2011-01-02 03:11:00
Design Contest
Hello everyone,
Clans-United decided its time for a new and improved look! Therefor we will be arranging a design contest where the winner will decide the new banner of this league. Afterwards we will re-design the rest to fit this winning banner. To make this a bit more interesting we decided to give out a 1 year hosting pack to the winner !!
Here are the guidelines and rules:
-/!\- Size 810px * 100 to 140px
-/!\- Must have the text "Clans-United HL2DM League" and the CU logo in it. you can find the logo here
-/!\- The CU-logo color theme should be respected. The general color-theme is free.
-/!\- If u made a banner, post it in the Banner Submission Topic.
-/!\- The top 3 banners will be chosen by the CU community, then the admin team will decide the winner.
-/!\- Winner has to provide the .psd with all layers
Here are some examples for the banner so you get the idea:
(click images to enlarge.)
Webhosting package:
Duration 12 months
Webspace: 3000 MB
Monthly traffic: 60 GB
1 domain name included (.eu .com .net .org .info .name .nl . be)
Unlimited Mail accounts
DirectAdmin Cpanel
We wish you all good luck and we hope to see alot of awesome ideas!
Clans-United Team