Dead Space on Steam


2011-01-22 04:19:30

So, there's a good price on the weekend deal for that game, and I really liked what I played of it when I pirated it before. I was just wondering, does it still have that stupid ass negative mouse acceleration when you go to aim and shoot at something?


2011-01-22 07:51:59

game is garbage on PC.

IF you want an interesting yet cheap scary game, gett amnesia dark descent on steam or Condemned criminal orgins on D2D. Dead space is trash.


2011-01-22 08:34:48

Or if you want even cheaper luls, mess with the people at cash for gold.



2011-01-23 01:18:34

Actually conflict - provost, soviet Mammoth tank driver, w/e - all the PC port issues have been resolved in the latest update(s).
There is no more silly 24/30 fps lock like there is on the XBOX 360 and the mouse movement is actually pretty good form my experience. I ended up using a 360 controller 'cause the mouse movement felt like cheating when you can 180 in a hl2dm fashion after configuring the proper in-game settings; to each their own.
While I was researching how to get the refresh rate @ 120Hz I saw all the issues the port initially had, but unlike the Force Unleashed ports, these issues seem to be fixed. Dead Space looks amazing with all settings maxed in my nVidia Control panel with SLI antialiasing @ 32xQ or 64 CSAA.

Just be sure to have vSync *off* in-game then force it *on* in your VGA's software control panel, the game is old enough and the environments closed-in enough to be very optimized and smooth.
Sometimes both my cards are up to 98% usage but it never dips below my monitor's refresh rate of 120fps.

I got it over the Xmas sale and I don't regret it. I am a bargain-bin gamer and I only waste money on pointless hardware so that my old shit can be "recycled" and sent to Vietnam where some poor lass with 8 children can melt down my old geForce4 ti 4400 for the trace amounts of gold and inhale toxic fumes.

Hooray Capitalism, foresight for only less than 10 quarters of a fiscal year!

My dick is small.


2011-01-23 04:51:32

I paid around 4$ for it and I regret every cents invested.


2011-01-23 05:03:03

paid $50 when it came out. loved every second of it


2011-01-23 05:06:49

I paid the same as provost and I am of an entirely different opinion. Now, I'm not trying to argue with you Conflict, but I just wonder what a PC gamer of your stature finds disappointing about it. Do tell if you feel up to it good sir.
I do keep in mind that opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, everyone needs one to properly survive, but it's very impolite to rub it in another person's face.
I hope I am not coming across and an asshole-face-rubber, Conflict.

I only do that to Constipator 'cause he likes it for some weird reason.
The Fag.


2011-01-23 17:02:25

lmao, Deadspace maybe I went a little overboard with my '' FUCK THIS FUCKING 4$ GAME '' bs.
Everyone overhyped that game for me, '' SCARIEST POS EVER, MAN '' '' THERES PUZZLES LIKE RESIDENT EVIL BUT THEY'RE KINDA COOL HERE '' etc...

I found nothing of that true. I AM guilty of not being half-way through the game, but the game didnt made me wanna get further. Monsters that you shot are reviving? simply stomp them after you shot em down, problem solved. Unless you are able to kick the guy and not the entire room, thanks to the shitty stomp targeting system. Anyway.

I loved silent hills, residen evils etc... but so far dead space for me is forseeable & failed to immerse me.
However, the UI designso well implemented, it litterally made me fall back in my chair and say '' Aaahhhhhh , at last. ''

Anyway, to be fairplay ill give the game another 10 hours since absolutely everyone i'm talking too loved it.


2011-01-23 18:21:49

provost wrote:lmao, Deadspace maybe I went a little overboard with my '' FUCK THIS FUCKING 4$ GAME '' bs.
Everyone overhyped that game for me, '' SCARIEST POS EVER, MAN '' '' THERES PUZZLES LIKE RESIDENT EVIL BUT THEY'RE KINDA COOL HERE '' etc...

I found nothing of that true. I AM guilty of not being half-way through the game, but the game didnt made me wanna get further. Monsters that you shot are reviving? simply stomp them after you shot em down, problem solved. Unless you are able to kick the guy and not the entire room, thanks to the shitty stomp targeting system. Anyway.

I loved silent hills, residen evils etc... but so far dead space for me is forseeable & failed to immerse me.
However, the UI designso well implemented, it litterally made me fall back in my chair and say '' Aaahhhhhh , at last. ''

Anyway, to be fairplay ill give the game another 10 hours since absolutely everyone i'm talking too loved it.

i thought the stomping was awesome. at first i didnt like it because im so used to space being jump, when i encountered a fight i would move back and press space, as a result it would stop me from moving backwards because i was stomping. after i got used to it, i loved it. stomping the shit out of a mutated creature is so satisfying. the zero gravity rooms are sick. the story wasnt the greatest and going back to the tram over and over was kinda lame, but the atmosphere made up for it