A Question for Those Who Hack


2010-07-28 00:43:56

You know who you are. Seriously why do you do it? Why take the fun and challenge out of a game instead of using what god gave you? Do you seriously after getting three headshots in a row using an aimbot sit back and pat yourself on the back for how good you are and say "goddamn I am good".

IDK I just dont get it and never will, someone please explain to me why you've given up on yourself and need to rely on AI to get it done. It reminds me of some cheating chess legends who took bathroom breaks to get texts about their next move produced from a supercomputer, you're just fucking up the entire point of man vs man, will against will.

/insert random picture of angry Mr. T picture here


2010-07-28 00:55:24

Yea makes u wonder doesnt it, takes someone really pathetic.
Aparently there is a Aus player going around using aimbots + wallhacks and challenging ppl to 1 vs 1's. And another who i saw going around with aimbots who wen called out on it would call everyone "shitcunts" and "noobs". etc


2010-07-28 01:32:22

brb asking bahlk for answer


2010-07-28 01:34:04

VAC Ban Excuse Checklist
[ ] 1) A [relative / friend] cheated on my [account / pc]
[ ] 2) I only hacked in [insert other game(s) here]
[ ] 3) I was just [trying / testing] the hax
[ ] 4) My account got stolen and was cheated on before it was recovered
[ ] 5) I only hacked to be on even footing with the other hackers
[ ] 6) My egos massiveness is / was matched only by its fragility
[ ] 7) I suffer(ed) from terminal puberty
[ ] 8) Other (list:_____________________________________)

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2010-07-28 01:36:22

I'm in the same boat as you val, I mean trolling and raging only goes so far eventually their just cheating because they are terrible, I see ko taos post as I'm typing this and that list checks out 100%.

My favorite is when they say "OH COME ON YOU KNOW YOU WOULD HAVE IF YOU KNEW HOW" like they didn't google the shittiest pub hack they could get and are far from coders, or "YOU KNOW YOU'VE DONE IT AT LEAST ONE TIME" umm no. I'm not a faggot.


2010-07-28 01:46:08

Divinity wrote:brb asking bahlk for answer



2010-07-28 02:10:51

i only hack when someone else is hacking and change my name to "HERE TO STOP THE HACKER"

Uncle Rico

2010-07-28 02:48:44


The Argumentalizer

2010-07-28 04:13:54

It's the devils work.


2010-07-28 23:21:55

If Air Force pilots take pills to boost their reflexes why can't I use an aimbot/autoshoot to boost my score?



2010-07-28 23:35:07

:oops: You caught me...I once used hacks on Ikari Warriors so I could finally defeat the game because I sucked so bad at it! I'm sorry. :(

The Argumentalizer

2010-07-29 00:39:04

What pills are Air Force Pilots authorized to take?

Answer: NONE. Not stimulants. Not even antihistamines.


2010-07-29 04:58:43

Ko-Tao wrote:VAC Ban Excuse Checklist
[ ] 1) A [relative / friend] cheated on my [account / pc]
[ ] 2) I only hacked in [insert other game(s) here]
[ ] 3) I was just [trying / testing] the hax
[ ] 4) My account got stolen and was cheated on before it was recovered
[ ] 5) I only hacked to be on even footing with the other hackers
[ ] 6) My egos massiveness is / was matched only by its fragility
[ ] 7) I suffer(ed) from terminal puberty
[ ] 8) Other (list:_____________________________________)
LOL sad thing is that this is actually true. My first account got vac'd for doing number 3.