sooo going to see this


2010-08-22 04:42:53


2010-08-22 05:09:34

hmmmmmmm yup.

The Argumentalizer

2010-08-22 08:35:17

Damn Straight


2010-08-22 11:52:18

Flexible. Yummmmmmmmmm9


2010-08-23 17:59:06

Watch em make "The Last Exorcism 2"


2010-08-23 18:15:17

provost wrote:Watch em make "The Last Exorcism 2"
lmao, "no really, this is the last one"


2010-08-23 21:00:57

Looks pretty intense! My fiance will not be able to stay home alone for months after seeing this.


2010-08-24 07:40:06

Cept for the fact that it's rated PG-13. Not saying that there can't be a good scary PG-13 movie, but it's probably just marketed for the under-17 little faggot ass kids. I work at a movie theatre, just betting that that's how it'll be. I'll be dealing with hundredsssssss of those queerbaits next weekend with this, takers, AND lottery ticket all at the same time! FML. Wish I had a tazer for them


2010-08-24 07:52:19

lewl, my bro used to work at a movie theater. he said all the black based movies were always the worst to clean up after.

same situation for you con?


2010-08-24 17:32:31

Blasphemy wrote:lewl, my bro used to work at a movie theater. he said all the black based movies were always the worst to clean up after.

same situation for you con?

MMMMUUUUUHHHHHAAAAAAAAAA. this is going on my sig. the floor must be all greasy.


2010-08-24 23:13:55

Blasphemy wrote:lewl, my bro used to work at a movie theater. he said all the black based movies were always the worst to clean up after.

same situation for you con?
Definitely. Who do you think I was referring to when I said "under-17 little faggot ass kids"? Although it's not that bad, as I sweep most of the trash under the seats of the theater. Sorry, but minimum wage isn't enough IMO for the amount of work I'd have to do if you clean the way they want you to.

Saturday nights are when the black kids come out. There is a fountain which serves as a kind of social area in front of the theatre I work at, and, literally, hundreds of black people come out and crowd in that area before they go to their movie to sit on their cell phones and be loud and then be kicked out. We even have a few arrested usually. That's how it goes when you build a movie theater 5 miles from the hood.

I'm about to go up into projection, though, so I won't have to deal with them any more lololo


2010-08-25 04:01:18

Just grab a damn shotgun and blast her face off.


2010-08-29 03:18:30

i remember my bro telling me he found a used condom while cleaning up.

also 40oz in the toilet

any similar experiences?


2010-08-29 04:08:59

Blasphemy wrote:i remember my bro telling me he found a used condom while cleaning up.

also 40oz in the toilet

any similar experiences?
ever find a 40oz with a condom on it in the females bathroom?

Uncle Rico

2010-08-29 05:02:47

{EE}chEmicalbuRn wrote:
Blasphemy wrote:i remember my bro telling me he found a used condom while cleaning up.

also 40oz in the toilet

any similar experiences?
ever find a 40oz with a condom on it in the females bathroom?
ever find a female with a condom on it in the 40 oz?

[EYE] Valar

2010-08-29 14:48:37

um...looks like a cross with Blair witch. it also look like the trailer's edited pretty damn good and the actual movie isn't all that wow

the Crazies on the other hand was a lot of joy


2010-08-29 21:39:04

Blasphemy wrote:i remember my bro telling me he found a used condom while cleaning up.

also 40oz in the toilet

any similar experiences?

Some dude shit in one of our urinals one time (no I didn't clean it up)

A couple got caught having sex in one of our exit hallways

Found used condoms before. Also, found condom balloons before too lol

One time I was selling tickets in box office and this dude comes up stumbling like hell, barely able to talk, and DROOLING the whole time (he was drunk out of his mind) and he manages to tell me what he wants, I tell him his total. He pulls out a 20 and DROOLS all over it, wipes his mouth with his hands, and gives it to me! Was fucking disgusting definitely went to the bathroom and washed after that shit.

Another time in box office, this chick was ordering her tickets, she didn't look too good though, like she was sick. After she hands the money to the cashier, BBBBLLLLAAAAAHHHH she barfs all over the counter, computer, everything! That was fucking hilarious thank god I wasn't the one helping her haha

There's more but I don't wanna make a wall of text.