World is a happy place


2011-05-26 08:12:28


2011-05-26 17:36:17

Heart1ess wrote:
Good vid but I don't get the whole ''I know it's hard to believe but..''

You gotta be seriously dumb to believe something like going to war for the interest of oneself isn't happening.
Mongols back in 1200's were doing it and they sure weren't the first.

Uncle Rico

2011-05-27 00:23:50


2011-05-27 00:37:05

provost wrote:Good vid but I don't get the whole ''I know it's hard to believe but..''

You gotta be seriously dumb to believe something like going to war for the interest of oneself isn't happening.
Mongols back in 1200's were doing it and they sure weren't the first.
I think you mean to say this has happened for the entire history of the world for humans.

Back in the day Romans found it dishonorable and a sign of impending doom if they weren't in war and winning the wars. In Sparta the warriors there actually had more stress as their training regimen when not in war was even tougher then actually going to war.

Conquer or be conquered, everything else including the worthless opinion of joe fuck 6 pack doesn't matter.

The Argumentalizer

2011-05-27 02:05:50

Joe Rogan is a philosopher!

What a load of horseshit.

People are too busy to vote for anything.
It also makes for the worst possible government: Democracy or Mob Rule.
Also, we are 50 sovereign states with a Federal System. What happens to thatQM

If people weren't gullible idiots, they wouldn't vote for someone like a nobody associate Professor/ACORN agitator/Leftist dickhead with no experience, like Obama.

And the people vote for the Nancy Pelosi's and Barney Franks, and Barbara Boxers and Harry Reids.


2011-05-27 02:20:23

My opinions and Joe's are pretty similar when it comes to most things. This is no different.

Fun fact!!!
Joe Rogan used to play a lot of Quake Rocket Arena. Menthol, the guy that started HL2:CTF also played a lot of Quake Rocket Arena and was in a clan called X-treme Detriment. Joe Rogan was also a part of this clan and they made radio shows together on the clan website lmao. This was back in 05. Menthol still does all of Joe's website work. Just thought I'd throw out this fun fact about Joe Rogan and the HL2:CTF Dev Leader lol. Oh and some 05 website pwnage right there :)

The Argumentalizer

2011-05-27 04:37:21


It's easy to sit there and whine about how fucked up the gubbmint is.
Take a look at your own legislatures to begin with.


2011-05-27 04:44:13

The Argumentalizer wrote:Yeah CYNICISM.

It's easy to sit there and whine about how fucked up the gubbmint is.
Take a look at your own legislatures to begin with.
So you dont see any problems with how the current government 2 party system is setup and how much control they have? And dont go saying "it's all the liberals" because it doesnt matter who is in control, they are 1 and the same when it comes to wanting power and control.


2011-05-27 08:44:40


The Argumentalizer

2011-05-27 10:12:51

I don't give a shit what Joe Rogan thinks. He is a second rate MMA announcer third rate comedian.

And i've heard all that cynical "Lordy, a President can't do anything" "It's the MAN, MAN" "The System is fucked"...

It's all nonsense. This country has done pretty well for over a 2 hundred years. You own more SHIT than most in the world would ever dream, so STFU!

Go back to the Constitution, Pass a balanced Pay Go budget Law, reform the tax code, cut gubbmint spending...

and most important of all, tell the armchair whiners that don't vote, don't read the newspaper, sit on the internet fantasizing about how fucked up everyone and everything in country really is, don't run for office, and spend lots of time reading Alex Jones conspiracies, to GET A FUCKING BRAIN or STFU.

"All are willing and brought up to do exactly as they are told."

Speak for yourself you crazyass motherfucker.


2011-05-27 13:28:07

The Argumentalizer wrote:"All are willing and brought up to do exactly as they are told."

Speak for yourself you crazyass motherfucker.
Yea that doesnt make any sense to me either, though wat i think he(ace) getting at is something like this.

The info under the video really makes a point well.

"All this was inspired by the principle - which is quite true in itself - that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so are brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes."
- Adolph Hitler, Mein Kampf , vol.1, ch. 10, 1925

The Argumentalizer

2011-05-27 19:57:57

Well, what is the fucking point? The world is all fucked, politicians can't fix anything, their building a World wide Socialist prison...

Yadda Yadda... It's like America started the day some folks reached puberty!
It's like saying we need another complete political system.

The biggest problem is the monopoly of Gubbmint schools, crowded with Leftist Teachers, churning out ignorant young people who grow up to whine about everything, but don't vote, don't run for office, don't pay attention, don't know who the Secretary of Defense is, don't understand the Constitution and self gubbmint...

