PS3/PSN names


2011-01-04 05:45:41

plz list so i can start adding



2011-01-04 08:10:38


all i really play is Wipeout HD. if any of you have that (it's an excellently designed and challenging game) hit me up. really can't get into FPSes on consoles much


2011-01-04 18:55:34

VitaminG wrote:coolbrofriend

all i really play is Wipeout HD. if any of you have that (it's an excellently designed and challenging game) hit me up. really can't get into FPSes on consoles much

FPS games are incredibly awkward to play on console if you are used to a mouse and keyboard. i really cant get into them either. sucks cause all my friends at work play COD on PS3, i try to play with them but its more frustrating then fun. i mostly play RPG's. just finished Assassins creed brotherhood. i have dead space 2 on pre order. i loved the first one. 2 worlds 2 looks promising, i think that is coop. twisted metal is gonna be great. i played the shit out of the original one. split screen tho. online MP should be sick.


2011-01-04 19:33:02

PSN: balloon1234

Gotta admit it this year is looking pretty damn good for the ps3. A load of new ps3 exclusives and sequels coming and I'm going to be broke by the end of the year if they keep bringing them out.
I'm planning on getting bullet storm too, I might spend some time on that. As well as uncharted 3 and Kill zone 3.


2011-01-04 20:19:07

Bullet Storm looks a nice change form the usual slow super realish military shooters will t be good though?

PSN: keefy

Multiplayer games I got.

Resistance 2
Killcontrols2 (killzone2)
WipeoutHD + fury expansion


2011-01-05 16:48:02

started playing Dante's Inferno last night after work. WOW. siiiickkknnesssssssss


2011-02-17 00:32:18



2011-02-17 00:54:14



2011-03-04 15:21:22
