Dear Confused


2011-06-05 01:16:50

I just found out you got banned from eFPS for getting caught with scripts and drawmodels. (you probably had an aimbot to go with it which aren't detected well with KAC)

I like how I called you out for cheating and tried to get you banned while I was an admin awhile ago and everyone thought I was crazy. So far I'm 3/4 in calling cheaters correctly. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out you shady fuck, feels good I was still able to beat you even while you cheated.


2011-06-05 01:20:28



2011-06-05 01:48:38

When did I get banned from eFPS lol. No one's ever banned me xD.


2011-06-05 02:17:29

CoNfuSed wrote:When did I get banned from eFPS lol. No one's ever banned me xD.
Hey man, whats goin' on?

11/06/2010 - 21:07:49: Bad CVar response: dowark Con^ (ID: STEAM_0:1:11582393 | IP: was banned for returning with convar "r_drawothermodels" set to value "2" when it should be "1".


2011-06-05 02:18:59

I haven't even played in an eFPS server for about 1 year, so idk where you got that from lol, and I was always able to get on the servers. Not hard to copy paste and change the name lol.


2011-06-05 02:43:02

Yeah that's what I did confused.


2011-06-05 02:52:00

Most likely. That's why I said it.


2011-06-05 03:14:11

Your logic is ingenious.


2011-06-05 04:33:39

Anyways not like I really give a shit, don't even play this game anymore. Plus all of you can gang up all you want, the only time I've been banned from an efps server was when I forgot to put in rcon and tried to exec a match 3 times in a row lol.


2011-06-05 05:51:53

First things first, if he did used an aimbot, he should be vac banned by now, does anyone knows hacks FOR DM that are not detected? I don't think so, all single hacks out there for DM is 100% detected.

"Maybe he payed for his undetected hacks"
No, i could put all the hacks pay site knowed to be "good" here, none of them provides hacks for DM.

"Well maybe confused hacked on another account"
No. He always plays on his main account and if he used hacks on it, he should be vac banned by now. So the aimbot thing is out.


2011-06-05 05:55:04

zeiken wrote:First things first, if he did used an aimbot, he should be vac banned by now, does anyone knows hacks FOR DM that are not detected? I don't think so, all single hacks out there for DM is 100% detected.

"Maybe he payed for his undetected hacks"
No, i could put all the hacks pay site knowed to be "good" here, none of them provides hacks for DM.

"Well maybe confused hacked on another account"
No. He always plays on his main account and if he used hacks on it, he should be vac banned by now. So the aimbot thing is out.
Yo bro, I know you just graduated from the 6th grade, but I'd like to see where anyone said he used an "aimbot" within this topic.


2011-06-05 05:57:24

Va|iums wrote: (you probably had an aimbot to go with it which aren't detected well with KAC).


2011-06-05 05:59:33

yo zeik,

obviously you arnt the pro hacker guy everyone thinks you out to be, sir ducer used a hack in hl2 that was undetected his acct was never banned.


2011-06-05 06:05:39

Da1 wrote:yo zeik,

obviously you arnt the pro hacker guy everyone thinks you out to be, sir ducer used a hack in hl2 that was undetected his acct was never banned.
When was that, years and years ago? Back then some hacks were not detected obviously, because they were new. DM is less pupular now and im pretty sure all hacks are detected now dude.

One more thing, can you prove that Confused aimboted? Oh wait, i saw the demo already, confused missing shit loads of time with his magnum, yeah he is definitly aimboting. Come on lol.


2011-06-05 06:17:29

This is Valiums assumption, not what we're saying or what happened. He tried to use the cvar "r_drawothermodels 2" during a game with lua skriptz, and got bant by kac automatically.

That's what happened, I personally am not saying he was aimbotting, but one can only assume if he would go to lengths to try and wallhack, why the fuck wouldn't he have an aimbot.


2011-06-05 06:17:37

zeiken wrote:First things first, if he did used an aimbot, he should be vac banned by now, does anyone knows hacks FOR DM that are not detected? I don't think so, all single hacks out there for DM is 100% detected.

