
[EYE] Valar

2010-11-12 23:30:59


2010-11-13 07:10:02

Does clicking on that give you steam rabies?

[EYE] Valar

2010-11-13 11:24:35

no but you may catch an article


2010-11-13 16:41:41

if the "brick and mortor" stores stocked more than 10 PC games and actually allowed trade in's, like ever other platform, maybe we would go there. gamestop is doing just fine with their PS3/xBox/Wii business.


2010-11-13 19:14:34

you forgot free weekends, special sales, and demos of almost every game

The Argumentalizer

2010-11-13 21:16:07

The notion retailers will not sell Steam games because of Steam is ridiculous. It's like China saying they will stop selling product in the States because of monetary policy.

OKAY, DON'T sell Steam games and see what happens!


2010-11-14 10:17:25

Neolinkster wrote:demos of almost every game
Over 2k games on steam, not even 300 demos total. Don't jack off to it too hard cause I don't even know how many times I've wanted to find a demo of a game before I buy it but there isn't one. Can't blame this on steam though it all comes down to the devs. No demo for a game is another reason PC games are pirated a lot IMO.

The Argumentalizer

2010-11-14 10:30:52

PC gaming is a mess and will be. It's not a NERD box you buy at Best Buy.

It represents greater possibilities and doesn't comport to easy money and Jagoff game play in BOX.


2010-11-15 05:50:31

The Argumentalizer wrote:The notion retailers will not sell Steam games because of Steam is ridiculous.
Best Buys here sold L4D, L4D2, CODBO, they had nothing against selling games that needed steam.