Less than 50 percent VOTE. Many don't even take in the News.
Folks don't even know who their REP is, or their Senator.

Fuck, 50 percent of Americans don't even pay income tax, so why should they care if the Rich are soaked!?

There are many solutions, one is to get the Federal gubbmint out of many things and simplify.
Instead, we pass huge new entitlements.

This is how incredibly dense many Top College students are, here, from the most expensive University in America. ... e-websites


2011-05-27 23:44:35

Politicians will always kick the can down the road. We will borrow ourselves into oblivion to push off economic collapse, and then when we can't borrow any more, we will print our currency into oblivion. Will it be Mad Max? No. But the middle class is going to be decimated and many, many people will not be retiring. Medicare and SS will have a higher age of eligibility, means testing, and lower benefits. Bottom line is the US standard of living is about to take a huge hit. People that don't protect their assets will be wiped out financially. The populace will be screaming for the politicians to do something, and you can bet they will. I realize this sounds like doomer crap, but when people were warning 6-7 years ago about things that have already happened, they were written off as lunatics. The lesson there is that the population at large has a tendency to hope for the best and ignore evidence to the contrary. You may look around and say, hey the shit hit the fan and the world didn't end. Well, right now, we are playing our last card to stave off collapse, namely running 1-2 trillion dollar deficits. The US has been on a debt binge, and the federal govt is the borrower of last resort. The only thing left after that is to run the printing presses, and technically, that has already begun as current Fed policy is essentially equivalent. The much ballyhooed end of QE2 will soon be followed by QE3 and QE4.

tl;dr; we're FUBAR.


2011-05-28 04:44:45



2011-05-28 06:32:11

The Argumentalizer wrote:There are many solutions, one is to get the Federal gubbmint out of many things and simplify.
Instead, we pass huge new entitlements.
And exactly who's fault is that? I'll tell you who

....Republicans and Democrats.....

You keep saying you should be doing this or doing that. Whatever, Ive done plenty and it never matters. The media controls the show and the big donors run it. I've listened to Alex Jones for about 2 minutes (was all I could stand). What Joe is saying is nothing compared to Alex. Joe is more about common sense.

The Argumentalizer

2011-05-28 07:03:33

Your state is overrun with Leftist Democrats. Illinois has top 3 horrible defaulting budget in the country. I remember you said Illinois wasn't liberal. LMAO!
You obviously haven't done much in your own state!

Furthermore, stop talking about huge political parties like everyone within them is the same.
The problem is not 2 Parties or the System.
The problem is folks don't care to be involved in their own school district, nevermind their own state.
Once you get to the Fed, 50 percent could care less.

Also, the GOP didn't pass this horrible huge new entitlement Pelosicare, so this shit about both parties being the same is GARBAGE.

And my beef with folks like Ace is they are always complaining about the greatest place to live and prosper in the world.
Go fucking whine about Pakistan! They are REALLY fucked up.

Joe Rogan is another fucking whiner. Fuck Joe Rogan.

Uncle Rico

2011-05-29 18:51:40


2011-05-29 20:36:52

The Argumentalizer wrote:Your state is overrun with Leftist Democrats. Illinois has top 3 horrible defaulting budget in the country. I remember you said Illinois wasn't liberal. LMAO!
You obviously haven't done much in your own state!

Furthermore, stop talking about huge political parties like everyone within them is the same.
The problem is not 2 Parties or the System.
The problem is folks don't care to be involved in their own school district, nevermind their own state.
Once you get to the Fed, 50 percent could care less.

Also, the GOP didn't pass this horrible huge new entitlement Pelosicare, so this shit about both parties being the same is GARBAGE.

And my beef with folks like Ace is they are always complaining about the greatest place to live and prosper in the world.
Go fucking whine about Pakistan! They are REALLY fucked up.

Joe Rogan is another fucking whiner. Fuck Joe Rogan.
What I said was that if you were to take Chicago out of Illinois, it would be as red as Kentucky. Bringing Pelosi into the conversation is retarded. She is a puppet. You gonna try to tell us that the size of the government didnt increase with Reagan, Bush, or Bush jr?

The Argumentalizer

2011-05-30 00:34:21

Pelosi and the Democrats are the Authors of the healthcare bill!. That is why i bring it up. She is no pawn. She is the catalyst. Obama had next to nothing to do with the health care bill.

Which brings up something i should have said a long time ago.

There is NO comparison between the parties. None.

The Democrat Party authored Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, Welfare, All the Depression era Departments and programs, most of the Departments of the Fed. Gubbmint...the new Health Care entitlement...
A liberal court ruled on Roe v Wade.
Liberal Court has stood up Social Security as an unending revenue stream and nothing more.

