Hosting a HL2MP Dedicated Server


2010-11-29 03:05:56

Hello everyone,
I am trying to host a dedicated hl2mp server online but I cant figure out how to get it on the internet. My server keeps showing up LAN only. I have set sv_lan 0 and opened the ports for hl2, and made my pc's ip static. I have a basic server.cfg file that I am using and at this point I have no idea why my server is not showing up online. Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you


2010-11-29 08:05:58

Oozy wrote:Hello everyone,
I am trying to host a dedicated hl2mp server online but I cant figure out how to get it on the internet. My server keeps showing up LAN only. I have set sv_lan 0 and opened the ports for hl2, and made my pc's ip static. I have a basic server.cfg file that I am using and at this point I have no idea why my server is not showing up online. Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you

Most likely a crappy router / gateway device, or a your ISP blocked those ports.


2010-11-29 20:38:18

Have you checked out Steam support topics on setting up dedicated servers?

Try these specifics: ... -TCMF-2234 ... -RPXB-7955 ... -HMJI-5162

Or here is the main page for servers: ... ted+server

Good luck and let us know if we can be of more assistance.


2010-11-30 00:41:40

You must at least open the main ports between 27005-27015. Make sure, that they are not only forwarded but opened. Then your friends will be able to access the serve over the internet. How to open ports, you must read in you router manual.
Good Luck


2010-11-30 02:17:06

This site is pretty informative on how to open ports on specific routers as well as testing them to see that they are open for sure


2010-11-30 03:26:56

firewall is maybe blocking that port


2010-11-30 08:54:24

I tried setting up a dedicated server for dm too but Source Dedicated Server isn't even in my list of tools anymore...

Anyone else getting this?


2010-11-30 23:53:41

Hey guys,
Thanks for the posts, I will be trying the links and suggestions. I will post if I get my server online. Chickenmobile you should try the links that dbanimal posted, they walk you through setting up a dedicated server since there is no longer a tool you can download right off steam. Also the site that L2k posted ( is really good for opening your ports and checking them. Dont get confused on the ads though, it makes it seem like you have to buy something but you can just skip them. Good luck! = )