jap cars4life now, thing had a WAY better body cage then I ever imagined, it basically kept me in a single position throughout the entire crash. How I didnt get more shards of glass cutting me IDK.


2010-07-16 03:01:27

2 weeks ago on 4th of July, coming back from some strip clubs. my cousin was driving drunk and decided it would be fun to run past some stop sings and red lights. the best part was the speed bumps when going about 50 mph.


2010-07-16 04:10:43

Blasphemy wrote:2 weeks ago on 4th of July, coming back from some strip clubs. my cousin was driving drunk and decided it would be fun to run past some stop sings and red lights. the best part was the speed bumps when going about 50 mph.
Ah sheet. I remember when my friend (clinically diagnosed as bi-polar) asked us if we wanted to feel how it'd be to be in an action movie. He bought this junker car and took us out to this 10-15 foot hill and went over it at 80 MPH. When it landed one wheel fell off, all the axels were perm damaged and the engine blew smoke. Stupid thing was I think he knew it was gonna be totalled but forgot to mention the nearest sign of civilization was a redneck bar, good thing they thought our story was hilarious after seeing the car instead of beating our asses.


2010-07-16 08:27:21



2010-07-16 14:13:12

Nutri-Grain wrote:this one time i slipped and almost fell before catching my balance on a nearby hand rail.

i was like, woah, almost fell there, could have maybe died or something.
Electric shocks galore when I put my tongue on a 9V battery also when I forgot to isolate a 3 phase motor, that was scary.


2010-07-16 14:54:01

hmm i tugged on a power cord to pull it out of the wallsocket, wen i was young. Anyways the cord was fucked and i didnt see part of the wire inside was'nt actually protected, gave me a nasty shock, held it for like over a second, felt sick and shakey until the next day. Also i have a small scar which im not even sure is very visable anymore on my left temple where i was hit by a car.

I remember asking my dad one night(jokingly) how many times he has allmost died and was literally listening to stories for about an hour. I asked jokingly because i had heard several stories over the years, man i tell ya that is one lucky prick to still be alive lol.


2010-07-16 16:33:57

after graduating high school me and some friends decided to go for a celebration joy ride. i was driving prolly 70+ on a side road, we came up to a hill and i sped up even more cause there was a crest and i wanted to try and get some air. well i didnt realize i was really close to the middle line. coming the other way was a car apperently doing the samething i was, he was also really close to the middle line. we passed each other at the top of the crest, we were so close our side mirrors tapped each other.

The Argumentalizer

2010-07-16 17:50:13

One of my earliest memories was of England. I was 5 and my parents were in Spain. We had a baby sitter staying with us. Our next door neighbor had two sons, about 17 yrs. old. I walked through the walled arch of their patio besides the house because i heard some pounding. Chris, one of the sons has pounding on the end of a pipe. I asked him what he was doing and he told me to get out. He turn, struck the pipe with the hammer again and it exploded. I was about 25 feet away and it knocked me into the wall and blew an ear drum. It was ringing like crazy. Chris's midsection was pulp. I stumbled back out of there as neighbors ran to us. He died 20 minutes later right there.

Car Wreck in 1978. I was doing a Quaalude so a friend of mine was driving my Plymouth Scamp. He ran a light and another car t-bone me on the passenger side. It knocked me through the windshield, head first, leaving me half out of the car. My hard head came in handy. I was released later that day with huge stitches left top of my head.

Early 1987, 2/502d Infantry Fort Campbell, i was in the last chopper of a stick doing an air assault at 300am. The Blackhawks' doors were open. There was a flash ahead of us. The first chopper had hit another scout out getting flight time. they collided and went down. One chopper hovered over with searchlights while the rest of us landed.
Our blackhawk was one its side blades gone, and on fire. We dragged the pilot out, whose skull was crushed. Live rounds started cooking off and the grunts in back were trapped. 15 troopers died that night, including the other pilot and co.