"Maybe he payed for his undetected hacks"
No, i could put all the hacks pay site knowed to be "good" here, none of them provides hacks for DM.

"Well maybe confused hacked on another account"
No. He always plays on his main account and if he used hacks on it, he should be vac banned by now. So the aimbot thing is out.
Are you serious? VAC does not detect even half of the shit ESEA does as ESEA client gets updated weekly, sometimes daily for cheat protection.

I'll just say this much, I've never touched a hack in my life (dead serious) but if I wanted to I could link you to about 4 different free source engine hack clients (that have multiple duty for CSS/TF2/HL2DM) that still bypass VAC almost a year later.

It goes ESEA Client > CMN > Wire > EAC > KAC > punkbuster >>>>>>>>>>>> VAC, VAC is pathetic


2011-06-05 06:44:26

cmn3 is a joke


2011-06-05 06:50:10

phantom wrote:cmn3 is a joke
True...should've put wire > cmn but at least cmn is better then zblock, kac, eac or any other basic service anticheat.


2011-06-05 22:17:55

Anyways, like I've already said, I don't really give a shit tbh, I don't even play the game anymore. And I've never hacked in a match or even been kicked from one for that matter, but if it makes you feel better at night to think that way, then go ahead, I'll be happy to make your life that much better.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2011-06-05 22:30:35

I've never seen an anti cheat that isn't terrible.


2011-06-05 23:06:43

Just some observations over the years of CSS and hl2dm about cheaters;

1) They deny it until the bitter end, in fact most of the time continue to deny even after getting caught, saying it was a third party audio program or something that triggered it.

2) They stick with eachother and back eachother up like some sort of secret alliance or guild

3) Somehow, in a way I cannot comprehend they feel like using the aid of a program is just fine, completely defeating the purpose of competition. Its no longer your god given skill vs anothers human god given skill, its just AI computer + you vs natural talent.

Not much pisses me off in life but chess and game cheaters are some of the lowest scum of the earth.


2011-06-06 00:05:57

Well, obviously you don't have any idea of who I am lol, cause you'd know that when I have something to admit regarding pretty much anything I just say it. I mean tbh you carrying this on just flatters me, since I and the people that I played with know that I've never cheated/hacked in a match, so it just shows me that I'm good enough for people to think that I did hack, which is pretty flattering. Not something that's going to happen to you vals or panic, unfortunately, but like I've said if it makes you happy to think that I hacked then be my guest. But everyone who's played with me knows that I never did, and you still have no proof that I did either. And don't try to pull out the demo with me shaking lol, cause I do that in every single pc game I play, I can send you demos of me when I first started playing this game and I was shit, and I was already shaking then.


2011-06-06 00:58:53

CoNfuSed wrote:Well, obviously you don't have any idea of who I am lol, cause you'd know that when I have something to admit regarding pretty much anything I just say it. I mean tbh you carrying this on just flatters me, since I and the people that I played with know that I've never cheated/hacked in a match, so it just shows me that I'm good enough for people to think that I did hack, which is pretty flattering. Not something that's going to happen to you vals or panic, unfortunately, but like I've said if it makes you happy to think that I hacked then be my guest. But everyone who's played with me knows that I never did, and you still have no proof that I did either. And don't try to pull out the demo with me shaking lol, cause I do that in every single pc game I play, I can send you demos of me when I first started playing this game and I was shit, and I was already shaking then.
Not saying you cheat or anything, but why do you keep saying you never cheated/hacked in a match? It makes me think that you are somewhat admitting that you have cheated/hacked just messing around in pubs. Are you admitting that you have done that? Just curious.


2011-06-06 01:22:04

tbh, I haven't cheated/hacked at all in dm, I did use lua for like 2 unofficial scrims just to fuck around in css, but that's all. That was at the end of lua, when everybody knew about it, after those 2 times I deleted everything.


2011-06-06 01:24:50

Val, accusing me of cheating is a thing, but accusing confused of cheating is another thing. Confused played that game for so many years and got good at it, really freaking good at it. We trained together a bit and i couldn't beat him at all or dominate him for a second, the guy is just too good.

