Hell Rell: whens your net gonna be fixed hot shot
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: who are u?
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: lol
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: and i dunno
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: it comes and goes
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: still havent fixed it yet
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: rebooting the modem wont work
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: and i never said i was a hot shot so calm down man
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: you get worked up about everything
Hell Rell: im crazy
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: and pretty slow witted if a game can get you into a blind rage
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: seriously its just a game
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: take it less seriously
Hell Rell: watch your mouth then
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: oh what are you gonna do?
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: its a fucking game
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: if someone talks shit to you, just laugh it off
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: its online
Hell Rell: yea well dont beak off then if its just a game
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: i beak off for fun
Hell Rell: dont say stupid shit
Hell Rell: like u suck
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: it makes the game more enjoyable
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: lol like
Hell Rell: and talk mad shit
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: saying that
Hell Rell: and spam things
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: it makes me happy
Hell Rell: if its just a game
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: cause i know that it gets to you
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: and i find pleasure in making u pissed off
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: over a game
Hell Rell: thats great
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: and then u stopped to type u suck
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: and got killed
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: lol
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: which made me laugh even more
Hell Rell: yea well when you whipe your pussy off come have us a match
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: i dont have a vagina
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: i have a penis
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: and it doesnt need wiping
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: it isnt wet
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: sooo
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: i dunno what you're talking about
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: and if i need it wiped
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: ill get my girlfriend to do that for me

.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: we'll have our chances to scrim in the future
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: don't get your panties in a bunch
Hell Rell: well you started something today you should finish it
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: it doesn't always have to be right now right here all according to your rules
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: we did
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: we played a match
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: our map
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: ur map
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: we won by like 50
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: so we finished it
Hell Rell: yea well there was more talk then just the one game
Hell Rell: you said we suck
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: no
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: i said u suck
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: not blas
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: i have nothing against blas
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: he just comes off more cocky cause he hangs with u alot
Hell Rell: Yea i could same about you and billy
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: just like how i come off more cocky since i hang with billy
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: exactly
Hell Rell: you know you 2 are pretty hated yourselfs
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: yep
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: lol
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: and that doesnt upset me one bit
Hell Rell: yea theres a reason for that pussy
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: billy and i laugh about it
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: lol
Hell Rell: you guys talk to much shit
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: pussy? is that all you can think/talk about since you dont get any?
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: we talk shit because we can back it up
Hell Rell: lol if you saw me youd know i getp lenty
Hell Rell: plenty*
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: lol
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: then post ur fucking pic on the U
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: ur telling me nonstop
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: post it grain
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: post it
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: u dont even have yours up
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: god
Hell Rell: why dont i just upload it now and send it to
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: sure
Hell Rell: so neither do you
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: put it on the U
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: i have no recent photos of me. once i get some ill post one

.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: the most recent i have is from last year
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: soo yeah
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: ill get one soon enough
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: but
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: you do have one
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: so put it up.
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: until then
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: stop talking about how hot and buff u are when u wont put one up
Hell Rell: im sending you one right now fag
Hell Rell: i never said i was hot
Hell Rell: but i get pussy no problem
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: mkay
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: well
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: thats good then
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: im glad for you
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: i never call myself hot either
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: its too cocky
Hell Rell: you did you pussy
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: lol
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: omg
Hell Rell: its on demo
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: stop using pussy
Hell Rell: if i need to go back to it
Hell Rell: k pussy
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: i was joking
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: see
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: its all a big game to me
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: first of all
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: i say all that shit just to piss you off
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: second. i know itll get you angry because you take it too seriously and you aren't very bright
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: third. i know im attractive since every girl ive come across thinks so
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: and im not being cocky
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: or joking
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: my friends came up to me one morning at school and told me that they were gonna go around and ask every girl in my grade if they thought i was hot
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: and they all said yes
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: and i wouldnt make that shit up
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: cause its fucking stupid
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: and
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: i dont care about what u think
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: its just a game
Hell Rell: hahaha
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: simmer down
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: seriously
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: if you werent so quick to fly off the handle you and I couldve been friends in this game as opposed to "enemies"

.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: its not that i have anything against you
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: or anyone in this game
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: i just talk shit for fun
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: and the people that are my friends
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: and are smart
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: know that im just joking around
Hell Rell: then be smart and dont talk to me in game , just come to play, and play only
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: meh
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: i dont come to play anymore
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: the game is boring
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: i only play to get in ts and talk with billy and rico and kyle and all the other ewR and EE guys
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: cause its fun that way
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: if i took this game seriously and game in to just play
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: id have quti a long time ago
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: what i want to do
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: is that University Cribs thing
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: then you'd see what I look like
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: and all that
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: and itd be fun i think

