[EYE] Valar wrote:The Argumentalizer wrote:"It is inconceivably frightening thinking that your own government isn't there to protect you or worse, is manipulating and exploiting you. really really scary shit."
-Tell me who believes this in the first place?!?! It's like saying i expect the Police to protect me from every criminal. It's nonsense. No, it is not "inconceivably frightening".
It's really scary shit, in movies. In Hollywood. The real history is more like bungled real time emergencies and contingencies, by imperfect humans, in wildly imperfect bureaucracies.
"Your avoiding the direct reference to the facts - the US government lead by the Bush family benefited from these wars. period. get your facts right. As a citizen, knowing my own government is making money on people's lives is frightening. I assume the cries haven't reached your ivory tower yet. It's been almost ten years now. Wake up anytime soon?
-What facts? The Government LEAD by the BUSH FAMILY, benefited from these wars!?!?! What benefit, except to end Saddam Hussein and his evil regime!? Thousands of dead soldiers and civilians are a benefit!? Billions spent is a benefit to the government!?!? What the hell are you talking about? Making money!? The gubbmint doesn't make any money. They appropriate (take) it and spend it. Of course, you offer no solution to Hussein, no change for the better in the ME, no answers, just a lot of nonsense about making money from war. It's bizarre. The US SACRIFICED MUCH to remove that regime and give Iraq a fair shake. Making money!?! It's ludicrous and ignorant. What you mean benefited? Halliburton! Please. Folks lost money supporting the Iraq War. NEXT"
The Argumentalizer wrote:"The fact that there are things happening in your country you have no knowledge of is a fact."
There are probably things happening on Mars i am not privy to. So what. This is an entirely meaningless statement.
"No it is not. It is directly referring to the fact the WTC was intentionally destroyed by or with the knowledge of your government."
LMAO. Round and Round we go, with utter nonsense. No facts, no proof, no evidence. Just nonsense. Knowledge of the Gubbmint. Aha, yeah right. Ridiculous. Present some hard core reputable sources for this or please stop perpetuating this crap.
The Argumentalizer wrote:"The fact the government (in any country) is not the only and definitely not the most powerful entity in the country is a fact."
Ohh really. Also nonsense. Power equals force. The Gubbmint has massive force in its pocket. I don't get this at all. It also seems devoid of meaning. I would imagine the IDF is the most powerful factor in Israel and is controlled by the Gubbmint, no!?!?
"Utter nonsense, the IDF is far from being the most powerful factor in Israel and if you think the only entity controlling it is the government you're living in La La Land. Same goes for your country. See no evil Hear no evil syndrome again. Wake up, vet."
You keep going round and round in loony circles, making claims i don't know something or am ignorant, without presenting anything at all. It's just nonsense. What are you even talking about!? Israel and the US don't have Civilian controlled militarys?
They are not the most powerful!?!?! Well who is, the Bilderburg Group? The Shadow Masonic/Lions Club/Skull and Crossbones Group!? Whatever. Again, you make a lot of claims without support.
The Argumentalizer wrote:"The fact that Bin Laden was in Afghanistan and not in Iraq is a fact."
Nobody in the American administration EVER said he was in Iraq.
In fact, in real time, it was said he escaped through Tora Bora, to Pakistan, so !?!?!?
What is this nonsense? Yeah, it is a fact...meaning what exactly!?
"Those 3 paragraphs were connected from a reason. Context Sir. Let me spell that to you so you can understand: If once 911 happened the Government openly blamed Bin Laden for it why the hell did they attack Iraq? Oh, sorry. Bin Laden gots no Oil. i forget. My bad."
What the HELL are you talking about!? They are two different conflicts, brought about at different times and with different reasons and goals. Only nonsense like this conflates the two, without honor to the facts. I repeat: NOBODY in the American Administration conflated Afghanistan and 911 with Iraq. NO ONE! The lefty interwebs did all this. The reasons for Iraq were outlined. In fact, some strategies were NOT highlighted, as in changing Iraq into a modern model for the ME, in a country most likely to succeed, directly center to so much dysfunction. No, Bush did not sell this. It's too complicated for most people.
The Argumentalizer wrote:"The fact that the US government waged war on Iraq as a direct result of 9.11 is a fact."
Umm, the US waged war on Iraq in 1992, having nothing to do with 911. That war never ended. No connection to 911 was EVER MADE by Bush. This is more left wing garbage. Completely debunked. a THREAT case was made for going into Iraq. So, not a fact.
"The fact this makes no sense is a fact."
Iraq now looks like it makes perfect sense, being a fledgling Pluralistic Constitutional Democracy NOT ruled by an evil murderous Sunni Madman. Hmmm... Ah, that was the whole point. Bush pulled the trigger to shake up the whole Middle East. He made this case. Sorry you never listened.
"Very true. the ME is all fun and sunshine now that Sadam Husain has been dethroned. Oh i listened alright; the Iraq war was waged to give "something" to the public saying "we're in war with terrorism" so the general public won't see Bush they he really was - a clueless drunk while what they really were after was Oil and weapon deals - which they got."
