Idea for mini-contest type thing: King Killbox/King of FFA


2011-05-23 17:44:23

It's really a pretty simple thing to do, we gather about 8-10 people who are willing/able to participate in one of above said events, and then proceed with those events in the most time efficient manner. Time efficient meaning not taking this very seriously at all, and just joining the server, waiting for the cool little countdown thing in your chat box to start, and then go about playing the game as normal. (I think pomp tried to get a bit too crazy with whatever she did before I honestly forget)

Anyway here's just an idea I had on how it should go down

Regular FFA - First event map should be chosen by all the participants and only given a choice between two maps

-Game proceeds as normal, bottom two get dropped at the end, second map choice from initial vote would be the next map

-Bottom two get dropped again, and so on until the final match is a 1vs1.

Killbox FFA - Since there are only a few maps really playable in a competition setting, I'd say they would be:

-KBH Maps: Kbh 2, Kbh_stockg

-TSGK: killbox_v8, donutbox

-There are other maps?

So, the killbox events would have to be planned with maps already in mind for that day, but should go down the same way as regular ffa elimination wise.

Anyway was just an idea to try and spark up a bit of interest and fun, post idea's/comments ect

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2011-05-23 21:40:05


I was thinking of posting something similar to this soon, too. My idea was a little bit different, like a defined group of 12 players and several different maps. Top 6 are awarded points and after 10 to 20 different maps the one with most points wins.
Its more of a GP twist to FFA, I'd thought it be cool.

I like your knockout ideas though. For whatever happens count me in.


2011-05-24 03:02:32

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0 wrote:BRAINWAVE STEALER!


2011-05-24 03:16:00

idea sucks, play efps -



2011-05-24 03:46:29

Hey Panic, lemme know if/when you do this. I'll play, even though I suck @ killboxes lolz


2011-05-24 05:15:34

I'm not saying I'd like to be in charge of this, nor am I saying I think ANYONE should be in charge of this honestly. Was merely a get-together type idea to have a bit of fun