Me i fucked up. I admitted everything, i cheated and i lied and i ruined leagues. Confused is nothing but a legit player who has really good skills in gaming. Not only that he is phenomenal in DM, but you should see him in css.

Im just trying to say that im the cheater here, everyone knows it. I may not be cheating nowadays but still, you guys see me as a cheater. Confused is not a cheater, i can promise you that.

*One more thing, im pretty sure everyone does not know this, LUA gets you banned now, VAC ban. I did my research and to play on a secure server you need a bypasser and this gets you banned , 100% of the time. LUA still works yes, but only if you play on insecure servers. Basicly, no one has to worry about LUA, its dead.


2011-06-06 01:53:44

Panic wrote:11/06/2010 - 21:07:49: Bad CVar response: dowark Con^ (ID: STEAM_0:1:11582393 | IP: was banned for returning with convar "r_drawothermodels" set to value "2" when it should be "1".
Wait Confused so you are saying that this is made up? Your posts are very unclear...



2011-06-06 01:59:43

Wait... you aren't allowed to have drawothermodels set to 2?


2011-06-06 02:08:11



2011-06-06 02:26:34

Well, it surely wasn't me lol, cause I was able to get on the eFPS servers right until the end, and was never kicked from one either. I think it's legal to have drawothermodels to 2 now though? Not sure.


2011-06-06 02:34:16

Can someone read here? LUA GETS YOU VAC BANNED NOW.


2011-06-06 02:49:02

So, firstly, who found the log?
Is it his steam id?
Is the original log file still available, it would be nice if Dallas could confirm, he seems like a stand up character.

Just to clear up any confusion, this is stupid otherwise. Not that i care.


2011-06-06 03:14:10

For the record;

The log was found by myself on the eFPS Chicago server.

It was on November 6th (Towards the end of the LUA era after efps kinda died out)
-- Which I find it funny how he mentioned he used LUA once everyone knew what it was, but of course NEVER in HL2 -.-

To confirm his IP and Steam ID

IP( Location: Longueuil, Quebec, Canada

Steam ID(STEAM_0:1:11582393) via HL2 Consortium: ... ayer=36409

Any further questions?


2011-06-06 03:24:19

gg confused


2011-06-06 03:26:58


2011-06-06 03:30:21

only put XvazQUYG1kE

In other words everything after the =



2011-06-06 03:32:21



2011-06-06 03:56:21

Already said what I had to say, so no need to say it again. You have absolutely no valuable proof, except for a copy paste of some log. Everyone that I care about knows that I didn't hack so I don't really give a fuck. But go ahead and think that I did in your heads if it pleases you, I already said that I'd send demos to whom ever would like them, I'll still play any of you and do as good as I did before though I'll probably be slightly rusty since I barely play anymore, and will gladly send you the demo to you again so you can look at me beat you once more.


2011-06-06 04:08:31

Va|iums wrote:Just some observations over the years of CSS and hl2dm about cheaters;

1) They deny it until the bitter end, in fact most of the time continue to deny even after getting caught, saying it was a third party audio program or something that triggered it.

2) They stick with eachother and back eachother up like some sort of secret alliance or guild

3) Somehow, in a way I cannot comprehend they feel like using the aid of a program is just fine, completely defeating the purpose of competition. Its no longer your god given skill vs anothers human god given skill, its just AI computer + you vs natural talent.

Not much pisses me off in life but chess and game cheaters are some of the lowest scum of the earth.
I saw nothing of value in confused's responses so I'll go ahead requote and bold a valuable lesson I've learnt over 6 years of competitive gaming and cheaters. Oh and zeik, I just kind of autoignore your terrible posts now, all you do is defend cheating/exploiting and are even proud of it. You and confused can go be shady together and fuck eachothers asses.


2011-06-06 04:16:39

Also dallas, can u tell us which game he was kicked from for using lua, ie wether it was a match or if he just went on and tried it in a pubgame/empty server.


2011-06-06 04:18:09

Well, I admitted what I did, use it 2 times in css, so that quote isn't even valuable tbh. And I would like to see where I got caught, cause there is still no valuable proof to my eyes. A copy paste doesn't really impress me tbh.