.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: but ill tell u right now
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: im almost 16. and i dunno how old u are
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: but this summer ive been working out every other day for like an hour. cause every other day allows the body to recover
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: its the smart way btw
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: and yeah
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: im not like OMG HES SO BUFF
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: cause uh...im just turning 16 lol
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: how old are you anyways?
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: im guessing in the twenties
Hell Rell: you telling me how to work out fag
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: wow
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: nice sentence
Hell Rell: hour. cause every other day allows the body to recover
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: its the smart way btw
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: yeah
Hell Rell:
Hell Rell: oops
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: lol
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: gj idiot
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: every other day is the way to work out
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: not every day
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: you're fucking retarded if you do it every day
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: but
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: that said
Hell Rell: i work out 5 days a week
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: its different how old you are
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: for teenagers it should be every other day
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: but when you're older it can be different
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: thats great
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: how old are you?
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: hello?
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: do you not tell people how old you are?
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: lol
Hell Rell: there ya go
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: how old though
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: you look in the twenties
Hell Rell: yup
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: 20 what?
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: yo
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: dipshit
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: what's your age?
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: or do you not want to say
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: probably like 25 or more
Hell Rell: im just tired of talking to a lil puke
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: lol
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: u even talk like a stupid buff guy
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: lmao
Hell Rell: you know nothing of me
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: good sentence
Hell Rell: you dont even know what i do for a career
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: all i know is what ive learned over the internet
Hell Rell: all you know is that i get angry and talk shit
Hell Rell: you dont know how smart i am , other then me calling you a pussy
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: 1) you aren't the smartest guy in the U
Hell Rell: and saying i would slaughter you
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: 2) you make up for whatever it is you're self concious about by getting jacked
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: 3) you like to get worked up about the little things in life
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: 4) if you gave people a chance you'd be alot better off
Hell Rell: how does that make me self consious?
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: hmm?
Hell Rell: that im jacked
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: oh i dunno
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: im just thinking
Hell Rell: have does being jacked make me self consious
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: wow
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: stop making terrible sentences
Hell Rell: those are your words child
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: you could have gotten jacked for the hell of it
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: but
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: im thinking that you like to use your strength and a counter for something else
Hell Rell: how about learning my upbringing before making assumptions
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: well
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: if i was to do that
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: id have to listen to your rambling
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: and meh
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: i dont have to time for it at the moment
Hell Rell: yea see your 16 your got alot of learning my friend
Hell Rell: and let me just say one thing
Hell Rell: you gotta learn that ppl dont fall under catogories
Hell Rell: i mean being buff is one thing
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: im not categorizing you
Hell Rell: but for you to call me self consious
Hell Rell: because im "jacked"
Hell Rell: is pretty weak
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: im just making my assumptions based on your actions over the internet
Hell Rell: what...getting angry at ppl?
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: flying off the handle, talking shit and using stupid slangs like, lets see what you got kid, and come on hot shot.
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: saying stupid things too
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: like just
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: not intelligent statements
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: and apart from all that
Hell Rell: yea im angry, and ya if you talked to me in real life (which you would never) , id have to teach you a thing or 2
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: lol
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: well
Hell Rell: if you knew half the shit ive done or been through
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: im glad you get your kicks out of being able to beat up a 15 year old
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: whatever makes you happy
Hell Rell: i dont, but i would
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: lol
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: and then bam
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: you're in jail
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: smart move once again
Hell Rell: no im stealth
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: lmao
Hell Rell: i dont even have a record
Hell Rell: and i should
Hell Rell: some of the things ive done
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: raping little girls?
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: lawl
Hell Rell: thats not me
Hell Rell: ive never had a problem
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: stop trying to scare me you dim witted man
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: big tough guy right here
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: "i should have a record"
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: lmao
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: who says that
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: gtfo
Hell Rell: yea you will learn one day
Hell Rell: your gonna mouth off the wrong guy
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: nop
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: no*
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: im smart lol
Hell Rell: or you just like this on the net
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: oh and yeah
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: then i go
Hell Rell: honestly
Hell Rell: if you ever saw me in person
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: want my address?!?!
Hell Rell: you wouldnt even open your mouth
Hell Rell: not one word
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: you've said that like
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: 50000 times
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: but you see
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: this is online
Hell Rell: so why talk to me like that on here?
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: because
Hell Rell: how would that be smart?
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: here i can make you want to kill yourself
Hell Rell: you tell me how that is smart on your behalf
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: and you cant do shit
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: dont use big words
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: they don't suit you
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: it's not smart
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: it's FUN
Hell Rell: again you dont know anything about me
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: i know that you're a fucking idiot
Hell Rell: cause i get angry?
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: threatening a 15 year old online
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: i could put you in jail
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: lol
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: too bad you dont have a record "even though you should" hahahaha
Hell Rell: yup
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: seriously
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: i thought talking to you
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: and getting to know you
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: could like
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: solve some of our "heat" between us
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: but everytime i learn something new about you it makes me lose even more respect for you
Hell Rell: not gonna happen
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: so stop while you're ahead
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: just stop talking
Hell Rell: aiight man we done here
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: no no. let me end this in a more sophisticated manner
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: we are done talking to eachother. if you want to talk like a decent human being, and not threaten or talk shit, then you can talk to me again. and if you do that i promise you that ill talk to like you aren't a buffed up retard.
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: peace
.ewR|Nutri-Grain{EE*ΞID}: gg's
Hell Rell: gg