Again, you just make stuff up that isn't true. War was waged for the reasons given and a grand strategy involved, not all of which was sold. We ARE war with terrorists. HELLOOOOO. Do you remember that Lebanon dustup against Hizbollah!??! Israel is also at war with terrorism. Go look at your Airports! Clueless Drunk yadda yadda, really old and stupid stuff. Out for oil!?!? LMAO. Where is it? We didn't take an OUNCE of oil from Iraqis. More ignorant circa 2004 nonsense.
The Argumentalizer wrote:"The fact that the comity that looked into the 9.11 incident was not in independent one is a fact."
Not independent? Who says? Are you saying there is a coverup? WHat? How would it have been more independent. This is a direct personal attack on the integrity of the Co-Chairs of the committee. They are man held in high esteem.
I reject your nonsense again. Was it perfect?!? No, geee who knew!
"Do tell who appointed the 9-11 Commission, FEMA and NIST? Where did the money for these boards come from?"
More innuendo without facts. Extreme cynicism is what it's called. It's all corrupt. Money was involved... blah blah..
-"The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, also known as the 9/11 Commission, was set up on November 27, 2002 "to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 attacks", including preparedness for and the immediate response to the attacks.
The commission was also mandated to provide recommendations designed to guard against future attacks.
Chaired by former New Jersey Governor Thomas Kean, the commission consisted of five Democrats and five Republicans. The commission was created by Congressional legislation, with the bill signed into law by President George W. Bush...
The Commission was picked by the elected gubbmint, not FEMA or NIST.
The Argumentalizer wrote:"The fact that each and every scientist from INSIDE the system who came out claiming the problematic facts regarding 9.11 were either fired, reputation destroyed or disappeared is a fact."
This is complete bullshit. There are some professor's who were fired for being nut cases. Destroyed!?!? Disappeared!??!
Let's see some hard evidence of any of this. Do you have any direct knowledge or proof? I doubt you do. Just a handful of internet nonsense.
I've shown evidence and there's a lot more than these two vids. you just didn't watch the vids, as always. It is in fact up to you to come up with proof since you're stating otherwise. And BTW, you keep throwing the "Internet" as synonym for "Irrelevant" when everyone you included knows this is bullshit; the Internet is a source of information. some is true, some is half true, some isn't. Takes a bit more than that to debunk arguments man, so let's bring the level of this conversation back up.
I don't have time for crap pot internet garbage that claims outlandish nonsense that is factually false. Folks have not been killed or disappeared. Lots of INSIDERS were not fired. Two vids. Could have been made by anyone for whatever reason. Are they reputable sources or more MOONBATS in the belfry? I think i know the answer to that.
The Argumentalizer wrote:"The fact that taking an extreme side in any matter is depriving one of the whole truth is a fact. Both left wing and right wing can never see the whole story. It is simply a paradox for an extremist to see Truth:
Who is taking an extreme side? Me?!? Because molten "metal" doesn't equate to the Gubbmint planting thermite charges trying to murder it's own citizens. I mean, LISTEN TO YOURSELVES. It's ridiculous nonsense. This isn't a movie.
"Do i really need to come up with proofs of your being an extremist?

I am not an extremist. I am not a McVeigh or a militia type. I am not a member of any Tea Party. I am not a Larouchite or a clansman. I am a classic liberal limited gubbmint libertarian with a brain who gauges sources as legitimate or not. When folks who are obviously off their nut are the source, i'm out.
After years of lies and garbage from folks all over, there is no trail of reputable media/journalism finding one shred of truth to any of this garbage. Why? Journalists would kill for the rainmaker dirt/scandal that wins them fame. Why? Its garbage. There is nothing behind the curtain, but more curtains, leading nowhere.
But you, you will see that this is proof of MORE theories!
Folks should be reasonable and intelligent and skeptical.
Frankly, i don't see any of this on the Left.
- point made.
The Argumentalizer wrote:"The US Government is about Freedom and equal rights about as much as Iran is about good times and great Rock concerts. Is the American nation good and the Iranian nation bad? of course not; there are asses and good peoples on both but you both got corrupted governments."
The US Government is made up of US citizens whose leadership is chosen by voter/citizens. That is pretty free to me.
Funny how you talk about the US Government and then compare the Iranian NATION. That's a smooth trick, but i caught it.
Try comparing the Theocratic MULLAH gubbmint with our elected representative gubbmint next time.
And compare the American PEOPLE to the Iranian people next time. I don't know many people that believe the entire Iranian PEOPLE are evil or bad. Nonsense again.
Read it again - it is referring to governments first and then to nations. Seems like you read fast just to find points for arguments. read it again. slowly.
The Argumentalizer wrote:"The fact is; Truth is not always simple - many times Truth is revealed long after certain systems collapse."
This is shallow meaningless psycho-babble. The truth is not always simple!!! WOW! Amazing. I am flabbergasted.
I wish i knew what truths you are talking about.
It sounds like most theorists: VAGUE SHALLOW nothing. No facts. Innuendo, conjecture, paranoia...
lol. I was referring to an earlier post you yourself made in this thread actually
The Argumentalizer wrote:In life, the simplest explanation is usually the answer.
But please, don't let me interrupt you from calling me names. You actually seem to enjoy it and that's a good thing