2011-06-06 04:18:50

Pernicious wrote:Also dallas, can u tell us which game he was kicked from for using lua, ie wether it was a match or if he just went on and tried it in a pubgame/empty server.
If the server was still up I could pull the log from the date and time of 11/06/2010 - 21:07:49, but the server is not up.

Since the server was an "efps MATCH server" im guessing it was a match, though there is no proof of that.


2011-06-06 04:20:52

Da1 wrote:
Pernicious wrote:Also dallas, can u tell us which game he was kicked from for using lua, ie wether it was a match or if he just went on and tried it in a pubgame/empty server.
If the server was still up I could pull the log from the date and time of 11/06/2010 - 21:07:49, but the server is not up.

Since the server was an "efps MATCH server" im guessing it was a match, though there is no proof of that.
lets just say it was a match


2011-06-06 04:22:19

Well if I would have gotten banned for real, someone who was in the match would most probably step up right now and say he saw me get banned. Second of all I had the rcon to the efps servers and I scrimmed on them pretty often.


2011-06-06 04:23:44

hmm, thats a problem then as far as accusations go.
That being said he denies using in dm at all so ...strange, or bad memory.
When Zeik posted his LUA crap on here i downloaded it, extracted, looked at the script, then copied it with a different command for speedhack effects, went onto and empty server, tried it out, walked around for a bit, was like meh, then quti and deleted it. Doesnt make me a cheater, if he done the same thing on an empty efps server then u cant blame him.


2011-06-06 04:31:00

Thing is Confused is saying he never used the script in HL2 period.

That I know for a fact is false.


2011-06-06 04:42:13

No one plays hl2dm anymore including him.
His hacking in a short scrim with zeik the one time he gets on every few months matters little unless he plans on playing in a league, which he won't because he doesn't play anymore.


2011-06-06 04:57:07

Batter wrote:No one plays hl2dm anymore including him.
His hacking in a short scrim with zeik the one time he gets on every few months matters little unless he plans on playing in a league, which he won't because he doesn't play anymore.
Which is the exact reason why I wasn't posting in this thread until I was asked to by pern.


2011-06-06 05:02:24

Da1 wrote:
Batter wrote:No one plays hl2dm anymore including him.
His hacking in a short scrim with zeik the one time he gets on every few months matters little unless he plans on playing in a league, which he won't because he doesn't play anymore.
Which is the exact reason why I wasn't posting in this thread until I was asked to by pern.
= pointless topic

Let him hack if he does, it's not like he plays major scrims.
He gets on, tells zeik to get on, they find two randoms to 2v2 a few times and then he goes back into hibernation.


2011-06-06 05:08:36

Vals = stupid


Confused should be banned by now.



2011-06-06 05:23:49

lol stupid canadian frogs backing eachother up


2011-06-06 05:24:35

Batter, I don't even know why you're saying I play with zeik lol, I haven't even played a scrim with him for over a good 5+ months.

Edit: Choco, who are you again? No one? ok now leave.


2011-06-06 05:27:23

Batter wrote:No one plays hl2dm anymore including him.
His hacking in a short scrim with zeik the one time he gets on every few months matters little unless he plans on playing in a league, which he won't because he doesn't play anymore.
hey guys, since not many people play the game anymore, and it was just a scrim, it's alright for him to hack.
Just out of curiousity, if confused even did cheat and it was a scrim, according to you batter, what makes you think he wouldn't cheat in a match if he did in a scrim?


2011-06-06 05:27:52

Choco wrote:lol stupid canadian frogs backing eachother up
Says the counter strike aimboter with over 2 vac banned accounts.

I just proved that confused didnt script and you fucking nerds still think he is. How sad, jesus christ.....


2011-06-06 05:36:03

Choco wrote:lol stupid canadian frogs backing eachother up
Aren't you Canadian too?


2011-06-06 05:56:33

vap0rizer_ wrote:
Choco wrote:lol stupid canadian frogs backing eachother up
Aren't you Canadian too?
im not french canadian


2011-06-06 06:17:48

zeiken wrote:
Choco wrote:lol stupid canadian frogs backing eachother up
Says the counter strike aimboter with over 2 vac banned accounts.

