Miss Paradox - where r U??


2011-01-02 01:01:51

whitewolf wrote:
. we all knew he became god in DM overnight

Funny, who else have I heard that about before.....Oh yeah Rachkir

Emo much lately? You dont play this game anymore. Who made you the hax police and WHY the fuck do you care?

conflict locked this thread in 2010 - I didnt have a chance to respond.

Do you realize how many hours I put into the game back when I was in Khaos? me and mLIQUID spent hours past Khaos's bedtime on the hl2dm U jumpmap server trying to learn bunny hoping and jump techniques. So we didnt have to sprint around the khaos server like everyone else in the clan.

Do you realize me and mLIQIUD spent hours 1v1-ing each other refining our aim.

Do you realize once I left Khaos and started enjoying the rest of the DM populace that my skills really took off since I wasn't playing bad pubbers anymore?

I recall once upon a time Newguy told me a story. About SW fearsome bitching about some people becoming really good in the game in a short amount of time. I was apparently one of them. I recall hearing this story on Lost Village. I remember this story because it made me happy at the time. I assume this is where you got your opinion from. Mr. Fearsome.

Anywho. Anyone in the game that is good knows I am not that good or ever was. I was a smart player. that is all. I was spectated many many many times and never had any foul play called on me. not to my face anyways. I did however get pretty fast at bhopping - especially when P!kes Fragfest was up and running - that server felt like sex. so meh - back to the kitchen with u.

I remember trying out for 911 and had to play aim arena so da11as wouldn't lose. I went like 5-30 on that match. mustve been my leet hacks.


2011-01-02 01:50:29

the carebear is strong with this one


2011-01-02 02:03:18


and i thought my life was depressing.


2011-01-02 02:11:59

stay bout it


2011-01-02 06:18:49

Take it to PMs.