In a real eerie one, i was in the 1/8 Infantry, 8th Infantry Div (Mech) in Mannheim. on Dec. 22d 1988, i flew from Frankfurt Inter. on Pan Am flight 1??. My flight was a straight shot to Atlanta. The flight before us was a connector, landing in London. As i was in flight for Christmas, the other flight exploded over Lockerbie, Flight 103, killing 270 people.

11 years old. Mass. Some asshole broke into the house on a Sat. morning. Dad was gone. Stocking mask, hunting knife.
Cut the Telephone wires and grabbed my mother and dragged her into the kitchen area. My Bro and Sis were hysterical. I took them out the front door to safety. We heard her screaming as we came around the house. She had elbowed him in the face and jumped through the screen porch into the garden. The demon freaked and fled through the woods.
Not a good day. We left Mass for NC months later.

Nassau. Drunk. Walked down the wrong alley one street too far. Jerk pulled a blade on me. I went into overdrive mode and scaled a 10 foot stucco wall. He just wasn't fast enough. Adrenaline is a good thing.

Lol, there is more...


2010-07-16 20:11:38

I also went to a Sunn O))) concert.

Trust me, it counts.


2010-07-16 20:44:39

damn impala, i think you are in the lead right now. im coming down to VA beach with a case of beer for us to split, so i can just listen to your stories.


2010-07-16 21:18:53

Wow, yeah I think Impala is the champ.

The only thing I can share that would be near death would be from my very early childhood. (From what I am told) I was 16 months old and had an ear infection accompanied by a 104 temperature. I eventually went into convulsions and stopped breathing. My mom started CPR on me and by the time the ambulance showed up I was breathing again. I'm here and able to talk with you guys today thanks to her! I would surely have been a goner otherwise.


2010-07-16 23:20:04

I got a hang nail once, or was it a paper cut....?

Seriously though, this doesnt beat Impala but here goes anyway: I gave blood for the first time ever when I was in college. I dont like getting stuck, but Ive had blood samples taken or had shots many times and never ever had a problem. Everything was fine until they took the needle out and I started raising my arm. My sight started getting black from the edges out, kinda like going down a tunnel facing backwards real fast. I said "Im blacking out, Im blacking out...." They woke me up and I blacked out again right away. They woke me up a second time and I stayed awake, but I felt real weak. They said that my blood pressure had gone so low that they couldnt feel a pluse for a while. They kept me there for over an hour til they were sure I was going to be OK. They also said that I "should never give blood again" (NO SHIT!).

Anyway I can say I had some very very vivid and weird dreams while I was passed out. Very bizare.


2010-07-16 23:37:57

I guess I have a couple but the one that stands out was in the summer of 2007, I was on the Homathco icefield in BC, me and a bunch of guys were standing around breaking down tents and preparing to leave camp, a cracking sound and we looked up to see a bunch of rockfall breaking loose from the cliffs maybe 1000 feet or so above us, there really wasn't anywhere to run and not enough time to run there anyway, so we kinda stood and waited to see which way to jump if needed. the near death part is a rock about the size of a gallon of milk landed a little less than 6 feet to my immediate right. a rock that big falling that far.. it wouldn't have mattered if i was wearing my helmet or not.

also holy fuck this explains a lot about impala O.O I feel like i need to buy you a beer or 12.


2010-07-17 00:11:08

Zman42 wrote: also holy fuck this explains a lot about impala O.O I feel like i need to buy you a beer or 12.
lol true


2010-07-17 02:04:48

Paradox wrote:I got a hang nail once, or was it a paper cut....?

Seriously though, this doesnt beat Impala but here goes anyway: I gave blood for the first time ever when I was in college. I dont like getting stuck, but Ive had blood samples taken or had shots many times and never ever had a problem. Everything was fine until they took the needle out and I started raising my arm. My sight started getting black from the edges out, kinda like going down a tunnel facing backwards real fast. I said "Im blacking out, Im blacking out...." They woke me up and I blacked out again right away. They woke me up a second time and I stayed awake, but I felt real weak. They said that my blood pressure had gone so low that they couldnt feel a pluse for a while. They kept me there for over an hour til they were sure I was going to be OK. They also said that I "should never give blood again" (NO SHIT!).