I just proved that confused didnt script and you fucking nerds still think he is. How sad, jesus christ.....
Not is, did.
This is a log from the past, not present.



2011-06-06 06:19:58



2011-06-06 06:29:51

vap0rizer_ wrote:
Choco wrote:lol stupid canadian frogs backing eachother up
Aren't you Canadian too?
There's a hierarchy in Canada, I've learned this from CSS. The regular Canadians look down on the French Canadians because they tend to cheat more then the average player, and the French Canadians likewise think they are superior to regular Canadians because of their French ancestry tend to keep out regular Canadians from their clans.



2011-06-06 06:30:48


That is all.


2011-06-06 06:48:24

Pernicious wrote:
zeiken wrote:
Choco wrote:lol stupid canadian frogs backing eachother up
Says the counter strike aimboter with over 2 vac banned accounts.

I just proved that confused didnt script and you fucking nerds still think he is. How sad, jesus christ.....
Not is, did.
This is a log from the past, not present.

I never said the log was from the present. Its from the past? Good, because lua was still vac detected back then.



2011-06-06 06:54:22

Are u sure about that exactly?
Golly gee willikers!


2011-06-06 08:34:41

The log da1 has is from november 2010, LUA got detected around November 09 2010. Why confused isnt banned then?


2011-06-06 08:39:38

zeiken wrote:The log da1 has is from november 2010, LUA got detected around November 09 2010. Why confused isnt banned then?
Because people like you try and make arguments like this, that's why.

There is no god.


2011-06-06 08:44:23

zeiken wrote:The log da1 has is from november 2010, LUA got detected around November 09 2010. Why confused isnt banned then?
Sounds like he was about a cunt hair away from a vac ban to me.


2011-06-06 09:50:49

Lmfao, you're all dumb. All of you

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2011-06-06 10:01:20



2011-06-06 10:11:06

TiGGy wrote:Lmfao, you're all dumb. All of you
lol gtfo niggy tiggy


2011-06-06 10:15:45



2011-06-06 12:04:57

TiGGy wrote:Lmfao, you're all dumb. All of you
That would make us ...............average.


2011-06-06 17:44:45

zeiken wrote:Vals = stupid


Confused should be banned by now.

your authoritative source is clearly as unreliable as your character is...

Re: Don't use Anti-Anti Cheat Cheat Plugin!
by sometheawsome ยป Wed Apr 27, 2011 4:34 am

HaloShadoW wrote:
Confirmed that after the most recent VAC update this is getting users banned.

MOHAHA im still using it with some small diffrens <.< and im not vacced MWHAHAHA DD


2011-06-07 02:25:50

old man playing video games lols.


2011-06-07 02:27:22

VAC Ban Excuse Checklist

[ ] 1) A [relative / friend] cheated on my [account / pc]
[ ] 2) I only hacked in [insert other game(s) here]
[ ] 3) I was just [trying / testing] the hax
[ ] 4) My account got stolen and was cheated on before it was recovered
[ ] 5) I only hacked to be on even footing with the other hackers
[ ] 6) My egos massiveness is / was matched only by its fragility
[ ] 7) I suffer(ed) from terminal puberty
[ ] 8) Other (list:_____________________________________)


2011-06-07 02:32:03

When did we talk about a VAC ban lol, if I'd be VAC banned I wouldn't be saying I didn't cheat.

Btw I'm still kinda waiting for the proof of me hacking in any match.


2011-06-07 02:39:52

Ko-Tao wrote:VAC Ban Excuse Checklist

[ ] 1) A [relative / friend] cheated on my [account / pc]
[ ] 2) I only hacked in [insert other game(s) here]
[ ] 3) I was just [trying / testing] the hax
[ ] 4) My account got stolen and was cheated on before it was recovered
[ ] 5) I only hacked to be on even footing with the other hackers
[ ] 6) My egos massiveness is / was matched only by its fragility
[ ] 7) I suffer(ed) from terminal puberty
[ ] 8) Other (list:_____________________________________)
You're that retarted, really?


2011-06-07 02:48:56

zeiken wrote:old man playing video games lols.
What's wrong with someone who's old wanting to play games? You're probably going to do the same thing.


