Duke Nukem Forever Demo now available


2011-06-06 11:56:21

For any first access club members (owners of borderlands or pre bought DNF)
Looks like it works for almost everyone that owns BL no matter when you or what edition you bought.
Follow these instructions:

In Steam's library find your copy of Borderlands. If you then right click on it you'll have an option to view game CD Key. Hit this and you'll open a window that has your Borderlands key and also one for the DNF first access club. Right click the DNF key and copy it to the clipboard, you'll need it in a moment.

Head over to the Duke website(http://www.dukenukemforever.com) and sign up. Paste in the key from steam where it asks. You will then get a Steam demo code from the website (and in an email). Copy this and go back to Steam.

In the top menu select games and Activate a product on Steam. When prompted paste in the new code and Steam should take over and get the 1.7GB download started.


2011-06-06 21:29:53

There was words of bunny hop but aparently it's not there (at least not in the DEMO/SP mode)


2011-06-10 11:47:25



2011-06-11 22:57:19

I keep readign and seeing reviews that say its shit.


2011-06-11 23:03:55

keefy wrote:I keep readign and seeing reviews that say its shit.
What a surprise, game looked like absolute garbage in the trailer.

People always hype up shitty games for no reason, I don't think I'm even excited about anything remotely until Diablo 3.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2011-06-11 23:24:08

This whore of a game is nothing other then gears of duke.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2011-06-11 23:25:30

I just used then inappropriately. Timeout.

The question is, are you one of TMS (todays male shoppers)



2011-06-12 03:32:17

You guys are nutting as much as possible to Battlefield 3, yet you're hating on this. And this has a combat style similar to BF3/CoD now. Except it has cool enemies, HUMOR, cooler guns, and more. Why? Cause it doesn't have ridiculous graphics?

You people are fucking retards.


2011-06-12 03:55:42

Constipator wrote:You guys are nutting as much as possible to Battlefield 3, yet you're hating on this. And this has a combat style similar to BF3/CoD now. Except it has cool enemies, HUMOR, cooler guns, and more. Why? Cause it doesn't have ridiculous graphics?

You people are fucking retards.
i think its safe to say that you're as defensive as zeik


2011-06-12 04:03:31

I liked playing the demo, it made me laugh it was entertaining. I will play the game for that alone.
I don't get the reviews entirely, I mean from the minute the game was announced that it would be finished
I knew what to expect, this is a novelty game and a funny one at that.


2011-06-12 04:39:25

I disliked the demo. It was too linear and way too short.
My favorite part of the original duke was exploring the environment and finding secrets (like breaking walls down to find a rocket launcher) and all of that side stuff that adds to re-playability.

I have a feeling that this game won't have that.


2011-06-12 04:52:20

Watched this guy play the first 45 mins and wasnt impressed.

This isnt a review its a guy playing the first 45mins for the first time i.e a first impression wjhat a surprise it has shitty mouse support FFS do all their testers only use controllers?


Here is a more indepth view fter he played for longer.


Ghost Dog_TSGK

2011-06-12 05:00:07

Constipator wrote:You guys are nutting as much as possible to Battlefield 3, yet you're hating on this. And this has a combat style similar to BF3/CoD now. Except it has cool enemies, HUMOR, cooler guns, and more. Why? Cause it doesn't have ridiculous graphics?

You people are fucking retards.

I played duke nukem as a kid.

This isn't it, not even close.


2011-06-12 06:13:55

Graphics I care not



2011-06-12 07:05:43

Va|iums wrote: I don't think I'm even excited about anything remotely until Diablo 3.



2011-06-12 07:34:43

its a duke nukem game, it cant be shit!

Probably gettin it for ps3.


2011-06-12 09:02:52

keefy wrote:Watched this guy play the first 45 mins and wasnt impressed.

This isnt a review its a guy playing the first 45mins for the first time i.e a first impression wjhat a surprise it has shitty mouse support FFS do all their testers only use controllers?


Here is a more indepth view fter he played for longer.


Yeah..that looks terrible. It looks like yet another Quake 4 ripoff with no imagination.


2011-06-12 13:38:34

so if anyone in this thread got a message from me.. you're welcome.

haven't gotten the chance to test it myself (my comp sucks ass) but the source is legit, make sure you read the entire pm i sent you, and try and keep it between cool people. Keefy i sent you the same thing, idk if region has anything to do with it.


2011-06-12 13:40:43

also, no word on here if it's safe to use on steam or not so... exercise caution.