Spawn Protection

The Argumentalizer

2010-08-27 06:28:41

For any Elite Gamers and FFighters out there, let me explain something:

With Spawn Protection, you have SPAWN PROTECTION!
Isn't it fucking amazing how that works.

You spawn. You can play inviso-spy/check it out/see everything that is happening, UNDER COMPLETE PROTECTION!

I reiterate, it's called SPAWN PROTECTION, for FUCK SAKE.
You CANNOT KILL SOMEONE in SPAWN with Spawn Protection. It is impossible.
I say again - IMPOSSIBLE.

Stop whining you are getting spawn killed. You are not. You cannot get spawn killed.
You got killed after you spawned, when you are KILLABLE. And folks often don't even see you IN SPAWN. They see and shoot.
So, please shut the fuck up.
This isn't about me having to play on your server or wanting too.
It's about your little girly faggot ass whining.


2010-08-27 06:35:42

FF at least has relaxed those rules. you move, you're fair game. won't stop some folks from crying though.

The Argumentalizer

2010-08-27 06:42:13

Well good for them! I like those folks. Spawn Pro is the frickin worst thing.


2010-08-27 13:29:31

Kinda surprised the spawn protection crowd hasnt moved on by now. Games like tf2, mw2 etc are perfect for players who have trouble getting their finger on the W key during the 3 seconds between death and respawn... no real advanced techniques to worry about either, not to mention you can blame all your deaths and losses on your team!


2010-08-27 17:20:32

i know from talking to Jake this issue was a huge problem for them. i think one of the reasons they kept it for so long is they arent a competition clan/server and that helped keep the games non-competitive. mostly because competition players dont like SP so they wouldnt join their servers. the problem was, exactly as impala said, players coming out of SP still called it spawn killing. which lead to the obvious arguements of players having no clue if an enemy player was active or just coming out of SP. very few maps have spawn points in the middle of open areas, so one would come around a corner and.....well you get the picture. also there was a lot of what they call reverse spawn killing, where a player in SP would watch a player go by them and then come out of SP and kill them. there were players that CONSTAINTLY complained about being spawned killed, all match long. i think it just got to annoying and too hard to police, so they did away with it. all in all, they are a great group of ppl and they have great admins that keep really nice servers going, so i hope it worked out for them. i used to play there a lot when i was playing.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2010-08-27 19:11:59

Ko-Tao wrote:Kinda surprised the spawn protection crowd hasnt moved on by now. Games like tf2, mw2 etc are perfect for players who have trouble getting their finger on the W key during the 3 seconds between death and respawn



2010-08-27 19:14:01

I eventually added SP to my server just because I was so sick of hearing everyone bitch about getting spawn killed, damn chronic whiners! And what I've noticed with the spawners is that they tend to wait until you're out of the area for fear you'll turn around and kill them as soon as their protection is gone. All in all it's been a good thing to implement. Chat protection on the other hand is a friggen joke and gets majorly abused. You get these folks that are getting attacked by someone so they hurry up and fly to the nearest wall and start typing to activate CP, just to save themselves from getting killed. Aarrgh! And no, it's not running on my server.

My 2 cents.


2010-08-27 19:19:18

It can bring its own problems yes and more rules and causes mre friction and arguments but then that is your name so you migh tliek that. :P
I don't mind spawn killing but when I am playing by the rules and others do not it pisses me off, also on some of those server people often tried to spawn kill me but fail then they complained i reversed spawn killed them then I get kicked or banned :shock: .
Chat protection on the other hand is a friggen joke and gets majorly abused. You get these folks that are getting attacked by someone so they hurry up and fly to the nearest wall and start typing to activate CP, just to save themselves from getting killed. Aarrgh! And no, it's not running on my server.
Seen it done a fair few times by some clan members (no names) I kill them anyway for trying exploiting it.


2010-08-27 20:52:56

The Argumentalizer wrote:For any Elite Gamers and FFighters out there, let me explain something:

With Spawn Protection, you have SPAWN PROTECTION!
Isn't it fucking amazing how that works.

You spawn. You can play inviso-spy/check it out/see everything that is happening, UNDER COMPLETE PROTECTION!

I reiterate, it's called SPAWN PROTECTION, for FUCK SAKE.
You CANNOT KILL SOMEONE in SPAWN with Spawn Protection. It is impossible.
I say again - IMPOSSIBLE.

Stop whining you are getting spawn killed. You are not. You cannot get spawn killed.
You got killed after you spawned, when you are KILLABLE. And folks often don't even see you IN SPAWN. They see and shoot.
So, please shut the fuck up.
This isn't about me having to play on your server or wanting too.
It's about your little girly faggot ass whining.

agreed...its actually spawn camping I would say when ppl wait on spawning players...almost as annoying as killing when folk are genuinely facing the wall :twisted:


2010-08-27 22:39:13

Ive also seen reverse spawn killing be just as much as a problem: the person in spawn waits for you to pass so your back is to them then they jump out and kill you then they whine when you wait for them to spawn and return the favor. heh


2010-08-27 23:29:29

you must not leave out those ppl that aren't quite reverse spawn killing just reverse spawn shooting that come out and instantly are trying to smg you down while the rest of the server is against you shooting them if they are just leaving sp so you gotta be paranoid on whos who and if you can tell the difference at some distances


2010-08-27 23:37:30

stop caring about score, problem solved.

The Argumentalizer

2010-08-28 00:02:20

Folks whining about getting killed out of spawn must be complaining for some reason. If score isn't it, then what is it?

[EYE] Valar

2010-08-28 02:32:34

SP is crap. we had it on EYE servers forever and eventually removed it. there is however a diff type of SP where the spawning player is colored and cannot ghost before going out of SP. e.g. once they move the mouse they get out of SP.


2010-08-28 15:49:30

The Argumentalizer wrote:Folks whining about getting killed out of spawn must be complaining for some reason. If score isn't it, then what is it?
They think its cheap likewise the noob tubes and the CG in bad company2 also if they are gunned down with anything other than a single shot weapon then its classed as spray and pray.

Basically this new generation of gamers do not want to learn.


2010-08-28 18:16:06

lol i love it in mw2/bfbc2
Oh sorry, im i supose to only use a the lowest piece of shit kind of weapon, and then, maybe it'll be k?

The Argumentalizer

2010-08-28 21:31:18

If folks don't want to get killed in game, why are they playing Deathmatch!?!?!
They are moving. They are not protected. They have spawned.
If they don't want to get dead, they should Role Play or take up Macrame.