2011-06-07 03:15:26

nope vap, no.


2011-06-07 04:13:13

zeiken wrote: You're that retarted, really?
zeiken wrote: You're that retarted, really?
zeiken wrote: You're that retarted, really?
zeiken wrote:retarted


2011-06-07 04:52:25

ahahaha, i hadnt even noticed that.

gg zeik.


2011-06-07 05:14:45

Seems like someones confused as to weather they hacked or not....

huzzah :wink:


2011-06-07 05:30:52

Don't know where I seemed confused as to if I hacked but sure.

Still waiting for proof btw<--


2011-06-07 05:37:05

Yeah wheres the proof at! Btw i beat panic when i was in IWU roleplaying everyday, lols gg.


2011-06-07 05:50:12

zeiken wrote:Yeah wheres the proof at! Btw i beat panic when i was in IWU roleplaying everyday, lols gg.
Panic wrote:
zeiken wrote: You're that retarted, really?
zeiken wrote: You're that retarted, really?
zeiken wrote: You're that retarted, really?
zeiken wrote:retarted


2011-06-07 06:56:44

Viperbird wrote:Seems like someones confused as to weather they hacked or not....

huzzah :wink:


2011-06-07 20:50:35

zeiken wrote:old man playing video games lols.
i am the master of my domain. ive fucked more women than u, ingested more drugs than u, drank more booze than u, earned more money than u, slaughtered more animals than u, and shot more men to death irl than u.

when i retire, i will have 2 pensions, a 401k, AND social security. i'll still be fucking more than u, cause my wife is 12 years younger than me. and YOU will still be paying for my social security retirement, while I'M still playing my games.


2011-06-07 20:55:04

do you have a serious face when you brush your teeth?


2011-06-07 20:58:03

zeiken wrote:do you have a serious face when you brush your teeth?
not a single cavity in my many years of life. my bacteria is fucking awesome. even my teeth are better than u.

Uncle Rico

2011-06-07 20:58:59

CellarDweller wrote:
zeiken wrote:old man playing video games lols.
i am the master of my domain. ive fucked more women than u, ingested more drugs than u, drank more booze than u, earned more money than u, slaughtered more animals than u, and shot more men to death irl than u.

when i retire, i will have 2 pensions, a 401k, AND social security. i'll still be fucking more than u, cause my wife is 12 years younger than me. and YOU will still be paying for my social security retirement, while I'M still playing my games.
1295311865727.jpg (19.72 KiB) Viewed 613 times
I'm not easily impressed with forum insults, but that was very nice.


2011-06-07 21:10:49

zeiken wrote:do you have a serious face when you brush your teeth?


2011-06-07 21:23:02

CellarDweller wrote:
zeiken wrote:old man playing video games lols.


2011-06-07 23:24:53

The video games we play are devised and now are created by "old men"


2011-06-07 23:27:54

CellarDweller wrote:
zeiken wrote:old man playing video games lols.
i am the master of my domain. ive fucked more women than u, ingested more drugs than u, drank more booze than u, earned more money than u, slaughtered more animals than u, and shot more men to death irl than u.

when i retire, i will have 2 pensions, a 401k, AND social security. i'll still be fucking more than u, cause my wife is 12 years younger than me. and YOU will still be paying for my social security retirement, while I'M still playing my games.
Damn cellar laying down the hammer and hard. Me likey

Wonder how many forum deaths zeik has experienced here, he's been killed by a single post at least 50 times by now.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2011-06-08 01:52:34

CellarDweller wrote:
zeiken wrote:old man playing video games lols.
i am the master of my domain. ive fucked more women than u, ingested more drugs than u, drank more booze than u, earned more money than u, slaughtered more animals than u, and shot more men to death irl than u.

when i retire, i will have 2 pensions, a 401k, AND social security. i'll still be fucking more than u, cause my wife is 12 years younger than me. and YOU will still be paying for my social security retirement, while I'M still playing my games.

This post reenforces my love for this country 10 fold.


2011-06-08 02:16:22

Chill out people, im just chillin, don't take it too seriously.


