High Fructose Corn Syrup


2010-11-18 07:22:39


2010-11-18 18:14:21

Some kids in India can eat GARBAGE and live up to 30-40 years old and now this guy make it sounds like corn syrup has anthrax in it.
I think it's important to be aware and change shit up when we realize something's bad for, us but making it sound like the end of the world is pretty " meh ".

Especially when you look back and not so long ago smoking was encouraged and all that stuff, yet, life expactancy has skyrocketed in a matter of years.

And ultimately, with all the pills and treatments today, Cancer/HIV/whatever has an hard time killing us nowadays,
so, Corn Syrup, nigga please.

[EYE] Valar

2010-11-18 22:12:52

we're living in an impossible world son. corn syrup should be the least of your concerns. here's a killer for ya

The Argumentalizer

2010-11-19 00:34:51

Our own stupidass gubbmint's spending, mismanagement, and leftism will kill us all before Milk, Fructose, Global Warming or any other such SCAM.
Add Al Qida, AIDS, Malaria...


2010-11-19 02:00:34

The Argumentalizer wrote:Our own stupidass gubbmint's spending, mismanagement, and leftism will kill us all before Milk, Fructose, Global Warming or any other such SCAM.
Add Al Qida, AIDS, Malaria...

Inb4 the economy recovers, Obama gets relected, the tea party fracture the GOP and regains both houses in 2014 and leaves while the economy is in a boom.

Or wait...the logical thing is Obama will destroy the United States and we have an apocolypse in 2012. Sorry guys didn't mean to get all weird on you.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2010-11-19 02:07:08

Obama re-elected?

Even every black person I know says yeah right, of course the same was said about W.


2010-11-19 02:10:14

Ghost Dog_TSGK wrote:Obama re-elected?

Even every black person I know says yeah right, of course the same was said about W.
That's because most people don't think long term. Empirically Obama's presidency from popularity ratings, to loss of congress to the economy situations mirrors Reagan and Clinton. The economy will begin to boom near the end of Q3 2011 and get him relected. That he has the popularity rating he does now is roughly the same as Reagan's at his same point of time, which is pretty good TBH.

Walking Target

2010-11-19 03:47:53

To be fair HFCS is awful stuff. I am not afraid of it killing me, but we are still better off without it.

The Argumentalizer

2010-11-19 04:24:59

I don't remember mentioning Obama or any particular Party. Nor am i unwise enough to make silly predictions about the economy and Obama's re-election. But then, i am not as brilliant as some here. :{

Any "mirrors" of Reagan and Clit-on are superficial at best. There is hardly anything similar between now 1983 or 1992. And Obama is as knowledgeable and brilliant as High Fructose Corn Syrup, compared to Reagan OR Clinton.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2010-11-19 09:11:55

You know the only real studies proving anything about HFCS show only a potential for more weight gain, something anybody with a proper diet in the first place has nothing to worry about.

I use HFCS in many of my dishes and for these reporters to say I'm poisoning people is an outrage. Meanwhile I see a new pill every week designed to (moderate) very minor physical problems with fucking cartoons advertising it and nobody gives a shit? Damn near everyone has side effects far outweighing the original "problem" they were supposed to treat, including and not limited to death.

HFCS is also nearly twice as sweet as sucrose meaning you use much less. Threat? I'm not buying it.


2010-11-19 09:53:53


The Argumentalizer

2010-11-19 10:08:33


two snails

2010-11-19 21:19:25

Ghost Dog_TSGK wrote:You know the only real studies proving anything about HFCS show only a potential for more weight gain, something anybody with a proper diet in the first place has nothing to worry about.

I use HFCS in many of my dishes and for these reporters to say I'm poisoning people is an outrage. Meanwhile I see a new pill every week designed to (moderate) very minor physical problems with fucking cartoons advertising it and nobody gives a shit? Damn near everyone has side effects far outweighing the original "problem" they were supposed to treat, including and not limited to death.

HFCS is also nearly twice as sweet as sucrose meaning you use much less. Threat? I'm not buying it.
since hfcs isnt a natural product, your body doesnt break it down in the same way that is does with natural sugar. your liver cant process it. the extra fructose molecules are stored as fat instead of being broken down as energy.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2010-11-19 23:14:42

I did hear speculation about liver scarring, but what doesn't hurt your liver these days?

What are you eating that is 100% natural? With the price of real organic food a wealthy man would be broke quick buying that stuff, and we have no proof it's organic because it's barely mandated.

two snails

2010-11-19 23:32:17

it's not so much a matter of liver scarring as obesity and diabetes.


2010-11-19 23:40:25

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2010-11-20 00:59:46

Seems like token media scare tactics to me.


2010-11-22 21:03:45

I recall seeing some tv show about old medicines. One of them being Mercury to cure impotence? Whatever the reasoning was, a guys whole lower jaw fell right off his face. Of course he died. I just find it odd that mercury is in corn syrup. /thread.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2010-11-22 21:16:58

Yeah and so does fish, yet again small levels will do nothing.