Beat me to it, BuckyKatt: ... -religion/
I personally wouldn't consider myself a Christian at the moment, but I do attend a church out of my own will. I've learned quite a bit about people as a whole, both in my fifteen or so years out of church and two years in it.
A true Christian, or someone at least educated about the Bible, knows that, really, no one is "good". “There is no one who does good, no not even one. There is no one who seeks God.” (As the article mentions, this can be seen from Psalm 14, Psalm 53, and Romans 3, you know, straight from the Bible itself). Yet, I can exactly recall a certain friend of mine who was so optimistic about people as a whole when her faith revolves around the fact that Man is of sin and doomed without salvation. Of course, this was six years ago, so her views may have changed. The point being, there are numerous "Christians" who do not understand the very bases of their faith. Some don't know what differentiates a Protestant from, say, a Roman Catholic. Some simply think of God as a vending machine, praying only for their own self interests and being quick to abandon the faith they have been growing up with since childhoood. "Christians."
I'm from Koreatown, Los Angeles. I come from a place where there is an ocean of Koreans claiming to be Christians, Catholics, Buddhists, etc. Yet, these same people would belong to petty gangs (cause it's the K-Town scene, yo) or think as if the world revolves around them. These people become con men and scammers when they grow up (I seriously do not trust older men of my own race when it comes to business; in an essence, I am a racist of my own race, though to be fair, I do not think any higher of any other race, so perhaps I am not as self-deprecating as I may convince myself to be). All in all, these people really aren't different from you and I. They cheat. They lie. They steal. They murder. Without the silver cross bling that you see hanging on their necks, amongst other jewelries, you wouldn't be able to tell that these people are to be recognized as "Christians." Don't be too surprised when you see such people continually use the Lord's name in vain, regularly visit FMLife, and fail to do anything remotely humbling or servitude-like.
I would not consider such people "Christians," and I implore you guys to do the same. This religion isn't about burning Korans or going on a witch hunt against video games and homosexuals (the latter of which I really don't understand; He views all sins equally, so if Christians are to prosecute homosexuals, they should prosecute themselves as well for hypocrisy, deceit, and desecrating their own religion, among other things). This religion isn't about God making life the best just for you (as can be implied by those fraud "faith healing" and "Prosperity gospels"). This religion is simply about acknowledging that people are nothing but vessels of sin, of waste, of futility, and to believe that Christ saves. It doesn't take any faith or irrational thought to acknowledge the former in my opinion; this world really is a hell-hole. It's not something I would want to be too comfortable in, personally.
Just felt like ranting a bit irrelevantly.
Yours truly,
a seventeen year old who still has much to learn about this world...