Anyway I can say I had some very very vivid and weird dreams while I was passed out. Very bizare.
how much blood did you give FFS?


2010-07-17 04:02:21

Va|iums wrote:Good god. inb4 conflict asks for a new kidney on the forums soon.
balhk offered me his, I to kindly refused.


2010-07-17 04:05:15

Zman42 wrote:I guess I have a couple but the one that stands out was in the summer of 2007, I was on the Homathco icefield in BC, me and a bunch of guys were standing around breaking down tents and preparing to leave camp, a cracking sound and we looked up to see a bunch of rockfall breaking loose from the cliffs maybe 1000 feet or so above us, there really wasn't anywhere to run and not enough time to run there anyway, so we kinda stood and waited to see which way to jump if needed. the near death part is a rock about the size of a gallon of milk landed a little less than 6 feet to my immediate right. a rock that big falling that far.. it wouldn't have mattered if i was wearing my helmet or not.

also holy fuck this explains a lot about impala O.O I feel like i need to buy you a beer or 12.
you do several extreme sports, surely you've had a near death experience doing one of them?


2010-07-17 04:26:41

alt.424 wrote:
you do several extreme sports, surely you've had a near death experience doing one of them?
Well the story I related above was while mountaineering so maybe that counts? Otherwise I'd say the time my front tire sunk in biking down a hill of sand at about the 15 foot mark and I ended up taking a header from there into the ground, put an actual chip in the jaw of my full-face helmet, which probably saved my life, at least saved my jaw. =]


2010-07-17 06:50:33

{EE}chEmicalbuRn wrote:
how much blood did you give FFS?

No more than normal, a pint, however I recall the bag filling rather quickly so that might have had something do with it. There is no history of hemophilia in my family that I know of. Could be my system just didnt like giving it up who knows.


2010-07-17 10:58:17

provost wrote:
Va|iums wrote:Good god. inb4 conflict asks for a new kidney on the forums soon.
balhk offered me his, I to kindly refused.

bahlks kidney....ya


2010-07-17 15:03:19

Paradox wrote:
{EE}chEmicalbuRn wrote:
how much blood did you give FFS?

No more than normal, a pint, however I recall the bag filling rather quickly so that might have had something do with it. There is no history of hemophilia in my family that I know of. Could be my system just didnt like giving it up who knows.
prolly, i hate giving blood. thing is im O- so everybody's always after me lucky blood. i tell the nurses that i hate needles but when they see im covered with tattoos they call bull shit on me. i think its totally different tho. when i see my blood spraying out into a vile i wanna puke.


2010-07-17 20:35:18

Yea Ive never had a problem with seeing my blood going into a vial or seeing other people's blood. I had to help a co-worker with a head wound once and holy crap you bleed alot from those! There was blood everywhere. I dont like getting stuck either and yea a tat is a bit different imo, that just does the skin, doesnt actually go into a vein. Wait until you have kids. My mom almost passed out watching a nurse take my blood once, not from the sight of the blood, but that it was me.

anyway enough about


2010-07-17 22:46:07

hunting in Austria...didnt realize the safety catch was off the rifle, gun went off when i tripped over a rock, bullet ricocheted felt it whizz by me just missing; my grampa runs up and says what the hell happened? I told him i was trying to shoot a bird lol...I don't think he believed me. Shoulda applied for Dick Cheney's job eh?


2010-07-18 01:41:24

lead wrote:hunting in Austria...didnt realize the safety catch was off the rifle, gun went off when i tripped over a rock, bullet ricocheted felt it whizz by me just missing; my grampa runs up and says what the hell happened? I told him i was trying to shoot a bird lol...I don't think he believed me. Shoulda applied for Dick Cheney's job eh?
apperently gun licenses are easy to get in scotland eh? :mrgreen:

@para, unfortunetly i cant have kids. they fucked up my sex change operation. i should of talked to kigha first.