The entitlement spending is what is threatening this country with bankruptcy.
In regards to spending, creating huge entitlements that grow gubbmint dependency, there is NO comparison between Democrats and the GOP.
THERE, I SAID IT. I challenge anyone to differ on this claim.

The future unfunded Non-Discretionary programs are what has us on a collision course with disaster.
The GOP didn't create ANY of them.

What doesn't threaten America? The wars, which will end and cost less than the Porkulus.

I am sick of nonsense about both parties are exactly the same. Current warring in DC PROVES that is nonsense.

And Illinois has a BIG Problem, not just Chicago. It's ruled by Democrats. They have majorities in both houses of the General Assembly.
And just about the worst budget crisis in the country.
Chicago is a cesspool of Democrat criminals, all with their hands in some till somewhere.
Some folks pay attention to such things. Maybe we could talk about all the Pols going to prison in Chicago!

The Argumentalizer

2011-05-30 00:41:48

Reagan and Bush BOTH had Democrat Congresses. If you want to discuss the differences between the parties, don't point to one man in the White House.
You seem to like to pick and choose your argument back and forth.
You are always stating that there is no difference. Then you point to the Executive Branch, which doesn't appropriate the money.

But, you if want to talk differences, let's do that! Let's remember year 1994, John Kasich's budget that is the only one in decades to actually spend less than the year before. THE ONLY ONE.

Also, let's discuss the differences between Bush deficits under a GOP Congress versus Obama deficits under Pelosi/Reid!!!!
No difference huh? Yeah, there is a big difference.

Until the people wake up and stop listening to Democrat Demagoguery and lies, and doing NOTHING but spend more, nothing will change.
Maybe folks like socialism and no jobs. That may be true, in which case, we are fucked.


2011-05-30 03:32:32

The Argumentalizer wrote:Pelosi and the Democrats are the Authors of the healthcare bill!. That is why i bring it up. She is no pawn. She is the catalyst. Obama had next to nothing to do with the health care bill.

Which brings up something i should have said a long time ago.

There is NO comparison between the parties. None.

The Democrat Party authored Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, Welfare, All the Depression era Departments and programs, most of the Departments of the Fed. Gubbmint...the new Health Care entitlement...
A liberal court ruled on Roe v Wade.
Liberal Court has stood up Social Security as an unending revenue stream and nothing more.

The entitlement spending is what is threatening this country with bankruptcy.
In regards to spending, creating huge entitlements that grow gubbmint dependency, there is NO comparison between Democrats and the GOP.
THERE, I SAID IT. I challenge anyone to differ on this claim.

The future unfunded Non-Discretionary programs are what has us on a collision course with disaster.
The GOP didn't create ANY of them.

What doesn't threaten America? The wars, which will end and cost less than the Porkulus.

I am sick of nonsense about both parties are exactly the same. Current warring in DC PROVES that is nonsense.

And Illinois has a BIG Problem, not just Chicago. It's ruled by Democrats. They have majorities in both houses of the General Assembly.
And just about the worst budget crisis in the country.
Chicago is a cesspool of Democrat criminals, all with their hands in some till somewhere.
Some folks pay attention to such things. Maybe we could talk about all the Pols going to prison in Chicago!
Jesus, Im in no mood to debate 500 things with you on this cause it would take forever, way to much effort, and it will change neither of our minds lol. Lets just stick to the fact that they are one and the same with the same agendas, cause they are. Here is my question to you. With all these terrible things that the democrats have pushed through to us (and many are terrible), why hasnt the GOP reverted them? Are they incapable of doing so? No, they dont want to because without them they become worthless and unneeded. You seem to forget that I am not a democrat. I want small government and want them to stay the fuck out of my paycheck and my life, but I can not support the current GOP or Dems, as they may have seperate talking points to get votes, their agendas are exactly the same when you filter through all the bullshit. I will say that there are a few here and there that are popping up with the right mindset. Christie is one of them.

And dude, I am not Illinois. I live here, but I dont live near Chicago or have a say in who becomes our government. I am 1 vote lol.

ps, This statement
"What doesn't threaten America? The wars, which will end and cost less than the Porkulus"
Is ludicrous


2011-05-30 03:44:07

The Argumentalizer wrote:The future unfunded Non-Discretionary programs are what has us on a collision course with disaster.
The GOP didn't create ANY of them.
Which are unfunded?


2011-05-30 07:40:57



2011-05-30 10:21:15

Heart1ess wrote:Sacrifist i gave up debating along time ago, sooner or later like myself you realise that people will believe whatever they want to believe.

Dear diary......

Shut the fuck up ace


2011-05-30 11:09:19

you still barking vals?