2011-06-08 02:43:14

>implying people take these forums seriously

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2011-06-08 02:54:53



2011-06-10 05:34:27

Confused wrote:VAC Ban Excuse Checklist

[ ] 1) A [relative / friend] cheated on my [account / pc]
[X] 2) I only hacked in [insert other game(s) here]
[X] 3) I was just [trying / testing] the hax
[ ] 4) My account got stolen and was cheated on before it was recovered
[ ] 5) I only hacked to be on even footing with the other hackers
[ ] 6) My egos massiveness is / was matched only by its fragility
[ ] 7) I suffer(ed) from terminal puberty
[ ] 8) Other (list:_____________________________________)
Lot of ppl hacked in dods, some of the explanations were funny as shit.

To zeik,

to bad you can't download social skills amiright?


2011-06-10 05:59:01

Nino, you're kinda late in this thread I think, plus you apparently didn't even read half of it, cause you'd know I'm still waiting for the proof that I hacked lol. Even though there will be none considering I've been asking for it for about a week now and nothing's come up.


2011-06-10 07:06:31

CoNfuSed wrote:Nino, you're kinda late in this thread I think, plus you apparently didn't even read half of it, cause you'd know I'm still waiting for the proof that I hacked lol. Even though there will be none considering I've been asking for it for about a week now and nothing's come up.
I'll give you proof when you get us those demo's from Cevo-P brah.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2011-06-10 07:08:15

nino didn't accuse anybody.


2011-06-10 07:10:20

What proof do you need con? I have the log but it's nothing more than what's already been written on the site.


2011-06-10 07:59:43

Confused, wat reason would dallas have to lie?
Im confused?
I mean, im not u, i mean, i.........yea.


2011-06-10 10:07:17

Well, people are saying that I'm a hacker and blablabla, that I've hacked against them in matches/scrims etc. I don't care about the log lol, I've already said my point of view on that. But if you're going to accuse me of hacking/cheating or w.e in a match then find proof before talking shit. Even if the proof will most likely be nothing at all, if you're going to accuse me of hacking in matches be ready to prove your point with some kind of evidence.


2011-06-10 10:20:48

Nobody here is accusing you of hacking except me, although the drawmodels command is known to be part of a lua script and there's probably a strong chance you tried out more things then just one script.

So you cheated, as far as hacking goes the last few demos I saw of you exhibited some what seemed to be a form of an aimbot I've encountered many times before (not getting into it). That's just IMO, nobodies elses opinion. Either way you're banned from eFPS so what does it matter.


2011-06-11 01:44:29

Va|iums wrote:....Either way you're banned from eFPS so what does it matter.
Could someone confirm this? Is confused banned from eFPS this summer and if so why/for how long?


2011-06-11 02:35:59

Confused is banned from efps for life for using r_drawothermodels 2. Same reason voz is banned


2011-06-11 02:43:57



2011-06-11 03:31:02

CoNfuSed wrote:Nino, you're kinda late in this thread I think, plus you apparently didn't even read half of it, cause you'd know I'm still waiting for the proof that I hacked lol. Even though there will be none considering I've been asking for it for about a week now and nothing's come up.
Ghost Dog_TSGK wrote:nino didn't accuse anybody.
i was just keeping a running tally of the checklist for the thread
please by all means continue


2011-06-11 04:20:24

Zman42 wrote:... funny for him to constantly remind everyone how amazing he is? If so, and I'm really just missing the humor, thats fine, ill just stay out of the cafeteria.
Zman42 wrote:ill just stay out of the cafeteria.
Zman42 wrote:stay out of the cafeteria.
stay out of the cafeteria



2011-06-11 07:02:50

sisterFISTER wrote:
Zman42 wrote:... funny for him to constantly remind everyone how amazing he is? If so, and I'm really just missing the humor, thats fine, ill just stay out of the cafeteria.
Zman42 wrote:ill just stay out of the cafeteria.
Zman42 wrote:stay out of the cafeteria.
stay out of the cafeteria

Bitin' my style.


2011-06-11 07:37:14

bum looker please


2011-06-11 08:56:15

sisterFISTER wrote:bum looker please