Alien Swarm


2010-07-17 04:25:57


2010-07-17 04:37:39

looks like fun gonna get bahlk, vals and phan to dl so we can do some co-op :mrgreen:

[EYE] Valar

2010-07-17 05:17:07

this is an exact copy (only far better looking) of a UT2K4 mod i used to play. a lot.
can't wait to try this out.

see here


2010-07-17 06:30:54

omg must download


2010-07-17 06:34:48

shit comes out in 2 days


2010-07-17 09:07:16

FREE??? rly?? so downloading this

[EYE] Valar

2010-07-17 21:21:02

dug this up on the game background ... debase.php
i'm happy to learn it's the same dev team.

BTW note "In 2005, Black Cat announced it would develop Alien Swarm: Infested.., using Valve's Source engine. Updates about the project on the developer's official site stopped in September 2007....
...Now, it appears that soon after that September 2007 update, Valve hired the Black Cat team to work on the Left 4 Dead series and more recently Portal 2...

WTF?? makes all those Abductions stories even scarier now don't it. now you're not being cut open by aliens but spend weekends locked in an office in Seattle working on the next owasome TF2 achievement. eww.


2010-07-20 10:33:35

How adjust mouse sensitivity I cant find it under the ooptin keyboard/mouse"


2010-07-20 11:54:49

keefy wrote:How adjust mouse sensitivity I cant find it under the ooptin keyboard/mouse"
try the console command sensitivity .75 or w/e


2010-07-20 12:03:32

I tried but it does nothing, I have in my config now sensitivity "15" but it feels same as default. (not my usual sens just took it to extremes to notice any diffeences)

[EYE] Valar

2010-07-20 16:07:16

most epic indeed. far better than the UT version.


2010-07-20 16:26:33

i'll be playing this on and off

hit me up whenever, who else is playing?

[EYE] Valar

2010-07-20 18:04:01

looks like this picking up pretty nice judging by the turn out. for me it's been like you keep wanting to go back and play it so that's good. they've already got its SDK out with the release and the mod team is on forums asking ppl to post bugs and issues. i mean..u know?
only thing awesome-er than this would proly be a FPS version :mrgreen:


2010-07-20 19:54:17

Can use firstperson but its bugged


2010-07-21 00:12:33

damn this game is really addicting

[EYE] Valar

2010-07-21 01:46:19

keefy wrote:Can use firstperson but its bugged
it's not bugged - it's mapped for 3rd person. like what you don't see in 3rd person is not textured etc.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2010-07-21 02:57:18

Kinda glitchy for me so far.


2010-07-21 04:06:27

that mod's guys just had a job in valve

btw.. anybody interested in makin a mod?


2010-07-21 07:24:40

lol alien syndrome gets a 3d facelift 20 years after its creation and manages to both gain glitches and lose playability in the process.

Not much of a surprise this is free.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2010-07-21 11:14:52

keefy wrote:Can use firstperson but its bugged

asw_hide_marine 1
asw_controls 0


2010-07-22 01:25:03

I DLed it. Its free so I figured what the hell, give it a try. Some peeps I know from BFBC2 play it together and its fun to join in.


2010-07-22 01:29:45

we just beat it on insane, for those of you that get to the last stage on insane all i have to say is good luck


2010-07-22 01:43:01

shit was so gay, i died doing a barrel roll towards the choppa.



2010-07-22 02:48:39

yea that was pretty gay at least i got you there alive by sacrificing myself 8)

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2010-07-22 03:46:26

Blasphemy wrote:shit was so gay, i died doing a barrel roll towards the choppa.

What a way to go


2010-07-22 04:03:58

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2010-07-22 09:58:14

Now try a rocket jump.