2011-05-30 11:24:01

Heart1ess wrote:you still barking vals?


your getting pretty beat up on these forums from what i see :)
Hey ace......

|911|Da11aS #everythingFPS: will you play ace in a 1v1 for a promotional efps match?
|911|Da11aS #everythingFPS: i havent talked to him about it yet
v1: ya
v1: LOL
|911|Da11aS #everythingFPS: alright, ill ask him about it
v1: k

What's the word my neon polo shirt friend?

The Argumentalizer

2011-05-31 02:28:18

Okay, if no one wants to take up their own claims, let's wrap it up with what we know:

-No differences between the Parties... Bullshit. There are many differences. Spending is just one.
-Nothing a leader can do: Bullshit. Leaders get out there and speak plainly and truthfully to the people, gather support, and change things.
-The system is at fault. Bullshit. People and their lack of caring are at fault.
-Opinions are all valid. Bullshit. Some opinions are based on nonsense.
-Illinois. Full of leftist Democrats, holding both houses and Chicago, Corrupt as any city/state in the union. Rednaecks outside Chicago? Who cares!? They obviously don't vote or run for office. I mean, they are fucking rednecks!
-Obama's policies are good. No they aren't. They suck. We are approaching 21/2 years of deep recession and sliding further.

Also, it is Conservatives telling you how to live your life. This is Big Time Bullshit. It's Leftists/Liberals who want more gubbmint and more control over everything in your life.


2011-05-31 03:04:31

The Argumentalizer wrote:-No differences between the Parties... Bullshit. There are many differences. Spending is just one.
-Nothing a leader can do: Bullshit. Leaders get out there and speak plainly and truthfully to the people, gather support, and change things.
lol, ive seen a few videos of republican congressmen lying they asses off in public gatherings in town halls, and getting yelled at as a result, in one case a women was arrested for simply asking a question the guy didnt like. Which is obsurd considering these townhall meetings are usually quite loud apparently, and it didnt even get THAT far.
Even Obama lied his ass off about what he was going to do wen he got in. Though in regards to Iraq his excuse was that the goverment informed him on some top secret information and that changed his mind, makes u wonder wat they told him.


2011-06-01 06:23:30

The Argumentalizer wrote:Okay, if no one wants to take up their own claims, let's wrap it up with what we know:

-Illinois. Full of leftist Democrats, holding both houses and Chicago, Corrupt as any city/state in the union. Rednaecks outside Chicago? Who cares!? They obviously don't vote or run for office. I mean, they are fucking rednecks!
Just to give you an idea of what most of the state has to deal with when it comes to Chicago and their votes. Look at the state map and all the red and then check out that small part of blue, ya, that is Chicago and their voting power....

Oh and I doubt we are any more redneck then you sir :) Illinois isnt Kentucky

The Argumentalizer

2011-06-01 08:11:37

"lol, ive seen a few videos of republican congressmen lying they asses off in public gatherings in town halls,"

So!Q? You've seen some videos?!? Who the fuck cares!? I was never talking about a few politicians or videos, or a few anecdotes.

I'm sure there are some Aussies who are pussies. So what!?


2011-06-01 08:28:23

The Argumentalizer wrote: Leaders get out there and speak plainly and truthfully to the people.
I was calling bullshit on that statement.


2011-06-01 11:11:14

Impala 2012



2011-06-01 21:55:34

1265868815309.jpg (31.82 KiB) Viewed 411 times


2011-06-01 23:25:20


wow Immortal's dog right there. (guy on the right)


The Argumentalizer

2011-06-02 04:09:30

Immortal is fucking awesome! They MAY wear corpsepaint.
They earned it.

The Argumentalizer

2011-06-02 04:53:39

Blasphemy wrote:Impala 2012

What an incredible collage! Excellent.

If elected, i will immediately work at closing the Depts of Education, Commerce, Transportation, HUD, Energy, and replace some of them with an advisory board plus perhaps a Tech contest to field real hydrogen cares.

I will slash all other budgets except Defense by 25 percent, although i will bring back everyone in Korea and Europe, end any peace keeping in Bosnia or whatever the fuck, and start to leave Afghanistan, because it's fucking Afghanistan, a shithole that will never work.

I will stop any payments to the states for any reason except disaster and push Medicare to whatever the States want to run.
I will push the Fair Tax and fire the IRS.
I will stop all foreign aid to shitholes who hate us like Pakistan. Fuck Pakistan. And fuck all the Muslims. They can kiss my Pike and Shield.

I will tell the Palestinians to EAT FUCKING SAND you terror bitches.
I will take my first vacation in Israel and hang out with Benjie! He's badass.

I will work to add more restrictions to abortion and defund those Planned Parenthood assholes and those idiots at NPR.
Unions...they will never visit my WH. If Fed. Employees strike, i will fire their ass and put them in the unemployment line with everyone else.

I will work on law to force the Federal Reserve to lend dollars at a constant rate of X percent and use 1 percent to pay down debt every year. The Bank Market will then compete for your loans and stabilize rates.

There will never again be any bailouts of any kind. If you asswipes don't practice risk management and set aside assets to cover your butts, then BYE BYE!
Someone else with sense will pick up the pieces.
I will also kick the shit out the SEC and FCC and bring some sense.
I will fix Fannie Mae somehow. Maybe send them all to GITMO.

Social Security and Medicare WILL have means testing. Multi-millionaires are millionaires. They don't need shit. They are rich.
There will be a reworking of tax exempt health accounts and youngster will be encouraged to buy a high risk low premium policy and pay for their maintenance.
Health care prices will drop if folks BOUGHT the services themselves and stopped clogging ERs for boils and Alcohol poisoning and fricking Colds!

The Poor will have to start making efforts to become unpoor or fuck off. Their lives are their responsibility.

Also, there will be no fraudulent Climate Change/Warming nonsense from me. Glaciers and ice melt you dumbasses. If they didn't the world would be one massive ice cube.

I am Impala, and i approve this message.


2011-06-02 06:25:42

The Argumentalizer wrote:
Blasphemy wrote:Impala 2012

What an incredible collage! Excellent.

If elected, i will immediately work at closing the Depts of Education, Commerce, Transportation, HUD, Energy, and replace some of them with an advisory board plus perhaps a Tech contest to field real hydrogen cares.

Also, there will be no fraudulent Climate Change/Warming nonsense from me. Glaciers and ice melt you dumbasses. If they didn't the world would be one massive ice cube.

I am Impala, and i approve this message.

not sure if sarious dot jay peg

The Argumentalizer

2011-06-02 15:09:55

Earnhardt, Space Shuttles, Eagles, collies, WTC, the Flag...all very cool and American. Eagle kickass. So, whether serious or not, i giveth little thought.


2011-06-03 00:30:28

The Argumentalizer wrote:
Blasphemy wrote:Impala 2012

What an incredible collage! Excellent.

If elected, i will immediately work at closing the Depts of Education, Commerce, Transportation, HUD, Energy, and replace some of them with an advisory board plus perhaps a Tech contest to field real hydrogen cares.

I will slash all other budgets except Defense by 25 percent, although i will bring back everyone in Korea and Europe, end any peace keeping in Bosnia or whatever the fuck, and start to leave Afghanistan, because it's fucking Afghanistan, a shithole that will never work.

I will stop any payments to the states for any reason except disaster and push Medicare to whatever the States want to run.
I will push the Fair Tax and fire the IRS.
I will stop all foreign aid to shitholes who hate us like Pakistan. Fuck Pakistan. And fuck all the Muslims. They can kiss my Pike and Shield.

I will tell the Palestinians to EAT FUCKING SAND you terror bitches.
I will take my first vacation in Israel and hang out with Benjie! He's badass.

I will work to add more restrictions to abortion and defund those Planned Parenthood assholes and those idiots at NPR.
Unions...they will never visit my WH. If Fed. Employees strike, i will fire their ass and put them in the unemployment line with everyone else.

I will work on law to force the Federal Reserve to lend dollars at a constant rate of X percent and use 1 percent to pay down debt every year. The Bank Market will then compete for your loans and stabilize rates.

There will never again be any bailouts of any kind. If you asswipes don't practice risk management and set aside assets to cover your butts, then BYE BYE!
Someone else with sense will pick up the pieces.
I will also kick the shit out the SEC and FCC and bring some sense.
I will fix Fannie Mae somehow. Maybe send them all to GITMO.

Social Security and Medicare WILL have means testing. Multi-millionaires are millionaires. They don't need shit. They are rich.
There will be a reworking of tax exempt health accounts and youngster will be encouraged to buy a high risk low premium policy and pay for their maintenance.
Health care prices will drop if folks BOUGHT the services themselves and stopped clogging ERs for boils and Alcohol poisoning and fricking Colds!

The Poor will have to start making efforts to become unpoor or fuck off. Their lives are their responsibility.

Also, there will be no fraudulent Climate Change/Warming nonsense from me. Glaciers and ice melt you dumbasses. If they didn't the world would be one massive ice cube.

I am Impala, and i approve this message.
I agree with about 95% of that. I think you would get assassinated pretty quickly though :(...


2011-06-06 08:10:53
